Installation of Koha 21.11

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Installation of Koha (21.11) on Ubuntu (20.


OS Ubandu 20.05
User Name: koha
Password : koha123

1.Adding Koha Channel to Debian

It will install the current (latest) version of Koha. Apply following commands one by one:

sudo su

Pass word (koha123)

Press Enter and type the password (password will not be visible) and again press Enter

Update and then upgrade the ubuntu

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

2.Add the koha current stable repository address and source package key into ubuntu
echo deb stable main | sudo tee

Press Enter

wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Press Enter

When prompted “Do you want to continue? [Y/n]”, Enter Y to continue.

Update Ubuntu

sudo apt-get update

Press Enter
3.Install the koha Latest Version

The following command will install the latest release of Koha.

sudo apt install koha-common

Press Enter

When prompted “Do you want to continue? [Y/n]”, Enter Y to continue.

4.Editing Network Information

Define Koha Staff Interface and OPAC Interface ports (and domain names if necessary) at

sudo nano /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf

For Staff Interface we may use the port 8080 as INTRAPORT and for OPAC Interface default
port 80 can be used as OPACPORT.
So, change like INTRAPORT="8090"

Press Ctrl+O to save, press Enter to confirm and press Ctrl+X to close the file and return to

5.Installing MySQL Server or Maria DB

Install the Database (on same server); we are going to install mariaDB Server by following

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Press Enter
When prompted “Do you want to continue? [Y/n]”, Enter Y to continue.

Configure/Setup the Apache, Apache is web server of koha

6.Creating Apache Configuration files

Apply following commands to create Apache configuration files.

sudo a2enmod rewrite

Press Enter
sudo a2enmod cgi
Press Enter
sudo service apache2 restart
Press Enter

7.Creating Koha Instance

Create a Koha instance with the name library.
sudo koha-create --create-db library

Listeningassigned ports
We have assigned 8080 port for the Koha staff client and 80 for OPAC.
Open the following file and Listen those ports.
sudo gedit /etc/apache2/ports.conf

Press Enter
Include the following line below Listen 80and save the file

Listen 8090

Restart Apache Service

sudo service apache2 restart
Press Enter
8.Disable Apache default site and Enable koha instance(Apply following commands one
by one)
sudo a2dissite 000-default
Press Enter
sudo a2enmod deflate
Press Enter

sudo a2ensite library

Press Enter

sudo service apache2 restart

Check Koha Master Password, (Master Password can be changed at any line

sudo koha-passwd library

9.Running web installer

Go to your mozilla Firefox browser and copy paste the below link

Note:To retrieve Koha SuperUser’s username and password from koha-conf.xml file, run the
following command at terminal.

sudo more /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml

Get the username and password from below part of the file:

1. The installer itself prompts you to choose for setting up few basic configurations
which lets you create a Library, Patron category, Item type, circulation Rule and a
Admin user.

2. For accessing OPAC, copy paste the below URL (Online catalogue)
Note: Do not import any default values while running the web installer as the
configuration must be done based on your requirement.

Koha Implementation Checklist:

Koha must be configured before you start using it. Please find below the configuration

 Create a list of libraries and enter their info and codes into Libraries & Groups
 Define your list of Item Types
 Define your patron categories and enter the categories and their codes into Patron
 Enter any additional patron information fields you use in your library in the Patron
o Requires that you first set the Extended Patron Attributes system preference
if you have custom fields
 Define all of your Authorized Values
o Collection codes
o Shelving locations
o Item statuses (lost, not for loan, damaged, withdrawn)
o Plus any others that are needed in your library
 Optionally define City/State/Postal Code combos
 Map your bibliographic data from your legacy system to Koha fields and migrate
(remembering to use the collection, shelving, item type and library codes you
entered in the above setting areas)
 Map your patron data from your legacy system to the Koha fields and migrate
(remembering to use the patron and library codes you defined above)
Logging into Koha

After installation, you will be redirected to Koha Login screen where you have to give
the usernername and password (fetched from koha-conf.xml) file.
Enter User name: koha_library
Password : JkdfgrrowhQTK

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