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Rifts GM Screen Total

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Experience Points Award Table

Combat Zero points for fighting thats just to show off, too proud to stand down, gets the rest of the group in trouble, or any stupid or selfish reasoning. 25-50 points for killing or subduing a minor menace. 75-100 points for killing or subduing a major menace. 150-400 or more points for killing or subduing a great menace. Using skills or abilities 10-25 points for performing the right skill (successful or not), at the right time, for the right reason. At 4th level and up, this might apply only to skills performed when they are absolutely critical or under stressful conditions. Reasoning 25-50 points for a clever, but futile idea. 25-100 points for a clever, useful/helpful idea or action. 25-50 points for using good judgment or ones power or skill well. 50-100 points for insightful and helpful deductive reasoning or keen observation. 100 points for a quick thinking idea or action that was helpful 100-200 points for insight or deductive reasoning that plays a huge role in a critical plan or saving lives. 200 points for a critical plan or action that saves the characters own life and/ or a few comrades. 400-1000 points for a critical plan or action that saves the entire group and/or many innocent people. Role-playing 25-50 points for playing in character when it would have been easier not to. 50-100 points for avoiding unnecessary violence; self-restraint or talking, bluffing or intimidating out of trouble or danger. 50-100 points for a small act of self-sacrifice, or an act of kindness, mercy or compassion. 50-100 points for a successful daring or heroic action (whether it was clever or not). 75-100 points for playing in character or ones alignment when circumstance or powerful temptation begged otherwise. 100-300 points for endangering the characters own life to help or save others. 500-700 points for a genuine life and death self-sacrifice in a situation where the characters heroism seemed likely to cost him his life.

MDC repairing costs

Depending on material types, rarity or object complexity MDC repairing cost can vary up to 200% [SB1 page. 36]. The Black Marquet, Titan Robotics, Manistique Imperium have more or less standardized prices than are those reproduced below. Other sites may have rates ranging between 50% and 200% depending on the availability of materials, labor or work urgency [SB1 page. 36]. It also can reduce some repairs if we actively participate in them or hire an operator. Repairs can not ever exceed the limit of the original MDC fixed object. In some cases specified, there must be a stablished intact portion of MDC to be able to perform repairs. However, when the MDC comes to 0, the object was completely destroyed and can not be repaired. Although its remains can be used for other repairs [SB1 page. 35]. Body armor: Plate armor (700 cr. / MDC), Chainmail (550 cr. / MDC), Composite armor (650 cr. / MDC), Plastic armor (630 cr. / MDC), Textile armor (620 cr. / MDC). Power armor and robots (must remain at least 15% of the original MDC): MDC Armor (800 cr. / MDC). Other systems cost can be found on pg. 37 SB1. If the repair is made by an Operator reduce its cost by 25% (plus time cost at 30% - 50%). The final cost, therefore, could vary between 600 and 200 cr. / MDC. Note: On the other hand, RUE page. 92 provides a repairing cost by an Operator of 1200 cr. / MDC. Vehicle and Robot Vehicle (must remain at least 15% of the original MDC): MDC Armor (4,000 cr. / MDC). Other systems cost can be found on pg. 37 SB1. If the repair is made by an Operator, it dramatically reduces the cost up to 1,200 cr. / MDC [RUE page. 92]. Bionic and cybernetic (must remain at least 25% of the original MDC, or 30% of the original components to repair): MDC repairing cost is 2,000 cr. / 1 MDC. To fix components calculate a cost of 30% on the price of the original component. If surgery is needed, the cost is a 20% of the installed bionic parts cost. This cost can be lowered by 10% - 50% depending on facility conditions and business relationship [p. BS. 64]. Self-repairs are done at -30% of the appropriate skill: Bioware Mechanics, Cybernetic Medicine or Cybernetic Basics to reduce the cost up to 1,000 cr. / MDC and other systems to 10% cheaper [BS page. 64]. If the repair is made by a Ciberdoctor, the cost is 1000 cr. / MDC and a 25% reduction for bionic and cybernetic systems (up to 50% if he doesnt charge his time costs) [RUE page. 90].

Rate of recovery: Non-Professional Treatment or one-self cures; 2 H.P. and 4 S.D.C. per day (24 h). Skills: First Aid, Paramedic, Field surgery and Paramedic. Rate of recovery: Professional Treatment; 2 H.P. per day for the first two days and 4 H.P. per each following day. 6 S.D.C. per day. Skills: Medical doctor. (Optional) When half the H.P. are losed, blood loss does an additional one H.P. of damage per minute (every four melee rounds). When all H.P. are reduced to 0, the character falls into a coma and hovers near death.

Recovery of Hit Points and S.D.C.

Surving coma and death

A character can take one point of damage below zero for each P.E. point. A character in coma will survive without treatment one hour per P.E. point. Coma recovery ratio (roll 2 out of 3); roll every hour until stabilized (1 H.P.) or dies. Treatment from unprofessional individuals with medical skills: 01-18% Treament from an intern or nurse: 01-32% Treament from a doctor without proper facilities: 01-46% Treament from a doctor at a clinic (fair facilities): 01-56% Treament from a hospital: 01-66% Treament from a major, large hospital: 01-70%

Treatment of a near fatal M.D. Injury (Optional)

First, Roll to determine Hit Location (unless called shot or GM discretion) Hit Location & Damage from a M.D. Blast 01-10% Lost a foot. 11-20% Lost a hand. 21-30% Lost an entire arm. 31-40% Lost en entire leg. 41-50% Lost both arms. 51-60% Severe external body and skin damage and loss of one limb. 61-70% Shot clean through. Svere shock and internal injury; 1d4 internal organs will have to be replaced. 71-80% Shot clean through. Svere shock and internal injury; lost one lung abd damaga to heart or 1d4 internal organs. Cybernetic or Bio-Systems required. 81-90% Lost half of the face plus 20% of the upper body (skin and muscle) is damaged. Cybernetic reconstruction and skin grafts required. 91-95% Lost entire lower body from the waist down; bionics will be required for complete restoration. 96-00% Lost all four limbs or one entire side of the body. Bionics will be required to make a complete recovery and function unimpaired. Second, Medical attention required 1.- Character needs medical attention within 2d4 minutes. Required Skills or Powers: Paramedic, Field surgery, Holistic Medicine, Medical Doctor, Psychic Surgery, Psychic Healing, Magical Healing. 2.- If treatment is successful, character falls into coma: 0 S.D.C. and 1d6+2 H.P. remain. Character is stabilized. 3.- Character needs intensive medical attention within 4d6x10 minutes from Field Surgery or Medical Doctor (roll again). If successful character will live! Bionic reconstruction is necessary. Insanity due to near death trauma (roll on the following table):
01-33% No mental trauma. 34-50% Roll once on the Phobia Table. 51-60% Roll once on the Obssesion Table. 71-80% Roll once on the Rnd. Ins. Table. 81-90% Roll once on the Affec. Dis. Table. 91-100% Roll once on the Psychosis Table.

4+: An Easy Situation/Circumstance: loud noise, constrasted object, etc. 8+: Moderate. Slight noise, looking for smt/smb in a well-lit area, etc. 14+: Challenging. Poor light, fog, murky water; whispered conversation, etc. 17+: Difficult. Dark or loudy conditions; well hidden; great confusion, etc.

Perception Table by Difficulty

Speed Chart
Speed factor 5 11 22 27 33 44 50 kmph 5.6 12 24 29.7 36 48 56 m per round 25 55 110 135 165 220 250 Speed factor 55 58 66 77 88 110 132 kmph 60 64 72 85 96 120 148 m per round 275 290 330 385 440 550 660

Perceptions Rolls vs Stealh skills: Prowl, Detected Ambush, Detect Concealment, Camouflage and Concealment. Perception roll vs 1d20 (+1/10 Stealth Skill percentatge)

Perceiving Supernatural Involvement

8+ if then evidence is plentiful and obvious. 14+ if the evidence is sparse or scientically inconclusive.

Leaping distances (m) (+50% with running start)

Non-trained human: 1.2 - 1.5 Acrobatics/Gymnastics: 1.2 (+0.6/lvl) - 1.5(+0.6/lvl) Supernatural P.S.: 2.4 (+1.2/lvl) - 3 (+1.2/lvl)

Perceiving being watched by Supernatural evil

15+ to sense Supernatura predators and Lesser Demons. 17+ to sense Demonic servants and Greater Demons. 19+ to sense Ancient Evil, Dark God or Alien Intelligence.

61-70% Roll twice on the Phobia Table.

(See pg. 331 RUE).

Damage from Fallings & Crashes

Fallings Damage from falling without M.D.C. armor: 1D6 S.D.C. / 3 m. Damage from horse falling without M.D.C. armor: 1D6 S.D.C.. Damage from falling inside an M.D.C. armor: 1 S.D.C./6 m. Falling M.D.C. characters without M.D.C. armor: 1 M.D./30 m. (House rule). High speed crash inside M.D.C. armor: 1D4 S.D.C. for every 32 km/h of speed above 80 km/h. Knockdown: Damage from being knocked down without M.D.C. armor: 1D6 S.D.C./6 m. M.D. Knockdown: victim takes 1D6 M.D. +1D6 additional for every 48 km/h of speed. 60% victim knocked off (loses initiative and 2 melee attacks). The attacke sufers of the victims damage. Crash-Landing Roll under pilot skill: succesful crash-landing does 1D4x10 M.D. to M.D.C. armor and 3D6 to those inside the aicraft (no damage to those inside reinforced compartment). Unsuccesful crash-landing does 3D4x10+30 M.D. to M.D.C. armor and 1D6 worth of S.D.C. for every 20 M.D. sustained (3D6 S.D.C. to those inside reiforced compartment). Running/Flying/Riding through S.D.C. structures (branches, debris, etc.): 5D6 S.D.C. damage per melee (cannot attack) moving beyond 48 km/h. If riding roll percentile dice under P.S. to hold on: getting knocked off causes additional 6D6 S.D.C. damage (loses initiative and 2 melee attacks). Characters inside M.D.C. armor suffers the damage from the battering and fall.

Saving throws
Lethal Poisons (14) Non-Lethal Poisons (16) Harmful drugs (15) Acids (no save possible - dodge!) Insanity (12) Psionics (15-normal/animal, 12-minor/major, 10-master, 6-Psi-Stalker) Magic spell - Invocations (12) (see spell strengh; Animals -4) Ritual Magic (16) Magic circles (16) Magic protections (14) Faerie magic (16) Infernal/Demonic magic (14 - Demonic lords could require 15/16) Divine/Inmortal/Dragon magic (16) Magic breath (14 to dodge) Horror/Awe Factor (8-16) Unconsciousness (15) Unconsciousness - being strangled (14) Disease (14) Pain (16) Electrocution (18) (14 - Supernatural criatures) Shrapnel (14 to dodge) Extreme temperatures (14/16) Soul absorption (14) Curse (16) Stunning - falling inside MDC armor (40% above 30.5 m, 79% 61 m or higher) Stunning - crashing inside MDC armor (30% >80 km/h, +5% for +16 km/h) Stunning - Explosion inside MDC armor (60% >40 MDC damage)

Carry & Lifting weight

Normal P.S. 3-16 17 Dog Boy P.S. 3-16 17 Crazy 3-16 17 Robot P.S. 3-16 17 Supernatural P.S. 3-16 17 Juicer P.S. 3-16 17 Giant Robots P.S. 40 Carry (kg.) P.S.x4,5 P.S.x9 Carry (kg.) P.S.x9 P.S.x18 Carry (kg.) P.S.x9 P.S.x18 Carry (kg.) P.S.x4,5 P.S.x11,25 Carry (kg.) P.S.x9 P.S.x22,5 Carry (kg.) P.S.x18 P.S.x36 Carry (kg.) P.S.x45 Lift (kg.) (time) P.S.x9 (3 s per P.E.) P.S.x18 (3 s per P.E.) Lift (kg.) (time) P.S.x18 (6 s per P.E.) P.S.x36 (6 s per P.E.) Lift (kg.) (time) P.S.x18 (30 s per P.E.) P.S.x36 (30 s per P.E.) Lift (kg.) (time) P.S.x9 (3 s per P.E.) P.S.x22,5 (3 s per P.E.) Lift (kg.) (time) P.S.x18 (1 min per P.E.) P.S.x45 (1 min per P.E.) Lift (kg.) (time) P.S.x36 (30 s per P.E.) P.S.x72 (30 s per P.E.) Lift (kg.) (time) P.S.x90

Short Range Missiles Warhead High Explosive (light) High Explosive (medium) Fragmentation (light) Armor Piercing (medium) Plasma/Napalm (medium) Tear Gas Knock-Out Gas Smoke (colors available) Fire Retardent M.D. 2D4x10 2D6x10 2D4x10 2D6x10 2D6x10 None None None None Speed 804 kmph 804 kmph 724 kmph 1045 kmph 804 kmph 321 mph 321 kmph 482.7 kmph 321 kmph Max. Range 8 km 8 km 4.8 km 8 km 4.8 km 0.8 km 0.8 km 1.6 km 0.8 km Blast radius 3m 1.6 m 6.1 m 1.5 m 4.6 m 3m 3m 6.1 m 6.1 m M.D.C. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Skill Penalties
Advanced, Unknown or Alien Machines and Technologies: -30 to -40% Bionics & Cybernetics: Operator recieve -10% to -20% to figure out hardware function, and -20% to -40% to manipulate some aspects (cannot install them). Military Technology: -15% to -25% to civilian engineers and Operatots. Pressure situations: Booby-trap: -10% to -40%. Cheap, faulty and/or unfamiliar tools: -5% to 1-15%. Confused/uncertain or distracted: -10% to -20%. Countermesures, traps and alarms are in place: -10% to -15%. Difficult, complex or infamiliar task: -10% to -15%. Distracted by outside forces: -10% to 20%. Encryped data or firewall: -20% to -40%. Frightened, nervous or jumpy: -5% to -10%. Lack of sleep/exhausted: -10%; +50% longer to perform (24-36 hours without sleep), -15%; x2 longer to perform (48-72 hours without sleep), -30% to -50% and x3 longer to perform (>80 hours without sleep). Panic situation: -50%, to strike, Perception bonus reduced to zero and shooting a gun is wild. Pressure situation, low: -5%. Pressure situation, moderate: -10%. Pressure situation, serious: -15% to -20%. Pressure situation, deadly: -25% to -30%. Scared: -30% to -50% (-75% if related to a phobia). Seriously wounded: Below 50% H.P. -20%; Below 25% H.P. -30%. Illness: -10% to 50%. Time sensitive: -10% to -30%. Trying to do something while moving: -5% to -40%. Exhaustion penalties: -2 Spd., -2 Init., -2 damage, -1 strike, parry and dodge.

Ranged Combat Bonuses & Penalties

All Ranged Attacks: Requires a roll of 8 to strike (including W.P. & Sniping bonuses). Aimed Shot: +2 to strike (takes 2 attacks). Called Shot: No bonus. Enables the character to strike very small, dificult or covered targets; counts as 2 melee attacks (see called shot penalties). Aimed Called Shot: +2 to strike, but can target very small, specific or covered targets (takes 3 attacks; see called shot penalties). Shooting Blind: -10 to strike. Shooting Burst: Strike bonuses reduced by (-3 to strike w/o W.P.). Shooting Wild: -6 to strike. Shooting 30% Beyond Normal Range: -5 to strike. Target is moving: -1 to strike, -1 additional per 80 km/h beyond 32 km/h, and -1 for evasive action. Target is Behing Cover: Requires Called Shot. Dodging Gunfire, within 3 m: -10 to dodge. Dodging Gunfire, within 15.2 m: -5 to dodge.

Medium Range Missiles Warhead High Explosive (light) High Explosive (medium) High Explosive (heavy) Fragmentation (light) Armor Piercing (medium) Plasma/Napalm (medium) Multi-warhead* Smoke (colors available) M.D. 2D4x10 2D6x10 3D6x10 2D6x10 3D6x10 4D6x10 5d6x10 None Speed 1929 kmph 1929 kmph 1929 kmph 1608 kmph 2571 kmph 2251 kmph 1929 kmph 1608 kmph Long Range Missiles Warhead High Explosive (medium) High Explosive (heavy) Fragmentation (light) Armor Piercing (medium) Plasma/Heat (medium) Plasma/Heat (medium)* Proton Torpedo (heavy)* Nuclear (medium)* Nuclear (heavy)* Nuclear Multi-warhead* M.D. 3D6x10 4D6x10 2D6x10 3D6x10 4D6x10 5D6x10 6D6x10 1D4x100 1D6x100 2D4x100 Speed Mach 3 Mach 3 2251 kmph Mach 3 2251 kmph 2251 kmph Mach 3 Mach 3 Mach 3 Mach 3 Max. Range 804 km 804 km 643 km 1286 km 804 km 804 km 1928 km 1608 km 1608 km 2893 km Blast radius 9.1 m 12.2 m 24.4 m 9.1 m 12.2 m 15.2 m 15.2 m 15.2 m 15.2 m 15.2 m M.D.C. 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 20 20 25 Max. Range 80.4 km 64.3 km 64.3 km 64.3 km 96.5 km 64.3 km 128.7 km 64.3 km Blast radius 6.1 m 6.1 m 9.1 m 12.2 m 6.1 m 12.2 m 6.1 m 12.2 m M.D.C. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Called shot penalties

Unprotected dimunite area: -8 to strike. Head: -4 to strike. Hand: -4 to strike. Foot: -4 to strike. Arm: -3 to strike. Leg: -2 to strike. Note: A Called Shaot can only be tried with a single sniper-style shot, not a busrt or when shooting wild.

Mini Missiles and Special Armaments Warhead High Explosive Fragmentation Armor Piercing Plasma/Napalm (medium) Smoke (colors available)
*Available as smart bombs. +5 to strike.

M.D. 5D6 5D6 1D4x10 1D6x10 None

Speed 804 kmph 804 kmph 2251 kmph 1929 kmph 804 kmph

Max. Range 1.6 km 0.8 km 1.6 km 1.6 km 0.8 km

Blast radius 1.5 m 6.1 m 0.9 m 1.5 m 6.1 m

M.D.C. 1 1 2 1 1

I.S.P. Boost at ley lines

Drain 1d6+1 I.S.P. per melee round (15 seconds). Must be spend that round. Increase psychic powers range and duration by 50% within 1.6 km of a ley line. Increase psychic powers range and duration x2 on a ley line or nexus point. Increase psychic powers damage +1d on a ley line. Increase psychic powers damage +2d on a nexus point.

Random Ley Line Table

Roll (%) 01-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Activity 2 2 2 2 2 Meditation/Sleep 12 12 12 12 4/2 6 12 4/2 By O.C.C. or 6 Miles long 3D4 3D6 1D6 2D6 6D6 Roll(%) 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-00 Miles long 4D6 2D4x10 1D6x10 3D6x10 5D6x10

Gear & Services

Hotel room: Economy room. 30 cr. per night. Standard room. 80-100 cr. per night. First class room. 120-250 cr. per night. Luxury suite. 400-1,000 cr. per night. Food: Breakfast. 4-8 cr. Average meal. 5-40 cr. Quality meal. 50-100 cr. Pizza. (small) 2 cr.; (medium) 5 cr.; (large) 8 cr.; (XL) 11 cr. Average drink. 1-15 cr. Exotic wine. 200-10,000 cr. Services: Attorney. 300-500 cr. per hour. Bodyguard. 1,600 cr. per day per operative (+expenses). Cellular phone service: 30 cr. per month. (+air time. 25-50 cr.) Computer terminals. 10 cr. per 30 minutes of use. Fake identity papers. 500 cr. (Black market). Haircut. 8 cr. Martial arts master class. 50-200 cr. per session. Private Shipping. 10-1,000 cr. (average 40-200 cr.) Tailor made suit. 1,000-10,000 cr. (18,000-25,000 M.D.C.: 18-26). Taxi (in large towns). 10 cr. per trip, or 1 cr. per minute (multiple stops). Leisure Dance club or Disco. 10-25 cr. Derby. 10-30 cr. (luxury booth. 3,000 cr.) Gymnasium. 50 cr. per month or 500 cr. per year. Juicer games. (season ticket) 200 cr.; (event ticket) 15-50 cr.; (private booth) 700 cr. Mens (Womens) Club. 5,000 cr. per year. Theatre ticket. (amateur play) 5-10 cr.; (concerts and quality acts) 25-50 cr. Common weapons Vibro-knife. 1D6 M.D.; 7000 cr. Vibro-sword. Large, one-handed sword - 2D6 M.D. 11,000 cr. Neural mace. pg. 259 RUE. 8,000 cr. Laser pistol. 1D6 M.D. 6,500-11,000 cr. Laser Rifle. 3D6 M.D. 16,000-18,000 cr. E-Clip. (short) 5,000-6,000 cr.; (long) 8,000 cr. E-Clip recharge. (short) 1,200-1,500 cr.; (long) 2,000-2,500 cr. Explosives. pg. 260 R.U.E. Hand Grenades. pg. 260 R.U.E. Common gear (pg. 261 R.U.E.) Bandages. 8 m roll. 5 cr. Belt, Utility (military style). 3-5 cr. Compas. 50-150 cr. Cross Crucifix (wood; 20-30 cm). 2-10 cr. Disposable Lighter or Box of 200 matches. 1 cr. Flashlight. (large) 12-20 cr.; (pocket size) 6 cr. Gas Mask. 50-80 cr. (half that used). Grappling hook and Line (130 m). 80 cr. Knife (1D6 S.D.C. damage). 20-300 cr. Magnifying Glass (small). 5 cr. (double for large). Map of a region. 50 cr. Pocket or Signal Mirror. 2-5 cr. Sunglasses or Goggles. (cheap) 15-50 cr.; (fancy or light adjusting) 100-300 cr.; (eye glasses) 100-500 cr. Golden Age Relics (salvage rates; selling prices x4-10) Common articles. 10-50 cr. Books, magazines, newspaper. 40-160 cr. Computer hardware. 100-800 cr. Jewelry and old furniture. 200-1,200 cr. Rare working weapons and electronics. 400-2,400 cr. M.D.C. salvage (salvage rates; selling prices x4-10) Unusable M.D.C. material. 60 cr. per ton. Scrap metal. 15 cr. per 45 kg. (minimum a ton.) Machine parts or box of basic electronics. 20-30 cr. Psychic and Magic services Psychic diagnosis; Induced healing. 100 cr. Light Healing. 150 cr. Negate Poison. 200 cr. Healing touch; Increased Healing; Cure Minor Disorder; Heal wound; Life source. 300 cr. Breathe Without Air. 300 cr. Restore P.P.E.; Purify Food/Water. 500 cr. per point. Cure Illness; Fortify Against Disease. 800 cr. Psychic purification; Greater healing. 1,000 cr. Cure Phobia; Lifeward. 6,000 cr. Exorcism; Expel Demons; Stone to Flesh; Super Healing (M.D.C.). 10,000 cr. Psychic surgery. 6,000-24,000 cr. (depends on injury severity.) Remove Curse. 50,000 cr. Restore Limb. 60,000 cr. Restore Life; Restoration. 1,000,000+ cr. (and favours). Spell scroll. 10,000 cr. per level.

I.S.P Recovery per hour

O.C.C./P.C.C./R.C.C. Burster Dog Boy Mind Melter Psi-Stalker Dragon Hatchling Cyber-Knight Other Master Psychic O.C.C.s Other Psychics Meditation power

Ley Line wide: 1d4x1000 feet. Ley Line lengh: 3.2 - 16 km.

P.P.E. Sources by race

3D6 P.P.E.: The average human adult (20 years and older). 4D6 P.P.E.: The average human teenager (14 to 19 years old). 6D6 + 6 P.P.E.: The average human child (13 and under). 6D6 P.P.E.: Goblins, faeries, algor. 5D6 P.P.E.: Elf, changeling and gnome. 4D6 P.P.E.: Wolfen, coyles, & most mutant animals. 3D6 P.P.E.: Dwarf , ogre, troll and most other races. 1D4x10 or more P.P.E.: Most giant races. 3D6 P.P.E.: Most other races. 4D6 P.P.E.: Monsters and D-Bees that are not psychic or users of magic. lD6x10 P.P.E.: Lesser demons and monsters with innate magic powers such as metamorphosis, turn invisible, fly without wings, bio-regeneration, etc. 2D6x10 + 20 P.P.E. Lesser demons and monsters who are very magical in nature or can cast spells. 1D6x100 P.P.E.: Greater demons and monsters with minimal magic abilities. 2D6x100 P.P.E.: Greater demons and monsters who are lords, practitioners of magic or who possess incredible power. 4D6x1000 P.P.E.: Supernatural intelligences.

P.P.E. Boost at ley lines

Increase spell range and duration by 50% within 3.2 km of a ley line. Increase spell range, duration and damage x2 on a ley line or 1.6 km of a nexus point. Increase spell range, duration and damage x3 on a ley line nexus point or 61 meters of a nexus point. (+2 save vs. magic and H.F.; +1 spell strengh).

P.P.E. Sources
Drawing P.P.E. from magic ariafcts. Varies. Drawing P.P.E. from other living beings. Freely Given; 70% of the current P.P.E. offered by each person within 6.1 m radius. Unwilling subject; 1% of the P.P.E. after a failed saving throw vs. magic at +4. Blood sacrifice; x2 current victim P.P.E. Ley Lines & Nexus Points. 10 P.P.E./melee round on a ley line, 20 P.P.E./ melee round on a Nexus Point. (x2 Ley Line Walkers and Shifters). See special times that increase P.P.E. available from Ley Lines and Nexus at pg. 186 RUE.

Technological Effects on Magic and Psionics

Bionics and cybernetic implants: reduce P.P.E. by half and prevent to draw on P.P.E. from other sources. Magical healing is reduced by half. Magical regeneration will heal the body and reject the bionics. Wearing Artificial Body Armour: If more than 50% of the body is covered in artificial material spells cost is 20% more in P.P.E., and roll once on the following table to see if this interference has an impact on the spell. 01-20 Reduce spell damage or effects by 1 D4x10%. 21-40 Reduce spell duration by I D4x 10%. 41-60 Iieduce the spells range by I D4x 10%. 61-80 Reduce both the range and duration of the spell by 20%. 81-00 Lucked out, no additional problems. Magic from inside a vehicle or giant robot: impossible. Psionics that affect the mind and emotions dont affect: People inside a locked room or car, unless the attacker knows his desired victim is inside or he can see him directly (or via Astral Projection). Someone in a fast moving vehicle, because they are going too fast to make a connection and since most psionic powers have a short range. Someone in a sealed, environmental M.D.C. vehicle like a tank, APC, giant robot or heavy power armour (250 M.D.C. or more for the main body). Psi-Powers requiring physical contact/touch: dont affect someone sealed inside a vehicle, nor environmental armour.

P.P.E. Recovery per hour

O.C.C./P.C.C./R.C.C. Ley Line Walker/Rifter Mystic Shifter Techno-Wizard Other mages Rest or Sleep 7 5 5 4 5 Meditation 15 10 10 8 10

Made by Joaquim Ball-llosera (mobuttu) Palladium Books

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