MS003 Backfilling

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"TATA PROJECTS LIMITED TPA r0017]QMDISOA ‘URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE ‘STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE | Fage 1 of (Backing) BACKFILLING Doe No: TPL/UI-670017/QMD/MS/003. "Name of Proje: Mikado Reatrs Pt, LA/ELECTRONIC HARDWAREITITES-SEZ. [GURUGRAM oecolts [aaa | [acs fete) ON 4 of Revision Page Affected Revlon Date 12.03, wal Ne I) —— URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE, ‘STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE [Page Zora Backing) 1.0 PURPOS! ‘The purpose ofthis procedure i for supervision of al backfilling works, ing in twenches, under oor, et, and to ensure that proper quality contro is exercised at site 2.0 SCOPE: ‘This procedure covers supervision and method of record keeping for filing works in plinth back of retaining wall, foundations & trenches, below DG Room, HT Panel rom, 3.0 REFERANCE STANDARDS: 28) 1S:2720 Parc & Method of test for determination of moisture content dry relation sing heavy compaction by 15: 2720 Par- Method of tet fr determination of moisture content «) 15: 2720 Paro. Method of test for determination of Dry density of sil bythe core cuter method, 4) Approved GFC Drawings 4.0 MATERIALS: All materials shall confem to respective IS, BOQ & Technical specification and stall be ‘ested as per IS procedure 5.0 RESPONSIBILTY 5.1 The Project Manager shal be responsible forall the cvs of work execution 552 Thesite engineer shall be the responsible to execute the construction as pr the spproved drawing, Ensure operatives are working in acordance with method statement 53 Thesupervisor shal be responsible for managing site execution and contol of abouts & machinery forthe backfilling Work. TATA PROJECTS LIMITED | TPLUL "TATA PROJECTS LIMITED ra air cmv QNDNISUD Saaareales URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE | STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE | Paget Li] (Gackfling) J 54 The surveyor shall be responsible forthe level, co-ordinate checking with respest 10 the drawing. Work with site engineer to carry out the as built survey! botto: of concrete i any. '55 The Site & QC engineer shall be responsible fr ensuring the quality of work as per the Technical specifications & Method statement ITP implementation and ensuing the quality of work exeetion 56 The safety officer stall be responsible to ensure the sary of workers during the progress of work 6.0 PROCEDURE: (61 Check for clearance fom ste Engineer to sta the backfling by ensuing completion ofall Preeting activi. {62 Agproved Filing meri shall be place in sucessve horizontal ayers of 20 ‘nmin bose itches, 45 #4 Goa ¢ speci fienkens, (63 Where required fling shall be bi fo sie dope ax recommended inl fm the consideration of safety (64 The layers shal be compacted with mechanical means, wherever aller canna: be Put 10 use due 1 space constant, compton with small roller & plate compactor tobe done (65 Each layer of filing shal be leveled, watere atthe opium moisture cone, compacted and tested before the succeoting layer is placed. The level of compaction required i 95% of maximum ry density a determined by 18272. 66 The final sue ofthe compacta filing material shall be dressed to requred level or slope if ny 67 Records shal be ep fr ech ayer by the QA/QC engine. 6 Safety supervisor steward should eset Hazard deification& Risk Analysis (IRA) followed for this particular process. gs compaction sheuld be dene av per Coeds aoe ou pecigiend ons "TATA PROJECTS LIMITED Tru a er 7ONDOMSIONS -) ‘URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE ‘STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE | Page4 of @ Backing) 7.0 INSPECTION: All he filled are shal be inspected for tue top level as per approved drawing and othe satisfaction of eusomedInspecton Author 8.0 DOCUMENTATION: 1. Check List for Backfiling (FQ/305) 2. Field Dry Density by core cuter Sand Replacement Method Test Report 3. Maximum dry density & Optimum Moisture Content test report |< tanta ee Om Nt a ‘inks ‘TATA PROJECTS LIMITED [rPL ste Eng a TPLFQE erat telah Tce FQ /208.1 Project: Mada Retr Po LELECTRONIC HARDWAREITITES SEZ. GURUGRAM ‘Check List for Backfiling Name of work: Date sie. ts — 1 [lst Mod Suton appro by cen? 2 [Coe eras of abl approved acid materi 3 [rec oraabiiy of ab mac ary density & Optimum mosre conte et ress [CR Tor Basi TON aa WH aR a apAT OTE 4h 5 [etek oraaliity of ompactin egulpmen’ ke ole pte compactor. © [ere or 200mm ye tices oF Backill aerial by ensuring ewe 7. [creck orcompacion of back il materi ois 95% fra dry densi [etek ortck filing wound he gud ening acter wich dane ering or eakage& cere rom site engine 9 [ere ormeasrenent of congctd ticks of back & fond a per raving TL [Pcs cc sonsing FD thy cr cater eS Fe Irene Remaris: oamab epparved, aarieins exo sE Ane = ee rene hie ag ood : Stig as ange ps eet ata oe a Wess mane eo a

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