CBR Reading
CBR Reading
CBR Reading
Arranged by:
Aura Ersa Anatasia (2231220001)
Maia Azeeza Audina (2233220031)
Thanks God for the presence of Allah Swt., who has given me health benefits so
that i can complete the Critical Book Review assignment.
as the reviewer and compiler, would also like to express my gratitude to the
honourable Nazlah Syahaf Nasution,S.S,Hum as the lecturer in the Intermediate
Reading comprehension who has provided direction and guidance in making this
Critical Book Review is on of the assignments of lecturers which requires
students to think critically in analyzing and reviewing (CBR). The purpose of making is
CBR, apart for fulfilling the individual assignment of lecturers, is also to serve as a
reference for readers in choosing reading reference. I am also well aware that in making
this assignment there are still shortcomings both in terms of writing and content. For
this reason I accept suggestions and criticism from readers, especially lecturers.
TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................................2
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................3
Background of the problem .......................................................................................3
Purpose Of Writing....................................................................................................3
Benefits Of Writing ...................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II CONTENTS OF THE BOOK........................................................4
BOOK IDENTITY.....................................................................................................4
MAIN BOOK.............................................................................................................4
COMPARATIVE BOOK...........................................................................................4
BOOK SUMMARY...................................................................................................4
MAIN BOOK.............................................................................................................5
COMPARATIVE BOOK...........................................................................................5
CHAPTER III DISSCUSION.................................................................................6
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES............................................................6
CHAPTER IV CLOSING.......................................................................................7
CONCLUSION .........................................................................................................7
SUGGESTION ..........................................................................................................7
A. Writing Background
A student must be sensitive to current developments and the information around him.
There are various ways to get information, one of which is by reading books. Reading is
a very important activity for a student in their learning process. Not only reading books,
a student must also be able to assess whether the books they read are good or not. We
can call this assessment activity a "critical book review". Students can carry out Critical
Book Reviews simply. Before carrying out an assessment, students must first
understand the contents of the book being criticized and then be able to compare it with
other books as a comparison to assess the book being criticized.
B. Purpose of writing
1. To find out the contents of the book by making a summary.
2. To find out the strengths and weaknesses of the book being criticized.
3. To find out how the book being criticized compares with other books.
C.Benefits of writing
1. To increase your insight through the summarized contents of the book.
2. To find out the strengths and weaknesses of the book being criticized
3. To find out how the book being criticized compares with other books.
Book Identity
Main book
Tittle : Interpretive Reading
Author : Nurdiana, Rizki Amelia
Publisher : Jonri Kasdi
Publication year : 2017
ISBN : 978-602-6879-45-5
Comparative book
Tittle : Extensive reading and graded readers
Author : Paul nation, Rob waring
Publication year : 2013
ISBN : 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 15 14 13
Main book
This chapter delves into the multifaceted nature of reading,
beginning with its definition as a cognitive process of deriving
meaning from symbols. It emphasizes reading as a vital tool
for both communication and acquiring knowledge,
highlighting its role as one of the fundamental language skills
to be mastered by students. Moreover, the chapter explores
the diverse purposes of reading, ranging from recreational
enjoyment to practical application and information retrieval. It
discusses how different reading techniques, like skimming,
scanning, and careful reading, are employed based on the
specific purpose of reading. For instance, recreational reading
fosters fluency and comprehension, while reading for practical
application involves locating specific information or gaining an
overview of a topic.
Furthermore, the chapter delineates between extensive
reading, where readers consume large volumes of text
for pleasure and general understanding, and intensive
reading, which involves a meticulous examination of
text to enhance language learning. Extensive reading
encourages reading for enjoyment and aims to develop good
reading habits and vocabulary, while intensive reading
focuses on deepening comprehension and refining language
skills through close analysis of text.Overall, this chapter
provides a comprehensive exploration of reading,
encompassing its definition, purposes, and various
techniques, and underscores its significance as a cornerstone
of language acquisition and knowledge dissemination.
Comparative book
This chapter explains the concept and principles of extensive
reading as a pedagogical approach aimed at promoting a love
for reading among learners. It outlines the key components of
extensive reading programs, such as providing learners with
reading material at their appropriate level, encouraging them
to read a large quantity of texts, and granting them autonomy
in choosing what they read. Additionally, the chapter
discusses the contrast between extensive reading and other
forms of reading instruction, highlighting the importance of
easy, enjoyable reading material and individual silent reading.
It also delves into the principles that characterize extensive
reading programs, emphasizing the role of teachers as guides
and the purpose of reading for pleasure, information, and
general understanding. Overall, the chapter serves as a
comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of
extensive reading in language learning contexts.
Book 1:
Comprehensive overview of reading, covering definition,
purposes, and techniques.
Clear explanations and integration of scholarly
Practical application for readers in academic and personal
Book 2:
Clear definition and practical guidance for implementing
extensive reading programs.
Evidence-based principles offer a solid framework for
designing effective reading instruction.
Emphasis on learner autonomy and appropriate reading
material selection.
Weaknesses :
Book 1:
Lack of depth in certain areas.
Limited discussion on contemporary reading
trends.Absence of concrete examples and overreliance on
textbook references.
Book 2:
Limited critique of potential challenges associated with
extensive reading.
Lack of discussion on alternative perspectives or
approaches to reading instruction, such as intensive
Overemphasis on quantity of reading may overlook quality
reading experiences.
Overall, both books demonstrate that reading is a crucial language skill that
can be enhanced through various methods and approaches. They emphasize
that, regardless of the purpose or technique used, reading remains an
integral part of the language learning process
To enhance the depth and engagement of the discussion,
both books could benefit from incorporating real-world
examples or case studies illustrating the application of various
reading techniques and approaches in diverse educational
settings. Additionally, exploring contemporary reading trends
and technologies, as well as discussing alternative
approaches to reading instruction beyond extensive reading,
such as intensive reading or integrated skills instruction,
would provide readers with a more comprehensive
understanding of effective reading pedagogy. Addressing
potential challenges associated with different reading
methods and offering practical strategies for overcoming
them would better prepare educators for implementing
reading programs successfully. Finally, including diverse
voices and experiences in the discussion would enrich the
narrative and appeal to a broader audience interested in
advancing literacy instruction.