Maths Questions
Maths Questions
Maths Questions
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दस व्यक्ति D, F, J, N, U, C, A, V, B और O अपने सेमिनार िें जनवरी,
िार्च, अप्रैल, जून और अगस्ि के एक िहीने की दो अलग-अलग िारीखों
12 और 25 िें उपक्स्िि होिे हैं। उनिें से प्रत्येक अलग-अलग रं ग जैसे कक
काला, नीला, गुलाबी, लाल, पीला, हरा, भूरा, सफेद, मसल्वर और सलेटी
पसंद करिा है । उपरोति सभी जानकारी का इसी क्रि िें होना आवश्यक
नहीं है ।
ित्काल बाद सेमिनार िें उपक्स्िि होिे है । D, गल
ु ाबी को पसंद करिा है ।
C, U से पहले सेमिनार िें उपक्स्िि होिे है । B, काला रं ग पसंद नहीं करिा
है ।
Eight persons H, J, N, P, S, U, V and X are sitting in a row
facing south but not necessarily in the same order.
Two persons sit between S and U. Only one person sits to
the right of U. N sits third to the left of P. S and N are not
immediate neighbours. More than three persons sit
between X and H. Less than three persons sit between J
and V. J and U are not immediate neighbours. X is not an
immediate neighbour of N.
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Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a
circular table facing the centre. Each one of them likes
different sports such as Cricket, Hockey, Kho-kho, Chess,
Golf, Tennis, Badminton and Volleyball. All the above
information is not necessarily in the same order. Three
persons sit between F and the one who likes Hockey. Two
persons sit between F and B. Only one person sits
between B and the one who likes Badminton. The one who
likes Hockey and the one who likes Badminton are not
immediate neighbours. E sits third to the left of the one
who likes Volleyball. E and F are not immediate
neighbours. The one who likes Cricket sits immediate left
of E, who does not like Hockey. The one who likes Tennis
sits third to the right of the one who likes Cricket. B does
not like Tennis. The one who likes Golf sits immediate right
of A. As many persons sit between H and C sit between C
and G. H does not like Golf. C likes Chess.
आठ व्यक्ति A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H एक वत्त
ृ ाकार िेज के र्ारों ओर
केंद्र की ओर िुख करके बैठे हैं। उनिें से प्रत्येक अलग-अलग खेल जैसे
कक्रकेट, हॉकी, खो-खो, शिरं ज, गोल्फ, टे ननस, बैडमिंटन और वॉलीबॉल
पसंद करिा है । उपरोति सभी जानकारी का इसी क्रि िें होना आवश्यक
नहीं है ।
वॉलीबॉल को पसंद करिा है के बाईं ओर से िीसरे स्िान पर बैठिा है । E
और F ित्काल पडोसी नहीं हैं। वह जो कक्रकेट को पसंद करिा है , E जो हॉकी
को पसंद नहीं करिा है , के ित्काल बाईं ओर बैठिा है । वह जो टे ननस को
पसंद करिा है , कक्रकेट को पसंद करने वाले के दाईं ओर से िीसरे स्िान पर
बैठिा है । B, टे ननस को पसंद नहीं करिा है । वह जो गोल्फ को पसंद करिा
है , A के ित्काल दाईं ओर बैठिा है । क्जिने व्यक्ति H और C के बीर् िें
बैठिे हैं उिने ही C और G के बीर् बैठिे हैं। H, गोल्फ को पसंद नहीं करिा
है । C, शिरं ज को पसंद करिा है ।
Eight friends Roma, Riya, Raman, Ruhi, Rita, Rosy, Roshni
and Ritu are sitting around a circular table facing the
centre but not necessarily in the same order, which
consists of nine seats. No one sit between Riya and
Raman. Roma sits either second to the right of Rosy or
second to the left of Riya. Only two persons sit between
Rita and Roma. Only one person sit between Raman and
Rita. Ruhi sits third to the right of Roshni. Rosy is an
immediate neighbour of Ruhi and Ritu. Not less than three
persons sit between Rosy and vacant seat. Vacant seat is
not an immediate left of Rita.
आठ सहे मलयां रोिा, ररया, रिन, रूही, रीटा, रोजी, रोशनी और ररिु केंद्र की
ओर एक गोलाकार िेज के र्ारों ओर बैठी हैं लेककन जरूरी नहीं कक उसी क्रि
िें हों, क्जसिें नौ सीटें हैं। ररया और रिन के बीर् कोई भी लडकी नहीं बैठी
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है । रोिा या िो रोजी के दाएं से दस
ू रे या ररया के बाएं से दस
ू रे स्िान पर बैठी
है । केवल दो लडककयााँ रीटा और रोिा के बीर् बैठी हैं। रिन और रीटा के
बीर् केवल एक लडकी बैठी है । रूही रोशनी के दाईं ओर िीसरे स्िान पर बैठी
है । रोजी, रूही और ररिु की एक ित्काल पडोसी है । रोजी और खाली सीट के
बीर् िीन से कि लडककयााँ नहीं बैठिी हैं। खाली सीट रीटा की ित्काल बाईं
ओर नहीं है ।
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H born in different
months January, February, March, April, May, July, August
and September. And they are having different laptops
Microsoft , Apple , ASUS , HP, Dell , Sony , Lenovo and
Acer not necessarily in the same order. One who is the
youngest in the group has Lenovo. B is born on March
month and has ASUS . A is born on the month has which
has less than 31 days. C is the eldest person in the group.
Number of persons born before A is one less than the
number of persons born after him. Only two persons were
born between the one who has Microsoft and HP. Both the
one who has HP and the one who has Microsoft were born
before Acer. The one who has Microsoft was born before
the one who has ASUS and the one who has HP was born
after the one who has ASUS. The one who has Acer was
born after July. F has Dell . Only two persons were born
between G and F respectively. Only three persons were
born between the one who has Apple and the one who has
Sony . One who has Apple born before one who has Sony.
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Number of persons born before G and born after H is
same. D was born in one of the month before E
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Nine friends Zakir, Anil, Piyush, Tarun, Debasish, Uday,
Ranjit, Sahil and Nasir are living in a nine story building.
Each of them has different age such as 17, 21, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 29 and 30. All the given information is not
necessarily in the same order. The person whose age is 24
lives on the lowermost floor. Piyush age is prime number
and lives on the third floor. One person lives between
Piyush and Tarun whose age is not a multiple of four.
Ranjit and Debasish are immediate neighbours. Uday age
is 29 and does not live on an odd numbered floor. The
difference between the age of Nasir and Piyush is four. The
number of persons lives below Ranjit is same as the
number of persons lives above Zakir. Sahil age is multiple
of five. Zakir lives on the eighth floor and his age is
multiple of seven. Two persons live between Anil and Nasir
whose age is multiple of three. The age difference between
the person who lives on the ninth floor and second floor is
three. Anil is the youngest person and lives on an even
numbered floor below the floor number seven.
उदय की आयु 29 वषच है और वह ववषि संख्या वाली िंक्जल पर नहीं रहिा
है । नामसर और पीयूष की आयु का अंिर र्ार है । रं जीि से नीर्े रहने वाले
व्यक्तियों की संख्या जाककर से ऊपर रहने वाले व्यक्तियों की संख्या सिान
है । सादहल की उम्र पांर् का गुणक है । जाककर आठवीं िंक्जल पर रहिा है
और उसकी आयु साि का गण
ु क है । अननल और नामसर के बीर् दो व्यक्ति
रहिे हैं क्जनकी आयु िीन का गुणक है । नौवीं िंक्जल और दस
ू री िंक्जल पर
रहने वाले व्यक्ति के बीर् आयु का अंिर िीन है । अननल सबसे कि आयु
का व्यक्ति है और िंक्जल नंबर साि से नीर्े सि संख्या िंक्जल पर रहिा
है ।
Nine different subject books History, Science, Maths,
Polity, Economics, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu and Physics are
arranged one above other but not necessarily in the same
order. The position of book arranged is numbered one to
nine. The position of the book in the top is nine. The
position of the book in the bottom is one. Urdu book is
arranged two books above of History book. Urdu book is
placed at odd numbered position but not at the top.
Physics book and Polity book are arranged adjacent of
History book. Three books are arranged between Polity
book and Economics book. Maths book is arranged
immediately below of Economics book. Science book is
arranged below of Physics book. Three books are arranged
between Hindi book and Urdu book. Four books are
arranged between Science book and Punjabi book.
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There are twelve persons sitting in two parallel rows
containing six people in each row, in such a way that there
is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row1 –
A, N, O, P, B and C are seated and all of them are facing
south. In row2 – D, H, J, L, Q and R are seated and all of
them are facing north. Therefore, in the given arrangement
the member seated in a row 1 faces another member of
row2 but not necessarily in the same order. H faces the
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person who sits third to the right of P. A faces the person
who sits immediate right of J. N faces the person who sits
second to the right of H. Neither A nor R sits at the extreme
end. One of the immediate neighbours of L faces C who
sits second to the left of B. O is an immediate neighbour of
C and N. Q does not faces the immediate neighbours of N.
प्रत्येक पंक्ति िें छह लोगों वाले दो सिानांिर पंक्तियों िें बारह व्यक्ति बैठे
होिे हैं, इस िरह से आसन्न व्यक्तियों के बीर् एक सिान दरू ी होिी है ।
पंक्ति 1 िें - A, N, O, P, B और C बैठे हैं और ये सभी दक्षिण की ओर िुंह
ककए हुए हैं। पंक्ति 2 िें - D, H, J, L, Q और R बैठे हैं और ये सभी उत्तर की
ओर हैं। इसमलए, दी गई व्यवस्िा िें सदस्य पंक्ति 1 िें बैठा होिा है वो
पंक्ति 2 के ककसी अन्य सदस्य का सािना करिा है लेककन जरूरी नहीं कक
उसी क्रि िें हो। H, उस व्यक्ति का सािना करिा है , जो P के दाईं ओर
िीसरा बैठिा है । A, उस व्यक्ति का सािना करिा है , जो J के ित्काल दाईं
ओर बैठिा है । N, उस व्यक्ति का सािना करिा है , जो H के दायें से दस
ू रे
स्िान पर बैठिा है । न िो A और न ही R, अंनिि छोर पर बैठिा है । L का
एक ननकटिि पडोसी C का सािना करिा है जो B के बायें दस
ू रा है । O, C
और N का पडोसी है । Q, N के ननकटिि पडोसी का सािना नहीं करिा है ।
Eight persons M, N, P, R, S, T, U and V are sitting in the
linear row. Some of them are facing north and some of
them are facing south. Not more than two persons sitting
together facing same direction. R sits one of the extreme
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ends. The person who sits at the extreme ends are facing
opposite directions. N sits second to the left of M, and
second to the right of P. Only one person sits between S
and U. Number of persons sits to the left of U and number
of persons sits to the left of P is same. Immediate
neighbours of V facing same direction. P sits second to the
right of R. M and T are not sitting together. Number of
persons sits to the right of T is more than the number of
persons sits to the left of T. N is facing opposite direction
as P. T is facing south direction.
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बाएं छोर से दस
ू रे शब्द के र्ौिे अिर और दाएं छोर से दस
ू रे शब्द के
पहले अिर के बीर् िें ककिने अिर हैं (प्रत्येक शब्द िें बाएं छोर से अिरों
को धगना जािा है )?
यदद प्रत्येक शब्द िें पहले अिर को िीसरे अिर से बदल ददया जािा
है िो ककिने सािचक शब्द गदठि होिे हैं?
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4. If all the letters within the words are arranged
according to the English alphabetical series then which of
the following words ends with a vowel?
6. Statements:
Only a few woman is man.
All man is kind.
Only a few kind is ugly.
I. Some woman is kind.
II. Some ugly is not kind.
6. किन:
केवल कुछ िदहला परु
ु ष हैं।
सभी िनुष्य दयालु हैं.
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केवल कुछ प्रकार कुरूप हैं.
I. कुछ िदहला दयालु हैं.
II. कुछ बदसूरि दयालु नहीं हैं.
7. Statement:
Only a few child is parent.
Some parent is father.
No father is mother.
I. All child can be parent
II. All parent can be mother
7. किन:
केवल कुछ बच्र्े िािा-वपिा हैं।
कुछ अमभभावक वपिा हैं।
कोई वपिा िााँ नहीं है .
I. सभी बच्र्े िािा-वपिा हो सकिे हैं
II. सभी िािा-वपिा िााँ हो सकिे हैं
8. Statement:
All driver is teacher.
All car is teacher.
Only a few car is pilot.
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I. Some pilot can be teacher.
II. Some driver can be pilot.
सभी ड्राइवर मशिक हैं.
सभी कार टीर्र हैं.
केवल कुछ कार पायलट हैं।
I. कुछ पायलट मशिक हो सकिे हैं।
II. कुछ ड्राइवर पायलट हो सकिे हैं.
9. Statement:
Only a few purple is blue.
No blue is white.
All white is red.
I. Some purple is not white
II. All red can be blue
केवल कुछ बैंगनी नीले हैं।
कोई नीला सफेद नहीं है .
सभी सफेद लाल हैं।
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I. कुछ बैंगनी सफेद नहीं हैं
II. सभी लाल नीले हो सकिे हैं
10. Statement:
All animal are male.
Some male are female.
Some lights are animal.
I. All female can be animal.
II. Some female are lights.
सभी जानवर नर हैं।
कुछ नर िादा हैं।
कुछ लाइटें जानवर हैं।
I. सभी िादा जानवर हो सकिी हैं।
II. कुछ फीिेल लाइट हैं.
11. Statements:
Some track are road.
All airway are highway.
No road is a highway.
I. No airway is a road
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II. Some track are not highway
कुछ रै क रोड हैं।
सभी वायुिागच राजिागच हैं।
कोई सडक राजिागच नहीं है .
I. कोई वायि
ु ागच सडक नहीं है
II. कुछ रै क हाईवे नहीं हैं
12. Statement:
Some mobiles are school.
Some institution are college.
All school are institution.
I. Some institution are mobiles
II. All institution are mobiles
कुछ िोबाइल स्कूल हैं.
कुछ संस्िान कॉलेज हैं।
सभी स्कूल संस्िान हैं.
I. कुछ संस्िा िोबाइल हैं
II. सभी संस्िा िोबाइल हैं
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13. Statement: X≤ T≤ Z<F>A;Z>S
Conclusion: I. S>T II. T ≥S
10 िीटर िक र्लिा है और कफर दाएं िुडिा है और अन्य 10 िीटर िक
र्लिा है कफर वह अपने दाएं िुडिा है और 10 िीटर िक र्लिा है ।
1. 1
2. 14
3. None
6. Only I
7. Neither I nor II
8. Only II
9. Only I
10. Only I
11. Both I & II
12. Only I
13. Neither I nor II
14. Only II
15. Only I
16. Only II
17. Neither I nor II
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