Literacy 1
Literacy 1
Literacy 1
By appropriately and
intentionally using the technology of his 16. The author would apparently agree
day—broadcast television—to connect on the idea that ....
with each individual child and with a. digital media can harm
parents and families, it demonstrated the learning and relationships
positive potential of using technology and b. technology provides
children with enjoyable
media in ways that are grounded in
principles of child development.
c. technology may bring more
good than harm when it is
NAEYC and Fred Rogers Center. (2012). used wisely
Technology and Interactive Media as Tools d. technology can influence
in Early Childhood Programs Serving the relationships between
Children from Birth through Age 8 [PDF]. children and their friends
Accessed and adapted on 11 July, 2022 e. technology minimizes the
from potential for children’s
learning and engagement
with others
ps_technology.pdf. 17. The author holds the assumption
that ....
15. How does the second sentence a. any forms of content
relate to the first sentence in designed to facilitate
paragraph 2? creative children to learn
a. It shows the importance of will challenge them
interactive media to b. interactive media are any
children’s lives. kind of media that include
hardware and artifacts of
c. the integration of According to the Ministry of
technology and interactive Education, 74 percent of the students
media in childhood registered to the first of the JEE took the
programs leads to exam, while an above 80-percent
improved program quality attendance was observed for the NEET
d. applying principles of exam. Students are now gearing up for the
development and learning second stage of the JEE (the JEE
of children is secondary in Advanced), which will take place on
the use of the interactive September 27. Protests against the exam
media date have dwindled since the Supreme
e. technology and media can Court decision.
be used to facilitate
Manve, Vishal Yashoda. (2020). Millions of
learning and establish
Indian Students Sit University Entrance
better relationships with
Exams After Government Disregards
other children and adults
Protests to Postpone Them. Accessed on
July 18, 2020 from
The questions number 18-20 are based
on the following passage.
Around 2.8 million Indian pushes-back-protests-to-postpone-them/.
students sat university examinations from
the end of August to September 13 as the
country approached the grim milestone of 18. What can be inferred from the
5-million total COVID-19 cases. Despite passage?
pleas from civil society to defer a. Indian students were
examinations, including by Swedish reluctant to join university
climate activist Greta Thunberg, a preparation courses.
Supreme Court ruling on August 17 gave b. Indian students were
the government the green light to keep forced to sit the JEE and the
the original schedule for the engineer and NEET exam.
medical colleges entrance exams. c. The JEE andi the NEET are
annually held by the
The JEE and the NEET, how
Supreme Court.
university exams for those two careers are
d. The Supreme Court
called, are India’s most competitive —
considered the pleas from
they sprawl industries of their own, with
preparation courses generating millions of
e. The university entrance
dollars annually. The court bench headed
tests were finally
by Justice Ashok Bhushan said that “the
career of the students cannot be put on
peril for long, and a full academic year
cannot be wasted.” The court will not hear
19. Which statement is CORRECT
any further petitions regarding postponing
based on the passage above?
future exam dates.
a. The first stage of the JEE
Advanced was held after
September 27.
b. The exams may be
postponed due to the
protests against the exam
c. NEET is an entrance
university test for both
medical and engineering
d. Justice Ashok Bhushan
wasn’t concerned about
students’ academic and
future careers.
e. Many Indians demanded
rescheduling the exams
because of the high rate of
COVID-19 cases.