Natural Resources of Pakistan

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Natural Resources of Pakistan

Natural Resources, Agriculture

1: Natural Resources

_ Mineral Resources

_ Rivers and Canals

_ Forests

_ Animals

2: Agriculture

1: Natural Resources:

The resources endowed by the nature to the country and the people are called Na�onal

Resources, e.g., Mineral resources, rivers, forests and animals. Agricultural lands hold key to

development and prosperity of a country.

The rate of development and prosperity of a country depends on efforts to make use of it.

Effec�ve management and human efforts are needed to avail them. Modern technology is also

required to make use of it.

Mineral Resources:

Pakistan is blessed with considerable mineral resources. Some of them are explored but much

remains to be done for the search for more. Some important resources are:

• Iron Ore is used for industry, especially steel industry. It is found in limited

quan�ty and low quality. Most of the required Iron ore is imported from abroad. Its

deposits are found in Chitral, Chaghai, Kohat, Kurram Agency, Mardan, Hazara,

Mianwali (Kalabagh) and DG Khan.

• Chromite: is used in preparing other metals, leather tanning, making of steel

products, armament and stainless steel. The deposits of Chromite are found in Zoab

(Muslim Bagh), Chaghai, Malakand, Mahmand, Waziristan, Fort Sandaman etc.

• Gypsum is used for plaster of Paris, Paints and Cement. It is found in Jhelum,

Mianwali, DG Khan, Kohat and Loralai.

• Sulphur is used by chemical industry. Its deposits are found in Kalat, Khairpur,

Mardan, and Jacobabad etc.

• Coal is used in power genera�on. It is basically used as fuel. It is not found in

good quan�ty and quality. It is mostly found in Sindh (Thata, Tharparkar, Manara)

Balochistan (Deegari, Sharig, Soer, Khost, Maach, Hernai), Punjab (Makarwal, Dandot),

NWFP (Cherat and Noshera).

• Oil: It is a major source of energy. It is mostly imported from Iran and Gulf

states. Now some valuable reserves are found in Jhelum, Mianwali, Atock, Balkasar,

Mial, Chakwal, and Dhodak.

• Gas: it is itself a source of energy and fuel, and also used as a source of power

genera�on. It is found in Sui, Mari, Uch, Khairpur, Jacobabad etc. Now some new

discoveries are also found.

• Uranium: It is the basic element for atomic power, indispensable for the defence.

Its deposits are in DG Khan, Hazara and Kohat.


The river system of Pakistan is consisted of Indus and other associated rivers. We have a

Canal system. The most important one is the Indus Basin project.

What we require is the proper management of water, its conserva�on, effec�ve use, storage,

dams and flood control. Water is dangerous if it is too much, it become a problem if it is too litle.

It is used for Agriculture where it is the backbone of agro-economy. It is also a cheapest source of

hydroelectric Power genera�on.


Normally 25 percent area of a country should be covered with forest. But in Pakistan it is only 4 to

5 percent.

Some areas are not suitable for planta�on like deserts and dry mountains. It is because of

shortage of water and rainfall. Deforesta�on is also due to unplanned cu�ng of trees.


Forests have many advantages. They are helpful in improvement of weather. Protect against

windstorms, help in slow mel�ng of snow to stop floods. They add greenery, beauty and fresh air
to the environment. Plants are source of food, medicine, �mber, chemicals and fer�lizers. They

are the homes of animals, birds and insects. They are also used as fuel.


Animals provide milk, meat, hide and skins, wool etc. They are also used for agriculture and

transporta�on. They are a source of foreign exchange.

Their proper breeding requires planning and care. Animal husbandry and colleges of research are

established to breed and cure useful species of animals. Department of Live Stock also provides

Support System for raising animals both privately and through Government Projects. Government

farms and military farms are also working for that purpose.


It is also a source of food and income. Department of fisheries also encourage private farmers to

invest in this field and add to personal and na�onal wealth.

2: Agriculture

Pakistan is an agricultural country. More than 70 percent of its popula�on lives in rural areas.

Over 50 percent are directly engaged in farming or agro-based ac�vi�es.

• Share of agriculture to GDP is 26 percent.

• In Punjab and Sindh plains are very large. There are irrigated farmlands.

• Two major crops are yielded in a year

(a) RABI: Sown in October-November and produce obtained in April-May. Important

produces are Wheat, Gram, Oil seeds.

(b) KHARIF: Sown in May-June and produce is obtained in October-November.

Important crops are Rice, Sugar Cane, Coton etc.

• Main crops: Wheat, Rice, Coton, Sugar Cane, Gram, Maize, Mustard, Tobacco,

Oil seeds, Fruits and vegetables.

• Land Reforms are introduced from �me to �me by different governments: in

1959, 1972, and 1977. The aim was to reduce land holding and to strengthen the

posi�on of tenants. It was done for improving yield per acre and poverty allevia�on in

agriculture field.

Problems in Agriculture:

There are number of problems in our agriculture, for instance:

1. Outdated modes of cul�va�on, which cause low per acre yield.

2. Water Logging and Salinity.

Aten�on is being given to these since mid 1960.

3. Crop diseases are big problem. Technical support is being provided by

Department of Agricultural. It helped to overcome the problem. Our inputs have problem

of quality, which cause low prices in market. Other handicaps are low quality seeds,

costly fer�lizers, non-availability of electricity or oil for tube well etc.

4. Water related problem, some�mes it is too litle, but some�mes it is too much.

Cleaning of Canals is also necessary to provide water at the end of canal.

5. Credit facili�es are also problema�c.

6. Access to market is difficult.

7. Availability of reasonable price should be ensured for the welfare of the farmers

and high yield of crop.

Agriculture and Development Plans:

• Research is done for the development of high yield seeds giving beter output.

Informa�on and guidance is being provided to the common farmer to enjoy the fruits

of Pakistan

the advance research in the field of agriculture. University educa�on is developed in

various parts of Pakistan especially in Faisalabad and Jamshoro. Emphasis is laid on

modern technology in prac�cal field.

• Communica�on and transporta�on facili�es are increased.

• Government ensures the payment to the farmers for their produce immediately.

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