Nero - August 2024

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Towards the Realm of Materiality - Designing Philip K.

Dick's Non-Existing Technologies

Nero 2024 ISBN 9788880562610 Acqn 36117
Pb 11x17cm 338pp col ills £23.75

Philip K. Dick, one of the most prolific and visionary authors of the 20th century, crafted
compelling visions of possible futures and dystopian realities teeming with humans, artificial
intelligences, and more. Yet, the Dickian universe is more than just its characters-it's a realm
intricately built with technological devices, machines, and objects entirely conceived by this
brilliant mind. How did Philip K. Dick envision these technologies, and through them, the future?
And now, decades after his time, how should we perceive and interpret these tools? More
intriguingly, how can we decode and reconstruct the creative process that led to the creation and
"materialization" of these devices? Grounded in a multidisciplinary framework, this volume
explores alternative designs and projects for some of the non-existing technologies described in
Philip K. Dick's oeuvre.
Museums at the Ecological Turn
Nero 2024 ISBN 9788880562535 Acqn 36142
Pb 11x17cm 230pp col ills £21.50

In recent years, the intersection between ecological thought and contemporary art has sparked a
generative reflection encompassing sustainability, conservation, and survivability. Confronted with
the climate catastrophe, ecology questions the feasibility of conserving collapsing ecosystems as
well as our imperative of survival, alongside other humans, and non-humans, amidst the ruins of
a world we have already irreversibly altered. Reflecting on the role of museums and how they
must embrace new forms of responsibility and awareness, this book gathers contributions from
curators, philosophers and activists, artists and writers.
The Glover Group - A Los Angeles Story
Nero 2024 ISBN 9788880562450 Acqn 36141
Hb 24x33cm 90pp col ills £35.50

'The Glover Group: A Los Angeles Story' narrates the journey of an extraordinary group of artists
who have nurtured their unique artistic voices within the same studio complex in Frogtown, Los
Angeles. The Glover Group includes Ruby Neri, Hilary Pecis, Megan Reed, Lily Stockman, and
Austyn Weiner, a coincidental yet cohesive community of women artists sharing a unique bond
through their interconnected workspace. This catalogue, designed to document their collaborative
exhibition held at MASSIMODECARLO in Milan during July and August 2023, features interviews
to the artists by Cecilia Alemani, Alison M. Gingeras, Justine Ludwig, Marta Papini, and Heidi
Zuckerman, together with photographs by Tracy Nguyen.
Valentina Tanni - Exit Reality
Nero 2024 ISBN 9788880562542 Acqn 36108
Pb 11x17cm 264pp col ills £26

"The Internet is an alien life form," declared David Bowie in 1999: today, the prophecy has come
true, and our digital tools have become magical portals with mysterious properties, windows that
overlook a dimension bordering between dream and reality. Beyond the screen mirrors we
comfortably carry in our pockets, we have discovered a region haunted by strange presences-
sometimes threatening, sometimes surreal, occasionally fascinating, and other times nonsensical.
These are the same presences that, over the past fifteen years, have shaped what we now
recognize as "internet aesthetics," that ensemble of subcultures, popular narratives, and visual
and auditory languages through which the alien entity has finally revealed itself to humanity. The
net then reveals itself for what it truly is: a threshold as physical as it is mental, where bizarre
things happen, time is warped, and we find ourselves inhabiting an intermediate dimension, a
territory that is "neither here nor there."
Giovanna Silva, Emilia Giorgi – Saudiscapes
Nero 2024 ISBN 9788880562177 Acqn 36116
Hb 21x30cm 184pp col ills £32.75

Saudi Arabia had been inaccessible to ordinary visitors for about ten years, until fall 2019,
thereinafter it has been possible to enter the country with an electronic tourist visa. In the
suspended time that preceded this event, the architecture firm Schiattarella Associati invited
photographer Giovanna Silva and curator Emilia Giorgi to set off on a journey-both physical and
mental-in the country, trying to unearth the often minute and hidden traces of past buildings and
historical tradition in the cities of Riyadh and Jeddah, now at the center of vast operations of
redefinition, from an architectural, urban and social point of view.Saudiscapes is a project initiated
by Schiattarella Associati, curated by Emilia Giorgi, and with the photographic contribution by
Giovanna Silva.
Angelo Plessas - The House of All Beings
Nero 2024 ISBN 9788880562658 Acqn 36106
Bx 18x25cm 122pp col ills £82

Discover 'The House of All Beings', a communal ritual exploring self-made sacred spaces and
interspecies connections. Play 'The Game of All Beings' and embark on a transformative journey
of interconnection and self-discovery. Conceived by Angelo Plessas, the book gathered artists
Eleni Bagaki, Asli Cavusoglu, Alex Cecchetti, Raffaela Naldi Rossano, Angelo Plessas, and
writer/curator Filipa Ramos at the Moulin des Ribes, amidst olive groves, lavender fields, and
beehives, for a residency hosted by collector Silvia Fiorucci and La Societa delle Api. In this
unique setting, Plessas was inspired to create The Game of All Beings, an experimental board
game meant to share and continue this experience of togetherness.

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