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BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru-560019

Autonomous Institute Affiliated to VTU

December 2017 Semester End Main Examinations


Course Code: 16CV7IEFEA Max Marks: 100
Date: 22.12.2017
Instructions: (i) Answer FIVE full Questions, choosing one from each unit. (ii) Any missing
data may be assumed suitably and clearly indicate the same
UNIT - 1
1 a) Discuss with examples plane stress and plane strain conditions. Derive stress strain 10
relation for plane stress condition.
b) 6 − 10
The state of stress at a point is given by 𝜎 = [ 6 − 4 ]Kn/m2.
− 6
Determine the strain tensor at the point. Take E = 210 x 106 Kn/m2 and μ = 0.3.
2 a) Distinguish between continuum method and finite element method 04
b) Explain preprocessor, solver/processor and post-processor as applied to commercial 06
finite element package.
c) A simply supported beam is subjected to a point load at the center. Determine 10
maximum deflection using Rayleigh Ritz method.
UNIT - 2
3 a) What is convergence requirement? Discuss the 3 conditions of convergence 05
b) Derive the following for 2-noded bar element. (i) Shape functions, (ii) Strain 10
displacement matrix, and (iii) Element stiffness matrix.
c) Find nodal displacements for the stepped bar loaded as shown in Fig. 1. Take Es = 05
200 GPa and Ec = 100 GPa.
10cm2 8cm2
Copper 50 KN Steel 30 KN
1 4m 2 2.5m 3
Fig. 1
UNIT - 3
4 Find displacements at C and B and also find elemental forces for the beam loaded as 20
shown in Fig. 2.
UNIT - 4
5 a) The co-ordinate of the triangular element is shown in Fig. 3. At the interior point ‘P’ 05
the co-ordinate is 3.3 and N1 = 0.3. Determine N2 , N3 and the ‘y’ co-ordinate at point

b) A four-noded quadrilateral element has coordinates 1(10, 10), 2(50, 10), 3(60, 60) and 15
4(10, 40). If the element nodal displacement vector is given by {u1,v1,u2,v2,- - - -}{0,
0 ,1, 2, 0, 1.5, 1, 0} mm, determine (i) the x & y coordinates of point P which has
r = 0.5 and s = 0.5 and (ii) displacements u & v of the point P and (iii) stresses at point
P for plane stress condition. Take E = 200GPa and μ = 0.25.

6 a) Explain Iso-parametric, sub-parametric and super-parametric elements. 06
b) Derive the strain displacement and stiffness matrix for a four noded quadrilateral 14
isoperimetric element

UNIT - 5
7 a) Explain consistent and lumped load vectors. Distinguish through examples. 06
b) Determine the eigenvalues for the stepped bar as shown in Fig. 4 by using consistent 14
mass matrices


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