Karachi Bus Transit
Karachi Bus Transit
Karachi Bus Transit
Prepared by TransKarachi - Government of Sindh, Pakistan for the Asian Development Bank.
This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein
do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may
be preliminary in nature.
In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation
of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian
Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any
territory or area.
Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report
January 2022
Loan Number: Grant 0649, Loan 3799, Loan 8366, Loan 8367 and Loan 8368
CC Construction Contractor
CH Cultural Heritage
TBN To Be Nominated
TK TransKarachi
This Bi - Annual Environmental Monitoring is a document of the borrower. The views expressed
herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff,
and may be preliminary in nature.
In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any
designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the
Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status
of any territory or area.
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Preamble ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Headline Information ............................................................................................................. 6
2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND CURRENT ACTIVITIES ............................................................................. 8
2.1 Project Description ................................................................................................................ 8
2.2 PROJECT CONTRACTS AND MANAGEMENT .................................................................................... 10
2.3 Project Activities During Current Reporting Period ............................................................. 19
2.4 Information of Personnel Working on Construction Site .................................................... 19
2.5 Description of Any Changes to Project Design .................................................................... 22
2.6 Description of Any Changes to Agreed Construction Methods ........................................... 22
3. ENVIRONMENT SAFEGUARD ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................... 23
3.1 General Description of Environment Safeguards Activities................................................. 23
3.2 Site Audits ............................................................................................................................ 23
3.3 Issues Tracking (Based on Non-Conformance Reports)....................................................... 23
3.4 Trends .................................................................................................................................. 23
3.5 Unanticipated Environment Impacts or Risk ....................................................................... 23
4. RESULTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING .................................................................................. 25
4.1 Overview of the Environmental Monitoring........................................................................ 25
4.2 Summary of Monitoring Outcomes ..................................................................................... 26
4.3 Material Resource Utilization .............................................................................................. 28
4.4 Waste Management ............................................................................................................ 28
4.4.1 Current Period ..................................................................................................................... 28
4.5 Health and Safety................................................................................................................. 28
4.5.1 Community Health & Safety ................................................................................................ 28
4.5.2 Occupational Health & Safety .............................................................................................. 28
4.6 Trainings............................................................................................................................... 28
4.7 Grievance Redress Mechanism and Complaints.................................................................. 28
5. FUNCTIONING OF SSEMPS AND SSHSMP .......................................................................................... 30
5.1 SSEMP Review ............................................................................................................................. 30
5.2 SSHSMP Review ........................................................................................................................... 30
5.3 Permitting Status ......................................................................................................................... 31
6. GOOD PRACTICES .............................................................................................................................. 35
6.1 Good Practices............................................................................................................................. 35
7. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................................... 36
7.1 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 36
7.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 36
ANNEXES ............................................................................................................................................... 38
Annex 1: Photographs ....................................................................................................................... 38
Annex 2: Non-Conformance Report (NCR) and Corrective Action Required (CAR) (Sample) ........... 40
Annex 3: HSE Logbook (Sample) ....................................................................................................... 42
Annex 4: Grievance Redress Mechanism Complaint Log (Sample)................................................... 43
Annex 5: Check List for Field Monitoring (Sample) ........................................................................... 44
Annex 6: Meetings, Correspondence and Site Visits........................................................................ 54
1.1 Preamble
1. This report presents the Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring review of Karachi Bus
Rapid Transit (KBRT) Project for the period of July to December 2021.
2. This report is the second Semi-Annual EMR for the Karachi Bus Rapid Transit (KBRT)
Enhance the quality of the public transport and reduce traffic congestion;
Decrease travel time by providing a punctual and efficient bus service; and
Encourage women and people with disabilities to take advantage of the bus
Integrate design of infrastructure and vehicles for comfort, quality, and
improved access for all.
Improve the quality of the local residents and improvement in road safety
Environmentally friendly project by saving the fuel consumption and emission
6. Based on ADB Environmental Safeguards Policy (2009), this Project falls under ADB’s
project “Category A” as the project is considered to have significant diverse impacts
over a wide area during construction, such as deterioration of air quality, noise and
vibration impact on local residents, traffic congestion, significant quantities of spoil
disposal, road safety impacts, impact on biodiversity and landscape. An Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA), in accordance with Sindh province legislation, was
approved by SEPA on October 26, 2020, by order # EPA 2018/08/27/EIA/146/1721/20.
The Project EIA was also approved by ADB and has been published on ADB website.
7. Conditions of Approval from SEPA include the implementation of EMPs, shall not
disturb the private property, traffic safety and management, avoid deterioration of air
quality, noise generation, community and workers health and safety, avoid impacts
related to vibration, establish GRM, address the drainage issues, instrumental
monitoring of air, noise, and water quality, completion of Project as per schedule, waste
management and implementation of the national and provincial legislations.
8. There are two separate contractors for BRT redline project lot-1 is awarded to Zahir
Khan Brothers (ZKB) and Contract was signed on December 8, 2021, and lot-2
Contract works in progress will be signed coming month.
9. There is no official commencement date announced to the start of the construction
activities during the reporting period from July to December 2021; lot-1 Contractor has
started identification of the alternative options for project related facilities including
Parking area for the machinery, spoil disposal areas, campsites, batching plants area,
Asphalt plant area, and mobilization of the staff.
10. PMCSC had conducted meeting with Lot – 1 Contractor to discuss the options for
selection of camp site location and preparation of SSEMP and SSHSMP.
11. Project Management and Construction Supervision Consultant (Minc Sdn & EA & CEC
JV with Sheladia) has been mobilized on September 23, 2021.
12. The project consists of many integral components. Figure-1 shows KBRT route with
prominent location along the corridor, while BRT Red Line Corridor Route Plan is
presented in Figure 2. The detail of these components is provided hereunder.
22.4 KM of KBRT main corridor with new KBRT lanes, reconstruction/
resurfacing of existing mixed traffic lanes and service roads, intersection
improvements, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, landscaping, streetlights, and
storm water improvements.
The KBRT project main corridor has two majorcomponents/outputs:
- The construction of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lanes, non-motorized transport
route, bus stations, bus depots, staging facility, elevated U- turn bridges, fly-
over bridges, underpasses, and feeder services; and
- Establishment of effective project management and sustainable BRT
2.7 KM Common Corridor
Biogas Plant for generating environment friendly fuel for KBRT System
13. Correspondingly, KBRT Redline main corridor infrastructure will also include:
5.2 KM of feeder, depot access and connecting roads;
23 KBRT bus stations;
Pedestrian footbridges at 17 K BRT stations for access, with provision of
male and female public toilets.
2 bus depots at Masomiyat and Malir Halt for overnight parking and
Non-motorized facilities (bicycle and Pedi-Cabs)
Relocation of the existing utilities;
5 elevated fly-over structures;
1 elevated rotary structure;
5 underpasses.
8 elevated U-turns;
1 underground intersection.
Upgraded intersections along the KBRT Red Line corridor; and Integrationof
the Green, Yellow and Red lines at Numaish Chowrangi.
Figure 1: BRT Red Line Layout Plan
14. Further to facilitate the construction works, the KBRT Redline Project main corridor,
is divided into two lots, details provided in the table below.
Table 1: Construction Lot (Packages) Details
Contractor (PMCSC)
16. The TOR for the “Project Management and Construction Supervision Contract
(PMCSC) contains the following tasks for the environmental specialists:
Ensure that the provisions of the approved Environmental Management Plan are
reflected in the Contractor’s Site-Specific Environmental Management Plan(s)
(SSEMPs) and Site-Specific Health & Safety Management Plan (SSHSMP) prior to
its acceptance by the Engineer, the Employer and ADB. Furthermore, ensure that
the Contractor complies in every respect with the provisions of the SSEMPs and
Protection of critical habitats to ensure that there is no net conservation loss or net
conservation gain during the project implementation
Conduct environmental trainings and briefings to provide awareness regarding
ADB SPS 2009 and national/ Provincial environmental requirements of the project.
Protection of cultural heritages and old buildings in accordance with ADB SPS 2009
Develop an environmental auditing protocol for the construction period, regularly
supervise the environmental monitoring, and submit the Monthly EMR and
Semiannual EMR based on the monitoring data and laboratory analysis reports.
Monthly EMR will be included as an annex to the Consultant’s Monthly Progress
Develop a program for hands-on training of Contractor’s staff in implementing the
Conduct post-construction environmental audit and prepare post-construction
environmental audit report.
17. Obligation of the contractor, to safeguard, mitigate adverse impacts and rehabilitate
the environment is addressed through environmental provisions in the FIDIC conditions
of contract for construction, MDB harmonized addition – June 2010 and special clauses
included in the contract related to environment, especially FIDIC clause 4.18
(protection of environment), 4.8 (safety procedures), 6.4 (labor laws), 16.3 (cessation
of work/ remedial work), 2.3 b (employer’s personnel), 4.21 (progress report) are
important in this regard.
18. The Contract for PMCSCS was awarded to MINCONSULT-EA-CEC JOINT VENTURE
August 23, 2021, and mobilized on September 23, 2021, for three phases of the project:
Phase 1: Design review Report
Phase 2: Construction Supervision and Contract Administration of Lot – 1 & Lot -2.
Phase 3: Defects Notification Period, 1 year
19. Summary of civil works contracts and works’ progress is provided in Table 3. All
awarded contracts included EMPs cleared by ADB and any conditions of applicable
national EIA clearance by SEPA. Subclause 4.18 in the contract contains all the
information related to protection of environment and inclusion of the EIA and EMP in
the contract.
Table 3. Summary of Civil Works Contracts and works’ progress
Packag Contract Scope Signed Approval Date Environmental Civil Work Progress as
e or personnel of
SSEMP COVID-19 ERP Environm Health Start End 01 31
& ental and July Dec
SSHSMP officer Safety 2021 2021
Lot 1 ZKB Malir Halt Depot 08-12- Will be Will be Will be Sadam Abdul No - - -
to 2021 prepared prepared prepared by Hussain Samad commen
Mosmiat by CC by CC after CC after cement
(Construction of BRT after issuance of issuance of date
Lanes, and issuance commence commence
associated of ment. ment.
infrastructures, commen
Flyovers, cement.
Intersections, Bus
stations, Depots,
Drainage works,
Landscaping, and
maintenance works)
Note: The Month/Years in brackets are planned schedule.
COVID-19 & SSHSMP = COVID-19 & Site-Specific Health and Safety Management Plan, ERP = Emergency Response Plan, SSEMP = Site-specific Environmental
Management Plan
20. Contact details of ADB, CC, “Project Management and Construction Supervision
Contractor (PMCSC) and TK representatives are given in Table 4 below:
Table 4: Main Environmental Staff of ADB, EBRD, RD, CSCS (Engineer) and CC
Environmental Management Name: Sadam Hussain
Officer / H&S Officer
Phone: +92 304 5835929
Email: engr.sadam@gmail.com
21. Under the Contract, the Contractor shall comply with all applicable national and local
environmental laws and regulations as well as applicable respective standards under the
Contract. The Contractor shall:
Establish an operational system for managing environmental impacts,
Develop the Site Specific EMPs (SSEMP) and SSHSMP as well as other location
specific and topic specific EMPs by identifying environmental risks arising from the
Works, the mitigation measures to be applied, and monitoring to be carried out
Implement the required mitigation measures and monitoring
Take any corrective or preventative actions set out in safeguards monitoring reports
that the Employer will prepare from time to time to monitor implementation of the
Submit monthly monitoring reports to the engineer as set in the EIA
22. The Contractors for Lot#1 and for Lot#2 are responsible for implementation of EMP
throughout the project during construction phase. The “Project Management and Project
Management and Construction Supervision Contractor (PMCSC) MINCONSULT-EA-CEC
JOINT VENTURE (Engineer) is responsible to monitor the implementation of
EMP/SSEMP by the Contractor at all its active construction sites and project related
23. Responsibility of daily management for environmental monitoring and implementation of
the SSEMP and SSHSMP will be given to the Environmental Management Officer and
H&S Officer of the contractors. Each officer will have direct authority from the Project
Manager to give instruction to all site staff regarding environmental & Safety issues.
24. the contractor will hire one H&S Officer and will be available onsite on daily bases and
responsible for maintaining safety and protection against HS accidents and maintaining
the HSE logbook to record near misses and accidents. Moreover, the Contractors shall
establish and maintain the first aid facilities and appoint medical practitioners at the main
25. In addition to that the contractor will hire social development officer and focal persons from
the community to record and resolution of grievances related to social issues including
access roads, land acquisition, disturbance to people and utilities and unauthorized use
of private land by the contractor.
26. The Safeguards Unit (SU) of TransKarachi led by Manager Environment and Social
Safeguards (MESS) consist of Assistant Manager (AM) Resettlement, AM Gender &
Community Mobilization and AM Environment and AM Bus Industry Transition is
responsible for safeguard related tasks at PMU level. Environmental and social
compliance staff organizational chart for the project including TK, PMCSC, and CCs teams
at project level is given below in Figure 3:
27. The organizational chart for key management staff of PMCSC is given below in Figure 4;
while the organizational chart for key management staff of ZKB is given below in Figure
Figure 4: Organizational Chart of the PMCSC
Figure 5: Contractor (ZKB) Project Management Staff for lot#1
2.3 Project Activities During Current Reporting Period
37. Overall staff hired by the contractor ZKB in December 2021 for the project is given below
in Table 3:
Lot#1 (ZKB Contractor)
Total number of employees – 101
Foreign staff – 0
Local Pakistan staff (total) – 101
Table 3: Information of personnel working at site during reporting period (Lot#1)
1 Project Manager 1 1
2 Project Coordinator 1 1
3 Planning Head 1 1
Manager HSE 1 1
5 Quantity Surveyor 1 1
Assistant Quantity
6 1 1
7 Planning Engineer 1 1
Assistant Planning
8 1 1
9 Chief Surveyor 1 1
10 Senior Surveyor 1 1
11 Surveyor 2 2
12 AutoCAD Operator 1 1
13 Survey Helper 4 4
14 Office Engineer 1 1
Environmental / Asset.
15 1 1
Manager HSE
16 MEP In-charge 1 1
17 Material Engineer 1 1
Deputy Project
18 2 2
19 Construction Manager 4 4
20 QS/QC Manager 2 2
Site Engineer
22 4 4
Site Engineer
23 4 4
24 Site Supervisor 12 12
25 Foreman 10 10
26 Laboratory Staff 19 19
27 HSE Staff 15 15
38. The graphical presentation of number of foreign and local staff hired by the contractor ZKB
is shown in the figures 6.
40. The hiring process for third party i.e., external monitoring consultants i.e., Associate
Environmental Monitoring Specialist, Senior Environmental Monitoring Specialist,
Associate Social Safeguard Specialist & Senior Social Safeguard Specialist was
advertised on ADB-CMS portal in December and shortlisting will be completed in January
and submission 1 will be sent to ADB for approval in February 2022. It is expected that all
the external monitoring consultants are to be mobilized in 1st week of April 2022.
42. No changes to the agreed construction methods were approved during the reporting
43. During the daily monitoring, the Engineer’s environmental specialists will check the
environmental impacts caused by the construction activities and the compliance with the
requirements of EMP and conditions of contracts.
44. In case the non-compliance is detected (with the photo evidence) it would be recorded,
and the Contractor will be informed in written by issuing the Non-Compliance Report
(NCR) to take corrective actions. Contractor is required to take the corrective action during
the time period mentioned in the NCR. Engineer’s environmental expert will follow up for
the corrective action and inspect the site. if during the inspection the Contractor fails to
satisfy about the corrective actions, another NCR will be issued. Sample NCR and
Corrective Required are attached as Annex-2.
45. The Engineer’s environmental specialists will prepare the monthly and semi-annual
reports that would be submitted to the TK. These reports depict the ongoing construction
activities, environmental issues, and the status of compliance. Contractors to submit the
monthly EMR as set in the EIA for lot1.
46. Environmental Management Officer of the contractor and the engineer will conduct daily
site visits to monitor the compliance of EMP. In addition to that H&S officer of the
contractor will monitor the compliance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), traffic
safety and the other safety related issues on daily basis. Daily Health, Safety and
Environmental (HSE) report would be the part of Monthly Progress Report.
47. No site audit was carried out as there is no official commencement date of the project.
PMCSC designed a sample check list for site inspection attached as Annex-5.
3.4 Trends
50. No unanticipated environmental impacts observed during the reporting period; however,
continuous outbreak of Covid-19, the fourth wave in the world causing serious
consequence to human health, and in terms of increasing cost of the project and slow
development progress. Both the contractors required to take actively protective measures
against COVID-19. and following the recommendations related to COVID -19 issued by
relevant Authorities. Both the Contractors need to distribute “Coronavirus Protection
Manual” among the staff, and provide the PPEs, face mask, disposable hand sanitizer,
and disinfecting the working areas regularly. CCs to ensure to take temperature for
everyone twice per day. The record for temperature checking and screening of workers
for the Covid-19 tests should be maintained in a separate journal/ file and to be updated
on daily basis.
51. Both the contractors for lot#1 and Lot# 2 are required to monitor the parameter for air,
noise and vibration and ground water quality as set in the environmental Instrumental
monitoring Matrix, Table 7-10, of the EIA by certified laboratory at preconstruction level to
confirm the base line conditions. During construction, contractor will perform monthly
instrumental monitoring or event basis such as complaints from locals etc. and biweekly
monitoring for air quality. The details for monitoring parameters, applicable standards,
sampling locations, and frequency of monitoring is given in Table 5 for lot 1 and lot 2.
Table 5: Environment Monitoring Matrix for Lot 1 and Lot 2
Project Objective of Parameters to Measurements Location Frequency Responsibility
Activity and Monitoring be Monitored
At sensitive
Noise To receptor
A-weighted Bi- weekly
Disturbance determine Ambient noise locations
noise or as
due to noise excess noise level near key along the Contractor’s
levels – needed to
from and need for receptors along project EMO, CSC EO
Leq one-hr over determine
construction noise project corridor corridor
24 hr period impact
activity abatement adjacent to
ongoing work
52. No instrumental monitoring was carried out during the reporting period as the project is at
preconstruction stage; however, the CC for lot# 1 is in a process of hiring the certified lab
for monitoring of preconstruction baseline conditions.
53. Status of compliance with environmental safeguards related covenants in the Project’s
Loan Agreement signed between Government of Pakistan and ADB on 19 June 2020 1 is
summarized in Table 6.
ADB. Loan Agreement (Ordinary Operations for Loan PAK 3799) between Islamic Republic of Pakistan of Pakistan
and ADB for BRT RED LINE Project . https://www.adb.org/projects/documents/pak-47279-002-lna
Table 6. Loan Agreement Compliance Status
Schedule Paragraph Covenant Compliance Status
Environment Ongoing
The borrower shall ensure and cause the Project is at
Project Executing Agency and Implementing preconstruction stage
Agency to ensure that the preparation, and commencement
design, construction, implementation, date has not been yet
operation and decommissioning of the project announced.
and all project facilities comply with
4 17 a. All applicable laws and regulations of the EIA approved by
borrower and project executing agency SEPA on October 26,
related to environment health and safety 2020.
b. The environment safeguard
c. All measures, and requirement set forth in
the EIA, the EMP, and any corrective or
preventive actions set forth in the Monitoring
Safeguard- Related Provisions in Bidding Being complied with
Documents and Works Contracts:
EMP as a part of
Borrower shall ensure and cause the Project
bidding documents
Executing Agency and Implementing Agency
and budget allocated
to ensure that all bidding documents and
for environment and
contracts to works contain provisions that
social measures
require contractor to
a. Comply with the measures relevant to the
contractor set forth in the EIA, EMP, and
RP and any corrective or preventive
4 22 actions set forth in a safeguard monitoring
b. Make available a budget for all such
environment and social measures
c. Provide the borrower with written notice of
any unanticipated environment or
resettlement risk or impacts that arise
during construction, implementation, or
operation of the project that were not
considered in the EIA, the EMP, and the
Safeguards Monitoring and Reporting On going
57. No information reported regarding any incident during the reporting period
58. No information reported regarding any incident related to community health and safety.
59. No information reported regarding worker’s Health and safety during the reporting period
4.6 Trainings
60. No training was carried out during the reporting period; however, contractor will carry out
induction trainings for the staff and will provide attendance sheet to PMCSC.
61. Contractor is required to develop and implement the mechanism to resolve the
environmental complaints by the communities. For this purpose, contractor will develop a
24-hour operational hotline, nominate the focal persons to log the complaints, maintain
complaints register and resolution of the complaints.
62. Following arrangements have been made at PMU level for effective implementation of the
GRM during the reporting period:
- GRC Notified
- Hotline number Issued 111-872-756
- Complaint E-mail ID generated and disclosed
- Compliant Boxes Installed at different places including TransKarachi, PMCSC office
and available in stock for further installations
- Complaint Register available in TransKarachi Office
- GRM disclosed during consultation with DPs
- Complaint filing procedure advertised in the newspaper
- No complaint received to date
63. No complaint registered to date as construction have not been yet started. GRM complaint
log sample attached as annexure -4.
64. Contractor for Lot# 1 has started to prepare the SSEMPs with assistance from the
international environmental safeguard expert of the PMCSC. PMCSC will endorse the
SSEMPs, and TK will approve the SSEMPs. The Copy of SSEMPs and its sub-plans will
be available at PMCSC as well as contractor’s office for the implementation.
65. Topic Specific-EMPs (TSEMPs) include the followings as given in the EIA:
Topic and Site-Specific Plans:
66. Other sub-plans may need to address other aspects of construction deemed necessary
by the PMCSC, tree planting and management; borrow areas; construction camps; water
management; emergency response; training; local recruitment and hiring; security; fuel
and hazardous materials management; and materials handling and storage, and other
sub-plans as defined by the CSC.
67. In accordance with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Safeguard Policy Statement 2009
(SPS) and the loan or grant agreement between ADB and the borrower, the borrower is
required to assess implications of unanticipated risks and impacts under the project; and
to identify and implement necessary risk mitigation measures. Taking in to account the
unanticipated event of outbreak of pandemic infectious disease of COVID 19 causing large
number of people sick and reported deaths, travel restrictions, lockdowns, workplace
hazard and facility closures. CC required to prepare the Risk Assessment Covid-19, and
Updated COVID-19 Protection Plan.
68. The Contractor for Lot# 1 has started to prepare the Site-specific Health Safety
Management Plan with assistance from HSE Engineer of the PMCSC. PMCSC will
endorse the SSHSMP, and TK will approve the SSHSMP. The Copy of SSHSMP will be
available at PMCSC as well as contractor’s office for the implementation.
69. The permitting status of environment related reports of redline KBRT from the SEPA and
lenders is given in Table 7.
Table 7: Permitting status of Environmental Reports
Project EIA/IEE
Component Requirements
Main Corridor EIA Main Approved EIA is disclosed on ADB website since July
Corridor 2019, and SEPA has also accorded NOC on October 26,
Common EIA Common Approved EIA is available on ADB website since July
Corridor Corridor 2019, and the final EIA will be submitted to SEPA after
finalization of the Common Corridor red line BRT design.
Stagging IEE Stagging Approved IEE published on ADB website since July 2019,
Facility Facility and the same will be submitted to SEPA for issuance of
NOC after design finalization.
Biogas IEE Biogas Approved IEE study for Biogas Plant is disclosed on ADB
website in December 2021, and the same will be
submitted to SEPA for issuance of NOC after design
Assessment Approved EARF is disclosed on ADB website since June
and Review 2019.
70. No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Sindh EPA has been accorded on 26.10.2020. An
action plan to address the conditions set in the approval of EIA from SEPA and status of
compliance describing the responsibilities is given in the Table 8.
Table 8: Action Plan and Compliance Status for Implementation of SEPA-NOC Conditions
EMMP EMMP included in the tender for During Bid Included TransKarachi TransKarachi
Implementation compliance preparation
Stormwater A plan will be prepared soon after After Mobilization In process Contractor PMCSC/
2 drainage mobilization of the contractor. for lot# 1 TransKarachi
Trees One cut of tree will be required to when required To be Contractor PMCSC/
plant 5 trees, implemented TransKarachi
3 at
Traffic Diversion Traffic plan will be prepared soon After Mobilization Under Contractor PMCSC/
4 Plan after mobilization of the contractor. preparation TransKarachi
for Lot# 1
Solid waste & A plan will be prepared soon after After Mobilization Under Contractor PMCSC/
6 sewage mobilization of the contractor. Preparation TransKarachi
for Lot 1
Ambient Air & Monthly Monitoring at construction Monthly Hiring of lab Contractor PMCSC/
Noise site. under TransKarachi
process for
Lot# 1
Effluent from Wastewater provisions in design During Design included Designer TransKarachi
BRT stations
Disposal of Approved EPA contractor will be After Mobilization CC to start Contractor PMCSC/
solid waste from hired for disposal of solid waste at hiring TransKarachi
approved EPA designated site.
Civil works must All structures are designed as per During Design Design Consultant PMCSC/
10 comply with UBC-2B. TransKarachi
UBC-2B Complied
HSE setup at Soon after mobilization of the Throughout Initiated by Contractor PMCSC/
13 site contractor. Construction CC for Lot# TransKarachi
Unfortunate Compensation will be paid as per when required N/A at this Contractor PMCSC/
14 incidents Contract Agreement/ insurance stage TransKarachi
compensation claim.
advanced pilling construction methodology when required To be Contractor PMCSC/
technique implemented TransKarachi
at start of
Submission of Soon after mobilization of the After Mobilization Under TransKarachi TransKarachi
Construction contractor. preparation
schedule to by CC for
SEPA Lot# 1
Operational Will be taken before start of the after N/A at this TransKarachi TransKarachi
22 approval from operations of KBRT project. Commissioning stage
71. Contractor making efforts to find suitable places for the project related facilities meeting
the criteria set in the EIA and applicable national standards.
72. CC for Lot# 1 has mobilized their Environmental Management Officer to prepare SSEMP
73. CC for Lot# 1 will mobilize the Health & Safety Officer in coming month to prepare the
7.1 Summary
74. There is no official start of construction for both lot#1 and Lot#2 during the reporting period. Currently, the contractor is
identifying the sites for project related facilities, preparing the documents, and applying for the necessary approvals from the
concerned authorities and in a process of mobilizing the staff and machinery
7.2 Recommendations
75. The project is at Preconstruction stage and in the coming half year Contractor is anticipated to carry out the preliminary work
for the construction of primary facilities including campsites, temporary access roads, warehouses, batching plants, engineer’s
office, workshops, laboratory, rebar area etc. Following table summarize the recommended mitigation measures which
contractor is required to adopt in the 1st and 2nd quarter of 2022 to meet the requirement furnished in the EMP:
Sr. No. Activity Responsibility Timeline
1 SSEMP and site specific subplans CC Q1 2022
Environmental Monitoring for air, noise & vibration, CC Q1 2022
ground water quality as set in environmental monitoring
plans for both lot#1 and Lot#2 to confirm the baseline
conditions before start of construction
Obtain the approvals for the Project related facilities, TK Q1 and Q2 2022
relocation of utilities, use of state land from the
concerned authorities as set in the EIA and National
4 Identification of the sites for the temporary facilities CC Q1 and Q2 2022
5 Ensure fully functioning GRM is in place and test it TK Q1 and Q2 2022
Contractor to employ other key EHS professionals as per CC Q1 2022
requirements in Contract
7 Regular trainings and inductions for new staff CC Q1 and Q2 2022
Continued liaison with local communities and hopefully TK/CC Q1 and Q2 2022
proactive work to gain trust of locals
9 Gage potential for local employment for unskilled labor CC Q1 and Q2 2022
Ensure temporary access roads are fully planned and TK/CC Q1 and Q2 2022
discussed with relevant authorities, communities
CC to start preparation of monthly monitoring reports as CC May 2022 and onwards
Agreement with the licensed contractors to collect the CC Q1 2022
MSW and hazardous waste
Contract with security company for security CC Q1 2022
arrangements of the project site
Arrangements of Medical practitioner along with first aid CC Q1 and Q2 2022
14 facilities and contact with the nearest wellbeing facility for
timely services
Arrangement of firefighting system must be at place at all CC Q1 and Q2 2022
15 campsites and active construction sites during project
preparatory stage
Provision of solid waste bins and lavatories with sufficient CC Q1 and Q2 2022
16 water availability for the workers to be involved in project
preparatory works
Provision of drip trays for secondary containment for CC Q1 and Q2 2022
each generator to be at site
Provision of workplace safety Instructions in front of CC Q1 2022
18 workstation to guide the workers based on the type of
work being carried out
Annex 1: Photographs
Meeting between PMCSC and CC for lot 1 to discuss SSEMP, SSHSMP and Primary facilities
Meeting of PMCSC with TransKarachi safeguard team to discuss the social and environmental
Annex 2: Non-Conformance Report (NCR) and Corrective Action Required (CAR)
Location : Section/Km : :
Description of
Minor Non-Conformance (Reporting shall be done for information and remedial action implemented)
Major Non-Conformance (Remedial action to be implemented after Engineer's written acceptance for CAR)
Progress Not Allowed Allowed After Acceptance of CAR After Close of CAR
Disposition Proposal:
Picture, Sketch
Attachment :
Construction of Karachi BRT Project Red Line
CAR.No: Issue Date: Related NCR No:
Location : Section/Km : :
Cause of Deficiency:
The above condition requires Contractor's prompt attention for correction and resolution within 6 days
Prepared by Approved by
Contractor Engineer
Date : Date :
Signature: Signature :
Contractor Engineer
Date : Date :
Signature: Signature :
Above Corrective Action has been implemented and verified and this CAR has been closed out
Name, Sirname : Date : Signature:
Annex 3: HSE Logbook (Sample)
Annex 4: Grievance Redress Mechanism Complaint Log (Sample)
Annex 5: Check List for Field Monitoring (Sample)
Project: Construction of Karachi BRT Red Line Project
1. Contractor Staffing
1.1. Approved environmental
coordinator available at site?
1.2. Community liaison officer was
available at site?
1.3. Health & safety officer was
available at site?
1.4. Licensed Doctor was available at
1.5. Approved Safety supervisor
available at Site?
1.6. Human resource officer was
available at site?
1.7. Approved Doctor was available at
site during this month
1.8. Environmental Technicians
2. Contractor Plans
2.1. Has the contractor provided the
insurance of the staff?
2.2. Has the Layout plan of main
campsite submitted and
2.3. Have layout plan for each site
submitted and approved
2.4. Does the main campsite identify
the location of the landfill site and
that is 1000 feet away from the
2.5. Are storage areas marked on
layout plan?
2.6. Has a code of conduct been
2.7. Has an emergency plan prepared
and accepted?
2.8. Has the traffic management plan
submitted and approved?
2.9. Spoil management plan
submitted and approved, and
necessary permit obtained?
2.10. Waste management plan
submitted and approved?
2.11. Community complaint register
has been placed at all the sites
and is being updated?
2.12. Written agreement for using the
privately-owned land submitted to
the CSC
2.13. Has the communication strategy
in place
2.14. Are the contractor internal
monitoring up to date
2.15. Has an environmental awareness
and training plan submitted and
3. Air Pollution Control
3.1. Are the construction sites
watered to minimize dust
3.2. Are stockpiles of dusty materials
(size with more than 20 bags
cement) covered or watered?
3.3. Are Cement debagging process
undertaken in sheltered areas
3.4. Are all vehicles carrying dusty
loads covered/watered over prior
to leaving the site?
3.5. Are demolition work areas
watered? (e.g. trimming activities
by using breaker)
3.6. Are dusty roads paved and/or
sprayed with water?
3.7. Are dust controlled during
percussive drilling or rock
3.8. Are batching/ asphalt plant and
equipment well maintained? (Any
black smoke observed, please
indicate the plant/equipment and
3.9. Is dark smoke controlled from
3.10. Are there enclosures around the
main dust-generating activities?
(e.g., grout mixing)
3.11. Hoarding/ fencing (not <2.4m)
provided along boundaries and
properly maintained (any damage
/ opening observed, please
indicate the location).
3.12. Are speed control measures
applied? (e.g., speed limit sign)
3.13. Others (please specify)
5. Noise Control
5.1. Is the CNP (Construction Noise
Permit) valid for work during
restricted hours?
5.2. Are copies of the valid
Construction Noise Permits
posted at site entrance/exit?
5.3. Do air compressors and
generators operate with doors
5.4. Is idle plant/equipment turned off
or throttled down?
5.5. Do air compressors and hand-
held breakers have valid noise
emission labels (NEL)?
5.6. Any noise mitigation measures
adopted (e.g., use noise barrier /
5.7. Are silenced equipment utilized?
5.8. Placement of generator
/compressors to create less
disturbance to workers/
6. Waste Management
6.1. Is the site kept clean and tidy?
(e.g., litter free, good
6.2. Are separate chutes used for
inert and non-inert wastes?
6.3. Are separated labelled containers
/ areas provided for facilitating
recycling and waste segregation?
6.4. Are construction wastes /
recyclable wastes and general
refuse removed off site regularly?
6.5. Are constructions wastes
collected and disposed of
properly by licensed collectors?
6.6. Are chemical wastes, if any,
collected and disposed of
properly by licensed collectors?
6.7. Does chemical waste producer
license cover all major chemical -
wastes produced on site?
6.8. Are chemical wastes properly
stored and labelled?
6.9. Are oil drums and
plants/equipment’s provided with
drip trays?
6.10. Are drip trays free of oil and
6.11. Is there any oil spillage? Clean-
up the contaminated soil
6.12. Is litter, foam or other
objectionable matters in nearby
water drain/sewer cleaned?
6.13. Are asbestos wastes handled by
registered professionals?
6.14. Are oil rags observed in the
6.15. Others (please specify)
9. Resource Conservation
9.1. Is water recycled wherever
possible for dust suppression?
9.2. Is water pipe leakage and
wastage prevented?
9.3. Are diesel-powered plants and
equipment shut off while not in
use to reduce excessive use?
9.4. Are energy conservation
practices adopted?
9.5. Are gas and other alternatives
used to minimize the use of
9.6. Are materials stored in good
condition to prevent deterioration
and wastage (e.g., covered,
9.7. Are pesticides used under the
requirement of Agriculture,
Fishers and Conservation
9.8. Others (please specify)
11. HSE
11.1. Are warning taps, flags are
11.2. Are detours provided for traffic
and watered regularly for dust
11.3. Are barricading provided for
excavation, trenches etc.
11.4. Are there arrangement for onsite
traffic control for example use of
speed limits, flagman etc.
11.5. Are there Locked area available
for hazardous material
11.6. Are the fuel storage area
covered and tanks are properly
buried or placed on properly built
11.7. Are firefighting system in place at
active site and camp site/
11.8. Are there Provisions of first aid
kit and arrangements of the
medical practitioner and the
contact number displayed for
doctors and ambulances?
11.9. Are there drinking water
available at sites and camps in
the form of dispenser/ coolers
11.10. Are there fans/ coolers are
available at site and camps for
11.11. Are the wastewater discharged
through Septic tanks?
11.12. Are the sufficient Lavatories and
Showers with reasonable
quantity of water is available for
the workers, campsites, and
subcontractor campsite?
11.13. Are potable water of good quality
and quantity available at site?
11.14. Are there provisions of clean
eating area, gas cylinder, stoves
available at site?
11.15. Are there hazards present of
working at high, slip and falls
11.16. Are there any chance of struck
by objects and moving
machinery? The area needs to
confine by warning tap or
11.17. Are workers have available the
PPEs for head protection, eye
protection, face protection, body
protection, feet protection, hand
protection and properly trained to
use it?
11.18. Are the warning signs for speed
limit /use of speed control
devices at place?
11.19. Are the workplace properly
illuminated for work and lighting
arrangement at place?
11.20. Is there proper air supply for
workers such as fans, cooler
11.21. Is the sites access restricted to
avoid trespassing?
11.22. Area the signboards at place for
electrical devices, compressor
rooms, material, safety
measures, emergency exits, and
the signage are according to
International Standards?
11.23. Are the equipment containing
hazardous substance properly
labelled such as piper color
coding? and communication of
hazard at place
11.24. Are the power cords and
extension cords are protected
from traffic by shielding or
suspending above traffic areas?
11.25. Are the no approach zones
established around or under high
voltage power lines?
11.26. All the electrical cords, cables,
and hand powers tools are
checked for fray or exposed
11.27. Are the welder goggles/ full-face
eye shield are provided to the
workers involved in Welding / hot
works? Additionally, fire
extinguishers are at place?
11.28. Are the workers constantly
involved in the nature of work
involving repetitive motion/
manual handling? If so, they
must work in revolving shifts?
11.29. Are there any chances of
biological hazards due
unhygienic conditions such as
spread of dengue fever?
11.30. Are there any Hazards related to
contaminated land by oil/
chemical spills etc.?
11.31. Are the workplace safety
instruction at place of work/
12. Community Prevention Health &
12.1. Is Grievance Redress
mechanism at place? Any
complaint registers?
12.2. Any awareness raising programs
and procedural adaptation to
minimize the traffic related
accidents of workers and
12.3. Are there any deterioration of
existing roads due to movement
of heavy machinery and any
rehabilitation work being carried
12.4. Are there water pounding
creating habitat for mosquitoes
breeding especially near
batching and asphalt plants?
12.5. Are there any water quality and
quantity disruption affecting
12.6. Is there any access restriction by
combination of institutional/
administration control to site and
camps, fencing, signage?
12.7. Are there any uncovered
opening? or open trench left
creating the fall hazard
12.8. Is there free access to
hazardous material? If any that
must be locked and restricted
12.9. Are there any chances of
Pedestrian interaction with
12.10. Are there any vector born and
communicable diseases among
the workers and communities?
12.11. Are there construction activities
effecting the business of locals?
12.12. Any Other?
Annex 6: Meetings, Correspondence and Site Visits
(Extracted from MPR Nov 2021)