Greek Architecture Watercolor/sculpture Assignment

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Greek Architecture

Watercolor/sculpture assignment…

I. Introduction to different types of columns……watch video on

the Parthenon and answer questions relating to this video…
Read the brochure information and go through terms
Fill in handout on the parts of each column.
**This will be part of your semester test!
** Cut out a column and write 5 definitions from the handout
II. Choose an old record album to cut up for watercolor project.
Arrange and glue onto the large piece of paper. Draw the
variegated lines for the landscape. Draw one column from each
order (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian). USE a ruler!!!
If there is time begin water coloring and outlining the columns and landscape

III. Continue to watercolor until completed

Introduce the sculptural part of the assignment. Using soup
cans and a piece of cardboard ..construct a Corinthian column
from sculpey
1. How many columns were on each end of the Parthenon?

2. How many along the sides?

3. What were some of the optical illusions used to make them appear more

4. What are the crepidoma and the stylobate?

5. What were they made of?

6. What optical refinements were used? Why?

7. What are the entablature, frieze, triglyph and metope?

8. What were found in the metopes along the outer sides of the Parthenon?

9. What was specifically depicted in the metopes on the north end?

10.What was found in the frieze along the four outside walls of the naos?

11.What was the pediment?

12.What did archaeologists find at each pediment?

13.How were these sculptures decorated?

14.What was the roof made of?

Define the following:
1. Acropolis –

2. Ancient –

3. Classical –

4. Colonnade –

5. Mythology –
Greek rubric…
5 definitions are written on a cut paper column(15)
Handouts completed and turned in(50)
At least 3 pieces of an album cover is used(no larger than 3” wide(15)
3 (12”) columns are drawn neatly on a paper(one of each)(15)
Entire space is watercolored neatly in a landscape style (25)
Work is turned in on time(10)

Extra credit…(this will not count toward the main watercolor assignment)
1. Create a replica Corinthian capital from a small can, cardboard and sculpey
50 pts.

2. Make a Greek type bowl using either a geometric, red or black style of
decorating the outside with images used on typical Greek pottery.
50 pts

3. Create a small model of the goddess of Athena and write an essay

describing her importance to the Greeks(ex.what did she represent to
50 pts

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