Pharmaceutical Organizations - Compatibility Mode - 1

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v Bind themselves towards attaining the same goal and objectives for
the upliftment of pharmacy as a profession.
v Improve the pharmacy services in the delivery of better patient care.
vAssociations act through the collective voice of the members to set
PHARMACEUTICAL standards of practice and conduct for the profession.


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Federacion Internationale Pharmaceutique (FIP)
The different organizations were established either
on: Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations
1. International level Philippine Pharmacists Association (PPhA)
2. Nation level
Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
3. Local level (PACOP)
4. Field of specialization Federation of Junior Chapters of the Philippine
Pharmaceutical Association (FJCPPhA)
Department of Health League of Pharmacists

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Philippine Society Of Hospital Pharmacists (PSHP)
Colegio Medico Farmaceutico de Filipinas, Inc.
Drugstore Association of the Philippines (DSAP)
Philippine Association of Pharmacists in
Pharmaceutical Industry (PAPPI)
Community Pharmacist Association of the Philippines

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Industrial Pharmacist Association of the Philippines (IPAP)
Philippine Association of Pharmacists in Veterinary Industry
Young Pharmacists Group (YPG)
Cosmetic Health and Wellness Pharmacists Association, Inc.
Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association of the Philippines
Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP)
Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP)

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• International pharmaceutical federation

• To promote and defend the interest of the profession
• FIP has among its objectives the development of
pharmacy at the international level both in the
professional and in the scientific fields and the
extension of the role of the pharmacists in the field of
health care.
• The International Pharmacy Journal is the official organ
of FIP.

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Indonesian Pharmacist Association

Indian Pharmaceutical Association
Japan Pharmaceutical Association
Korean Pharmaceutical Association
It is a professional organization of Asian Malaysian Pharmaceutical Association
pharmacists. The federation was founded in 1964 with Mongolian Pharmaceutical Association
its headquarters based in Manila, Philippines.
Nepal Pharmacy Council

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Pakistan Pharmaceutical Association

Pharmaceutical Society of Sri Lanka
Pharmaceutical Association of Thailand under Royal Patronage
Pharmacists Association of Cambodia
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
Philippine Pharmaceutical Association
Pharmaceutical Society of Hongkong
Vietnam Pharmaceutical Association
Pharmaceutical Society of Taiwan
Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore

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organizing regular professional and scientific meetings

establishing close contact with the World Health Organization,
the International Pharmaceutical Federation, and other allied combating the illegal practice of pharmacy and the sale of
organizations medicaments by people who are not qualified, by encouraging
control over the sale of proprietary remedies, and by opposing
studying questions relating to pharmaceutical education
trading in secret remedies
collecting the documents dealing with the practice of pharmacy
publishing materials of interest to pharmacy in a general way
in every Asian country and by communicating to its members
records of progress in the scientific and practical field of supporting anything which may lead to the attainment of the
pharmacy, in cooperation with governmental and private objectives of the federation
encouraging the development of pharmaceutical sources and
their practical applications
studying the statutory provisions and procuring advice and
information about pharmaceutical legislation

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To encourage the study of pharmacy, pharmaceutical chemistry,

and allied subjects and diffuse scientific knowledge among its
It is national profession organization of members in order to raise the standards of the pharmaceutical
profession in the Philippines
pharmacists. It is considered as the mother
association with which other associations of To stimulate scientific investigations
pharmacists and pharmacy students are affiliated. It To foster research on Philippine medicinal plants
was founded in 1920. The official publication of To improve close relationship among pharmacists and between
the pharmacists and the public with a view to obtaining the
PPhA is the Hygeian. greatest efficiency in the Philippines
To improve the local market for drugs, chemicals, and
pharmaceutical manufacturing in the Philippines

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To work for the adoption of the formulae of official and widely

used non-official preparations of the publication of the
Philippine Pharmacopeia and Formulary
To maintain the dignity of the profession by adhering to the
ethical and professional standards and defending and protecting It is an association of duly government
any member whose professional right is infringed recognized colleges of pharmacy in the
To publicly maintain a scientific and professional journal which Philippines represented by their deans who are
shall be the official organ of the association
To work for the establishment of a cooperative for retail
the regular members. Associate members are
pharmacists and to encourage the members of the association composed of licensed pharmacists who are
to engage in wholesale merchandising of drugs and medicines
faculty members of duly recognized colleges of
pharmacy, while the pharmacy students are the
auxiliary members.

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To work for the enhancement and continuous development of

pharmaceutical education in order that the profession will be of
maximum service to the country
To encourage scholarship. Professional growth, research, and solidarity
among its members
To take a united stand in matters which affect the interest of the
pharmacy profession It is composed of pharmacy student officers from
different schools of duly recognized colleges of
pharmacy. Officers of FJCPPhA are elected every
school year and their advisers are appointed by PPhA.

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To promote greater participation in the activities of the

Philippine Pharmaceutical Association
To foster closer relationship among pharmacy students,
the pharmacists, and the public and obtain harmony and
To promote interest among the pharmacy students in
scientific investigation by visits to pharmaceutical It is a professional association of licensed
laboratories, industrial concerns, educational films, pharmacists working in government and private
expositions, lectures, and programs hospitals as hospital pharmacists. It was founded in
To uphold ethical and professional standards, defend, and 1962. Its official organ is The PSHP Bulletin.
protect any member whose right is infringed

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• the promotion and development of hospital pharmacists as

effective implementing arms in the hospital administration
• to update members of the latest trends in hospital pharmacy
• to intensify their knowledge of current drug and drug therapy
• to improve their skills in managerial aspects
• to improve their image in the hospital It is a professional organization of
• to raise the standards of the pharmacy profession. doctors and pharmacists who are
• These all lead to the goals of the Philippine Society of Hospital members of the Manila Medical Society
Pharmacists per se which are patient care, education, and the Manila Pharmaceutical Society.
research, and community service.

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To foster the welfare and interest of the members of

the medical and pharmaceutical professions
To promote the continued interest pertaining to the
medical and pharmaceutical sciences
It is an organization of drugstore owners or
To motivate the doctors and pharmacists to keep those who manage drugstores.
abreast of recent developments in their health fields
through publications, symposia, and assemblies

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Educational – by sponsoring a continuing pharmaceutical educational

Social – by mobilizing the association’s resources in answer to the
growing health needs of society
Economics – by contributing to the economic upliftment of the society
through a productive pharmaceutical industry
It is a professional association of licensed
pharmacists working in the industry or manufacturing
firms. The general aim and objective of the association
shall be to organize and unite all duly licensed
pharmacists registered with the Professional Regulation
Commission-Board of Pharmacy and to work for the
upliftment of their role in the field of the
pharmaceutical industry
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It is a professional organization of
It is an association of licensed pharmacists
licensed pharmacists who are working in
working in private or chain of community
government agencies like the Department pharmacies.
of Health, Bureau of Food and Drugs
Administration, and government hospitals.

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The Association is composed of the industrial/corporate pharmacists

from the medical services department of various private and government
institutions such as:
• Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) PAPVI is a professional group of registered
• Center for Health Services Inc. (CHSI) pharmacists in the veterinary industry, committed to its
• Manila Health Department (MHD) role in dealing with veterinary drugs and products in
• Philippine Air Lines (PAL) relation to supply, chain, quality control, sales,
• Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) marketing and regulatory aspects.
• Philippine Women’s University (PWU)
• Quezon City Health Department (QCHD)
• Social Security System (SSS)
• Supreme Court of the Philippines (SCP)

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An association composed of local and

Connecting, empowering, and developing multinational pharmaceutical
young Filipino pharmacists for leadership and manufacturers, traders, distributors, and
excellence. retailers.

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The original name is the East Asia Conference in

Developing Clinical Pharmacy Practice and
Education (EACDCPPE). The idea of ACCP came
from Asian pharmacists who were looking for a
practical conference in which they could
exchange and share ideas on the concept of
clinical pharmacy.



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