CASA Account Opening Form A205 Non Individual
CASA Account Opening Form A205 Non Individual
CASA Account Opening Form A205 Non Individual
Instructions: 1. Please fill in BLOCK letters only. Leave one box blank between words/names 2. Tick() the appropriate boxes 3. Fields marked with asterix (*) are mandatory
I/We Request you to open an Account as per the details furnished herewith
Mode of Operation*
Single Severally Jointly As per Resolution (Give Details)
Deliverables to be sent to: Correspondence/Local Address of Legal entity (or) Registered Office Address of Legal entity
Digital Banking-Value Added Services (#ATM/Debit Card facility is available for Proprietorship and HUF Accounts)
Account of the applicant entity will be enabled with digital channel services including Debit card, Retail Net Banking, Corporate Net Banking, Mobile
Banking, SMS alerts, E-mail alerts/statements.
If you want to avail any of the said services, please tick () the appropriate boxes
ATM/Debit Card# Retail Corporate Mobile SMS Alerts E-mail Alerts E-mail Statements
Net Banking* Net Banking** Banking (nominal charges apply) (Monthly)
* Retail Net Banking is allowed only for Proprietorship, One person companies and Individuals
** Corporate Net Banking is allowed only for corporate Entities. If Corporate Net Banking is selected, the Annexure for Corporate Net Banking also to be attached with AOF.
I/We authorise Bank to use my/our credentials including KYC documents also and personal data available with the Bank and to share the same with Bank’s authorised vendors/service providers,
for provision/activation of the above products/services. Also authorise Bank and its registered vendor to contact us.
Signature(s) of Applicant(s) Signature/Thumb Impression of 1st Applicant with seal Signature/Thumb Impression of 2nd Applicant with seal Signature/Thumb Impression of 3rd Applicant with seal
Resolution/Letter of Mandate for CSB Internet Banking/Mobile Banking/Debit Card Facility for Corporate Accounts
Resolved that the CSB Internet Banking/Mobile Banking/Debit Card facility being offered by CSB BANK LIMITED be availed in my/our account. Further
resolved that Sri./Smt.
1. Applicable/Available only to Proprietory Concerns 2. Nominee has to be a Natural Person 3. To be signed by proprietor even if nomination is not required.
Name of Nominee
Address of Nominee
Signature of Proprietor
#Strike out if nominee is not a minor. In case of thumb impression of account holder, the same shall be attested by Branch Official under seal.
Change In Rules
The bank reserves the right to alter, delete or add to any of the Rules and/or service charges for which the customer will be duly notified. The detailed rules are available on the Banks website and/or branch notice board.
I/We hereby also affirm and declare that my/our mailing address is as indicated overleaf. I/We understand that the positive confirmation letter sent by the bank to that address, if
returned undelivered, may result in the bank stopping all operations of my/our account, without further notice.
Signature & Seal of Authorised Signatory Signature & Seal of Authorised Signatory Signature & Seal of Authorised Signatory
Tear here
We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your application for opening a Savings/Current Account as referred to above
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Bank official with seal
CSB Bank Limited - Regd. Office: CSB Bhavan, Post Box No.: 502, St. Mary’s College Road, Thrissur, Kerala 680 020
24x7 Toll-free: 1800 266 9090 | E-mail: | | CIN: L65191KL1920PLC000175