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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI- Davao Region
Schools Division of Davao City
Biao National High School
Biao Escuela, Tugbok District, Davao City


Name: __________________________ Date: _______ Score: ________


Answer the following problems.

a. The fee for hiring a guide to explore a cave P700. A guide can only take care of
maximum of 4 persons, and additional guides can be hired as needed. Represent the cost
of hiring guides as a function of the number of tourists who wish to explore the cave.

b. The cost of hiring a caterer service to serve food for a party is P150 per head for 20
persons or less, P130 per head for 21 to 50 persons, and P110 per head for 51 to 100
persons. For 100 or more persons, the cost is at P100 per head. Represent the total cost as
piecewise function of the number of attendees of the party.

c. A videoke machine can be rented for P1000 for 3 days, but for the fourth day onwards,
an additional cost of P400 per day is added. Represent the cost of renting a videoke
machine as a piecewise function of the number of days it is rented.


A. Which of the following mapping diagrams represent functions?

B. Identify the domain for each relation using set builder notation.
ANSWER of Worksheet No. _____




ANSWER of Supplemental Activity (Developing Mastery)

A. The relations fand gare functions because each value yin Yis unique for a specific

value of x. The relation his not a function because there is at least one element in X

for which there is more than one corresponding y-value. For example, x=7

corresponds to y= 11 or 13. Similarly, x=2 corresponds to both y=17 or 19.

A relation between two sets of numbers can be illustrated by a graph in the Cartesian

plane , and that a function passes the vertical line test.

B. The domains for the relations are as follows:

Rubric for Assessing Group Performance
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Mathematical 90-100% of the steps Almost all (85-89%) of Most (75-84%) of the More than 75% of the
Errors and solutions have no the steps and steps and solutions have steps and solutions
mathematical errors. solutions have no no mathematical errors. have mathematical
mathematical errors. errors.

Mathematical Explanation shows Explanation shows Explanation shows some Explanation shows
Concepts complete substantial understanding of the very limited
understanding of the understanding of the mathematical concepts understanding of the
mathematical mathematical needed to solve the underlying concepts
concepts used to concepts used to problem(s). needed to solve the
solve the problem(s). solve the problem(s). problem(s) OR is not

Neatness and The work is presented The work is presented The work is presented in The work appears
Organization in a neat, clear, in a neat and an organized fashion but sloppy and
organized fashion that organized fashion that may be hard to read at unorganized. It is hard
is easy to read. is usually easy to times. to know what
read. information goes

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