Section 6. Oscillators: Highlights

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Section 6. Oscillators
This section of the manual contains the following topics: 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 Introduction................................................................................................................ 6-2 Control Registers....................................................................................................... 6-3 Operation: Clock Generation and Clock Sources .................................................... 6-20 Interrupts.................................................................................................................. 6-35 Input/Output Pins ..................................................................................................... 6-37 Operation in Power-Saving Modes.......................................................................... 6-38 Effects of Various Resets......................................................................................... 6-39 Design Tips .............................................................................................................. 6-39 Related Application Notes ....................................................................................... 6-43 Revision History....................................................................................................... 6-44

2008 Microchip Technology Inc.


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PIC32MX Family Reference Manual

This section describes the PIC32MX oscillator system and its operation. The PIC32MX oscillator system has the following modules and features: A total of four external and internal oscillator options as clock sources On-chip PLL with user-selectable input divider, multiplier, and output divider to boost operating frequency on select internal and external oscillator sources On-chip user selectable divisor postscaler on select oscillator sources Software-controllable switching between various clock sources A Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM) that detects clock failure and permits safe application recovery or shutdown A simplified diagram of the oscillator system is shown in Figure 6-1. Figure 6-1: PIC32MX Family Clock Diagram

Primary Oscillator (POSC) div x OSCI UFIN PLL x24 div 2 UFRCEN UPLLEN XT, HS, EC PBCLK out available on OSCO pin in certain clock modes Peripherals 4 MHz d FIN d 5 MHz FIN div x PLL PLL Input Divider FPLLIDIV<2:0> COSC<2:0> div y XTPLL, HSPLL, ECPLL, FRCPLL Postscaler div x PBCLK USB Clock (48 MHz)

4 MHz d UFIN d 5 MHz PLLDIV<2:0>


FRC Oscillator 8 MHz typical

PLL Output Divider PLLODIV<2:0>


PLL Multiplier PLLMULT<2:0> FRC CPU & Select Peripherals

TUN<5:0> div 16 FRC /16



FRCDIV<2:0> LPRC Oscillator LPRC 32 kHz typical

Secondary Oscillator (SOSC) 32.768 kHz SOSCO SOSCEN and FSOSCEN SOSCI Clock Control Logic Fail-Safe Clock Monitor FSCM INT FSCM Event SOSC


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Section 6. Oscillators 6


The Oscillator module consists of the following Special Function Registers (SFRs): OSCCON: Control Register for the Oscillator module OSCCONCLR, OSCCONSET, OSCCONINV: Atomic Bit Manipulation Write-only Registers for OSCCON register OSCTUN: FRC Tuning Register for the Oscillator module OSCTUNCLR, OSCTUNSET, OSCTUNINV: Atomic Bit Manipulation Write-only Registers for OSCTUN register The Oscillator module also has the following associated bits for interrupt control: Interrupt Flag Status bits (IFS1<14>) for Clock Fail FSCMIF in IFS1 Interrupt register Interrupt Enable Control bits (IEC1<14>) for Clock Fail FSCMIE in IEC1 Interrupt register Interrupt Priority Control bits (FSCMIP<12:10>) for Clock Fail in IPC8 Interrupt register Interrupt Subpriority Control bits (FSCMIP<9:8>) for Clock Fail in IPC8 Interrupt register

The following tables provide brief summaries of Oscillator-module-related registers. Corresponding registers appear after the summaries, followed by a detailed description of each register. Table 6-1:
Name OSCCON 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 OSCCONCLR OSCCONSET OSCCONINV OSCTUN 31:0 31:0 31:0 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 OSCTUNCLR OSCTUNSET OSCTUNINV WDTCON 31:0 31:0 31:0 15:8 ON WDTCONCLR WDTCONSET WDTCONINV IFS1 31:0 31:0 31:0 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 IFS1CLR IFS1SET IFS1INV 31:0 31:0 31:0 RTCCIF SPI2RXIF

Oscillators SFR Summary

Bit 31/23/15/7 CLKLOCK ULOCK Bit 30/22/14/6 SOSCRDY COSC<2:0> LOCK SLPEN Bit 29/21/13/5 Bit 28/20/12/4 PLLODIV<2:0> PBDIV<1:0> CF UFRCEN Bit 27/19/11/3 Bit 26/18/10/2 Bit 25/17/9/1 FRCDIV<2:0> PLLMULT<2:0> NOSC<2:0> SOSCEN OSWEN Bit 24/16/8/0

Write clears selected bits in OSCCON, read yields undefined value Write sets selected bits in OSCCON, read yields undefined value Write inverts selected bits in OSCCON, read yields undefined value TUN<5:0>

Write clears selected bits in OSCTUN, read yields undefined value Write sets selected bits in OSCTUN, read yields undefined value Write inverts selected bits in OSCTUN, read yields undefined value SWDTPS<4:0> WDTCLR

Write clears selected bits in WDTCON, read yields an undefined value Write sets selected bits in WDTCON, read yields an undefined value Write inverts selected bits in WDTCON, read yields an undefined value FSCMIF SPI2TXIF I2C2MIF SPI2EIF I2C2SIF CMP2IF DMA3IF I2C2BIF CMP1IF DMA2IF U2TXIF PMPIF USBIF DMA1IF U2RXIF AD1IF FCEIF DMA0IF U2EIF CNIF

Clears the selected bits in IFS1, read yields undefined value Sets the selected bits in IFS1, read yields undefined value Inverts the selected bits in IFS1, read yields undefined value



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PIC32MX Family Reference Manual

Table 6-1:
Name IEC1
31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0

Oscillators SFR Summary (Continued)

Bit 31/23/15/7 RTCCIE SPI2RXIE Bit 30/22/14/6 FSCMIE SPI2TXIE Bit 29/21/13/5 I2C2MIE SPI2EIE Bit 28/20/12/4 I2C2SIE CMP2IE Bit 27/19/11/3 DMA3IE I2C2BIE CMP1IE Bit 26/18/10/2 DMA2IE U2TXIE PMPIE Bit 25/17/9/1 USBIE DMA1IE U2RXIE AD1IE Bit 24/16/8/0 FCEIE DMA0IE U2EIE CNIE


31:0 31:0 31:0 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0

Write clears the selected bits in IE0, read yields undefined value Write sets the selected bits in IE0, read yields undefined value Write inverts the selected bits in IE0, read yields undefined value DMA0IP<2:0> RTCCIP<2:0> FSCMIP<2:0> I2C2IP<2:0> DMA0IS<1:0> RTCCIS<1:0> FSCMIS<1:0> I2C2IS<1:0>


31:0 31:0 31:0 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0 FWDTEN

Write clears the selected bits in IPC8, read yields undefined value Write sets the selected bits in IPC8, read yields undefined value Write inverts the selected bits in IPC8, read yields undefined value FPBDIV<1:0> FSOSCEN FPLLMULT<2:0> FWDTPS<4:0> OSCIOFNC POSCMD<1:0> FNOSC<2:0> FPLLODIV<2:0> FUPLLIDIV<2:0> FPLLIDIV<2:0>



31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
Register 6-1: r-x bit 31 r-x bit 23 r-x bit 15 R/W-0 CLKLOCK bit 7 Legend: R = Readable bit U = Unimplemented bit bit 31-30 bit 29-27 W = Writable bit P = Programmable bit r = Reserved bit -n = Bit Value at POR: (0, 1, x = Unknown) R-0 ULOCK R-0 LOCK R/W-0 SLPEN R/W-0 CF R/W-0 UFRCEN R/W-x SOSCEN R-0 R-0 COSC<2:0> R-0 r-x R/W-x R/W-x NOSC<2:0> bit 8 R/W-0 OSWEN bit 0 R-0 SOSCRDY r-x R/W-x R/W-x R/W-x R/W-x PLLMULT<2:0> bit 16 R/W-x OSCCON: Oscillator Control Register r-x R/W-x R/W-x PLLODIV<2:0>




R/W-0 FRCDIV<2:0>

R/W-1 bit 24 R/W-x


Reserved: Write 0; ignore read PLLODIV<2:0>: Output Divider for PLL 111 = PLL output divided by 256 110 = PLL output divided by 64 101 = PLL output divided by 32 100 = PLL output divided by 16 011 = PLL output divided by 8 010 = PLL output divided by 4 001 = PLL output divided by 2 000 = PLL output divided by 1 Note: On Reset these bits are set to the value of the FPLLODIV configuration bits (DEVCFG2<18:16>) FRCDIV<2:0>: Fast Internal RC Clock Divider bits 111 = FRC divided by 256 110 = FRC divided by 64 101 = FRC divided by 32 100 = FRC divided by 16 011 = FRC divided by 8 010 = FRC divided by 4 001 = FRC divided by 2 (default setting) 000 = FRC divided by 1 Reserved: Write 0; ignore read SOSCRDY: Secondary Oscillator Ready Indicator bit 1 = Indicates that the Secondary Oscillator is running and is stable 0 = Secondary oscillator is either turned off or is still warming up Reserved: Write 0; ignore read

bit 26-24

bit 23 bit 22

bit 21



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PIC32MX Family Reference Manual

Register 6-1: OSCCON: Oscillator Control Register bit 20-19 PBDIV<1:0>: Peripheral Bus Clock Divisor 11 = PBCLK is SYSCLK divided by 8(default) 10 = PBCLK is SYSCLK divided by 4 01 = PBCLK is SYSCLK divided by 2 00 = PBCLK is SYSCLK divided by 1 Note: On Reset these bits are set to the value of the Configuration bits (DEVCFG1<13:12>). bit 18-16 PLLMULT<2:0>: PLL Multiplier bits 111 = Clock is multiplied by 24 110 = Clock is multiplied by 21 101 = Clock is multiplied by 20 100 = Clock is multiplied by 19 011 = Clock is multiplied by 18 010 = Clock is multiplied by 17 001 = Clock is multiplied by 16 000 = Clock is multiplied by 15 Note: On Reset these bits are set to the value of the FPLLMULT Configuration bits (DEVCFG2<6:4>). Reserved: Write 0; ignore read COSC<2:0>: Current Oscillator Selection bits 111 = Fast Internal RC Oscillator divided by OSCCON<FRCDIV> bits 110 = Fast Internal RC Oscillator divided by 16 101 = Low-Power Internal RC Oscillator (LPRC) 100 = Secondary Oscillator (SOSC) 011 = Primary Oscillator with PLL module (XTPLL, HSPLL or ECPLL) 010 = Primary Oscillator (XT, HS or EC) 001 = Fast RC Oscillator with PLL module via Postscaler (FRCPLL) 000 = Fast RC Oscillator (FRC) Note: On Reset these bits are set to the value of the FNOSC Configuration bits (DEVCFG1<2:0>). Reserved: Write 0; ignore read NOSC<2:0>: New Oscillator Selection bits 111 = Fast Internal RC Oscillator divided by OSCCON<FRCDIV> bits 110 = Fast Internal RC Oscillator divided by 16 101 = Low-Power Internal RC Oscillator (LPRC) 100 = Secondary Oscillator (SOSC) 011 = Primary Oscillator with PLL module (XTPLL, HSPLL or ECPLL) 010 = Primary Oscillator (XT, HS or EC) 001 = Fast Internal RC Oscillator with PLL module via Postscaler (FRCPLL) 000 = Fast Internal RC Oscillator (FRC) Note: On Reset these bits are set to the value of the FNOSC Configuration bits (DEVCFG1<2:0>). CLKLOCK: Clock Selection Lock Enable bit If FSCM is enabled (FCKSM1 =1): 1 = Clock and PLL selections are locked. 0 = Clock and PLL selections are not locked and may be modified If FSCM is disabled (FCKSM1 =0): Note: Clock and PLL selections are never locked and may be modified. ULOCK: USB PLL Lock Status bit 1 = Indicates that the USB PLL module is in lock or USB PLL module start-up timer is satisfied 0 = Indicates that the USB PLL module is out of lock or USB PLL module start-up timer is in progress or USB PLL is disabled LOCK: PLL Lock Status bit 1 = PLL module is in lock or PLL module start-up timer is satisfied 0 = PLL module is out of lock, PLL start-up timer is running or PLL is disabled SLPEN: SLEEP Mode Enable bit 1 = Device will enter SLEEP mode when a WAIT instruction is executed 0 = Device will enter IDLE mode when a WAIT instruction is executed

bit 15 bit 14-12

bit 11 bit 10-8

bit 7

bit 6

bit 5

bit 4

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
Register 6-1: OSCCON: Oscillator Control Register bit 3 CF: Clock Fail Detect bit 1 = FSCM (Fail Safe Clock Monitor) has detected a clock failure 0 = No clock failure has been detected bit 2 UFRCEN: USB FRC Clock Enable bit 1 = Enable FRC as the clock source for the USB clock source 0 = Use the primary oscillator or USB PLL as the USB clock source SOSCEN: 32.768 kHz Secondary Oscillator (SOSC) Enable bit 1 = Enable Secondary Oscillator 0 = Disable Secondary Oscillator Note: On Reset this bit is set to the value of the FSOSCEN Configuration bit (DEVCFG1<5>). OSWEN: Oscillator Switch Enable bit 1 = Initiate an oscillator switch to selection specified by NOSC2:NOSC0 bits 0 = Oscillator switch is complete


bit 1

bit 0



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Register 6-2: OSCCONCLR: Oscillator Control Clear Register Write clears selected bits in OSCCON, read yields undefined value bit 31 bit 31-0 bit 0 Clears selected bits in OSCCON A write of 1 in one or more bit positions clears the corresponding bit(s) in OSCCON register and does not affect unimplemented or read-only bits. A write of 0 will not affect the register. Example: OSCCONCLR = 0x00000101 will clear bits 8 and 0 in OSCCON register.

Register 6-3:

OSCCONSET: Oscillator Control Set Register Write sets selected bits in OSCCON, read yields undefined value

bit 31 bit 31-0

bit 0 Sets selected bits in OSCCON A write of 1 in one or more bit positions sets the corresponding bit(s) in OSCCON register and does not affect unimplemented or read-only bits. A write of 0 will not affect the register. Example: OSCCONSET = 0x00000101 will set bits 8 and 0 in OSCCON register.

Register 6-4:

OSCCONINV: Oscillator Control Invert Register Write inverts selected bits in OSCCON, read yields undefined value

bit 31 bit 31-0

bit 0 Inverts selected bits in OSCCON A write of 1 in one or more bit positions inverts the corresponding bit(s) in OSCCON register and does not affect unimplemented or read-only bits. A write of 0 will not affect the register. Example: OSCCONINV = 0x00000101 will invert bits 8 and 0 in OSCCON register.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
Register 6-5: r-x bit 31 r-x bit 23 r-x bit 15 r-x bit 7 Legend: R = Readable bit U = Unimplemented bit bit 31:6 bit 5-0 W = Writable bit P = Programmable bit r = Reserved bit -n = Bit Value at POR: (0, 1, x = Unknown) r-x R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x OSCTUN: FRC Tuning Register r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x bit 24 r-x bit 16 r-x bit 8 R/W-0 bit 0



Reserved: Write 0; ignore read TUN<5:0>: FRC Oscillator Tuning bits 011111 =Maximum frequency. 011110 = 000001 = 000000 =Center frequency. Oscillator runs at calibrated frequency. 111111 = 100001 = 100000 =Minimum frequency.



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PIC32MX Family Reference Manual

Register 6-6: OSCTUNCLR: FRC Tuning Clear Register Write clears selected bits in OSCTUN, read yields undefined value bit 31 bit 31-0 bit 0 Clears selected bits in OSCTUN A write of 1 in one or more bit positions clears the corresponding bit(s) in OSCTUN register and does not affect unimplemented or read-only bits. A write of 0 will not affect the register. Example: OSCTUNCLR = 0x00000021 will clear bits 5 and 0 in OSCTUN register.

Register 6-7:

OSCTUNSET: FRC Tuning Set Register Write sets selected bits in OSCTUN, read yields undefined value

bit 31 bit 31-0

bit 0 Sets selected bits in OSCTUN A write of 1 in one or more bit positions sets the corresponding bit(s) in OSCTUN register and does not affect unimplemented or read-only bits. A write of 0 will not affect the register. Example: OSCTUNSET = 0x00000021 will set bits 5 and 0 in OSCTUN register.

Register 6-8:

OSCTUNINV: FRC Tuning Invert Register Write inverts selected bits in OSCTUN, read yields undefined value

bit 31 bit 31-0

bit 0 Inverts selected bits in OSCTUN A write of 1 in one or more bit positions inverts the corresponding bit(s) in OSCTUN register and does not affect unimplemented or read-only bits. A write of 0 will not affect the register. Example: OSCTUNINV = 0x00000021 will invert bits 5 and 0 in OSCTUN register.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
Register 6-9: r-x bit 31 r-x bit 23 R/W-0 ON bit 15 r-x bit 7 Legend: R = Readable bit U = Unimplemented bit bit 15 W = Writable bit P = Programmable bit r = Reserved bit -n = Bit Value at POR: (0, 1, x = Unknown) R-x R-x R-x WDTPS<4:0> R-x R-x r-0 r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x WDTCON: Watchdog Timer Control Register r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x bit 24 r-x bit 16 r-x bit 8 R/W-0 WDTCLR bit 0


ON: Watchdog Timer Enable bit 1 = Enables the WDT if it is not enabled by the device configuration 0 = Disable the WDT if it was enabled in software Note 1: A read of this bit will result in a 1 if the WDT is enabled by the device configuration or by software. 2: The LPRC oscillator will automatically be enabled when this bit is set. 3: When using 1:1 PBCLK divisor, the users software should not read/write the peripherals SFRs in the SYSCLK cycle immediately following the instruction that clears the modules ON bit.



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Register 6-10: WDTCONCLR: Comparator Control Clear Register Write clears selected bits in WDTCON, read yields undefined value bit 31 bit 31-0 bit 0 Clear selected bits in WDTCON A write of 1 in one or more bit positions clears the corresponding bit(s) in WDTCON register and does not affect unimplemented or read-only bits. A write of 0 will not affect the register. Example: WDTCONCLR = 0x00008001 clears bits 15 and 0 in WDTCON register.

Register 6-11:

WDTCONSET: Comparator Control Set Register Write sets selected bits in WDTCON, read yields undefined value

bit 31 bit 31-0

bit 0 Set selected bits in WDTCON A write of 1 in one or more bit positions sets the corresponding bit(s) in WDTCON register and does not affect unimplemented or read-only bits. A write of 0 will not affect the register. Example: WDTCONSET = 0x00008001 sets bits 15 and 0 in WDTCON register.

Register 6-12:

WDTCONINV: Comparator Control Invert Register Write inverts selected bits in WDTCON, read yields undefined value

bit 31 bit 31-0

bit 0 Inverts selected bits in WDTCON A write of 1 in one or more bit positions inverts the corresponding bit(s) in WDTCON register and does not affect unimplemented or read-only bits. A write of 0 will not affect the register. Example: WDTCONINV = 0x00008001 inverts bits 15 and 0 in WDTCON register.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
Register 6-13: r-x bit 31 r-x bit 23 R/W-0 RTCCIF bit 15 R/W-0 SPI2RXIF bit 7 R/W-0 SPI2TXIF R/W-0 SPI2EIF R/W-0 CMP2IF R/W-0 CMP1IF R/W-0 PMPIF R/W-0 AD1IF R/W-0 FSCMIF R/W-0 I2C2MIF R/W-0 I2C2SIF R/W-0 I2C2BIF R/W-0 U2TXIF R/W-0 U2RXIF r-x r-x r-x R/W-0 DMA3IF R/W-0 DMA2IF R/W-0 DMA1IF IFS1: Interrupt Flag Status Register(1) r-x r-x r-x r-x r-x R/W-0 USBIF R/W-0 FCEIF bit 24 R/W-0 DMA0IF bit 16 R/W-0 U2EIF bit 8 R/W-0 CNIF bit 0


Legend: R = Readable bit U = Unimplemented bit bit 14 W = Writable bit P = Programmable bit r = Reserved bit -n = Bit Value at POR: (0, 1, x = Unknown)

FSCMIF: Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Interrupt Flag bit 1 = Interrupt request has occured 0 = No interrupt request has a occurred Shaded bit names in this Interrupt register control other PIC32MX peripherals and are not related to the oscillator.

Note 1:



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Register 6-14: r-x bit 31 r-x bit 23 R/W-0 RTCCIE bit 15 R/W-0 SPI2RXIE bit 7 Legend: R = Readable bit U = Unimplemented bit bit 14 W = Writable bit P = Programmable bit r = Reserved bit -n = Bit Value at POR: (0, 1, x = Unknown) R/W-0 SPI2TXIE R/W-0 SPI2EIE R/W-0 CMP2IE R/W-0 CMP1IE R/W-0 PMPIE R/W-0 AD1IE R/W-0 FSCMIE R/W-0 I2C2MIE R/W-0 I2C2SIE R/W-0 I2C2BIE R/W-0 U2TXIE R/W-0 U2RXIE r-x r-x r-x R/W-0 DMA3IE R/W-0 DMA2IE R/W-0 DMA1IE IEC1: Interrupt Enable Control Register(1) r-x r-x r-x




R/W-0 FCEIE bit 24 R/W-0 DMA0IE bit 16 R/W-0 U2EIE bit 8 R/W-0 CNIE bit 0

FSCMIE: Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Interrupt Enable bit 1 = Interrupt is enabled 0 = Interrupt is disabled Shaded bit names in this Interrupt register control other PIC32MX peripherals and are not related to the oscillator.

Note 1:

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
Register 6-15: r-x bit 31 r-x bit 23 r-x bit 15 r-x bit 7 Legend: R = Readable bit U = Unimplemented bit bit 12-10 W = Writable bit P = Programmable bit r = Reserved bit -n = Bit Value at POR: (0, 1, x = Unknown) r-x r-x R/W-0 R/W-0 I2C2IP<2:0> R/W-0 R/W-0 r-x r-x R/W-0 R/W-0 FSCMIP<2:0> R/W-0 R/W-0 r-x r-x R/W-0 R/W-0 RTCCIP<2:0> R/W-0 R/W-0 IPC8: Interrupt Priority Control Register 8(1) r-x r-x R/W-0 R/W-0 DMA0IP<2:0> R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 bit 24 R/W-0 bit 16 R/W-0 bit 8 R/W-0 bit 0






FSCMIP<2:0>: Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Interrupt Priority bits 111 = Interrupt priority is 7 110 = Interrupt priority is 6 101 = Interrupt priority is 5 100 = Interrupt priority is 4 011 = Interrupt priority is 3 010 = Interrupt priority is 2 001 = Interrupt priority is 1 000 = Interrupt is disabled FSCMIS<1:0>: Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Interrupt Subpriority bits 11 = Interrupt subpriority is 3 10 = Interrupt subpriority is 2 01 = Interrupt subpriority is 1 00 = Interrupt subpriority is 0 Shaded bit names in this Interrupt register control other PIC32MX peripherals and are not related to the oscillator.

bit 9-8

Note 1:



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Register 6-16: r-1 bit 31 R/P-1 FWDTEN bit 23 R/P-1 bit 15 R/P-1 IESO bit 7 Legend: R = Readable bit U = Unimplemented bit bit 31-16 bit 15-14 W = Writable bit P = Programmable bit r = Reserved bit -n = Bit Value at POR: (0, 1, x = Unknown) r-1 R/P-1 FSOSCEN r-1 r-1 R/P-1 FNOSC2 R/P-1 FNOSC1 R/P-1 R/P-1 R/P-1 r-1 R/P-1 OSCIOFNC R/P-1 R/P-1 r-1 R/P-1 FWDTPS4 R/P-1 FWDTPS3 R/P-1 FWDTPS2 R/P-1 FWDTPS1 DEVCFG1 Boot Configuration Register r-1 r-1 r-1




r-1 bit 24 R/P-1 FWDTPS0 bit 16 R/P-1 bit 8 R/P-1 FNOSC0 bit 0




Unimplemented: Maintain 1 FCKSM<1:0>: Fail-safe Clock Monitor (FSCM) and Clock Switch Configuration bits 1x = FSCM and Clock Switching are disabled 01 = Clock Switching is enabled, FSCM is disabled 00 = Clock Switching and FSCM are enabled OSCIOFNC: CLKO Enable Configuration bit 1 = CLKO output signal active on the OSCO pin; primary oscillator must be disabled or configured for the External Clock mode (EC) for the CLKO to be active (POSCMD<1:0> = 11 or = 00) 0 = CLKO output disabled FPBDIV<1:0>: Peripheral Bus Clock Divisor Default Value bits 11 = PBCLK is SYSCLK divided by 8 10 = PBCLK is SYSCLK divided by 4 01 = PBCLK is SYSCLK divided by 2 00 = PBCLK is SYSCLK divided by 1 Unimplemented: Maintain as 1 POSCMD<1:0>: Primary Oscillator Configuration bits 11 = Primary Oscillator Disabled 10 = HS mode 01 = XT Mode 00 = EC Mode IESO: Internal External Clock Switch Over Select bit 1 = Internal External Clock Switch Over Mode Enabled. Two-Speed Start-up mode. 0 = Internal External Clock Switch Over Mode Disabled. Single-Speed Start-up mode. FSOSCEN: Secondary Oscillator Enable bit 1 = Enable secondary oscillator 0 = Disable secondary oscillator

bit 10

bit 13-12

bit 11 bit 9-8

bit 7

bit 5

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
Register 6-16: DEVCFG1 Boot Configuration Register bit 2-0 FNOSC<2:0>: CPU Clock Oscillator Select bits 111 = Fast RC Oscillator with divide-by-N (FRCDIV) 110 = FRC Divided by 16 (FRCDIV16) 101 = Low-Power RC Oscillator (LPRC) 100 = Secondary Oscillator (SOSC) 011 = Primary Oscillator with PLL (XTPLL, HSPLL, or ECPLL) 010 = Primary Oscillator without PLL (XT, HS, or EC) 001 = Fast RC Oscillator with PLL 000 = Fast RC Oscillator (FRC)




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Register 6-17: r-1 bit 31 r-1 bit 23 R/P-1 FUPLLEN bit 15 U-1 bit 7 Legend: R = Readable bit U = Unimplemented bit bit 18-16 W = Writable bit P = Programmable bit r = Reserved bit -n = Bit Value at POR: (0, 1, x = Unknown) R/P-1 R/P-1 FPLLMULT<2:0> R/P-1 U-1 R/P-1 R/P-1 FPLLIDIV<2:0> bit 0 r-1 r-1 r-1 r-1 R/P-1 R/P-1 FUPLLIDIV<2:0> bit 8 R/P-1 r-1 r-1 r-1 r-1 R/P-1 R/P-1 FPLLODIV<2:0> bit 16 R/P-1 DEVCFG2 Boot Configuration Register r-1 r-1 r-1




r-1 bit 24 R/P-1

FPLLODIV<2:0>: Default postscaler for PLL. 111 = PLL output divided by 256 110 = PLL output divided by 64 101 = PLL output divided by 32 100 = PLL output divided by 16 011 = PLL output divided by 8 010 = PLL output divided by 4 001 = PLL output divided by 2 000 = PLL output divided by 1 (default setting) FUPLLEN: USB PLL Enable bit 00 = Enable USB PLL 00 = Disable and bypass USB PLL FUPLLIDIV<2:0>: PLL Input Divider bits 000 = 1x divider 001 = 2x divider 010 = 3x divider 011 = 4x divider 100 = 5x divider 101 = 6x divider 110 = 10x divider 111 = 12x divider FPLLMULT<2:0>: Default PLL Multiplier Value bits 111 = 24x multiplier 110 = 21x multiplier 101 = 20x multiplier 100 = 19x multiplier 011 = 18x multiplier 010 = 17x multiplier 001 = 16x multiplier 000 = 15x multiplier

bit 15

bit 10-8

bit 6-4

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
Register 6-17: DEVCFG2 Boot Configuration Register bit 2-0 FPLLIDIV<2:0>: Default PLL Input Divider Value bits 111 = Divide by 12 110 = Divide by 10 101 = Divide by 6 100 = Divide by 5 011 = Divide by 4 010 = Divide by 3 001 = Divide by 2 000 = Divide by 1




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PIC32MX Family Reference Manual

The PIC32MX family has multiple internal clocks that are derived from internal or external clock sources. Some of these clock sources have Phase Locked Loops (PLLs), programmable output divider, or input divider to scale the input frequency to suit the application. The clock source can be changed on the fly by software. The oscillator control register is locked by hardware, it must be unlocked by a series of writes before software can perform a clock switch. There are three main clocks in the PIC32MX device The System clock (SYSCLK) used by CPU and some peripherals The Peripheral Bus Clock (PBCLK) used by most peripherals The USB Clock (USBCLK) used by USB peripheral The PIC32MX clocks are derived from one of the following sources: Primary Oscillator (POSC) on the OSCI and OSCO pins Secondary Oscillator (SOSC) on the SOSCI and SOSCO pins Internal Fast RC Oscillator (FRC) Internal Low-Power RC Oscillator (LPRC)

Each of the clock sources has unique configurable options, such as a PLL, input divider, and/or output divider, that are detailed in their respective sections. There are up to four internal clocks depending on the specific device. The clocks are derived from the currently selected oscillator source. Note: Clock sources for peripherals that use external clocks, such as the RTC and Timer1, are covered in their respective sections.


System Clock (SYSCLK) Generation

The SYSCLK is primarily used by the CPU and select peripherals such as DMA, Interrupt Controller, and Prefetch Cache. The SYSCLK is derived from one of the four clock sources: POSC, SOSC, FRC, and LPRC. Some of the clock sources have specific clock multipliers and/or divider options. No clock scaling is applied other than the user specified values. The SYSCLK source is selected by the device configuration and can be changed by software during operation. The ability to switch clock sources during operation allows the application to reduce power consumption by reducing the clock speed. Refer to Table for a list of SYSCLK sources. Table 6-2: Clock Selection Configuration Bit Values Oscillator Mode Fast RC Oscillator with Postscaler (FRCDIV) Fast RC Oscillator divided by 16 (FRCDIV16) Low-Power RC Oscillator (LPRC) Secondary (Timer1/RTCC) Oscillator (SOSC) Primary Oscillator (HS) with PLL Module (HSPLL) Primary Oscillator (XT) with PLL Module (XTPLL) Primary Oscillator (EC) with PLL Module (ECPLL) Primary Oscillator (HS) Primary Oscillator (XT) Note 1: 2: 3: Oscillator Source Internal Internal Internal Secondary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary POSCMD<1:0> xx xx xx xx 10 01 00 10 01 FNOSC2: FNOSC0 111 110 101 100 011 011 011 010 010 ADIV Notes 1, 2 1 1 1 3 3 3

OSCO pin function as PBCLK out or Digital I/O is determined by the OSCIOFNC Configuration bit. When the pin is not required by the Oscillator mode it may be configured for one of these options. Default Oscillator mode for an unprogrammed (erased) device. When using the PLL modes the input divider must be chosen such that resulting frequency applied to the PLL is in the range of 4 MHz to 5 MHz.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
Table 6-2: Clock Selection Configuration Bit Values (Continued) Oscillator Mode Primary Oscillator (EC) Fast RC Oscillator with PLL Module (FRCPLL) Fast RC Oscillator (FRC) Note 1: 2: 3: Oscillator Source Primary Internal Internal POSCMD<1:0> 00 10 xx FNOSC2: FNOSC0 010 001 000 1 1




OSCO pin function as PBCLK out or Digital I/O is determined by the OSCIOFNC Configuration bit. When the pin is not required by the Oscillator mode it may be configured for one of these options. Default Oscillator mode for an unprogrammed (erased) device. When using the PLL modes the input divider must be chosen such that resulting frequency applied to the PLL is in the range of 4 MHz to 5 MHz. Primary Oscillator (POSC)

The POSC has six operating modes, as summarized in Table 6-3: High Speed (HS), External Resonator (XT), and the External Clock (EC) mode make up the first three modes. These modes can each be combined with a PLL module to form the last three modes: High Speed PLL (HSPLL), External Resonator PLL (XTPLL), and External Clock (ECPLL). Figures 6-2 through 6-4 show various POSC configurations. The primary oscillator is connected to the OSCI and OSCO pins of the device family. The primary oscillator can be configured for an external clock input or an external crystal or resonator. The XT, XTPLL, HS, and HSPLL modes are external crystal or resonator controller oscillator modes. The XT and HS modes are functionally very similar. The primary difference is the gain of the internal inverter of the oscillator circuit (see Figure 6-2). The XT mode is a medium power, medium frequency mode and has medium inverter gain. HS mode is higher power and provides the highest oscillator frequencies and has the highest inverter gain. OSCO provides crystal/resonator feedback in both XT and HS Oscillator modes and hence is not available for use as a input or output in these modes. The XTPLL and HSPLL modes have a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) with user selectable input divider, multiplier, and output divider to provide a wide range of output frequencies. The oscillator circuit will consume more current when the PLL is enabled. The External Clock modes, EC and ECPLL, allow the system clock to be derived from an external clock source. The EC/ECPLL modes configure the OSCI pin as a high-impedance input that can be driven by a CMOS driver. The external clock can be used to drive the system clock directly (EC) or the ECPLL module with prescale and postscaler can be used to change the input clock frequency (ECPLL). The External Clock mode also disables the internal feedback buffer allowing the OSCO pin to be used for other functions. In the External Clock mode the OSCO pin can be used as an additional device I/O pin (see Figure 6-4) or a PBCLK output pin (see Figure 6-3). Note: When using the PLL modes the input divider must be chosen such that resulting frequency applied to the PLL is in the range of 4 MHz to 5 MHz. Table 6-3: Primary Oscillator Operating Modes Description 10 MHz-40 MHz crystal, high speed crystal 3.5 MHz-10 MHz resonator, crystal or resonator External clock input Crystal, PLL enabled Crystal resonator, PLL enabled External clock input, PLL enabled


Note: The clock applied to the CPU after applicable prescalers, postscalers, and PLL multipliers must not exceed the maximum allowable processor frequency.



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PIC32MX Family Reference Manual

Figure 6-2: Crystal or Ceramic Resonator Operation (XT, XTPLL, HS, or HSPLL Oscillator Mode)

OSCI C1(3) XTAL OSCO RS(1) C2(3) RF(2)

To Internal Logic



Note 1: 2: 3:

A series resistor, Rs, may be required for AT strip cut crystals. The internal feedback resistor, RF, is typically in the range of 2 to 10 M: See Determining the Best Values for Oscillator Components.

Figure 6-3:

External Clock Input Operation With Clock-Out (EC, ECPLL Mode)

Clock from Ext. System PBCLK


Figure 6-4:

External Clock Input Operation with no Clock-Out (EC, ECPLL Mode)

Clock from Ext. System I/O


Primary Oscillator (POSC) Configuration

To configure the POSC the following steps should be performed: 1. 2. 3. Select POSC as the default oscillator in the device Configuration register DEVCFG1 by setting FNOSC<2:0> = 010 without PLL or 011 with PLL Select the desired mode HS, XT, or EC, using POSCMD<1:0> in DEVCFG1. If the PLL is to be used: a)Select the appropriate Configuration bits for the PLL input divider to scale the input frequency to be between 4 MHz and 5 MHz using FPLLIDIV<2:0> in DEVCFG2. b)Select the desired PLL multiplier ratio using FPLLMULT<2:0>) in DEVCFG2. c)At runtime, select the desired PLL output divider using PLLODIV (OSCCON<29:27>) to provide the desired clock frequency. The default value is set by DEVCFG1.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6 Oscillator Start-up Timer


In order to ensure that a crystal oscillator (or ceramic resonator) has started and stabilized, an Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) is provided. The OST is a simple 10-bit counter that counts 1024 TOSC cycles before releasing the oscillator clock to the rest of the system. This time-out period is designated as TOST. The amplitude of the oscillator signal must reach the VIL and VIH thresholds for the oscillator pins before the OST can begin to count cycles. The TOST interval is required every time the oscillator has to restart (i.e., on POR, BOR and wake-up from SLEEP mode). The Oscillator Start-up Timer is applied to the MS and HS modes for the primary oscillator, as well as the secondary oscillator, see Secondary Oscillator (SOSC). System Clock Phase Locked Loop (PLL)

The system clock PLL provides a user configurable input divider, multiplier, and output divider which can be used with the XT, HS and EC primary oscillator modes and with the Internal Fast RC Oscillator (FRC) mode to create a variety of clock frequencies from a single clock source. The Input divider, multiplier, and output divider control initial value bits are contained in the in the DEVCFG2 device Configuration register. The multiplier and output divider bits are also contained in the OSCCON register. As part of a device Reset, values from the device configuration register DEVCFG2 are copied to the OSCCON register. This allows the user to preset the input divider to provide the appropriate input frequency to the PLL and set an initial PLL multiplier when programming the device. At runtime the multiplier, divider and output divider can be changed by software to scale the clock frequency to suit the application. The PLL input divider cannot be changed at run time. This is to prevent applying an input frequency outside the specified limits to the PLL. To configure the PLL the following steps are required: 1. 2. 3. Calculate the PLL input divider, PLL multiplier, and PLL output divider values. Set the PLL input divider and the initial PLL multiplier value in the DEVCFG2 register when programming the part. At runtime the PLL multiplier and PLL output divider can be changed to suit the application.

Combinations of PLL input divider, multiplier and output divider provide a combined multiplier of approximately 0.006 to 24 times the input frequency. For reliable operation the output of the PLL module must not exceed the maximum clock frequency of the device. The PLL input divider value should be chosen to limit the input frequency to the PLL to the range of 4 MHz to 5 MHz. Due to the time required for the PLL to provide a stable output, a Status bit LOCK (OSCCON<5>) is provided. When the clock input to the PLL is changed, this bit is driven low (0). After the PLL has achieved a lock or the PLL start-up timer has expired, the bit is set. The bit will be set upon the expiration of the timer even if the PLL has not achieved a lock.



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PIC32MX Family Reference Manual

Table 6-4:

Net Multiplier Output for Selected PLL and Output Divider Values
Output Divider Net PLLODIV PLLMULT Multiplication <2:0> <2:0> factor Net PLLODIV PLLMULT Multiplier Postscaler Multiplication <2:0> <2:0> factor

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 12 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 5 5.25 6 1.875 2 2.125 2.250 2.375 2.5 2.625 3

000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 011 011 011 011 011 011 011 011

000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256

.938 1 1.063 1.125 1.188 1.250 1.313 1.5 .4688 .5 .5313 .5625 .5938 .6250 .6563 .7500 .234 .250 .266 .281 .297 .313 .328 .375 .05859 .06250 .06641 .07031 .07422 .07813 .08203 .09375

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111

000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

USB PLL Lock Status

The ULOCK bit (OSCCON<6>) is a read-only status bit that indicates the lock status of the USB PLL. It is automatically set after the typical time delay for the PLL to achieve lock, also designated as TLOCK. If the PLL does not stabilize properly during start-up, LOCK may not reflect the actual status of PLL lock, nor does it detect when the PLL loses lock during normal operation. The ULOCK bit is cleared at a Power-on Reset. It remains clear when any clock source not using the PLL is selected.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
Refer to the Electrical Characteristics section in the specific device data sheet for further information on the PLL lock interval. Primary Oscillator Start-up from SLEEP Mode


To ensure reliable wake-up from SLEEP, care must be taken to properly design the primary oscillator circuit. This is because the load capacitors have both partially charged to some quiescent value and phase differential at wake-up is minimal. Thus, more time is required to achieve stable oscillation. Remember also that low voltage, high temperatures and the lower frequency clock modes also impose limitations on loop gain, which in turn, affects start-up. Each of the following factors increases the start-up time: Low-frequency design (with a Low Gain Clock mode) Quiet environment (such as a battery operated device) Operating in a shielded box (away from the noisy RF area) Low voltage High temperature Wake-up from SLEEP mode Secondary Oscillator (SOSC)

The Secondary Oscillator (SOSC) is designed specifically for low-power operation with a external 32.768 kHz crystal. The oscillator is located on the SOSCO and SOSCI device pins and serves as a secondary crystal clock source for low-power operation. It can also drive Timer1 and/or the Real-Time Clock/Calendar module for Real-Time Clock applications. Enabling the SOSC Oscillator

The SOSC is hardware enabled by the FSOSCEN Configuration bit (DEVCFG1<5>). Once SOSC is enabled, software can control it by modifying SOSCEN bit (OSCCON<1>). Setting SOSCEN enables the oscillator; the SOSCO and SOSCI pins are controlled by the oscillator and cannot be used for port I/O or other functions. Note: An unlock sequence is required before a write to OSCCON can occur. Refer to Oscillator Switching Sequence for more information.

The Secondary Oscillator requires a warm-up period before it can be used as a clock source. When the oscillator is enabled, a warm-up counter increments to 1024. When the counter expires the SOSCRDY (OSCCON<22>) is set to 1. Refer to Oscillator Start-up Timer. SOSC Continuous Operation

The SOSC is always enabled when SOSCEN (OSCCON<1>) is set. Leaving the oscillator running at all times allows a fast switch to the 32 kHz system clock for lower power operation. Returning to the faster main oscillator will still require an oscillator start-up time if it is a crystal type source and/or uses the PLL (see Oscillator Start-up Timer). In addition, the oscillator will need to remain running at all times for Real-Time Clock applications and may be required for Timer1. Refer to Section 14. Timers and Section 29. Real-Time Clock and Calendar for further details. Example 6-1: Enabling the SOSC
// // // // // // // // // ensure OSCCON is locked Write Key1 to SYSKEY Write Key2 to SYSKEY OSCCON is now unlocked make the desired change enable SOSC Relock the SYSKEY Write any value other than Key1 or Key2 OSCCON is relocked

SYSKEY = 0x0; SYSKEY = 0xAA996655; SYSKEY = 0x556699AA;




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PIC32MX Family Reference Manual Internal Fast RC Oscillator (FRC)

The FRC oscillator is a fast (8 MHz nominal), user trimmable, internal RC oscillator with user selectable input divider, PLL multiplier, and output divider. See device data sheet for more information about the FRC oscillator. FRC Postscaler Mode (FRCDIV)

Users are not limited to the nominal 8 MHz FRC output if they wish to use the fast internal oscillator as a clock source. An additional FRC mode, FRCDIV, implements a selectable output divider that allows the choice of a lower clock frequency from 7 different options, plus the direct 8 MHz output. The output divider is configured using the FRCDIV<2:0> bits (OSCCON<26:24>). Assuming a nominal 8 MHz output, available lower frequency options range from 4 MHz (divide-by-2) to 31 kHz (divide-by-256). The range of frequencies allows users the ability to save power at any time in an application by simply changing the FRCDIV bits. The FRCDIV mode is selected whenever the COSC bits (OSCCON<14:12>) are 111. FRC Oscillator with PLL Mode (FRCPLL)

The output of the FRC may also be combined with a user selectable PLL multiplier and output divider to produce a SYSCLK across a wide range of frequencies. The FRC PLL mode is selected whenever the COSC bits (OSCCON<14:12>) are 001. In this mode the PLL input divider is forced to 2 to provide a 4 MHz input to the PLL. The desired PLL multiplier and output divider values can be chosen to provide the desired device frequency Oscillator Tune Register (OSCTUN)

The FRC Oscillator Tuning register OSCTUN allows the user to fine tune the FRC oscillator over a range of approximately 12% (typical). Each bit increment or decrement changes the factory calibrated frequency of the FRC oscillator by a fixed amount. Refer to the Electrical Characteristics section of the specific device data sheet for additional information on the available tuning range. Internal Low-Power RC Oscillator (LPRC)

The LPRC oscillator is separate from the FRC. It oscillates at a nominal frequency of 31.25 kHz. The LPRC oscillator is the clock source for the Power-up Timer (PWRT), Watchdog Timer (WDT), Fail Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM) and PLL reference circuits. It may also be used to provide a low-frequency clock source option for the device in those applications where power consumption is critical, and timing accuracy is not required. Enabling the LPRC Oscillator

Since it serves the PWRT clock source, the LPRC oscillator is disabled at Power-on Reset whenever the on-board voltage regulator is enabled. After the PWRT expires, the LPRC oscillator will remain on if any one of the following is true: The Fail-Safe Clock Monitor is enabled. The WDT is enabled. The LPRC oscillator is selected as the system clock (COSC2:COSC0 = 100). If none of the above is true, the LPRC will shut off after the PWRT expires.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
6.3.2 Peripheral Bus Clock (PBCLK) Generation


The PBCLK is derived from the System Clock (SYSCLK) divided by PBDIV<1:0> (OSCCON<20:19>). The PBCLK Divisor bits PBDIV<1:0> allow postscalers of 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, and 1:8. Refer to the individual peripheral module section(s) for information regarding which bus a specific peripheral uses. Notes: When the PBDIV divisor is set to a ratio of 1:1 the SYSCLK and PBCLK are equivalent in frequency. The PBCLK frequency is never greater than the processor clock frequency. The effect of changing the PBCLK frequency on individual peripherals should be taken into account when selecting or changing the PBDIV value. Performing back-to-back operations on PBCLK peripheral registers when the PB divisor is not set at 1:1 will cause the CPU to stall for a number of cycles. This stall occurs to prevent an operation from occurring before the pervious one has completed. The length of the stall is determined by the ratio of the CPU and PBCLK and synchronizing time between the two busses. Changing the PBCLK frequency has no effect on the SYSCLK peripherals operation.


USB Clock (USBCLK) generation

The USBCLK can be derived from 8MHz internal FRC oscillator, 48MHz POSC, or 96MHz PLL from POSC. For normal operation, the USB module requires exact 48MHz clock. When using 96MHz PLL, the output is internally divided to obtain 48MHz clock. The FRC clock source is used to detect USB activity and bring USB module out of SUSPEND mode. Once USB module is out of SUSPEND mode, it starts using any of two 48MHz clock sources. The internal FRC oscillator is not used for normal USB module operation. USB Clock Phase Locked Loop (UPLL)

The USB clock PLL provides a user configurable input divider which can be used with the XT, HS and EC primary oscillator modes and with the Internal Fast RC Oscillator (FRC) mode to create a variety of clock frequencies from a clock source. The actual source must be able to provide stable clock as required by the USB specifications. The UPLL enable and Input divider bits are contained in the in the DEVCFG2 device configuration register. The input to the UPLL must be limited to 4MHz only. Appropriate input divider must be selected to ensure that the UPLL input is 4MHz. To configure the UPLL the following steps are required: 1. 2. 3. Enable USB PLL by setting UPLLEN bit in DEVCFG2 register. Based on the source clock, calculate the UPLL input divider value such that the PLL input is 4MHz Set the UPLL input divider UPLLIDIV bits in the DEVCFG2 register when programming the part. USB PLL Lock Status

The ULOCK bit (OSCCON<6>) is a read-only status bit that indicates the lock status of the USB PLL. It is automatically set after the typical time delay for the PLL to achieve lock, also designated as TULOCK. If the PLL does not stabilize properly during start-up, ULOCK may not reflect the actual status of PLL lock, nor does it detect when the PLL loses lock during normal operation. The ULOCK bit is cleared at a Power-on Reset. It remains clear when any clock source not using the PLL is selected. Refer to the Electrical Characteristics section in the specific device data sheet for further information on the USB PLL lock interval.



DS61112E-page 6-27

PIC32MX Family Reference Manual Using Internal FRC Oscillator with USB

The internal 8MHz FRC oscillator is available as a clock source to detect any USB activity during USB SUSPEND mode and bring the module out of the SUSPEND mode. To enable FRC for USB usage, the UFRCEN bit (OSCCON<2>) must be set 1 before putting USB module to SUSPEND mode.


Two Speed Start-up

Two Speed Start-up mode can be used to reduce the device start-up latency when using all external crystal POSC modes including PLL. Two-Speed Start-up uses the FRC clock as the SYSCLK source until the Primary Oscillator (POSC) has stabilized. After the user selected oscillator has stabilized, the clock source will switch to POSC. This allows the CPU to begin running code, at a lower speed, while the oscillator is stabilizing. When the POSC has met the start-up criteria an automatic clock switch occurs to switch to POSC. This mode is enabled by the device configuration bits FCKSM<1:0> (DEVCFG1<15:14>). Two-Speed Start-up operates after a Power-on Reset (POR) or exit from SLEEP. Software can determine the oscillator source currently in use by reading the COSC<2:0> bits in the OSCCON register. Note: The Watchdog Timer (WDT), if enabled, will continue to count at the same rate regardless of the SYSCLK frequency. Care must be taken to service the WDT during Two-Speed Start-up, taking into account the change in SYSCLK.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
6.3.5 Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Operation


The Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM) is designed to allow continued device operation if the current oscillator fails. It is intended for use with the Primary Oscillator (POSC) and automatically switches to the FRC oscillator if a POSC failure is detected. The switch to the Fast Internal RC Oscillator (FRC) oscillator allows continued device operation and the ability to retry the POSC or to execute code appropriate for a clock failure. The FSCM mode is controlled by the FCKSM<1:0> bits in the device configuration DEVCFG1. Any of the POSC modes can be used with FSCM. When a clock failure is detected with FSCM enabled and the FSCM Interrupt Enable bit FSCMIE (IEC1<14>) set, the clock source will be switched from POSC to FRC. An Oscillator Fail interrupt will be generated, with the CF bit (OSCCON<3>) set. This interrupt has a user settable priority FSCMIP<2:0> (IPC8<12:10>) and subpriority FSCMIS<1:0> (IPC8<9:8>). The clock source will remain FRC until a device Reset or a clock switch is performed. Failure to enable the FSCM interrupt will not inhibit the actual clock switch. The FSCM module takes the following actions when switching to the FRC oscillator: 1. 2. 3. The COSC bits (OSCCON<14:12>) are loaded with 000. The CF (OSCCON<3>) bit is set to indicate the clock failure The OSWEN control bit (OSCCON<0>) is cleared to cancel any pending clock switches.

To enable FSCM the following steps should be performed: 1. Enable the FSCM in the Device Configuration register DEVCFG1 by configuring the FCKSM<1:0> bits. 01 = Clock Switching is enabled, FSCM is disabled 00 = Clock Switching and FSCM are enabled Select the desired mode HS, XT, or EC using FNOSC<2:0> in DEVCFG1. Select POSC as the default oscillator in the device configuration DEVCFG1 by configuring FNOSC<2:0> = 010 without PLL or 011 with PLL. 1. 2. 3. Select the appropriate Configuration bits for the PLL input divider to scale the input frequency to be between 4 MHz and 5 MHz using FPLLIDIV<2:0> (DEVCFG2<2:0>). Select the desired PLL multiplier using FPLLMULT<2:0> (DEVCFG2<6:4>). Select the desired PLL output divider using FPLLODIV<2:0> (DEVCFG2<18:16>).

2. 3.

If the PLL is to be used:

If a FSCM interrupt is desired when a FSCM event occurs, the following steps should be performed during start-up code: 1. 2. 3. Note: Clear the FSCM interrupt bit FSCMIF (IFS1<14>) Set the Interrupt priority FSCMIP<2:0> (IPC8<12:10>) and subpriority FSCMIS<1:0> (IPC8<9:8>). Set the FSCM Interrupt Enable bit FSCMIE (IEC1<14>) The Watchdog Timer, if enabled, will continue to count at the same rate regardless of the SYSCLK frequency. Care must be taken to service the WDT after a Fail-Safe Clock Monitor event, taking into account the change in SYSCLK.



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PIC32MX Family Reference Manual FSCM Delay

On a POR, BOR or wake from SLEEP mode event, a nominal delay (TFSCM) may be inserted before the FSCM begins to monitor the system clock source. The purpose of the FSCM delay is to provide time for the oscillator and/or PLL to stabilize when the Power-up Timer (PWRT) is not utilized. The FSCM delay will be generated after the internal System Reset signal, SYSRST, has been released. Refer to Section 7. Resets for FSCM delay timing information. The TFSCM interval is applied whenever the FSCM is enabled and the HS, HSPLL, XT, XTPLL, or SOSC Oscillator modes are selected as the system clock. Note: Please refer to the Electrical Characteristics section of the specific device data sheet for TFSCM specification values. FSCM and Slow Oscillator Start-up

If the chosen device oscillator has a slow start-up time coming out of POR, BOR or SLEEP mode, it is possible that the FSCM delay will expire before the oscillator has started. In this case, the FSCM will initiate a clock failure trap. As this happens, the COSC bits (OSCCON<14:12>) are loaded with the FRC oscillator selection. This will effectively shut off the original oscillator that was trying to start. Software can detect a clock failure using a Interrupt Service Routine (SFR) or by polling the clock fail interrupt flag FSCMIF (IFS1<14>). FSCM and WDT

The FSCM and the WDT both use the LPRC oscillator as their time base. In the event of a clock failure, the WDT is unaffected and continues to run.


Clock Switching Operation

With few limitations, applications are free to switch between any of the four clock sources (POSC, SOSC, FRC and LPRC) under software control and at any time. To limit the possible side effects that could result from this flexibility, PIC32MX devices have a safeguard lock built into the switch process. Note: Primary Oscillator mode has three different submodes (XT, HS and EC) which are determined by the POSCMD Configuration bits in DEVCFG1. While an application can switch to and from Primary Oscillator mode in software, it cannot switch between the different primary submodes without reprogramming the device. The device will not permit direct switching between PLL clock sources. The user should not change the PLL multiplier values or postscaler values when running from the affected PLL source. To perform either of the above clock switching functions, the clock switch should be performed in two steps. The clock source should first be switched to a non-PLL source, such as FRC, and then switched to the desired source. This requirement only applies to PLL-based clock sources. Enabling Clock Switching


To enable clock switching, the FCKSM1 Configuration bit (DEVCFG1<15>) must be programmed to 0. (Refer to Section 32. Configuration for further details.) If the FCKSM1 Configuration bit is unprogrammed (= 1), the clock switching function and Fail-Safe Clock Monitor function are disabled. This is the default setting. The NOSC control bits (OSCCON<10:8>) do not control the clock selection when clock switching is disabled. However, the COSC bits (OSCCON<14:12>) will reflect the clock source selected by the FNOSC Configuration bits. The OSWEN control bit (OSCCON<0>) has no effect when clock switching is disabled. It is held at 0 at all times.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6 Oscillator Switching Sequence


At a minimum, performing a clock switch requires the following sequence: 1. 2. If desired, read the COSC<2:0> bits (OSCCON<14:12>) to determine the current oscillator source. Perform the unlock sequence to allow a write to the OSCCON register. The unlock sequence has critical timing requirements and should be performed with interrupts and DMA disabled. Write the appropriate value to the NOSC<2:0> control bits (OSCCON<10:8>) for the new oscillator source. Set the OSWEN bit (OSCCON<0>) to initiate the oscillator switch. Optionally perform the lock sequence to lock the OSCCON. The lock sequence must be performed separately from any other operation.

3. 4. 5.

Once the basic sequence is completed, the system clock hardware responds automatically as follows: 1. The clock switching hardware compares the COSC<2:0> Status bits with the new value of the NOSC control bits. If they are the same, then the clock switch is a redundant operation. In this case, the OSWEN bit is cleared automatically and the clock switch is aborted. The new oscillator is turned on by the hardware if it is not currently running. If a crystal oscillator must be turned on, the hardware will wait until the Oscillator Start-up timer (OST) expires. If the new source is using the PLL, then the hardware waits until a PLL lock is detected (LOCK = 1). The hardware clears the OSWEN bit to indicate a successful clock transition. In addition, the NOSC bit values are transferred to the COSC Status bits. The old clock source is turned off at this time if the clock is not being used by any modules.


3. 4.

The timing of the transition between clock sources in shown in Figure 6-5. Note: The processor will continue to execute code throughout the clock switching sequence. Timing-sensitive code should not be executed during this time.

Figure 6-5:

Clock Transition Timing Diagram

New Source Enabled New Source Stable Old Source Disabled

Old Clock Source

New Clock Source


OSWEN bit Both Oscillators Active Note: The SYSCLK can be any selected source (POSC, SOSC, FRC or LPRC).



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The following is a recommended code sequence for a clock switch: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Disable interrupts and DMA prior to the system unlock sequence. Execute the system unlock sequence by writing the Key values of 0xAA996655 and 0x556699AA to the SYSKEY register in two back-to-back assembly or C instructions. Write the new oscillator source value to the NOSC control bits. Set the OSWEN bit in the OSCCON register to initiate the clock switch. Write a non-key value (such as 0x33333333) to the SYSKEY register to perform a lock. Continue to execute code that is not clock-sensitive (optional). Check to see if OSWEN is 0. If it is, the switch was successful. Loop until the bit is 0. Re-enable interrupts and DMA. Notes: There are no timing requirements for the steps other than the initial back-to-back writing of the Key values to perform the unlock sequence. The unlock sequence unlocks all registers that are secured by the lock function. It is recommended that amount to time is the system is unlock is kept to a minimum. The core sequence for unlocking the OSCCON register and initiating a clock switch is shown in Example 6-2. Clock Switching Considerations

When incorporating clock switching into an application, users should keep certain things in mind when designing their code. The SYSLOCK unlock sequence is timing critical. The two Key values must be written back-to-back with no in-between peripheral register access. To prevent unintended peripheral register accesses, it is recommended that all interrupts and DMA transfers are disbaled. The system will not relock automatically. The user should perform the relock sequence as soon after the clock switch as is possible. The unlock sequence unlocks other registers such as the those related to Real-Time Clock control. If the destination clock source is a crystal oscillator, the clock switch time will be dictated by the oscillator start-up time. If the new clock source does not start, or is not present, the OSWEN bit remain set. A clock switch to a different frequency will affect the clocks to peripherals. Peripherals may require reconfiguration to continue operation at the same rate as they did before the clock switch occurred. If the new clock source uses the PLL, a clock switch will not occur until lock has been achieved. If the WDT is used, care must be taken to ensure it can be serviced in a timely manner at the new clock rate. Note: The application should not attempt to switch to a clock with a frequency lower than 100 kHz when the Fail-Safe Clock Monitor is enabled. Clock switching in these instances may generate a false oscillator fail event and result in a switch to the Internal Fast RC oscillator. The device will not permit direct switching between PLL clock sources. The user should not change the PLL multiplier values or postscaler values when running from the affected PLL source. To perform either of the above clock switching functions, the clock switch should be performed in two steps. The clock source should first be switched to a non-PLL source, such as FRC, and then switched to the desired source. This requirement only applies to PLL-based clock sources.


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Section 6. Oscillators 6 Aborting a Clock Switch


In the event the clock switch did not complete, the clock switch logic can be reset by clearing the OSWEN bit (OSCCON<0>). This will abandon the clock switch process, stop and reset the Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) (if applicable) and stop the PLL (if applicable). A clock switch procedure can be aborted at any time. A clock switch that is already in progress can also be aborted by performing a second clock switch. Example 6-2: Performing a Clock Switch
// note: clock switching must be enabled in the device configuration SYSKEY = 0x0; SYSKEY = 0xAA996655; SYSKEY = 0x556699AA; // // // // // // // // // // // write invalid key to force lock Write Key1 to SYSKEY Write Key2 to SYSKEY OSCCON is now unlocked make the desired change clear the clock select bits set the new clock source to FRC request clock switch Relock the SYSKEY Write any value other than Key1 or Key2 OSCCON is relocked

OSCCONCLR = 7 << 8; OSCCONSET = 7 << 8; OSCCONSET = 1; SYSKEY = 0x0;

Entering SLEEP Mode During a Clock Switch

If the device enters SLEEP mode during a clock switch operation, the clock switch operation is not aborted. If the clock switch does not complete before entering Sleep mode it will perform the switch when exiting Sleep. The WAIT instruction is then executed normally.


Real-Time Clock Oscillator

To provide accurate timekeeping the Real-Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC) requires a precise time base. To achieve this requirement the Secondary Oscillator (SOSC) is used as the time base for the RTCC. The SOSC uses an external 32.768 kHz crystal connected to the SOSCI and SOSCO pins. SOSC Control

The SOSC can be used by modules other than the RTCC, therefore, the SOSC is controlled by a combination of software and hardware. Setting the SOSCEN bit (OSCCON<1>) to a 1 enables the SOSC. The SOSC is disabled when it is not being used by the CPU module and the SOSCEN bit is 0. If the SOSC is being used as SYSCLK, such as after a clock switch, it cannot be disabled by writing to the SOSCEN bit. If the SOSC is enabled by the SOSCEN bit, it will continue to operate when the device is in SLEEP. To prevent inadvertent clock changes the OSCCON register is locked. It must be unlocked prior to software enabling or disabling the SOSC. Notes: If the RTCC is to be used when the CPU clock source is to be switched between SOSC and another clock source the SOSCEN bit should be set to a 1 in software. Failure to set the bit will cause the SOSC to be disabled when the CPU is switched to another clock source. Due to the start-up time for an external crystal the user should wait for stable SOCSC oscillator output before enabling the RTCC. This typically requires a 32 ms delay between enabling the SOSC and enabling the RTCC. The actual time required will depend on the crystal in use and the application. There are numerous system and peripheral registers that are protected from inadvertent writes by the SYSREG lock. Performing a lock or unlock affects all registers protected by SYSREG including OSCCON.



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6.3.8 Timer1 External Oscillator

The Timer1 module has the ability to use the SOSC as a clock source to increment Timer1. The SOSC is designed to use an external 32.768 kHz crystal connected to the SOSCI and SOSCO pins. SOSC Control

The SOSC can be used by modules other than Timer1, therefore, the SOSC is controlled by a combination of software and hardware. Setting the SOSCEN bit (OSCCON<1>) to a 1 enables the SOSC. The SOSC is disabled when it is not being used by the CPU module and the SOSCEN bit is 0. If the SOSC is being used as SYSCLK, such as after a clock switch, it cannot be disabled by writing to the SOSCEN bit. If the SOSC is enabled by the SOSCEN bit, it will continue to operate when the device is in SLEEP. To prevent inadvertent clock changes the OSCCON register is locked. It must be unlocked prior to software enabling or disabling the SOSC. Notes: If the TIMER1 is to be used when the CPU clock source is to be switched between SOSC and another clock source, the SOSCEN bit should be set to a 1 in software. Failure to set the bit will cause the SOSC to be disabled when the CPU is switched to another clock source. Due to the start-up time for an external crystal the user should wait for stable SOCSC oscillator output before attempting to use Timer1 for accurate measurements. This typically requires a 10 ms delay between enabling the SOSC and use of Timer1. The actual time required will depend on the crystal in use and the application. There are numerous system and peripheral registers that are protected from inadvertent writes by the SYSREG lock. Performing a lock or unlock affects all registers protected by SYSREG including OSCCON.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6


The only interrupt generated by the oscillator module is the Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM) event interrupt. When the FSCM mode is enabled and the corresponding interrupts have been configured, a FSCM event will generate a interrupt. This interrupt has both priority and subpriorities that must be configured.


Interrupt Operation

The FSCM has a dedicated interrupt bit FSCMIF (IFS1<14>) and a corresponding interrupt enable/mask bit FSCMIE (IEC1<14>). These bits are used to determine the source of an interrupt and to enable or disable an individual interrupt source. The priority level of the FSCM can be set independently of other interrupt sources. The FSCMIF bit is set when a FSCM detects a POSC clock failure. The FSCMIF bit will then be set without regard to the state of the corresponding FSCMIE bit. The FSCMIF bit can be polled by software if desired. The FSCMIE bit controls the interrupt generation. If the FSCMIE bit is set, the CPU will be interrupted whenever an FSCM event occurs (subject to the priority and subpriority as outlined below). The FSCMIF bit will be set regardless of interrupt priority. It is the responsibility of the routine that services a particular interrupt to clear the appropriate Interrupt Flag bit before the service routine is complete. The priority of the FSCM interrupt can be set independently via the FSCMIP<2:0> bits (IPC8<20:18>). This priority defines the priority group that interrupt source will be assigned to. The priority groups range from a value of 7, the highest priority, to a value of 0, which does not generate an interrupt. An interrupt being serviced will be preempted by an interrupt in a higher priority group. The subpriority bits allow setting the priority of a interrupt source within a priority group. The values of the subpriority, FSCMIS<1:0> (IPC8<8:9>), range from 3, the highest priority, to 0 the lowest priority. An interrupt with the same priority group but having a higher subpriority value will preempt a lower subpriority interrupt that is in progress. The priority group and subpriority bits allow more than one interrupt source to share the same priority and subpriority. If simultaneous interrupts occur in this configuration, the natural order of the interrupt sources within a priority/subgroup pair determine the interrupt generated. The natural priority is based on the vector numbers of the interrupt sources. The lower the vector number the higher the natural priority of the interrupt. Any interrupts that were overridden by natural order will then generate their respective interrupts based on priority, subpriority, and natural order after the interrupt flag for the current interrupt is cleared. After an enabled interrupt is generated, the CPU will jump to the vector assigned to that interrupt (refer to Table 6-5). The vector number for the interrupt is the same as the natural order number. The IRQ number is not always the same as the vector number due to some interrupts sharing a single vector. The CPU will then begin executing code at the vector address. The users code at this vector address should perform an operations required, such as reloading the duty cycle, clear the interrupt flag, and then exit. Refer to Section 8. Interrupts for the vector address table details and for more information on interrupts. Table 6-5: FSCM Interrupt Vectors for Various Offsets with EBASE = 0x8000:0000 Vector/Natural Order 33 IRQ Number 45 Vector Address IntCtl.VS = 0x01 8000 0620 Vector Address IntCtl.VS = 0x02 8000 0A40 Vector Address IntCtl.VS = 0x04 8000 1280 Vector Address IntCtl.VS = 0x08 8000 2300 Vector Address IntCtl.VS = 0x10 8000 4400





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Example 6-3: FSCM Interrupt Configuration
// FSCM must be enabled in the device configuration // Setup the FSCM interrupt // located in the users start-up code // check for a FSCM during start-up // user handler for a FSCM event occurred during start-up } else { IPC8CLR IPC8SET IPC8SET IFS1CLR IEC1SET } = = = = = 0x1F 7 << 3 << 1 << 1 << << 16; 18; 16; 24; 24; // // // // // // normal start-up clear the FSCM priority bits set the FSCM interrupt priority set the FSCM interrupt subpriority clear the FSCM interrupt bit Enable the FSCM interrupt

if ( OSCCON & 0x8000 ) {

void __ISR(_FAIL_SAFE_MONITOR_VECTOR, ipl7) FSCM_HANDLER(void) { // interrupt handler // Insert user code here IFS1CLR = 1 << 3; // Clear the CMP2 interrupt flag }

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Section 6. Oscillators 6


The pins used by the POSC and SOSC are shared by other peripherals modules. Table shows the function of these shared pins in the available oscillator modes. When the pins are not used by a oscillator they are available for use as general I/O pins or by use by a peripheral sharing the pin. Refer to Section 29. Real-Time Clock and Calendar and Section 9. Watchdog Timer and Power-up Timer for more information. Table 6-6: Pin Name OSCI OSCO OSCI OSCO OSCO OSCO N/A N/A N/A N/A SOSCI SOSCO Note 1: Configuration of Pins Associated with the Oscillator Module Clock Mode HS, HSPLL, XT, XTPLL HS, HSPLL, XT, XTPLL EC, ECPLL EC, ECPLL EC, ECPLL EC, ECPLL FRC, FRCPLL, FRCDIV16, FRCDIV, LPRC FRC, FRCPLL, FRCDIV16, FRCDIV, LPRC FRC, FRCPLL, FRCDIV16, FRCDIV, LPRC FRC, FRCPLL, FRCDIV16, FRCDIV, LPRC SOSC SOSC Configuration Bit FIeld(1) COSC<2:0>, POSCMD<1:0> COSC<2:0>, POSCMD COSC<2:0>, POSCMD COSC<2:0>, POSCMD, OSCOFNC COSC<2:0>, POSCMD, OSCOFNC COSC<2:0>, POSCMD, OSCOFNC COSC<2:0> COSC<2:0> COSC<2:0> COSC<2:0> COSC<2:0> COSC<2:0> TRIS X X X X INPUT OUTPUT X X X X X X Pin Type OSC OSC CLOCK IN PBCLK OUT INPUT OUTPUT GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO OSC OSC

During device start-up, the Device Oscillator configuration data is copied from device configuration to COSC.


OSCI and OSCO Pin Functions in Non-External Oscillator Modes

When the primary oscillator (POSC) on OSCI and OSCO is not configured as a clock source the OSCI pin is automatically reconfigured as a digital I/O. In this configuration, as well as when the primary oscillator is configured for EC mode (POSCMD1:POSCMD0 = 00), the OSCO pin can also be configured as a digital I/O by programming the OSCIOFCN Configuration bit. When OSCIOFCN is unprogrammed (1), a PBCLK is available on OSCO for testing or synchronization purposes. With OSCIOFCN programmed (0), the OSCO pin becomes a general purpose I/O pin. In both of these configurations, the feedback device between OSCI and OSCO is turned off to save current.


SOSCI and SOCI Pin Functions in Non-External Oscillator Modes

When the secondary oscillator (SOSC) on SOSCI and SOSCO pin is not configured as a clock source the pins are automatically reconfigured as a digital I/O.



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Note: In this manual, a distinction is made between a power mode as it is used in a specific module, and a power mode as it is used by the device, e.g., Sleep mode of the Comparator and SLEEP mode of the CPU. To indicate which type of power mode is intended, uppercase and lowercase letters (Sleep, Idle, Debug) signify a module power mode, and all uppercase letters (SLEEP, IDLE, DEBUG) signify a device power mode.


Oscillator Operation in SLEEP Mode

Clock sources are disabled in SLEEP unless they are being used by a peripheral. The following sub-sections outline the behavior of each of the clock sources in SLEEP. POSC

The Primary Oscillator POSC is always disabled in SLEEP. Start-up delays apply when exiting SLEEP. SOSC

The Secondary Oscillator is disabled in SLEEP unless the SOSCEN bit is set or it is in use by an enabled module that operates in SLEEP. Start-up delays apply when exiting SLEEP if the secondary oscillator is not already running. FRC

The Fast RC (FRC) oscillator is disabled in SLEEP. LPRC

The Low-Power RC oscillator is disabled in SLEEP if the Watchdog Timer (WDT) is disabled.


Oscillator Operation in IDLE Mode

Clock sources are not disabled in IDLE mode. Start-up delays do not apply when exiting Idle mode.


Oscillator Operation in DEBUG Mode

The Oscillator module continues to operate while the device is in DEBUG mode. Note: There is no FRZ mode for this module.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6


On all forms of Device Reset OSCCON is set to the default value and the COSC<2:0>, PLLIDIV<2:0>, and PLLMULT<2:0>, and UPLLIDIV<2:0> values are forced to the values defined in the DEVCFG1 and DEVCFG2 Device Configuration Registers. The Oscillator source is transferred to the source as defined in the DEVCFG1 register. Oscillator start-up delays will apply.


6.8.1 Crystal Oscillators and Ceramic Resonators
In HS and XT modes, a crystal or ceramic resonator is connected to the OSCI and OSCO pins to establish oscillation (Figure 6-2). The PIC32MX oscillator design requires the use of a parallel cut crystal. Using a series cut crystal may give a frequency out of the crystal manufacturers specifications. In general, users should select the oscillator option with the lowest possible gain that still meets their specifications. This will result in lower dynamic currents (IDD). The frequency range of each oscillator mode is the recommended frequency cutoff, but the selection of a different gain mode is acceptable as long as a thorough validation is performed (voltage, temperature and component variations, such as resistor, capacitor and internal oscillator circuitry).


Oscillator/Resonator Start-up

As the device voltage increases from VSS, the oscillator will start its oscillations. The time required for the oscillator to start oscillating depends on many factors, including: Crystal/resonator frequency Capacitor values used Series resistor, if used, and its value and type Device VDD rise time System temperature Oscillator mode selection of device (selects the gain of the internal oscillator inverter) Crystal quality Oscillator circuit layout System noise

The course of a typical crystal or resonator start-up is shown in Figure 6-6. Notice that the time to achieve stable oscillation is not instantaneous. Refer to the Electrical Characteristics section in the specific device data sheet for further information regarding frequency range for each crystal mode. Figure 6-6: Example of Oscillator/Resonator Start-up Characteristics
Maximum VDD of System Device VDD VIH Voltage


0V Crystal Start-up Time Time



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6.8.3 Tuning the Oscillator Circuit

Since Microchip devices have wide operating ranges (frequency, voltage and temperature; depending on the part and version ordered) and external components (crystals, capacitors, etc.) of varying quality and manufacture, validation of operation needs to be performed to ensure that the component selection will comply with the requirements of the application. There are many factors that go into the selection and arrangement of these external components. Depending on the application, these may include any of the following: Amplifier gain Desired frequency Resonant frequency(s) of the crystal Temperature of operation Supply voltage range Start-up time Stability Crystal life Power consumption Simplification of the circuit Use of standard components Component count Determining the Best Values for Oscillator Components

The best method for selecting components is to apply a little knowledge and a lot of trial measurement and testing. Crystals are usually selected by their parallel resonant frequency only; however, other parameters may be important to your design, such as temperature or frequency tolerance. Microchip application note AN588, PICmicro Microcontroller Oscillator Design Guide is an excellent reference to learn more about crystal operation and ordering information. The PIC32MX internal oscillator circuit is a parallel oscillator circuit which requires that a parallel resonant crystal be selected. The load capacitance is usually specified in the 22 pF to 33 pF range. The crystal will oscillate closest to the desired frequency with a load capacitance in this range. It may be necessary to alter these values, as described later, in order to achieve other benefits. The Clock mode is primarily chosen based on the desired frequency of the crystal oscillator. The main difference between the XT and HS Oscillator modes is the gain of the internal inverter of the oscillator circuit which allows the different frequency ranges. In general, use the oscillator option with the lowest possible gain that still meets specifications. This will result in lower dynamic currents (IDD). The frequency range of each oscillator mode is the recommended frequency cutoff, but the selection of a different gain mode is acceptable as long as a thorough validation is performed (voltage, temperature and component variations, such as resistor, capacitor and internal oscillator circuitry). C1 and C2 should also be initially selected based on the load capacitance, as suggested by the crystal manufacturer, and the tables supplied in the device data sheet. The values given in the device data sheet can only be used as a starting point since the crystal manufacturer, supply voltage, PCB layout and other factors already mentioned may cause your circuit to differ from the one used in the factory characterization process. Ideally, the capacitance is chosen so that it will oscillate at the highest temperature and the lowest VDD that the circuit will be expected to perform under. High temperature and low VDD both have a limiting effect on the loop gain, such that if the circuit functions at these extremes, the designer can be more assured of proper operation at other temperatures and supply voltage combinations. The output sine wave should not be clipped in the highest gain environment (highest VDD and lowest temperature) and the sine output amplitude should be large enough in the lowest gain environment (lowest VDD and highest temperature) to cover the logic input requirements of the clock as listed in the device data sheet.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6
A method for improving start-up is to use a value of C2 that is greater than the value of C1. This causes a greater phase shift across the crystal at power-up which speeds oscillator start-up. Besides loading the crystal for proper frequency response, these capacitors can have the effect of lowering loop gain if their value is increased. C2 can be selected to affect the overall gain of the circuit. A higher C2 can lower the gain if the crystal is being overdriven (also, see discussion on Rs). Capacitance values that are too high can store and dump too much current through the crystal, so C1 and C2 should not become excessively large. Unfortunately, measuring the wattage through a crystal is difficult, but if you do not stray too far from the suggested values you should not have to be concerned with this. A series resistor, Rs, is added to the circuit if, after all other external components are selected to satisfaction, the crystal is still being overdriven. This can be determined by looking at the OSCO pin, which is the driven pin, with an oscilloscope. Connecting the probe to the OSCI pin will load the pin too much and negatively affect performance. Remember that a scope probe adds its own capacitance to the circuit, so this may have to be accounted for in your design (i.e., if the circuit worked best with a C2 of 22 pF and the scope probe was 10 pF, a 33 pF capacitor may actually be called for). The output signal should not be clipping or flattened. Overdriving the crystal can also lead to the circuit jumping to a higher harmonic level, or even, crystal damage. The OSCO signal should be a clean sine wave that easily spans the input minimum and maximum of the clock input pin. An easy way to set this is to again test the circuit at the minimum temperature and maximum VDD that the design will be expected to perform in, then look at the output. This should be the maximum amplitude of the clock output. If there is clipping, or the sine wave is distorted near VDD and VSS, increasing load capacitors may cause too much current to flow through the crystal or push the value too far from the manufacturers load specification. To adjust the crystal current, add a trimmer potentiometer between the crystal inverter output pin and C2 and adjust it until the sine wave is clean. The crystal will experience the highest drive currents at the low temperature and high VDD extremes. The trimmer potentiometer should be adjusted at these limits to prevent overdriving. A series resistor, Rs, of the closest standard value can now be inserted in place of the trimmer. If Rs is too high, perhaps more than 20 k:, the input will be too isolated from the output, making the clock more susceptible to noise. If you find a value this high is needed to prevent overdriving the crystal, try increasing C2 to compensate or changing the Oscillator Operating mode. Try to get a combination where Rs is around 10 k: or less and load capacitance is not too far from the manufacturers specification.




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6.8.4 FAQs
When looking at the OSCO pin after power-up with an oscilloscope, there is no clock. What can cause this?

Question 1:

Answer: There are several possible causes: 1. Entering SLEEP mode with no source for wake-up (such as WDT, MCLR or an interrupt). Verify that the code does not put the device to SLEEP without providing for wake-up. If it is possible, try waking it up with a low pulse on MCLR. Powering up with MCLR held low will also give the crystal oscillator more time to start-up, but the Program Counter will not advance until the MCLR pin is high. The wrong clock mode is selected for the desired frequency. For a blank device, the default oscillator is FRC. Most parts come with the clock selected in the Default mode which will not start oscillation with a crystal or resonator. Verify that the clock mode has been programmed correctly. The proper power-up sequence has not been followed. If a CMOS part is powered through an I/O pin prior to power-up, bad things can happen (latch-up, improper start-up, etc.). It is also possible for brown-out conditions, noisy power lines at start-up and slow VDD rise times to cause problems. Try powering up the device with nothing connected to the I/O, and power-up with a known, good, fast rise power supply. Refer to the power-up information in the specific device data sheet for considerations on brown-out and power-up sequences. The C1 and C2 capacitors attached to the crystal have not been connected properly or are not the correct values. Make sure all connections are correct. The device data sheet values for these components will usually get the oscillator running; however, they just might not be the optimal values for your design. Why does my device run at a frequency much higher than the resonant frequency of the crystal?




Question 2:

Answer: The gain is too high for this oscillator circuit. Refer to Determining the Best Values for Oscillator Components to aid in the selection of C2 (may need to be higher), Rs (may be needed) and Clock mode (wrong mode may be selected). This is especially possible for low-frequency crystals, like the common 32.768 kHz. Question 3: The design runs fine, but the frequency is slightly off. What can be done to adjust this?

Answer: Changing the value of C1 has some effect on the oscillator frequency. If a series resonant crystal is used, it will resonate at a different frequency than a parallel resonant crystal of the same frequency call-out. Ensure that you are using a parallel resonant crystal. Question 4: What would cause my application to work fine, but then suddenly quit or lose time?

Answer: Other than the obvious software checks that should be done to investigate losing time, it is possible that the amplitude of the oscillator output is not high enough to reliably trigger the oscillator input. Also, look at the C1 and C2 values and ensure that the device Configuration bits are correct for the desired oscillator mode. Question 5: If I put an oscilloscope probe on an oscillator pin, I dont see what I expect. Why?

Answer: Remember that an oscilloscope probe has capacitance. Connecting the probe to the oscillator circuitry will modify the oscillator characteristics. Consider using a low capacitance (active) probe.

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Section 6. Oscillators 6


This section lists application notes that are related to this section of the manual. These application notes may not be written specifically for the PIC32MX device family, but the concepts are pertinent and could be used with modification and possible limitations. The current application notes related to the Oscillator module are: Title Basic PIC Microcontroller Oscillator Design Practical PIC Microcontroller Oscillator Analysis and Design Making Your Oscillator Work

Application Note # AN826 AN849 AN943 AN949

Crystal Oscillator Basics and Crystal Selection for rfPIC and PIC MCU Devices


Please visit the Microchip web site ( for additional application notes and code examples for the PIC32MX family of devices.



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PIC32MX Family Reference Manual

Revision A (October 2007)
This is the initial released version of this document.

Revision B (October 2007)

Updated document to remove Confidential status.

Revision C (April 2008)

Revised status to Preliminary; Revise U-0 to r-x; Revise Figure 6-1.

Revision D (May 2008)

Revised Figure 6-1, Table 6-1 (WDTCON); Revised Registers 6-9, 6-13, 6-14, 6-15; Revised Example 6-3; Change Reserved bits from Maintain as to Write; Added Note to ON bit (WDTCON Register).

Revision E (July 2008)

Revised Figure 6-1; Examples 6-1, 6-2, 6-3.

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