Big Hermet Pressure Switches - CAT455

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Big Hermet Pressure Switches

Big Hermet Pressure Switches are robust field-mounted

instruments. The pressure sensing assembly is identical to a conventional Static
“O” Ring type. The main difference is that the switching element assembly is
hermetically sealed in a steel capsule. Switching elements are SPDT or DPDT. A
description of the operating principle can be found on page 2.

Application Information The pressure switches in this catalog are

suitable for a variety of process applications in hazardous locations and hostile
environments. Basic models with standard wetted parts are normally suitable for
air, oil, water and non-corrosive process fluids. See the Quick Selection Guide
on page 4. Corrosive service and particle user requirements may require optional
components. See How to Order on page 3. More hostile environments, space
restrictions and user preference may require Mini Hermet models. High pressure
fluid power (hydraulic) applications where high shock pressures and high cycle
rates are expected normally require pivot seal type pressure switches.
Model 4BA
(Refer to Form 219.)

Robust Construction Agency Listings/Certification

Features and Benefits

 High cycle rate tolerance, long life, not  Select models with RTN, SIL, UL/CSA,
critical to vibration, protected internal TestSafe (SAA)
hermetically sealed switching element • Meets most code and customer requirements
Safety Certified to IEC 61508 (SIL)
Instrument Quality  SOR products are certified to IEC 61508 for
 High resolution of Set Points, high non-redundant use in SIL1 and SIL2 Safety
repeatability, narrow dead band, negligible Instrumented Systems for most models. For
temperature effect, high overrange and more details or values applicable to a specific
proof pressures. product, see the Safety Integrity Level Quick
Guide (Form 1528).
Explosion-Proof Hermetically Sealed
Switching Element Capsule Built-In Quality
 Isolates switching elements from corrosive,  Rigid quality standards maintained from raw
hostile and hazardous environments and material to finished product.
virtually eliminates problems from corrosion.
Field Adjustable Set Points  Routine shipments 7 to 10 working days.
 Full range adjustability without disconnecting Emergency shipments via same day.
electrical power while maintaining explosion
proof integrity, self-locking adjustment, no Service
special tools required, no-charge factory  Factory service engineers and area factory
calibration. representatives provide effective and prompt
worldwide service.
Cost Effective
 Simple and fast installation without special Warranty
tools, long service life.  3 years from date of manufacture.

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Big Hermet Operating Principle

The pressure sensing element of the SOR Pressure Switch is a force-balance, piston-actuated
assembly. The sensing element is sealed by a flexible diaphragm and a static o-ring. There are only
three wetted parts in this arrangement: a pressure port, a diaphragm and an o-ring. A wide selection
of wetted parts materials for media compatibility and containment is available. A metal diaphragm
may be welded to the pressure port for certain applications, thereby eliminating the o-ring
(designators U7, U8 and U9).

Media pressure on the piston counteracts the force of the range spring (adjustable by the adjusting
nut) which moves the piston shaft only a few thousandths of an inch to directly actuate the electrical
snap-action switching element that is enclosed in the hermetically sealed steel capsule. This design
results in low friction and virtually no wear. The electrical switching element is isolated from corrosive

3/4” NPT(F) Electrical Connection

Factory Sealed Electrical Leads

Glass to Metal Seal

Breather Drain

Neoprene O-Ring
Explosion Proof Hermetically Sealed
Electrical Switching Element Capsule
Electrical Switching Element(s)

Actuator Lever Assembly

Overtravel Adjustment (factory preset)
CAUTION: Inadvertent movement will
Calibration Scale (not visible) degrade performance and could render
the device inoperative, unless factory-
authorized procedures are followed.
Set Point Adjusting Nut
(Clockwise rotation
increases set point:
Counterclockwise rotation
decreases set point)
Piston Shaft

Range Spring
Breather Drain (not shown)
Piston Assembly

U8 Fire-Safe Welded O-Ring (Not shown: Installed here on non-

Diaphragm System welded diaphragm systems)

Pressure Port

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Big Hermet How to Order

Model Number System

6 BA-KB3-M4-C2A-YY
Piston Housing Switching Range Diaphragm Pressure Port Accessories
Element Spring

Quick Selection Guide

Basic Big Hermet pressure switches with Information and data in this catalog are
standard wetted parts are normally suitable for formatted to provide a convenient guide to
air, oil, water and non-corrosive process assist instrument engineers, plant engineers
applications in hazardous locations and hostile and end users in selecting pressure switches
environments. Refer to the Quick Selection for their unique applications.
Guide section on page 4 for a basic model
number. Corrosive service and particular How to Order
customer requirements may require optional Steps 1 through 5 are required. Step 6 is
components. Follow the steps for ordering to optional. Orders must have complete Model
build a customized model number referring Numbers, i.e. each component must have a
to the dedicated page to locate optional designator.
components, such as: switching elements,
diaphragm systems, pressure ports and Step 1: Select Piston Spring Adjustable
accessories. Each position in the model number, Range/Set Point from Specifications.
except Accessories, must have a designator. (Piston/Spring combination determines
Adjustable Range.) (Pages 5 and 6.)
Applications Step 2: Select Housing. BA Housing is
Pressure switches in the BA housing are
standard; BA designator must appear in model
normally suitable for a variety of process
number unless BL is specified (page 6).
applications in hazardous locations and hostile
environments because the electrical switching Step 3: Select Electrical Switching Element
elements are hermetically sealed in a steel for electrical service (page 7).
capsule that is UL Listed, CSA Certified and
SAA Approved. Specific customer or code Step 4: Select Diaphragm and O-ring for
requirements for the complete pressure switch process compatibility and containment
to be UL Listed/CSA Certified can normally be (page 8).
met by specifying a BL housing and U8 Step 5: Select Pressure Port for process
diaphragm system. See pages 6, 7, 8 and 10 for compatibility and connection (page 9).
details. Other application requirements can
normally be met by selecting optional Step 6: Select Accessories required for
components, such as: switching elements, service (page 11).
diaphragm systems and pressure ports.
Agency Approved, Certified or Listed pressure
Certain applications may require customized
switches are required. See page 12 for
specials. Consult the factory or the SOR
components that must be specified.
representative in your area.
Conventional explosion-proof pressure switches
for process applications are available (refer to
Form 216).

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Big Hermet Quick Selection Guide

Basic Big Hermet pressure switches with standard wetted parts are normally suitable for air, oil,
water and non-corrosive process in hazardous locations and hostile environments. The Set Point
must be within the adjustable range. Refer to How to Order section on page 3 to locate optional
components. Each position in the model number, except Accessories, must have a designator.

Pressure Switches
Adjustable Range Overrange Proof
Model Number Dead Band
psi (in. wc) psi psi
psi (in. wc)
12BA-KB614-N4-B1A (10 to 45) (1.2)
12BA-KB2-N4-B1A 0.4 to 2 0.15
12BA-KB4-N4-B1A 0.5 to 6 0.2 200 400
12BA-KB5-N4-B1A 0.75 to 12 0.2
12BA-KB45-N4-B1A 1 to 16 0.2
4BA-KB2-N4-B1A 2 to 8 0.3
4BA-KB4-N4-B1A 2 to 25 0.5
750 1000
4BA-KB5-N4-B1A 3 to 50 0.7
4BA-KB45-N4-B1A 4 to 75 0.8
6BA-KB2-N4-F1A 7 to 30 0.8
6BA-KB3-N4-F1A 12 to 100 1.3
6BA-KB5-N4-F1A 20 to 180 2
6BA-KB45-N4-F1A 25 to 275 3 1500 2500
5BA-KB3-N4-F1A 25 to 240 3
5BA-KB5-N4-F1A 35 to 375 4.5
5BA-KB45 -N4-F1A 45 to 550 6
9BA-KB4-N4-F1A 100 to 500 10
9BA-KB5-N4-F1A 200 to 1000 14 2500 6000
9BA-KB45-N4-F1A 200 to 1750 23
1BA-KB45-N4-F1A 500 to 4000 150 5000 6000

Vacuum Switches
Adjustable Range Typical
Overrange Proof
Model Number in. Hg (in. wc) Dead Band
psi psi
(vacuum to pressure) in. Hg (in. wc)
52BA-KB116-N4-B1A (20 - 0 -20) (1.4)
200 400
52BA-KB117-N4-B1A (40 - 0 - 40) (1.6)
54BA-KB117-N4-B1A 15 - 0 - 15 0.7
750 1000
54BA-KB118-N4-B1A 30 - 0 0.9
56BA-KB216-M2-F1A 30 - 0 - 20 1.5
1500 2500
56BA-KB316-M2-F1A 30 - 0 - 160 2.1

Standard Construction
1. Housing: BA-Aluminum. See housing and dimensions 4. Pressure Port: B1A-Aluminum 1/4” NPT(F);
pages for details. F1A-Carbon steel 1/4” NPT(F). See page 9 for
optional pressure ports.
2. Switching Element: KB-SPDT 15a 250 VAC. See
page 7 for optional switching elements. 5. Dead Band values are expressed as typical expected at
mid-adjustable range with the standard KB switching
3. Diaphragm & O-Ring: N4-primary (wetted) diaphragm
element installed.
TCP, o-ring (wetted) Buna-N. See page 8 for optional
diaphragm and o-ring systems.

Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, see

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Big Hermet Step 1: Piston Spring
This table is a listing of piston-spring combinations and the corresponding adjustable ranges, dead
bands, overrange and proof pressures. Adjustable range is expressed for increasing pressure; the
Set Point must be within the adjustable range. Dead band is expressed as typical. See dead band
considerations at the bottom of switching element on page 7.

Piston-Spring Adjustable Range Typical Dead Band Overrange Proof

Designator psi (in. wc) bar [mbar] psi (in. wc) bar [mbar] psi bar psi bar
12 - 614 (10 to 45) [25 to 110] (1.2) [3]
12 - 2 0.4 to 2 [30 to 140] 0.15 [10]
12 - 4 0.5 to 6 [35 to 415] 0.2 [14] 200* 13* 400 27
12 - 5 0.75 to 12 [50 to 830] 0.2 [14]
12 - 45 1 to 16 [70 to 1100] 0.2 [14]
4-2 2 to 8 [140 to 550] 0.3 [20]
4-4 2 to 25 0.14 to 1.7 0.5 [35]
750 50 1000 70
4-5 3 to 50 0.2 to 3.5 0.7 [48]
4 - 45 4 to 75 0.3 to 5 0.8 [55]
6-2 7 to 30 0.5 to 2 0.8 [55]
6-3 12 to 100 0.8 to 7 1.3 [89]
6-5 20 to 180 1.4 to 12 2 0.14
6 - 45 25 to 275 1.7 to 19 3 0.21 1500 100 2500 175
5-3 25 to 240 1.7 to 16 3 0.2
5-5 35 to 375 2.4 to 26 4.5 0.3
5 - 45 45 to 550 3.1 to 38 6 0.4
9-4 100 to 500 7 to 35 10 0.7
9-5 200 to 1000 14 to 70 14 0.9 2500 175 6000 420
9 - 45 200 to 1750 14 to 120 23 1.5
1 - 45 500 to 4000 35 to 275 150 10 5000 340 6000 420

1. Dead Band values are expressed as typical 4. Design, operating and rating specifications
expected at mid-range with the standard KB are based on English psi (in. wc) engineering
switching element assembly installed. When units rather than metric values. This data appears
optional switching elements are specified, on the product nameplate when English
corresponding dead band multipliers shown on engineering units are specified.
page 7 must be applied.
5. Metric bar (mbar) values are practical equivalents
2. Special ranges may be possible. Consult the of the reference English values; not necessarily
factory or the SOR representative in your area. exact mathematical conversions. This data
appears on the product nameplate when metric
3. Diaphragms may have an effect on dead engineering units are specified.
band. Consult factory. See Notes on page 8.

*CAUTION: Overrange for UL Listed/CSA Certified pressure switches with the BL housing and the U8
diaphragm system is reduced to 100 psi (7 bar).

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Big Hermet Step 1: Piston-Spring
Vacuum Specifications
This table is a listing of piston-spring combinations and the corresponding adjustable ranges, dead
bands, overrange and proof pressures. SOR vacuum switches are compound; they will operate in
either vacuum or pressure modes. Adjustable range is expressed from maximum vacuum decreasing
to zero gauge and increasing to maximum pressure. Dead band is expressed as typical. See dead
band considerations on bottom of page 7. The Set Point must be within the adjustable range. A
vacuum switch is generally better suited than a pressure switch for Set Points very near zero gauge.

Adjustable Range Typical Dead Band

Overrange Proof
Piston-Spring (Vacuum-0 Pressure) (Vacuum Mode)
in. Hg (in. wc) bar [mbar] in. Hg (in. wc) bar [mbar] psi bar psi bar
52 - 116 (20 - 0 - 20) [50 - 0 - 50] (1.4) [3.5]
200 13 400 27
52 - 117 (40 - 0 - 40) [100 - 0 - 00] (1.6) [4]
54 - 117 15 - 0 - 15 0.5 - 0 - 0.5 0.7 [25]
750 50 1000 70
54 - 118 30 - 0 1.0 - 0 0.9 [30]
56 - 216 30 - 0 - 20 1.0 - 0 - 0.7 1.5 [50]
1500 100 2500 175
56 - 316 30 - 0 - 160 1.0 - 0 - 5.4 2.1 [70]

1. Dead band values are expressed as typical 4. Design, operating and rating specifications are
expected at mid-range vacuum with the standard based on English psi (in. wc) engineering units
KB switching element assembly installed. When rather than metric values. This data appears on
optional switching elements are specified, the product nameplate when English engineering
corresponding dead band multipliers shown on units are specified.
page 7 must be applied. 5. Metric bar (mbar) values are practical equivalents
2. Special ranges may be possible. Consult the of the reference English values; not necessarily
factory or the SOR representative in your area. exact mathematical conversions. This data
3. Diaphragms may have an additional effect on dead appears on the product nameplate when metric
band. Refer to page 8 or consult factory for engineering units are specified.
additional information.
Big Hermet Step 2: Housing
Service Description Designator
Contains UL Listed, CSA Certified and SAA Approved snap
Hazardous Locations
switch for hazardous locations and hostile environments. See
details Note 2, page 7. Electrical conduit connection 3/4” NPT(F). BA
(UL Listed/CSA
NEMA 4, 4X & IP65.
Certified Snap Switch)
Material: Copper-free aluminum.
UL Listed/CSA Certified pressure switch for Class I, Group A,
Hazardous Locations
B, C & D; Class II, Group E, F, & G; Division 1 & 2 for hazardous
locations and hostile environments. BL housing and U8 fire-safe
(UL Listed/CSA BL
diaphragm designators required. See details page 10. Electrical
Certified Pressure
conduit connection 3/4” NPT(F). NEMA 4, 4X & IP65.
Material: Copper-free aluminum.
1. BA and BL housings have integral UL Listed, 2. BA and BL housings have sintered stainless
CSA Certified and SAA approved snap steel breather drain plugs to facilitate
switches (hermetically sealed steel switching condensate drainage and housing ventilation
element capsules) that provide explosion-proof in humid environments, such as offshore.
integrity for service in hazardous locations. See
Note 2, page 7. BA and BL housings are also
weathertight NEMA 4, 4X and IP65.

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Big Hermet Step 3: Electrical Switching Element

Contact Electrical AC Rating DC Rating Dead Band

Service Designator
Form Connection volts amps volts amps volts amps Multiplier
SPDT 250 15 125 0.4* 30 5* 1.0 KB
Normal AC/DC
DPDT 18” 18 AWG 250 5 125 0.5* 30 5* 3.5 EB
Low Power Color-Coded
SPDT Standard 125 1 - - 28 1* 1.0 JR
Data Acquisition
Wire Leads
DPDT 125 1 - - 30 1 3.5 JB
Gold Contact

Notes 5. When the U7 welded diaphragm system is

1. Switching elements EB and JB have two specified only the KB or JR switching element
separate SPDT switching elements that are may be specified.
operated by a single lever for DPDT switching 6. Ambient Temperature Limits:
action. Simultaneous actuation or deactuation -40 to 167oF (-40 to 75oC)
occurs at both increasing and decreasing Set 7. Wire-Lead Color Code
Points. Two independent electrical circuits can be
simultaneously switched, i.e. one AC and one DC. KB & JR Red NC (Normally Closed)
2. The hermetically sealed switching element capsule Black NO (Normally Open)
is UL Listed, CSA Certified and SAA Approved as Blue C (Common)
a snap switch in accordance with the following Green G (Ground-Earth)
table. EB & JB Red NC1 (Normally Closed-1)
Hazardous Location Conditions Designator Black NO1 (Normally Open-1)
Blue C1 (Common-1)
UL Listed Class I, Groups A, B, C, & D;
KB, EB, Orange NC2 (Normally Closed-2)
CSA Class II, Groups E, F, & G;
JB, JR Brown NO2 (Normally Open-2)
Certified Divisions 1 & 2
SAA Ex s Zone 2 IIC T4 IP65 Yellow C2 (Common-2)
KB, EB Green G Ground-Earth)
Approved Ex tD A22 T105°C IP65

3. Electrical Connections are 18” 18AWG color- CAUTION: Switching element capsule assembly has
coded stranded wire leads unless Accessory TB is been precisely positioned in the housing and
specified (electrical junction box with screw overtravel adjusted at the factory for optimum
terminals.) performance. Any inadvertent movement or
replacement in the field will degrade performance
4. DC electrical ratings are for resistive loads only. and could render the device inoperative, unless
Ratings marked (*) asterisk are not UL Listed, but factory authorized procedures are followed.
have been verified by testing or experience.

Dead Band Considerations

1. Dead band values are expressed as typical expected at mid-range with the standard KB switching element
assembly installed. When optional switching elements are specified, corresponding dead band multipliers
must be applied.
2. Dead bands are fixed (non-adjustable).
3. Dead band multipliers must be applied to the typical dead band values shown in the specification tables
whenever optional switching elements, other than KB or JR are used.
4. Dead band can be widened by selecting an optional switching element with a multiplier greater than 1.0.
Example: Model 6BA-EB3-M4-C2A-YY
Typical Dead Band: 1.3 psi Switching Element Designators Multiplier
EB Switching Element multiplier = 3.5 KB, JR 1.0
Typical Dead Band corrected for EB EB, JB 3.5
switching element: 1.3 x 3.5 = 4.55psi

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Big Hermet Step 4: Diaphragm & O-Ring
Material & Systems
1. N4 diaphragm system is standard, but requires a O-Ring Diaphragm
designator in the model number. It is normally suitable (Wetted) (Wetted)
for air, oil, water and non-corrosive processes. M2 Viton A4
diaphragm system is standard on Number 56 vacuum Monel
Kalrez* A6
switches (Note 10).
2. U7 designates a welded flush-type diaphragm. Viton H4
Hastelloy B
(Available only in 1” NPT(M) 316SS on Numbers 5 & 6 Kalrez* H6
pistons with KB or JR switching element (page 10).
Viton J4
3. U8 designates the welded fire-safe diaphragm system. Hastelloy C
U8 must be specified for the complete pressure switch Kalrez* J6
to be UL Listed and CSA Certified. See pages 10 and Viton L4
11. 316SS is stocked. Not available on Number 1 Carpenter-20
piston or vacuum switches. Example: U8-C2A is a Kalrez* L6
316SS fire-safe welded diaphragm system; U8-Z2A is Viton GLT M1
316L SS fire-safe welded diaphragm system. Buna-N M2
4. U9 designates a welded diaphragm system. Not
available on vacuum switches. Example: U9-A1A is a Viton M4
Monel welded diaphragm system (page 10). Neoprene 316L SS M5
5 Other diaphragm and o-ring combinations may
Kalrez* M7
be available. Consult the factory or the SOR
representative in your area for more information. Aflas M8
6. Wetted parts have been selected as representing the EPR M9
most suitable commercially available material for use in
the service intended. However, they do not constitute a Viton N1
guarantee against corrosion or permeation, since N3
processes vary from plant to plant and concentration of TCP (See Note 7)
harmful fluids, gases or solids vary from time to time in Teflon-Coated N4
a given process. Empirical experience by users should Buna-N Polyimide Standard
be the final guide. Alternate materials based on this are (See Note 1)
generally available.
7. Specify N3 diaphragm system for high cycle rate, high Kalrez* N5
shock applications where Buna-N and TCP are Kalrez* Kalrez N6
compatible with the process.
8. This table shows allowable minimum and maximum EPR TCP N7
temperatures for o-rings. Consult the factory for Teflon-Coated
temperatures down to -65oF on fire-safe and welded Aflas Polyimide N8
metal diaphragm systems. Buna-N Buna-N P1
O-Ring Material °F °C Neoprene Neoprene R1
Viton 32 to 400 0 to 204 Viton S1
Viton GLT -20 to 400 -29 to 204 Viton GLT S2
Kalrez* 5 to 400 -15 to 204 Buna-N W2
* Viton W4
Aflas 25 to 400 -4 to 204
Buna-N Neoprene EPR -30 to 200 -34 to 93 Neoprene W5
Fire-Safe/Welded Kalrez* W6
-30 to 400 -34 to 204
Diaphragm System EPR
TCP-Teflon Coated Ethylene Y1
-30 to 400 -34 to 204 Ethylene Propylene
Polyimide Diaphragm Propylene
*Kalrez or equivalent Perfluoroelastomer (FFKM) o-rings U7
None Flush
(See Note 2)
9. Dead Bands are slightly higher when using H, J4, J6, U8
None Fire-Safe Welded
N3, N6, U or W series diaphragm options. Consult (See Note 3)
10. Diaphragm systems N1, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, None Welded
(See Note 4)
P1, R1, S1, S2, W2, W4, W5, W6, Y1, U8, U9 are
not available on Number 56 vacuum switches. *Kalrez or equivalent Perfluoroelastomer (FFKM) o-rings

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Big Hermet Step 5: Pressure Port
Material & Connection Size
6, 5,
12, 4 6, 5, 9 12, 4 6, 5, 9
Piston 9 4, 54 12, 52 12, 52
52, 54 1, 56 52, 54 1, 56
1, 56
2” NPT(F)
1/4” NPT(F) 1/2” NPT(F) 3/4” NPT(M) 1” NPT(M) 1” NPT(F) 1/4” NPT(F)
Connection Size
Flushing Port
Series 2000 B1A N/A B2A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Wrought 356 or (Standard)
360 Casting
Carbon Steel
Ledloy Wrought N/A F1A N/A F2A F3A N/A N/A N/A
or WCB Casting
Wrought or C1A C2A C3A C4A C5A C6A
CF-8M Casting
Pressure Port Material

347 Stainless
Steel Wrought
or CF-8C
Carpenter 20
Stainless Steel
Wrought or
CF-7M Casting
Consult the factory for
316L Stainless Consult factory
availability availability of
of Pressure
Steel Low Carbon pressure port material
Port Material and and
Brass (See Note process connection
Connection Size. size.
6) Half Hard
Yellow Wrought D1A D2A D3A
Silicon Brass
Hastelloy B H1A H2A H3A
Hastelloy C J1A J2A J3A
Monel A1A A2A A3A
1. Select designators for material and connections specifying an X followed by the required
size. Large bold-face letters denote those items connections size, and describe the material.
generally available from stock. Small lightfaced Examples:
letters denote items with limited stock and X2A = PVC pressure port with
possible long delivery. 1/2” NPT(F) connection.
2. 1/4 and 1/2” tapered BSP(F) pressure ports are X1A = Titanium pressure port with
available. 1/4” NPT(F) connection.
3. Combinations are possible when a particular
connection size is not available for the range Non-metal pressure ports generally reduce proof
(piston/spring) desired. For example, if 1” NPT(F) pressure and may reduce overrange pressure. The
is desired for a Number 4 piston, the Number 12 pressure port material may limit the process
pressure port can be supplied. The piston would temperature. Delivery may be longer than normal.
be designated as Number 124 and the overrange 5. Raised-face and flat-face flanges in commercially
and proof pressures for Number 12 apply. available materials can be supplied. Consult the
Note: 124, 125 and 126 are the only available factory.
combinations. 6. Brass not available on Piston Numbers 9 and 1.
4. Many other materials such as PVC, Kynar, etc., 7. 1/4” NPT(F) Flushing Port standard on C6A
are available. Denote materials not shown by pressure ports.

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Big Hermet Welded Diaphragm & Fire-safe Systems

Designator Description
Welded Flush-Type Diaphragm System
U7 A metal diaphragm is welded to the process face of the pressure port,
thereby, eliminating the o-ring. This arrangement may be indicated
for viscous or slurry process where cleanliness is required or where
process build-up and clogging is unacceptable.
The pressure port designator determines the material.
Only 1” NPT(M) 316SS is available.
Face Example: U7-C4A
U7 = 316SS welded flush-type diaphragm
C4A =1” NPT(M) 316SS pressure port

Note: U7 is limited to Numbers 5 and 6 pistons and the KB and JR

switching element. Not available on vacuum switches.

U8 Fire-Safe Welded Diaphragm System

Factory Mutual System Approved
U.S. Patent No. 4,438,305
Piston Shaft
Tested in flames at 1900oF for periods up to 30 minutes while
pressurized to the rated overrange pressure.

A metal diaphragm, the cylinder disc and the pressure port are welded
as a unit, thereby, eliminating the o-ring. This arrangement may be
Spring Stop indicated for extremely corrosive, hot, harsh or volatile process where
o-rings are not suitable. See fire-safe definition on page 12.
Cylinder Disc
316SS, Hastelloy B and C, Monel and Titanium are available. The
pressure port designator determines the material.
Diaphragm Example: U8-C2A
U8 = Fire-safe welded diaphragm system
C2A =1/2” NPT(F) 316SS pressure port

Pressure Note: 1/2” NPT(F) is stocked; 1/4” NPT(F) is not stocked and has
Port a longer lead time. Not available on Number 1 piston and vacuum

Welded Diaphragm System

U9 A metal diaphragm is welded to the pressure port, thereby, eliminating
the o-ring.
This arrangement may be indicated for extremely corrosive, hot or harsh
process where o-rings are not suitable.
Pressure 316SS, Hastelloy B and C, Monel and Titanium are available. The
pressure port designator determines the material.
Example: U9-A2A
U9 = Monel welded diaphragm
A2A = 1/2” NPT(F) Monel pressure port
Note: Not available on vacuum switches.

2” NPT Pressure Port
A wide pressure port minimizes the possibility of clogging when the process media is sludgy or viscous. A
2” NPT(F) pressure port with a 1/4” NPT(F) flushing port can be supplied with a welded diaphragm, or with a
conventional diaphragm and o-ring combination.
See page 15 for dimensions.

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Big Hermet Step 6: Accessories
Description Designator
Wetted parts are cleaned for oxygen service. BB
Canadian Registration Number (CRN) - Process ratings may be affected. Consult the factory for details. CV
CSA Dual Seal Approval. See Agency Listings on page 12 for details. DS
Universal terminal box. Stainless steel. 1/2” NPT(F). ATEX/IECEx approved. Ex db IIC T4, T5 & T6 Gb HB**
Universal terminal box. Stainless steel. M20x1.5(F). ATEX/IECEx approved. Ex db IIC T4, T5 & T6 Gb HBME**
Universal terminal box. Stainless steel. 1/2”” NPT(F). FM Approved and CSA Certified. Explosion proof
Class I, Groups A, B, C, D; Class II, Group E, F, G, Class III; Division 1 (NEMA 4X, IP65)
Vacuum protector plate. Retains diaphragm in pressure switch if subjected to vacuum greater than 10 in. Hg. If a pressure switch is
subjected to continuous, rapid changes of vacuum, other protection may be available (consult factory). Material matches or exceeds MM
pressure port material. N/A on Pistons 52, 54, or 56.
Compliance to NACE Certification MR0175/ISO 15156. NC*
Carbon steel body with stainless steel adjusting nut. PB
Pipe (stanchion) mounting kit for (1-1/2 to 2” pipe). PK
Tag, fiber. Attached with plastic wire to housing. Stamped with customer specified tagging information. PP
Powder coat epoxy coating. No coating on stainless steel parts or plated screws. (500 hours-salt spray) PY
Tag, stainless steel. Attached with stainless steel wire to housing. Stamped with customer specified tagging information. (2 lines, 18
characters and spaces per line.)
Stainless steel body and adjusting nut for corrosive environments. SB
Stainless steel piston and cylinder disc for corrosion resistance. SP
Explosion proof and weathertight electrical junction box with screw terminals. Aluminum 3/4”” NPT(F) top or right conduit
connections as required. UL Listed and CSA Certified Class I, Groups A, B, C, & D; Class II, Groups E, F & G; TB**
Divisions 1 & 2. Includes cover o-ring for weathertight applications.
Oversize stainless steel nameplate or separate stainless steel tag. Permanently attached to housing. Stamped with customer specified
tagging information.
Fungicidal varnish. Covers exterior and interior except working parts. VV
Epoxy coating. Exterior only. Polyamide epoxy with 316SS pigment. (200 hours-salt spray) YY
Chained cover with captive screws to conform to former JIC specifications. ZZ
“X” is used as a suffix to the Model Number for special requirements. Each “X” must be completely identified in the text of the order or
inquiry. When more than one “X” is required, use “X” followed by the number of such items. For example, “X3” means three separate X
otherwise unidentifiable requirements.
Note: See page 12 for Agency Approved, Certified or Listed Accessories/Options.
* Consult the factory for materials other than 316/316L.
** Agency ratings for SOR product sold with junction boxes will be limited to either the rating of the instrument housing or the junction box, whichever is lower.

Test Certificates
Certificates C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C8 B1 B4 B5 B6 B7 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8

Calibration ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

Pressure Test
¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

Inspection Report ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

Compliance /
¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

Dielectric Test ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

Typical Material
of Wetted Parts
¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

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Big Hermet Agency Listing
The chart below shows authorized combinations of components so that the complete pressure switch
is approved, certified or listed by the cognizant agencies. The BL housing and the U8 fire-safe welded
diaphragm system must be specified for the complete pressure switch to be UL Listed and CSA
Certified. Components or combinations of them may acquire additional approval, certification or listing
prior to revision of this catalog. Contact the factory for the most current information.

UL Listed For Hazardous Locations Class I, Groups A, B, C, & D; Class II, Groups E, F, & G; Divisions 1 & 2
Fire-Safe Pressure Port
Switching Accessories
Piston Housing Spring Diaphragm Material and
Element Options
System Connection Size
4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, C1A BB, NC, NN, PB, PK, PP,
9, 12 5, 45 C2A RR, SB, TB, TT, VV, YY, ZZ
Note: UL Listed models are suitable for handling petroleum-based, flammable and combustible liquids and gases, air,
oxygen and water at fluid temperatures not exceeding 40°C and ambient temperatures not exceeding 40°C.
CSA For Hazardous Locations Class I, Groups A, B, C, & D; Class II, Groups E, F, & G; Divisions 1 & 2
Certified Switching Diaphragm Pressure
Piston Housing Spring Accessories
Element & O-Ring Connection
4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, C1A BB, NC, NN, PB, PK, PP,
9, 12 5, 45 C2A RR, SB, TB, TT, VV, YY, ZZ
For Dual Seal Approval
Switching Diaphragm Pressure
Piston Housing Spring Accessories
Element & O-Ring Connection
DS Required
4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, M2, M4, N4, C1A
9, 12 5, 45 U8, U9 C2A

Rostechnadzor For control contact apparatus permitted for use in the territory of the Russian Federation.
(RTN) Certificate Standard on most models. Certificate available upon request.

Glossary of Terms
SOR recognizes that there is no industry convention with respect to terminology and definitions pertinent
to pressure switches. This glossary applies to SOR Pressure Switches with hermetically sealed
switching element capsules.
Pressure Switch Fire-Safe
A bi-stable electromechanical device that The ability of a welded seal pressure sensor to
actuates/de­actuates one or more electrical contain the process at elevated temperatures up
switching element(s) at a predetermined discrete to 1200oF at the rated overrange pressure,
pressure/vacuum (Set Point) upon rising or falling unsupported by the body of the pressure switch.
Hermetically Sealed
Adjustable Range A welded steel capsule with glass-to-metal,
The span of pressure between upper and lower factory-sealed, electrical leads that isolates the
limits within which the pressure switch can be electrical switching element(s) from the
adjusted to actuate/deactuate. It is expressed for environment.
increasing pressure.
Dead Band The maximum input pressure that can be
The difference in pressure between the continuously applied to the pressure switch
increasing Set Point and the decreasing Set Point. without causing permanent change of Set Point,
It is expressed as an average based on the leakage or material failure.
increasing Set Point at mid-range for a pressure
switch with the standard KB switching element.
It is a fixed value (non-adjustable).

12/16 Registered Quality System to ISO 9001 | 913-888-2630 | Form 455 (11.20) ©SOR Inc.
Big Hermet Glossary of Terms

Proof Pressure SPDT Switching Element

The maximum input pressure that can be continu- Single-Pole, Double Throw (SPDT) has three
ously applied to the pressure switch without causing connections: C-Common, NO-Normally Open
leakage or catastrophic material failure. Permanent and NC-Normally Closed, which allows the
change of Set Points may occur, or the device may switching element to be electronically connected
be rendered inoperative. to the circuit in either NO or NC state.
Repeatability DPDT Switching Element
The ability of the pressure switch to successively DPDT is two synchronized SPDT switching
operate at a Set Point that is approached from a elements which actuate together at increasing
starting point in the same direction and returns to Set Point and deactuate together at decreasing
the starting point over three consecutive cycles to Set Point. Discrete SPDT switching elements allow
establish a pressure profile. The closeness of the two independent circuits to be switched; i.e., one
measured Set Point values is normally expressed AC and one DC.
as a percentage of full scale (maximum adjustable
range pressure). The synchronization linkage is factory set, and is
not field adjustable. Sychronization is verified by
Set Point connecting test lamps to the switching elements
That discrete pressure at which the pressure and observing them go “On” simultaneously at
switch is adjusted to actuate/deactuate on actuation and “Off” simultaneously at deactuation.
rising or falling pressure. It must fall within the
adjustable range and be called out as increasing
or decreasing pressure.

Approximate Weights
Component Designator Weight (lbs) (kgs)
Housing BA, BL 5 [2.25]
Junction Box TB (Add to BA, BL) 5 [2.25}
Pipe Mounting Kit PK (Add to BA, BL) 1.5 [0.7]

Dimensions in this catalog are for reference only. They may be changed without notice. Contact the
factory for certified drawings for a particular model number.
1. Dimensions on pages 13 and 14 are expressed as millimeters over inches (Linear = mm/in.).
2. Dimensions marked with an asterisk (*) on housing dimension drawings vary with respect to process
connection size. The chart below lists these dimensional variances.

Piston Number
Process Connection Size
12, 52 4, 54 6, 5, 9, 1, 56
1/4” NPT(F) Shown Shown Shown
Add 13.2
1/2” NPT(F) Shown Shown
Add 23.1
3/4” NPT(M) N/A N/A
Add 5.6
1” NPT(F) N/A N/A
Add 46.0
1” NPT(M) N/A N/A
Add 25.4
2” NPT(F) N/A N/A

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Big Hermet Dimensions

Dimensions in this catalog are for reference only. They may be changed without notice. Contact the
factory for certified drawings for a particular model number. Dimensions are expressed as millimeters
over inches (Linear = mm/in.).

Drawing 0090177
Housing Designator: BA, BL Piston Numbers: 12, 52

Drawing 0090175 Drawing 0090174

Housing Designator: BA, BL Housing Designator: BA, BL
Piston Numbers: 4, 54 Piston Numbers: 6, 5, 9, 1, 56

14/16 Registered Quality System to ISO 9001 | 913-888-2630 | Form 455 (11.20) ©SOR Inc.
Big Hermet Dimensions

Dimensions in this catalog are for reference only. They may be changed without notice. Contact the
factory for certified drawings for a particular model number.

Drawing 0090200
C6A Wide Pressure Port
See description on page 10.

Drawing 0091353
Drawing 0090300 TB Junction Box
PK Pipe Mounting Kit with Terminal Block

Form 455 (11.20) ©SOR Inc. | 913-888-2630 | Registered Quality System to ISO 9001 15/16
SOR Inc. | Lenexa, KS USA | 913-888-2630 | Fax 913-888-0767 |

China Middle East
SOR China | Beijing, China | SOR Measurement & Control Equipment Trading DMCC | Dubai, UAE
+86 10 5820 8767 | Fax +86 10 58 20 8770 | +971 4 278 9832 | Fax +913 312 3596

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