White Cheeked Gibbon
White Cheeked Gibbon
White Cheeked Gibbon
Nomascus leucogenys•
Physical Description How would this animal’s body shape and size be described?
• Gibbons are small apes with very long arms and no tail. Nomascus leucogenys are not sexually
dimorphic for size, but are for color.
• Males and females are 45-63 cm (18-25 in) long and weigh and average of 5.7 kg.(12.5 lb).
• All infants are born with cream-colored fur. At two years of age, the infants’ fur changes from
cream to black, and they develop white patches on their cheeks.
• At sexual maturity, males stay black with white cheeks. Females turn back to the original cream
or pale yellow/yellow color and they lose the majority of their white cheek color, except for a thin
white face ring. Females also have a black to brown crown streak
• They have exceptionally long forelimbs and hindlimbs. Their bodies are built for an arboreal
• They have an opposable hallux (innermost digit of the hind foot) and opposable pollex (thumb),
and their hands are hook-shaped, for grasping food and branches
• Their bodies are small with an upright posture.
• The fur in both sexes is long and rather coarse. The crown hair is erect and rather elongated.
Proprietary to Denver Zoological Foundation
Northern White-cheeked Gibbon
Nomascus leucogenys•
Social Organization How does this animal interact with others of its species?
White-cheeked gibbons live in small families comprising a male adult and a female adult that mate
monogamously. They usually have three to four offspring within the group. There is an hierarchy among
the family. The female is dominant followed by her female offspring, male offspring, and the adult male
is last. Nomascus leucogenys individuals spend much of their free time playing and grooming. They are
territorial and live in an area that spans about seventy-five to one hundred acres, and they defend their
Life Cycle How does this species mate, raise young, grow and develop?
White-cheeked gibbons become sexually mature at about six to seven years of age. At this point,
females have a menstrual cycle that lasts about twenty-eight days. They breed throughout the year.
After a gestation period of seven months, a single infant is born. The infant stays with the mother for
nearly two years, after which it is weaned. White cheeked gibbon offspring will stay with the family
group until it becomes independent between 3-8 years. Females bear young every 2-3 years and infant
care is shared between the male and female of the monogamous pair.
Adaptations What physical and behavioral characteristics enable this animal to survive and thrive?
• Nomascus leucogenys, have exceptionally long forelimbs and hindlimbs. Their bodies are
built for an arboreal lifestyle. They have opposable hallux (inner toe) and pollex
making grasping food and holding branches easy.
• Furthermore, their hands are hook shaped, facilitating brachiation (moving through the
trees by grasping and swinging from branch to branch by the arms), and allowing them to
remain suspended for feeding in the terminal branches where the most nutritious flowers
and fruits are most abundant. .
• White cheeked gibbons have melodic songs with long, pure notes rising and falling in a
great call. Individuals signal territory by using vocalizations. They also use vocalizations in
mating behaviors. Males and females participate in elaborate duets; the male emits
Proprietary to Denver Zoological Foundation
Northern White-cheeked Gibbon
Nomascus leucogenys•
booms and multi-modulated phrases and the female gives rapid great calls with rising
notes, 20-27 notes, 13-15 seconds, with the male coda at the end.
• In order to signal aggression, these gibbons resort to the common threat of opening their
mouth wide to show their teeth.
• White-cheeked gibbons spend much of their time grooming and playing. Grooming and
playing allow individual gibbons to form bonds. It is also likely that chemical cues, such as
pheromones are used to communicate reproductive status.
• Unlike other primates, white-cheeked gibbons do not sleep during the day; they search for
food throughout the day, starting high in the canopy early in the morning and retreat to
the lower tree understory when the canopy heats up.
• These gibbons will travel far in search of food when there is little rainfall.
Collection Connection
Denver Zoo has one Northern white-cheeked gibbon resident in Anschutz Foundation Gibbon
Islands area of Toyota Elephant Passage named Vinh. She lives with her companion Briscoe.
He and Vinh are different species of gibbon but they get along well. Since social interaction is
important for primates, this pairing allows both Briscoe and Vinh to have that bond.
Vinh knows multiple behaviors that help keepers care for her. She has been trained to present
various body parts for physical exams and to tolerate a syringe and allow injections. Vinh also
cooperates to sit on a scale. Another important part of her training has been to learn to shift to
and from her outdoor exhibit.
Proprietary to Denver Zoological Foundation
Northern White-cheeked Gibbon
Nomascus leucogenys•
Proprietary to Denver Zoological Foundation