Bonobo Copy 2
Bonobo Copy 2
Bonobo Copy 2
Nomascus leucogenys
Range: Laos and Vietnam Size: !:46-64 cm (18-25in) !: 46-64 cm (18-25 in) Weight :" 5.6 kg (12.3 lbs) !: 5.8 kg (12.8 lbs) Tail: no tail Habitat: broadleaf forest Estrus cycle: 21 days Estrus length:N/A Gestation: 200 days Litter:1 Weaning : 48 months Sexual maturity: 4-8 years Social: 4 member family group Activity: Diurnal Lifestyle: Arboreal Food: fruits, leaves , insects IUCN: Critically Endangered Subspecies : monotypic Longevity: captive: 30 Wild: 28 years
Like many other gibbon species the Northern White-cheeked Gibbon is sexually dimorphic. The males are black with white cheeks and the females are blonde with white cheeks. The new born gibbons are similar in color to the female. At one year of age both sexes turn black and at age four the females will attain the adult blonde coloration. Adult males also possess a gular sac.
The northern and southern white cheeked gibbon ( N. siki ) were previously considered conspecics however now are considered different species. Physically these species are almost identical. Males can by distinguished by the shape of the white cheek patches with the northern white cheeked gibbon having patches extending from the mouth to the beyond the ears. The patches of the southern species are smaller not touching the ears but surrounding the mouth. The famales are indistinguishable.
This gibbon is highly arboreal and rarely comes down to the ground. If on the ground it will walk bipedally with its arms held overhead for balance. Due to its dependence on a continuous canopy this species is very sensitive to deforestation. The Norther white-cheeked gibbons are listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN and are place on CITES Appendix I. It is believed to be extirpated from China.