Pe and Health 11 The Healthiest and Fittest ME

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Welcome students!
Physical Fitness

A person who is free from illnesses and

can do physical or sports activities and
still has an extra energy to do more activities
is a combination of health fitness and body
Health fitness refers to your
body’s ability to fight off

Body fitness refers to the ability

to do strenuous physical or sports
activities without getting tired
Health Related Fitness

associated with disease prevention and

functional health.
Participating in regular health-related
fitness helps you control your weight,
prevents, diseases and illness, improves
mood, boosts energy and promotes better
Health Related Fitness Components

1. Body Composition
– The combination of all the tissues that make up
the body such as bones, muscles, organs and body fat.
2. Cardiovascular Endurance
– The ability of the heart, lungs, blood vessels,
and blood to work efficiently and to supply the body
with oxygen.
3. Flexibility
– The ability to use your joints fully through a
wide range of motion.
Health Related Fitness Components

4. Muscular Endurance
-The ability to use muscles for a
long period of time without tiring.
5. Muscular Strength
-The ability of the muscles to lift a
heavy weight or exert a lot of force
one time.
Skills Related Fitness Components

1. Agility
– The ability to change body positions quickly
and keep the body under control when moving.
2. Balance
– The ability to keep the body in a steady
position while standing and moving.
3. Coordination
– The ability of the body parts to work
together when you perform an activity.
Skills Related Fitness Components

4. Power- the ability to combine strength with

speed while moving.
5. Reaction Time -the ability to move quickly once
a signal to start moving is received.
6. Speed-the ability to move all or a part of the
body quickly.
Specific Components of Physical

1.Agility –The ability to change direction or position in

space with quickness and lightness of movement while
maintaining dynamic balance.
2. Balance – The ability to control organic equipment
neuro-muscularly; a state of equilibrium.
3. Coordination - The ability to integrate the body
parts to produce smooth motion.
Specific Components of Physical

4. Endurance – the capacity to bear or

last long in a certain task without undue
5. Flexibility – The quality of plasticity, which
gives the ability to do a wide range of
Specific Components of Physical

6. Organic Vigor – It refers to the soundness of

the heart and lungs which contributes to the ability
to resist disease.
7. Power – The ability of the muscles to release
maximum force in the shortest period of time.
Specific Components of Physical

8. Speed – The ability to make successive

movements of the same kind in the shortest
period of time.
9. Strength – The capacity to sustain the
application of force without yielding or
breaking; the ability of the muscles to exert
efforts against resistance.
Physical activities

Activities done by the skeletal

muscles that utilize energy.
Example: Activities done at home or
in school
Physical activities
1. Occupational
– activities done in work place.
Ex: Lifting computers and books, going your
friend’s desk or preparing lunch at the
2. Domestic
– activities you do at home.
Ex: Washing clothes and dishes, gardening,
carpentry, baking or cleaning the house.
Physical activities
3. Transportation
– activities that involves travelling.
Ex: Riding a jeepney, tricycle, motorcycle,
or bikes.
4. Leisure Time
– activities you do during recreational
Ex: Playing, swimming, hiking or craft
is the “planned,
structured, repetitive bodily
movements that someone
engages in for the purpose of
improving or maintaining
physical fitness or health.

-also called endurance activities, are
physical activities in which people
move their large muscles in a
rhythmic manner for a sustained

. Bone-Strengthening Activity
(sometimes called weight-
bearing or weight-loading
produces a force on the bones
that promotes bone growth
and strength.

2. Muscle-Strengthening Activity
-which includes resistance training and lifting
weights, causes the body’s muscles to work
or hold against an applied force or weight.
Barriers to Physical Activities
1. Lack of time
2. Social Support
3. Lack of Energy
4. Lack of Motivation
5. Fear of Injury
6. Lack of Skill
7. High Costs and Lack of Facilities
8. Weather Conditions

(or food habits) refers to why

and how people eat, which
foods they eat, and with whom
they eat, as well as the ways
people obtain, store, use,
and discard food.
1. Individual Preferences

-individual has unique likes and

dislikes foods.
- influenced by personal experiences
such as encouragement to eat,
exposure to a food, family customs
and rituals, advertising, and personal
2. Cultural Influences

-cultural group provides guidelines

regarding acceptable foods, food
combinations, eating patterns, and
eating behaviors.
-Compliance with these
guidelines creates a sense of identity
and belonging for the individual.
3. Social Influences

- membership in particular peer,

work, or community groups impacts
food behaviors.
- social group depend on each other,
share a common culture, and
influence each other's behaviors and
4. Religious Influences

-Religious proscriptions range from a

few to many, from relaxed to highly
5. Economic Influences

-Money, values, and consumer skills

affect what a person buys. The price
of a food, however, is not an
indicator of its nutritional value.
-Cost is a combination of a food's
availability, status, and demand.
6. Environmental Influences

- Foods that are commonly and

easily grown within a
specific region frequently become a
part of the local cuisine.
7. Political Influences

- Food laws and trade agreements

affect food availability and prices
within and across countries.
Food labeling laws determine The
consumers’ knowledge on the food
they purchase.

1.REFLECT-both bad and good, and

your common triggers for
unhealthy eating.
2.REPLACE-choose the healthier
healthier eating habits.

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