Astm D4577
Astm D4577
Astm D4577
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D4577 − 19
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
FIG. 1 Containers Under Constant Load of Dead Weights Imposed by Other Containers
for measuring the period of time required to cause container 5.4 Miscellaneous Equipment—Drying oven, scales, knife,
failure and means such as a dial indicator to measure box saws, etc., for use in determination of the moisture content or
deformation (inches or millimetres) while under load, or an for making other supplementary tests of the materials from
autographic recording device that records load and deformation which the containers are made. When testing unit loads, it is
over a period of time. recommended that an empty pallet be placed on top of the unit
5.2 Closing Equipment for Fiberboard Boxes—When empty load test specimen to achieve conditions similar to actual use.
boxes are to be tested, suitable closing facilities such as sealing
boards and proper adhesive for closing the flaps of box 6. Safety Precautions
specimens shall be used. See Test Method D642.
6.1 Performance of a test should never be considered
5.3 Conditioning Apparatus—Adequate facilities shall be without regard to safety. Some apparent precautions against
provided to maintain a conditioned atmosphere of temperature injuries are:
and humidity as required for the purpose of the test.
6.1.1 Care and caution should be observed while placing the type of container. For large production runs, lot sampling is
shipping container filled or unfilled on the testing apparatus. advised. Application of Practice E122 is suggested.
6.1.2 The testing apparatus should have load arrestors or 7.3 For testing unitized loads, multiple unitized load speci-
safety interlocks to prevent complete crushing of the container mens are recommended but a single unitized load specimen is
after initial failure. permissible.
6.1.3 When using dead weights, caution should be taken
when loading and unloading the weights from the apparatus. 8. Closing Fiberboard Containers Using Adhesive
7. Test Specimens and Number of Tests 8.1 Close the box specimen so as to avoid distortions that
may affect its loadbearing ability. The method of preparing the
7.1 The containers being tested shall be complete in all test specimen as described in the Annex of Test Method D642
respects. Depending on the purpose of the test, interior packing will accomplish this, but any method that will produce the
may or may not be included. No related bracing material within same results may be used.
the boxes that will give false results as to sample behavior shall
be used. Tests may be made on containers with or without 9. Conditioning
contents as prescribed. Packed containers should be closed and 9.1 When required, the container should be conditioned for
secured in the same manner as will be used in preparing them the static load test by exposure to fixed or controlled variable
for shipment (for example, tape, strapping). conditions of temperature and humidity.
7.2 Performance normally should be based on tests of not 9.1.1 Where applicable, a special atmosphere selected from
fewer than five representative replicates of a given size and those specified in Practice D4332 may be used.
FIG. 3 Containers Under Constant Load in Compression Test Machine With Fixed Platen
9.2 The test container shall be preconditioned in the desired compare test results from proposed containers with the test
atmosphere for such a time as is necessary to bring the results on similar containers whose shipping history is known.
container into equilibrium with that atmosphere and using the 10.2 In many cases, the acceptance criteria of a package that
techniques given in Practice D685. has been subjected to the test plan can be one of the following:
Criterion 1—Product is damage-free.
10. Acceptance Criteria Criterion 2—Package is intact.
10.1 Acceptance criteria must be established prior to testing Other acceptance criteria, including provision for accepting
and should consider the required condition of the product at minimal damage to the product or package, may be indicated.
receipt. The organizations conducting the test may choose any Acceptance criteria may include a provision for the condition
acceptance criteria suitable for their purpose. It is advisable to of package. The form and content of acceptance criteria may
FIG. 4 Unitized Load Under Constant Load in Compression Machine With Swivel (Floating) Platen
vary widely, according to the particular situation. Criteria may Test Method D642 is a common starting point.
range from the most rudimentary to highly quantitative scoring 11.2 When using a compression machine (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4),
or analysis systems. center the specimen on the bottom platen of the testing
apparatus so as not to incur eccentric loading. Induce the test
11. Procedure load on the specimen. The load shall be slowly applied at a near
11.1 Prior to test, select the constant load to which the uniform rate not to exceed 0.5 in./min until the container
container will be subjected. The selection may be based on: supports the entire predetermined load. When using dead
11.1.1 The load to which a bottom container will be weights (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2), this is accomplished by lowering
subjected to in storage, for example, warehouse. the support jacks and completely freeing the upper platen.
11.1.2 A percentage of the value obtained by Test Method
11.3 For a controlled fixture on a compression machine, set
D642 on a similar container.
it to a constant load control mode. The timing device is then
NOTE 1—For corrugated containers, 20-30% of the test value derived by started. An initial observation and record of zero deformation
(Mandatory Information)
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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