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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.

FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

Table of Contents
................................................................................................................................... FastReport Classes Hierarchy ................................................................................................................................... Custom Report Components Writing ................................................................................................................................... Custom Common Controls Writing Event................................................................................................................................... Handler Description ................................................................................................................................... Component Registration in Script System ................................................................................................................................... Component Editor Writing ................................................................................................................................... Property Editor Writing ................................................................................................................................... Custom DB Engines Writing ................................................................................................................................... Custom Functions Connection to Report ................................................................................................................................... Custom Wizards Writing 1 7 11 15 16 17 20 27 43 46

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.


1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.

FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

FastReport Classes Hierarchy

TfrxComponent is the base class for all FastReport components. Objects of this type have parameters, such as coordinates, size, font, visibility, and lists of subordinate objects. This class also contains methods which allow saving/restoring of object state to/from stream.
TfrxComponent = class(TComponent) protected procedure SetParent(AParent: TfrxComponent); virtual; procedure SetLeft(Value: Extended); virtual; procedure SetTop(Value: Extended); virtual; procedure SetWidth(Value: Extended); virtual; procedure SetHeight(Value: Extended); virtual; procedure SetFont(Value: TFont); virtual; procedure SetParentFont(Value: Boolean); virtual; procedure SetVisible(Value: Boolean); virtual; procedure FontChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; procedure Clear; virtual; procedure CreateUniqueName; procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); virtual;

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FastReport Classes Hierarchy procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; procedure SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Extended); function FindObject(const AName: String): TfrxComponent; class function GetDescription: String; virtual; property property property property property property property property property property property property property property property property property property property end; Objects: TList readonly; AllObjects: TList readonly; Parent: TfrxComponent; Page: TfrxPage readonly; Report: TfrxReport readonly; IsDesigning: Boolean; IsLoading: Boolean; IsPrinting: Boolean; BaseName: String; Left: Extended; Top: Extended; Width: Extended; Height: Extended; AbsLeft: Extended readonly; AbsTop: Extended readonly; Font: TFont; ParentFont: Boolean; Restrictions: TfrxRestrictions; Visible: Boolean;

- Clear clears object contents and deletes all its child objects. - CreateUniqueName creates unique name for object placed into report. - LoadFromStream loads object contents and all its child objects from stream. - SaveToStream saves object to stream. - SetBounds set object coordinates and size - FindObject searches for object with specified name among child objects. - GetDescription returns objects description. The following methods are called when modifying corresponding properties. If additional handling is needed, you can override them:
SetParent SetLeft SetTop SetWidth SetHeight SetFont SetParentFont SetVisible FontChanged

The following properties are defined in TfrxComponent class:

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

- Objects list of child objects; - AllObjects list of all subordinate objects; - Parent link to parent object; - Page link to report page, which object belongs to; - Report link to report, which object belongs to; - IsDesigning True, if designer is running; - IsLoading True, if object is being loaded from stream; - IsPrinting True, if object is being printed out; - BaseName object basic name. This value is used in CreateUniqueName method; - Left object X coordinate (relatively to parent); - Top - object Y coordinate (relatively to parent); - Width object width; - Height object height; - AbsLeft X object absolute coordinate; - AbsTop Y object absolute coordinate; - Font object font; - ParentFont if True, then uses parent object font settings; - Restrictions set of flags, which restrict one or another object operation; - Visible object visibility.

The next basic class is TfrxReportComponent. Objects of this type can be placed into report design. This class contains Draw method for object drawing as well as BeforePrint/GetData/AfterPrint methods, which are called on report running.
TfrxReportComponent = class(TfrxComponent) public procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY: Extended); virtual; abstract; procedure BeforePrint; virtual; procedure GetData; virtual; procedure AfterPrint; virtual; function GetComponentText: String; virtual; property OnAfterPrint: TfrxNotifyEvent; property OnBeforePrint: TfrxNotifyEvent; end;

Draw method is called on object drawing. Parameters are the following: - Canvas canvas; - Scale scale by X-axis and Y-axis; - Offset offset relatively canvas edges. BeforePrint method is called right before object handling (during report building process). This method saves object state. GetData method is called to load data into object. AfterPrint is called after object handling. This method restores object state.

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.

FastReport Classes Hierarchy

TfrxDialogComponent class is basic one for writing non-visual components, which can be placed to dialogue form in report.
TfrxDialogComponent = class(TfrxReportComponent) public property Bitmap: TBitmap; property Component: TComponent; published property Left; property Top; end;

TfrxDialogControl class is basic one for writing common control, which can be placed on a dialogue form in report. This class contains a large number of general properties and events shared by most common controls.
TfrxDialogControl = class(TfrxReportComponent) protected procedure InitControl(AControl: TControl); public property Caption: String; property Color: TColor; property Control: TControl; property OnClick: TfrxNotifyEvent; property OnDblClick: TfrxNotifyEvent; property OnEnter: TfrxNotifyEvent; property OnExit: TfrxNotifyEvent; property OnKeyDown: TfrxKeyEvent; property OnKeyPress: TfrxKeyPressEvent; property OnKeyUp: TfrxKeyEvent; property OnMouseDown: TfrxMouseEvent; property OnMouseMove: TfrxMouseMoveEvent; property OnMouseUp: TfrxMouseEvent; published property Left; property Top; property Width; property Height; property Font; property ParentFont; property Enabled: Boolean; property Visible; end;

When writing your own custom control element, you should inherit from this class, transfer required properties to published section, and then specify new properties for your common control. Control element writing will be discussed in detail in the next chapter.

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

TfrxView class is basic one for most components, which can be placed on the report design page. Objects of this type have parameters such as Frame and Filling, and also can be connected to a data source. Most FastReport standard objects are inherited from this class.
TfrxView = class(TfrxReportComponent) protected FX, FY, FX1, FY1, FDX, FDY, FFrameWidth: Integer; FScaleX, FScaleY: Extended; FCanvas: TCanvas; procedure BeginDraw(Canvas: TCanvas; ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY: Extended); virtual; procedure DrawBackground; procedure DrawFrame; procedure DrawLine(x, y, x1, y1, w: Integer); public function IsDataField: Boolean; property BrushStyle: TBrushStyle; property Color: TColor; property DataField: String; property DataSet: TfrxDataSet; property Frame: TfrxFrame; published property Align: TfrxAlign; property Printable: Boolean; property ShiftMode: TfrxShiftMode; property TagStr: String; property Left; property Top; property Width; property Height; property Restrictions; property Visible; property OnAfterPrint; property OnBeforePrint; end;

The following methods are defined in this class: - BeginDraw - method is called from Draw method and calculates integer-valued coordinates and drawing area sizes. Calculated values are presented as FX, FY, FX1, FY1, FDX, and FDY variables. Frame width (it is placed in FFrameWidth) is also calculated; - DrawBackground - draws object background; - DrawFrame - draws object frame; - DrawLine draws line with specified coordinates and width; - IsDataField returns True, if DataSet and DataField properties contain nonempty values. One can refer to the following properties after calling BeginDraw method: - FX, FY, FX1, FY1, FDX, FDY, FFrameWidth are object frame coordinates, sizes and

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FastReport Classes Hierarchy

width calculated according to Scale and Offset parameters; - FscaleX, FScaleY are scales, which are copies of ScaleX and ScaleY parameters from Draw method; - FCanvas is canvas, which is a copy of Canvas parameter from Draw method. Following properties, which are general for most report objects, are defined in this class: - BrushStyle object filling style; - Color object filling color; - DataField - data field name, which object is connected to; - DataSet - data source; - Frame object frame; - Align - object aligning relatively to its parent; - Printable defines whether given object should be printed out; - ShiftMode is object shifting mode in cases when stretchable object is placed over given one; - TagStr - field for user information storage.

TfrxStretcheable class is basic one for writing components, which modify their height depending on data placed in it.
TfrxStretcheable = class(TfrxView) public function CalcHeight: Extended; virtual; function DrawPart: Extended; virtual; procedure InitPart; virtual; published property StretchMode: TfrxStretchMode; end;

Objects of given class can be stretched, and also "broken" into pieces in cases when object does not find room on output page. At the same time, object is displayed piecemeal until all its data is displayed. Following methods are defined in this class: - CalcHeight is to calculate and return object height according to data placed in it; - InitPart is called before object splitting; - DrawPart redraws next data chunk placed in object. Return value is value of unused space where it was impossible to display data.

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.

FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

Custom Report Components Writing

FastReport has a great number of components, which can be placed on a report design page. They are: text, picture, line, geometrical figure, OLE, Rich, bar code, diagram etc. You can also write your own custom component, and then attach it to FastReport. In FastReport several classes are defined, from which components are inherited. For more details, see FastReport Classes Hierarchy chapter. The TfrxView class is of primary interest to us, since most report components are inherited from it. One should have at least the Draw method defined in the TfrxReportComponent basic class.
procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY: Extended); virtual;

This method is called when component is painted in designer, in preview window, and during output printing. TfrxView overrides this method for drawing object frame and background. This method should draw component contents on Canvas drawing surface. Object coordinates and sizes are stored in AbsLeft, AbsTop, Width, and Height properties accordingly. ScaleX and ScaleY parameters define object scaling in X-axis and Y-axis respectively. These parameters are equal 1 at 100% zoom and can vary, if user modifies zooming either in designer or in preview window. OffsetX and OffsetY parameters point shifting by X-axis and Y-axis. Thus, when taking these parameters into account, the upper left corner coordinate will be as follows:
X := Round(AbsLeft * ScaleX + OffsetX);

To simplify operations with coordinates, BeginDraw method (which has parameters similar to Draw method) is defined in TfrxView class
procedure BeginDraw(Canvas: TCanvas; ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY: Extended); virtual;

It should be called in the first line of Draw method. This method performs coordinates transformation into FX, FY, FX1, FY1, FDX, FDY, FFrameWidth integer values, which can be later used in TCanvas methods. This method also copies Canvas, ScaleX, and ScaleY values into FCanvas, FScaleX, FScaleY variables to which one can refer from any class method. There are also two methods for drawing backgrounds for and frames of objects in TfrxView class.
procedure DrawBackground;

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.

Custom Report Components Writing procedure DrawFrame;

BeginDraw method should be called before calling these methods. Let us examine creating a component which will display an arrow.
type TfrxArrowView = class(TfrxView) public { we should override only two methods } procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY: Extended); override; class function GetDescription: String; override; published { Place required properties into the published section } property BrushStyle; property Color; property Frame; end; class function TfrxArrowView.GetDescription: String; begin { component description will be displayed next to its icon in toolbar } Result := 'Arrow object'; end; procedure TfrxArrowView.Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY: Extended); begin { call this method to perform coordinates transformation } BeginDraw(Canvas, ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY); with Canvas do begin { set colors } Brush.Color := Color; Brush.Style := BrushStyle; Pen.Width := FFrameWidth; Pen.Color := Frame.Color; { draw arrow } Polygon( [Point(FX, FY + FDY div 4), Point(FX + FDX * 38 div 60, FY + FDY div 4), Point(FX + FDX * 38 div 60, FY), Point(FX1, FY + FDY div 2), Point(FX + FDX * 38 div 60, FY1), Point(FX + FDX * 38 div 60, FY + FDY * 3 div 4), Point(FX, FY + FDY * 3 div 4)]); end; end; { registration } var Bmp: TBitmap;

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

initialization Bmp := TBitmap.Create; Bmp.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'frxArrowView'); frxObjects.RegisterObject(TfrxArrowView, Bmp, ''); finalization { delete component from list of available ones } frxObjects.Unregister(TfrxArrowView); Bmp.Free; end.

To create a component which displays any data from a DB one should transfer DataSet, DataField properties into the published section, and then override GetData method. Let us examine it using the TfrxCheckBoxView standard component as an example. This component can be connected to a DB field via the DataSet and DataField properties, which are declared in TfrxView basic class. In addition, this component has the Expression property, into which an expression can be placed. As soon as it is calculated, result will be placed into Checked property. This component displays a cross, if Checked property equals True. Below you can see the components initial declaration text (its most important parts).
TfrxCheckBoxView = class(TfrxView) private FChecked: Boolean; FExpression: String; procedure DrawCheck(ARect: TRect); public procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY: Extended); override; procedure GetData; override; published property Checked: Boolean read FChecked write FChecked default True; property DataField; property DataSet; property Expression: String read FExpression write FExpression; end; procedure TfrxCheckBoxView.Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY: Extended); begin BeginDraw(Canvas, ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY); DrawBackground; DrawCheck(Rect(FX, FY, FX1, FY1)); DrawFrame; end; procedure TfrxCheckBoxView.GetData;

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.

Custom Report Components Writing begin inherited; if IsDataField then FChecked := DataSet.Value[DataField] else if FExpression <> '' then FChecked := Report.Calc(FExpression); end;


1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.


FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

Custom Common Controls Writing

FastReport contains a set of common controls, which can be placed on dialogue forms inside the report. They are as follows:
TfrxLabelControl TfrxEditControl TfrxMemoControl TfrxButtonControl TfrxCheckBoxControl TfrxRadioButtonControl TfrxListBoxControl TfrxComboBoxControl TfrxDateEditControl TfrxImageControl TfrxBevelControl TfrxPanelControl TfrxGroupBoxControl TfrxBitBtnControl TfrxSpeedButtonControl TfrxMaskEditControl TfrxCheckListBoxControl

These control elements correspond to Delphi component palette standard controls. If standard functionality does not satisfy you, you can create your own common control and use it in your reports. Basic class for all common controls is TfrxDialogControl class declared in frxClass file:
TfrxDialogControl = class(TfrxReportComponent) protected procedure InitControl(AControl: TControl); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; class function GetDescription: String; virtual; property Caption: String; property Color: TColor; property Control: TControl; property OnClick: TfrxNotifyEvent; property OnDblClick: TfrxNotifyEvent; property OnEnter: TfrxNotifyEvent; property OnExit: TfrxNotifyEvent; property OnKeyDown: TfrxKeyEvent; property OnKeyPress: TfrxKeyPressEvent; property OnKeyUp: TfrxKeyEvent; property OnMouseDown: TfrxMouseEvent; property OnMouseMove: TfrxMouseMoveEvent; property OnMouseUp: TfrxMouseEvent; published property Left;

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Custom Common Controls Writing property property property property property property property end; Top; Width; Height; Font; ParentFont; Enabled: Boolean; Visible;


To create your own control element, you should inherit from this class and override at least the constructor and GetDescription methods. It will be necessary to create common control and initialize it via InitControl method in constructor. GetDescription method is to return common control description. As you can see from TfrxDialogControl class description, it already contains huge number of properties and methods in public section. You need to transfer any necessary properties/events into published section of your common control, and also to create new properties, which are typical for your element. Common control registration and deleting is performed via frxObjects global object methods declared in frxDsgnIntf file:
frxObjects.RegisterObject(ClassRef: TfrxComponentClass; ButtonBmp: TBitmap; const CategoryName: String = ''); frxObjects.Unregister(ClassRef: TfrxComponentClass);

During registration you should specify control class name, its picture, and the name of the category, in which it should be placed. If a category name is not specified, control will be placed in basic component palette. ButtonBmp size should be 22x22 pixels. Categories allow grouping of objects pictures in the toolbar, according to their functions. Categories are also used for saving space in the toolbar, since its size is limited. Nevertheless, it can contain a large number of objects. To register the category, use following method of frxObjects object declared in frxDsgnIntf file:
frxObjects.RegisterCategory(const CategoryName: String; ButtonBmp: TBitmap; const ButtonHint: String; ImageIndex: Integer = -1);

The first parameter is category name. This name is used for category identification only and does not appear anywhere else. It should also be used when calling the frxObjects.RegisterObject procedure, if you want to place registered object inside a given category. The second parameter is picture; its size is 22x22 pixels. The third parameter is category description; it is displayed as hint, if button with category is selected by cursor. Let us examine the example of the common control, which has simplified functionality of the standard Delphi TBitBtn control, for example.

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.


FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

uses frxClass, frxDsgnIntf, Buttons; type TfrxBitBtnControl = class(TfrxDialogControl) private FButton: TBitBtn; procedure SetKind(const Value: TBitBtnKind); function GetKind: TBitBtnKind; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; class function GetDescription: String; override; property Button: TBitBtn read FButton; published { add new properties } property Kind: TBitBtnKind read GetKind write SetKind default bkCustom; { these properties are already declared in parent class } property Caption; property OnClick; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; end; constructor TfrxBitBtnControl.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin { default constructor } inherited; { create required common control } FButton := TBitBtn.Create(nil); FButton.Caption := 'BitBtn'; { initialize it } InitControl(FButton); { it will have such size by default } Width := 75; Height := 25; end; class function TfrxBitBtnControl.GetDescription: String; begin Result := 'BitBtn control'; end; procedure TfrxBitBtnControl.SetKind(const Value: TBitBtnKind); begin FButton.Kind := Value; end;

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Custom Common Controls Writing


function TfrxBitBtnControl.GetKind: TBitBtnKind; begin Result := FButton.Kind; end; var Bmp: TBitmap; initialization Bmp := TBitmap.Create; {Load picture from resource. Of course, you should beforehand place it there.} Bmp.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'frxBitBtnControl'); frxObjects.RegisterObject(TfrxBitBtnControl, Bmp); finalization frxObjects.Unregister(TfrxBitBtnControl); Bmp.Free; end.

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.


FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

Event Handler Description

What should be done, if it is necessary to define a new event handler, which does not belong to the basic class? Let us examine it using the TfrxEditControl common control as an example:
TfrxEditControl = class(TfrxDialogControl) private FEdit: TEdit; { new event } FOnChange: TfrxNotifyEvent; procedure DoOnChange(Sender: TObject); ... public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; ... published { new event } property OnChange: TfrxNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; ... end; constructor TfrxEditControl.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin ... { connect our handler } FEdit.OnChange := DoOnChange; InitControl(FEdit); ... end; procedure TfrxEditControl.DoOnChange(Sender: TObject); begin { call event handler } if Report <> nil then Report.DoNotifyEvent(Sender, FOnChange); end;

It is important to notice that the event handler in FastReport is a procedure declared in report script. The string containing its name will be a link to the handler. That is why, for example, unlike the Delphi TNotifyEvent type, which is method address, handler type, in FastReport it is string ( TfrxNotifyEvent type is declared as String[63]).

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.

Component Registration in Script System


Component Registration in Script System

To refer to our component from script, it is necessary to register its class, its properties, and methods in the script system. Register code, according to FastReport requirements, it may be placed in a file with the same name as component code file, adding RTTI suffix (for example, frxBitBtnRTTI.pas in our case). See more about classes registration, their methods and properties in FastScript script library documentation.
uses fs_iinterpreter, frxBitBtn, frxClassRTTI; type TFunctions = class(TfsRTTIModule) public constructor Create(AScript: TfsScript); override; end; constructor TFunctions.Create(AScript: TfsScript); begin inherited Create(AScript); with AScript do begin { register class, and then define its parent } AddClass(TfrxBitBtnControl, 'TfrxDialogControl'); { if there are several common controls in your unit, they can be registered right here } { for example, AddClass(TfrxAnotherControl, 'TfrxDialogControl'); } end; end; initialization fsRTTIModules.Add(TFunctions); end.

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.


FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

Component Editor Writing

Any common control editor (it can be called from element context menu or by double-clicking) creates OnClick blank event handler by default. This behavior can be replaced by writing a custom editor. In addition, the editor allows adding your own items to component context menu. Basic class for all editors is declared in frxDsgnIntf file:
TfrxComponentEditor = class(TObject) protected function AddItem(Caption: String; Tag: Integer; Checked: Boolean = False): TMenuItem; public function Edit: Boolean; virtual; function HasEditor: Boolean; virtual; function Execute(Tag: Integer; Checked: Boolean): Boolean; virtual; procedure GetMenuItems; virtual; property Component: TfrxComponent readonly; property Designer: TfrxCustomDesigner readonly; end;

If your editor does not create its own items in contextual menu, you will need to override two methods, i.e. Edit and HasEditor. The first method performs necessary actions (for example, displays dialogue box) and returns True, if component state was modified. HasEditor method should return True if your component has editor. If it either returns False or you do not override this method, editor will not be called. This becomes necessary, if your component does not have an editor and you wish to add items into component context menu. If editor adds items into context menu, you should override GetMenuItems (in this method, you can create a menu with help of calling AddItem function) and Execute (this method is called, when you select one of your items in component menu; response to selected menu item should be described here) methods. Editor registration is performed via procedure described in frxDsgnIntf file:
frxComponentEditors.Register(ComponentClass: TfrxComponentClass; ComponentEditor: TfrxComponentEditorClass);

The first parameter is class name, for which editor is to be created. The second parameter is editor class name. Let us examine simple editor for our common control, which will display a window with our element name and add "Enabled" and "Visible" items to element context menu (when items are selected, element Enabled and Visible properties will change). Editor code, according to FastReport requirements, can be placed in a file having the same name as file with the components code, adding Editor suffix (for example, frxBitBtnEditor.pas

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Component Editor Writing


in our case).
uses frxClass, frxDsgnIntf, frxBitBtn; type TfrxBitBtnEditor = class(TfrxComponentEditor) public function Edit: Boolean; override; function HasEditor: Boolean; override; function Execute(Tag: Integer; Checked: Boolean): Boolean; override; procedure GetMenuItems; override; end; function TfrxBitBtnEditor.Edit: Boolean; var c: TfrxBitBtnControl; begin Result := False; { Component property is edited component. In this case, it is TfrxBitBtnControl } c := TfrxBitBtnControl(Component); ShowMessage('This is ' + c.Name); end; function TfrxBitBtnEditor.HasEditor: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; function TfrxBitBtnEditor.Execute(Tag: Integer; Checked: Boolean): Boolean; var c: TfrxBitBtnControl; begin Result := True; c := TfrxBitBtnControl(Component); if Tag = 1 then c.Enabled := Checked else if Tag = 2 then c.Visible := Checked; end; procedure TfrxBitBtnEditor.GetMenuItems; var c: TfrxBitBtnControl; begin c := TfrxBitBtnControl(Component); { AddItem method parameters: menu item name, its tag and Checked/Unchecked condition } AddItem('Enabled', 1, c.Enabled); AddItem('Visible', 2, c.Visible); end; initialization frxComponentEditors.Register(TfrxBitBtnControl, TfrxBitBtnEditor);

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual end.

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.

Property Editor Writing


Property Editor Writing

When you select a component in the designer, its properties are displayed in object inspector. You can create your own editor for any property. Font property standard editor can exemplify that: if this property is selected, the ... button appears in right part of line; call standard "font properties" dialogue box by clicking this button. One more example is Color property editor. It shows standard colors and color specimens names in drop-down list. Base class for all property editors is described in frxDsgnIntf unit:
TfrxPropertyEditor = class(TObject) protected procedure GetStrProc(const s: String); function GetFloatValue: Extended; function GetOrdValue: Integer; function GetStrValue: String; function GetVarValue: Variant; procedure SetFloatValue(Value: Extended); procedure SetOrdValue(Value: Integer); procedure SetStrValue(const Value: String); procedure SetVarValue(Value: Variant); public constructor Create(Designer: TfrxCustomDesigner); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function Edit: Boolean; virtual; function GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; virtual; function GetExtraLBSize: Integer; virtual; function GetValue: String; virtual; procedure GetValues; virtual; procedure SetValue(const Value: String); virtual; procedure OnDrawLBItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); virtual; procedure OnDrawItem(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect); virtual; property Component: TPersistent readonly; property frComponent: TfrxComponent readonly; property Designer: TfrxCustomDesigner readonly; property ItemHeight: Integer; property PropInfo: PPropInfo readonly; property Value: String; property Values: TStrings readonly; end;

You also can inherit from any of the following classes which themselves realize some basic functionality for working with properties of corresponding types:
TfrxIntegerProperty = class(TfrxPropertyEditor) TfrxFloatProperty = class(TfrxPropertyEditor) TfrxCharProperty = class(TfrxPropertyEditor) TfrxStringProperty = class(TfrxPropertyEditor)

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual TfrxEnumProperty = class(TfrxPropertyEditor) TfrxClassProperty = class(TfrxPropertyEditor) TfrxComponentProperty = class(TfrxPropertyEditor)

Several properties are defined in this class: - Component - link to parent component (not to property itself!), to which the given property belongs; - frComponent - the same, but casted to TfrxComponent type (for convenience in some cases); - Designer link to report designer; - ItemHeight - item height, in which property is displayed. It can be useful in OnDrawXXX; - PropInfo - link to PPropInfo structure, which contains information about edited property; - Value - property value displayed as string; - Values - list of values. This property is to be filled in GetValue method, if paValueList attribute is defined (see below). The following methods are service ones. They can be used to get or set edited property value.
function GetFloatValue: Extended; function GetOrdValue: Integer; function GetStrValue: String; function GetVarValue: Variant; procedure SetFloatValue(Value: Extended); procedure SetOrdValue(Value: Integer); procedure SetStrValue(const Value: String); procedure SetVarValue(Value: Variant);

You should use methods, which correspond to property type. Thus, use GetOrdValue and SetOrdValue methods, if property is of Integer type. These methods are also used for working with property of TObject" type, since such property contains 32-bit object address. In this case, it is sufficient to do cast of the following type, for example: MyFont := TFont(GetOrdValue). To create your own editor, it is necessary to inherit from basic class and override one or several methods defined in public section (this depends on property type and functionality you wish to realize). One of methods you surely have to override is GetAttributes method. GetAttributes method is to return set of property attributes. Attributes are defined in the following way:
TfrxPropertyAttribute = (paValueList, paSortList, paDialog, paMultiSelect, paSubProperties, paReadOnly, paOwnerDraw); TfrxPropertyAttributes = set of TfrxPropertyAttribute;

Attribute assignment is achieved as follows:

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Property Editor Writing


- paValueList - property represents dropping down list of values. (This function is exemplified in Color property). If this attribute is present, GetValues method should be overridden; - paSortList - sorts list elements. It is used together with paValueList; - paDialog - property has editor. If this attribute is present, the ... button is displayed in the right part of editing line. Edit method is called on by clicking on it; - paMultiSelect allows given property editing in some objects selected at the same time. Some properties (such as Name, etc) do not have this attribute; - paSubProperties - property is object of TPersistent type and has its own properties, which are also should be displayed. (This function is exemplified in Font property); - paReadOnly - it is impossible to modify value in editor line. Some properties, being Class or Set types, possess this attribute; - paOwnerDraw - property value drawing is performed via OnDrawItem method. If paValueList attribute is defined, then drop-down list drawing is performed via OnDrawLBItem method. Edit method is called in two cases: either by selecting property, by double-clicking its value, or (if property has paDialog attribute) by clicking the ... button. This method should return True, if property value was modified. GetValue method should return property value as string (it will be displayed in object inspector). If you inherit from TfrxPropertyEditor basic class, it is necessary to override this method. SetValue method is to set property value transferred as string. If you inherit from TfrxPropertyEditor basic class, it is necessary to override this method. GetValues method should be overridden in case you defined paValueList attribute. This method should fill Values property with values. The following three methods allow performing manual property value drawing (Color property editor works in the same way). These methods are called, if you define paOwnerDraw attribute. OnDrawItem method is called when drawing property value in object inspector (when property is not selected; otherwise its value is simply displayed in editing line). For example, Color property editor draws rectangle, filled with color according to value, to the left of property value. GetExtraLBSize method is called in case you defined paValueList attribute. This method returns number of pixels, by which Drop-Down List width should be adjusted in order to find room for displayed picture. By default, this method returns value corresponding to cell height for property enveloping. If you need to deduce picture, with width larger than its height, the given method should be overridden.

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

OnDrawLBItem method is called when drawing string in drop-down list, if you defined paValueList attribute. In fact, this method is TListBox.OnDrawItem event handler and has the same set of parameters.

Property editor registration is performed via procedure described in frxDsgnIntf file:

procedure frxPropertyEditors.Register(PropertyType: PTypeInfo; ComponentClass: TClass; const PropertyName: String; EditorClass: TfrxPropertyEditorClass);

- PropertyType - information about property type, transferred via TypeInfo system function, for example TypeInfo(String); - ComponentClass component name, with property you want to edit (may be nil); - PropertyName - name of property you want to edit (may be blank string); - EditorClass - property editor name It is necessary to specify PropertyType parameter only. ComponentClass and/or PropertyName parameters may be blank. This allows to register editor either to any property of PropertyType type, to any property of concrete ComponentClass components and its successors, or to PropertyName concrete property of concrete component (or any component, if ComponentClass parameter is blank). Let us examine three property editors examples. Editor code, according to FastReport requirements, can be placed in a file having the same name as file with code of the component, and adding the Editor suffix.
-------------------------------------------------{ TFont property editor displays editor button(...) } { inherit from ClassProperty } type TfrxFontProperty = class(TfrxClassProperty) public function Edit: Boolean; override; function GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; override; end; function TfrxFontProperty.GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; begin { property has nested properties and editor. It cannot be edited manually } Result := [paMultiSelect, paDialog, paSubProperties, paReadOnly]; end; function TfrxFontProperty.Edit: Boolean; var FontDialog: TFontDialog; begin { create standard dialogue }

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Property Editor Writing FontDialog := TFontDialog.Create(Application); try { take property value } FontDialog.Font := TFont(GetOrdValue); FontDialog.Options := FontDialog.Options + [fdForceFontExist]; { display dialogue } Result := FontDialog.Execute; { bind new value } if Result then SetOrdValue(Integer(FontDialog.Font)); finally FontDialog.Free; end; end;


{ registration } frxPropertyEditors.Register(TypeInfo(TFont), nil, '', TfrxFontProperty); -------------------------------------------------{ TFont.Name property editor displays drop-down list of available fonts } { inherit from StringProperty, as property is of string type } type TfrxFontNameProperty = class(TfrxStringProperty) public function GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; override; procedure GetValues; override; end; function TfrxFontNameProperty.GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; begin Result := [paMultiSelect, paValueList]; end; procedure TfrxFontNameProperty.GetValues; begin Values.Assign(Screen.Fonts); end; { registration } frxPropertyEditors.Register(TypeInfo(String), TFont, 'Name', TfrxFontNameProperty); -------------------------------------------------{ TPen.Style. property editor displays picture, which is pattern of selected style } type TfrxPenStyleProperty = class(TfrxEnumProperty) public function GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; override; function GetExtraLBSize: Integer; override; procedure OnDrawLBItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); override;

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual procedure OnDrawItem(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect); override; end; function TfrxPenStyleProperty.GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; begin Result := [paMultiSelect, paValueList, paOwnerDraw]; end; { method draws thick horizontal line with selected style } procedure HLine(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y, DX: Integer); var i: Integer; begin with Canvas do begin Pen.Color := clBlack; for i := 0 to 1 do begin MoveTo(X, Y - 1 + i); LineTo(X + DX, Y - 1 + i); end; end; end; { drawing drop-down list } procedure TfrxPenStyleProperty.OnDrawLBItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); begin with TListBox(Control), TListBox(Control).Canvas do begin FillRect(ARect); TextOut(ARect.Left + 40, ARect.Top + 1, TListBox(Control).Items[Index]); Pen.Color := clGray; Brush.Color := clWhite; Rectangle(ARect.Left + 2, ARect.Top + 2, ARect.Left + 36, ARect.Bottom - 2); Pen.Style := TPenStyle(Index); HLine(TListBox(Control).Canvas, ARect.Left + 3, ARect.Top + (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) div 2, 32); Pen.Style := psSolid; end; end; { drawing property value } procedure TfrxPenStyleProperty.OnDrawItem(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect); begin with Canvas do begin TextOut(ARect.Left + 38, ARect.Top, Value); Pen.Color := clGray; Brush.Color := clWhite;

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Property Editor Writing


Rectangle(ARect.Left, ARect.Top + 1, ARect.Left + 34, ARect.Bottom 4); Pen.Color := clBlack; Pen.Style := TPenStyle(GetOrdValue); HLine(Canvas, ARect.Left + 1, ARect.Top + (ARect.Bottom ARect.Top) div 2 - 1, 32); Pen.Style := psSolid; end; end; { return picture width } function TfrxPenStyleProperty.GetExtraLBSize: Integer; begin Result := 36; end; { registration } frxPropertyEditors.Register(TypeInfo(TPenStyle), TPen, 'Style', TfrxPenStyleProperty);

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.


FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

Custom DB Engines Writing

FastReport allows building reports not only on the basis of data defined in application. You can define your own data sources (connections to DB, queries) right in report as well. FastReport is supplied with engines for ADO, BDE, IBX, DBX, FIB. You can create your own engine, and then connect it to FastReport. The illustration below shows classes hierarchy intended for creating DB engines. New engine components are highlighted with green color.

As you can see, a standard set of DB engine components includes Database, Table and Query. You can create all these components or some of them (for example, many DB have no component of Table type). You can also create components, which are not included in the standard set (for example, StoredProc ). Let us examine the basic classes in detail. TfrxDialogComponent is the basic class for all non-visual components, which can be placed on a FastReport report design dialogue form. There are not any important

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properties or methods defined in it. TfrxCustomDatabase class is basic class for DB components of Database type.
TfrxCustomDatabase = class(TfrxDialogComponent) protected procedure SetConnected(Value: Boolean); virtual; procedure SetDatabaseName(const Value: String); virtual; procedure SetLoginPrompt(Value: Boolean); virtual; procedure SetParams(Value: TStrings); virtual; function GetConnected: Boolean; virtual; function GetDatabaseName: String; virtual; function GetLoginPrompt: Boolean; virtual; function GetParams: TStrings; virtual; public procedure SetLogin(const Login, Password: String); virtual; property Connected: Boolean read GetConnected write SetConnected default False; property DatabaseName: String read GetDatabaseName write SetDatabaseName; property LoginPrompt: Boolean read GetLoginPrompt write SetLoginPrompt default True; property Params: TStrings read GetParams write SetParams; end;

The following properties are defined in this class: - Connected whether DB connection is active; - DatabaseName database name; - LoginPrompt whether to ask login when connecting to DB; - Params connection parameters. From the given class a component of TDatabase type is inherited. For its creation it is necessary to override all virtual methods and place the necessary properties in the to published section. Also it is necessary to add properties specific for your component. TfrxDataset, TfrxCustomDBDataset, TfrxDBDataset classes provides the functions of data access. FastReport core uses these components for navigation and addressing data entering fields. In this case they are part of common hierarchy and are of no interest to us. TfrxCustomDataSet is a basic class of DB components derived from TDataSet. Components, inherited from this class are Query, Table, and StoredProc clones. As a matter of fact, this class wraps over TDataSet.
TfrxCustomDataset = class(TfrxDBDataSet) protected procedure SetMaster(const Value: TDataSource); virtual; procedure SetMasterFields(const Value: String); virtual; public property DataSet: TDataSet;

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual property property property published property property property end; Fields: TFields readonly; MasterFields: String; Active: Boolean; Filter: String; Filtered: Boolean; Master: TfrxDBDataSet;

The following properties are defined in the class: - DataSet is a link to buried object of TdataSet type; - Fields is a link to DataSet.Fields; - Active - whether data set is active; - Filter - expression for filtering; - Filtered whether filtering is active; - Master is a link to master dataset in master-detail relationship. - MasterFields is list of fields like field1=field2. Used for master-detail relations.

TfrxCustomTable basic class for DB components of Table type. Class covers component of Table class.
TfrxCustomTable = class(TfrxCustomDataset) protected function GetIndexFieldNames: String; virtual; function GetIndexName: String; virtual; function GetTableName: String; virtual; procedure SetIndexFieldNames(const Value: String); virtual; procedure SetIndexName(const Value: String); virtual; procedure SetTableName(const Value: String); virtual; published property MasterFields; property TableName: String read GetTableName write SetTableName; property IndexName: String read GetIndexName write SetIndexName; property IndexFieldNames: String read GetIndexFieldNames write SetIndexFieldNames; end;

The following properties are defined in class: - TableName table name; - IndexName index name; - IndexFieldNames index field names. Component of Table type is inherited from this class. For its creation it is necessary to define required properties, Database as usual. Also it is necessary to override virtual means from TfrxCustomDataset, TfrxCustomTable classes.

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TfrxCustomQuery is basic class for DB components of Query type. This class is cover for Query type component.
TfrxCustomQuery = class(TfrxCustomDataset) protected procedure SetSQL(Value: TStrings); virtual; abstract; function GetSQL: TStrings; virtual; abstract; public procedure UpdateParams; virtual; abstract; published property Params: TfrxParams; property SQL: TStrings; end;

SQL and Params properties (which are general for all Query components) are defined in the class. Since different Query components have different parameters realization (for example, TParams and TParameters), Params property has TfrxParams type and is a wrapper for concrete parameters type. The following methods are defined in this class: - SetSQL is to set SQL component property of Query type; - GetSQL is to get SQL component property of Query type; - UpdateParams is to copy parameters values into component of Query type. If Query component parameters are of TParams type, copying is performed via frxParamsToTParams standard procedure. Let us illustrate DB engine creation using the IBX example. Full engine original text can be found in SOURCE\IBX directory. Below are some quotations from source text with our comments. IBX components around which we will build the wrapper are TIBDatabase, TIBTable, and TIBQuery. Accordingly, our components will be named TfrxIBXDatabase, TfrxIBXTable, and TfrxIBXQuery. TfrxIBXComponents is another component we should create; it will be placed into FastReport component palette when registering engine (in the Delphi environment). As soon as this component is placed into a project, Delphi automatically adds link to our engine unit into Uses list. One should assign one more task in this component, i.e. to define DefaultDatabase property in it, which refers to existing connection to DB. By default, all TfrxIBXTable and TfrxIBXQuery components will refer to this connection. It is necessary to inherit component from TfrxDBComponents class:
TfrxDBComponents = class(TComponent) public function GetDescription: String; virtual; abstract; end;

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Description should be returned by one function only, for example IBX Components. TfrxIBXComponents component realization is as follows:
type TfrxIBXComponents = class(TfrxDBComponents) private FDefaultDatabase: TIBDatabase; FOldComponents: TfrxIBXComponents; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function GetDescription: String; override; published property DefaultDatabase: TIBDatabase read FDefaultDatabase write FDefaultDatabase; end; var IBXComponents: TfrxIBXComponents; constructor TfrxIBXComponents.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FOldComponents := IBXComponents; IBXComponents := Self; end; destructor TfrxIBXComponents.Destroy; begin if IBXComponents = Self then IBXComponents := FOldComponents; inherited; end; function TfrxIBXComponents.GetDescription: String; begin Result := 'IBX'; end;

We define IBXComponents global variable, which will refer to TfrxIBXComponents component copy. If you place component into project several times (though it is senseless), you will nevertheless be able to save link to previous component and restore it after deleting component. A link to connection to DB, which already exists in project, can be placed into DefaultDatabase property. The way we will write TfrxIBXTable, TfrxIBXQuery components allows them to use this connection by default (actually, this is what we need IBXComponents global variable for). The following component is TfrxIBXDatabase one. It represents a wrapper over TIBDatabase.

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TfrxIBXDatabase = class(TfrxCustomDatabase) private FDatabase: TIBDatabase; FTransaction: TIBTransaction; function GetSQLDialect: Integer; procedure SetSQLDialect(const Value: Integer); protected procedure SetConnected(Value: Boolean); override; procedure SetDatabaseName(const Value: String); override; procedure SetLoginPrompt(Value: Boolean); override; procedure SetParams(Value: TStrings); override; function GetConnected: Boolean; override; function GetDatabaseName: String; override; function GetLoginPrompt: Boolean; override; function GetParams: TStrings; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; class function GetDescription: String; override; procedure SetLogin(const Login, Password: String); override; property Database: TIBDatabase read FDatabase; published { list TIBDatabase properties. Note some properties are already exist in base property DatabaseName; property LoginPrompt; property Params; property SQLDialect: Integer read GetSQLDialect write SetSQLDialect; { Connected property should be placed last! } property Connected; end; constructor TfrxIBXDatabase.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; { create component connection } FDatabase := TIBDatabase.Create(nil); { create component - transaction (specificity of IBX) } FTransaction := TIBTransaction.Create(nil); FDatabase.DefaultTransaction := FTransaction; { do not forget this line! } Component := FDatabase; end; destructor TfrxIBXDatabase.Destroy; begin { delete transaction } FTransaction.Free; { connection will be deleted automatically in parent class } inherited; end; { component description will be displayed next to icon in objects toolbar } class function TfrxIBXDatabase.GetDescription: String; begin

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual Result := 'IBX Database'; end; { redirect component properties to cover properties and vice versa } function TfrxIBXDatabase.GetConnected: Boolean; begin Result := FDatabase.Connected; end; function TfrxIBXDatabase.GetDatabaseName: String; begin Result := FDatabase.DatabaseName; end; function TfrxIBXDatabase.GetLoginPrompt: Boolean; begin Result := FDatabase.LoginPrompt; end; function TfrxIBXDatabase.GetParams: TStrings; begin Result := FDatabase.Params; end; function TfrxIBXDatabase.GetSQLDialect: Integer; begin Result := FDatabase.SQLDialect; end; procedure TfrxIBXDatabase.SetConnected(Value: Boolean); begin FDatabase.Connected := Value; FTransaction.Active := Value; end; procedure TfrxIBXDatabase.SetDatabaseName(const Value: String); begin FDatabase.DatabaseName := Value; end; procedure TfrxIBXDatabase.SetLoginPrompt(Value: Boolean); begin FDatabase.LoginPrompt := Value; end; procedure TfrxIBXDatabase.SetParams(Value: TStrings); begin FDatabase.Params := Value; end; procedure TfrxIBXDatabase.SetSQLDialect(const Value: Integer); begin FDatabase.SQLDialect := Value; end; { this method is used by DB connection wizard }

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procedure TfrxIBXDatabase.SetLogin(const Login, Password: String); begin Params.Text := 'user_name=' + Login + #13#10 + 'password=' + Password; end;

As you can see, this is not that complicated. We create FDatabase: TIBDatabase object, and then define properties we want the designer to have. Get and Set methods are written for each property. Next class is TfrxIBXTable. It inherits, as it was mentioned above, from TfrxCustomDataSet standard class. All basic functionality (operating with list of fields, master-detail, basic properties) is already realized in basic class. We only need to define properties, which are specific to the given component.

TfrxIBXTable = class(TfrxCustomTable) private FDatabase: TfrxIBXDatabase; FTable: TIBTable; procedure SetDatabase(const Value: TfrxIBXDatabase); protected procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override procedure SetMaster(const Value: TDataSource); override; procedure SetMasterFields(const Value: String); override; procedure SetIndexFieldNames(const Value: String); override; procedure SetIndexName(const Value: String); override; procedure SetTableName(const Value: String); override; function GetIndexFieldNames: String; override; function GetIndexName: String; override; function GetTableName: String; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; constructor DesignCreate(AOwner: TComponent; Flags: Word); override; class function GetDescription: String; override; procedure BeforeStartReport; override; property Table: TIBTable read FTable; published property Database: TfrxIBXDatabase read FDatabase write SetDatabase; end;

constructor TfrxIBXTable.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin { create component table } FTable := TIBTable.Create(nil); { assign link to DataSet property from basic class do not forget this string! DataSet := FTable; { assign link to connection to DB by default } SetDatabase(nil); { after that basic constructor may be called in} inherited; end; { this constructer is called at moment of adding components to report. It connects

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual constructor TfrxIBXTable.DesignCreate(AOwner: TComponent; Flags: Word); var i: Integer; l: TList; begin inherited; l := Report.AllObjects; for i := 0 to l.Count - 1 do if TObject(l[i]) is TfrxIBXDatabase then begin SetDatabase(TfrxIBXDatabase(l[i])); break; end; end; class function TfrxIBXTable.GetDescription: String; begin Result := 'IBX Table'; end;

{ trace TfrxIBXDatabase component deleting. We address this component in FDatabase procedure TfrxIBXTable.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited; if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FDatabase) then SetDatabase(nil); end;

procedure TfrxIBXTable.SetDatabase(const Value: TfrxIBXDatabase); begin { Database property of TfrxIBXDatabase type, and not of TIBDatabase one! } FDatabase := Value; { if value <> nil, connect table to selected component } if Value <> nil then FTable.Database := Value.Database { otherwise, try to connect to DB by default, defined in TfrxIBXComponents compon else if IBXComponents <> nil then FTable.Database := IBXComponents.DefaultDatabase { if there were no TfrxIBXComponents for some reason, reset to nil } else FTable.Database := nil; { if connection was a success DBConnected flag should be put } DBConnected := FTable.Database <> nil; end; function TfrxIBXTable.GetIndexFieldNames: String; begin Result := FTable.IndexFieldNames; end; function TfrxIBXTable.GetIndexName: String; begin Result := FTable.IndexName; end;

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Custom DB Engines Writing function TfrxIBXTable.GetTableName: String; begin Result := FTable.TableName; end; procedure TfrxIBXTable.SetIndexFieldNames(const Value: String); begin FTable.IndexFieldNames := Value; end; procedure TfrxIBXTable.SetIndexName(const Value: String); begin FTable.IndexName := Value; end; procedure TfrxIBXTable.SetTableName(const Value: String); begin FTable.TableName := Value; end; procedure TfrxIBXTable.SetMaster(const Value: TDataSource); begin FTable.MasterSource := Value; end; procedure TfrxIBXTable.SetMasterFields(const Value: String); begin FTable.MasterFields := Value; FTable.IndexFieldNames := Value; end; { we need to implement this method in some cases } procedure TfrxIBXTable.BeforeStartReport; begin SetDatabase(FDatabase); end;


Finally, lets examine the last component, TfrxIBXQuery. It inherits from TfrxCustomQuery basic class, in which necessary properties are already defined. We only need to define Database property and override SetMaster method. Other methods realization is similar to TfrxIBXTable component.

TfrxIBXQuery = class(TfrxCustomQuery) private FDatabase: TfrxIBXDatabase; FQuery: TIBQuery; procedure SetDatabase(const Value: TfrxIBXDatabase); protected procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override procedure SetMaster(const Value: TDataSource); override; procedure SetSQL(Value: TStrings); override; function GetSQL: TStrings; override;

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; constructor DesignCreate(AOwner: TComponent; Flags: Word); override; class function GetDescription: String; override; procedure BeforeStartReport; override; procedure UpdateParams; override; property Query: TIBQuery read FQuery; published property Database: TfrxIBXDatabase read FDatabase write SetDatabase; end;

constructor TfrxIBXQuery.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin { create component query } FQuery := TIBQuery.Create(nil); { assign link to it to DataSet property from basic class do not forget this lin Dataset := FQuery; { assign link to connection to DB by default } SetDatabase(nil); { after that basic constructor may be called in } inherited; end; constructor TfrxIBXQuery.DesignCreate(AOwner: TComponent; Flags: Word); var i: Integer; l: TList; begin inherited; l := Report.AllObjects; for i := 0 to l.Count - 1 do if TObject(l[i]) is TfrxIBXDatabase then begin SetDatabase(TfrxIBXDatabase(l[i])); break; end; end; class function TfrxIBXQuery.GetDescription: String; begin Result := 'IBX Query'; end;

procedure TfrxIBXQuery.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited; if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FDatabase) then SetDatabase(nil); end; procedure TfrxIBXQuery.SetDatabase(const Value: TfrxIBXDatabase); begin FDatabase := Value; if Value <> nil then FQuery.Database := Value.Database

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Custom DB Engines Writing else if IBXComponents <> nil then FQuery.Database := IBXComponents.DefaultDatabase else FQuery.Database := nil; DBConnected := FQuery.Database <> nil; end; procedure TfrxIBXQuery.SetMaster(const Value: TDataSource); begin FQuery.DataSource := Value; end; function TfrxIBXQuery.GetSQL: TStrings; begin Result := FQuery.SQL; end; procedure TfrxIBXQuery.SetSQL(Value: TStrings); begin FQuery.SQL := Value; end;


procedure TfrxIBXQuery.UpdateParams; begin { in this method it is sufficient to assign values from Params into FQuery.Params { this is performed via standard procedure } frxParamsToTParams(Self, FQuery.Params); end; procedure TfrxIBXQuery.BeforeStartReport; begin SetDatabase(FDatabase); end;

All engine components registration is performed in Initialization section.

initialization { use standard pictures indexes 37,38,39 instead of pictures} frxObjects.RegisterObject1(TfrxIBXDataBase, nil, '', '', 0, 37); frxObjects.RegisterObject1(TfrxIBXTable, nil, '', '', 0, 38); frxObjects.RegisterObject1(TfrxIBXQuery, nil, '', '', 0, 39); finalization frxObjects.Unregister(TfrxIBXDataBase); frxObjects.Unregister(TfrxIBXTable); frxObjects.Unregister(TfrxIBXQuery); end.

This is quite enough to use the engine in reports. There are two more things left at this stage: register engine classes in the script system in order to make them referable from

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script, and to register several property editors (for example, TfrxIBXTable.TableName) to make working with the component easier. It is better to store engine registration code in a separate file with RTTI suffix. See more about classes registration in script system in corresponding chapter. Here is example of such file:
unit frxIBXRTTI; interface {$I} implementation uses Windows, Classes, fs_iinterpreter, frxIBXComponents {$IFDEF Delphi6} , Variants {$ENDIF}; type TFunctions = class(TfsRTTIModule) public constructor Create(AScript: TfsScript); override; end;

{ TFunctions } constructor TFunctions.Create; begin inherited Create(AScript); with AScript do begin AddClass(TfrxIBXDatabase, 'TfrxComponent'); AddClass(TfrxIBXTable, 'TfrxCustomDataset'); AddClass(TfrxIBXQuery, 'TfrxCustomQuery'); end; end; initialization fsRTTIModules.Add(TFunctions); end.

It is recommended to place property editors code in a separate file with Editor suffix as well. In our case, it was necessary to write editors for TfrxIBXDatabase.DatabaseName, TfrxIBXTable.IndexName, TfrxIBXTable.TableName properties. See more about writing properties editors in corresponding chapter. Below is example of such file:

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Custom DB Engines Writing unit frxIBXEditor; interface {$I} implementation


uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Dialogs, frxIBXComponents, frxCustomDB, frxDsgnIntf, frxRes, IBDatabase, IBTable {$IFDEF Delphi6} , Variants {$ENDIF}; type TfrxDatabaseNameProperty = class(TfrxStringProperty) public function GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; override; function Edit: Boolean; override; end; TfrxTableNameProperty = class(TfrxStringProperty) public function GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; override; procedure GetValues; override; end; TfrxIndexNameProperty = class(TfrxStringProperty) public function GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; override; procedure GetValues; override; end; { TfrxDatabaseNameProperty } function TfrxDatabaseNameProperty.GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; begin { this property possesses editor } Result := [paDialog]; end;

function TfrxDatabaseNameProperty.Edit: Boolean; var SaveConnected: Bool; db: TIBDatabase; begin { get link to TfrxIBXDatabase.Database } db := TfrxIBXDatabase(Component).Database; { create standard OpenDialog } with TOpenDialog.Create(nil) do begin InitialDir := GetCurrentDir; { we are interested in *.gdb files } Filter := frxResources.Get('ftDB') + ' (*.gdb)|*.gdb|' + frxResources.Get('ftAl

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual Result := Execute; if Result then begin SaveConnected := db.Connected; db.Connected := False; { if dialogue is completed successfully, assign new DB name } db.DatabaseName := FileName; db.Connected := SaveConnected; end; Free; end; end; { TfrxTableNameProperty } function TfrxTableNameProperty.GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; begin { property represents list of values } Result := [paMultiSelect, paValueList]; end; procedure TfrxTableNameProperty.GetValues; var t: TIBTable; begin inherited; { get link to TIBTable component } t := TfrxIBXTable(Component).Table; { fill list of tables available } if t.Database <> nil then t.DataBase.GetTableNames(Values, False); end; { TfrxIndexProperty } function TfrxIndexNameProperty.GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; begin { property represents list of values } Result := [paMultiSelect, paValueList]; end; procedure TfrxIndexNameProperty.GetValues; var i: Integer; begin inherited; try { get link to TIBTable component } with TfrxIBXTable(Component).Table do if (TableName <> '') and (IndexDefs <> nil) then begin { update indexes } IndexDefs.Update; { fill list of indexes available }

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Custom DB Engines Writing for i := 0 to IndexDefs.Count - 1 do if IndexDefs[i].Name <> '' then Values.Add(IndexDefs[i].Name); end; except end; end;


initialization frxPropertyEditors.Register(TypeInfo(String), TfrxIBXDataBase, 'DatabaseName', Tf frxPropertyEditors.Register(TypeInfo(String), TfrxIBXTable, 'TableName', TfrxTabl frxPropertyEditors.Register(TypeInfo(String), TfrxIBXTable, 'IndexName', TfrxInde end.

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FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

Custom Functions Connection to Report

FastReport has a large number of built in standard functions, for use in report designing. There is also the ability to connect (add) your own custom functions. Function connection is performed using the FastScript script library interface, which is included in FastReport (to learn more about FastScript, refer to its library manual). An example of how procedures and/or functions can be connected. Functions parameter quantity and type can vary. One cannot transfer parameters of Set and Record" type, as they are not supported by FastScript. You must transfer such parameters as simpler types, for example, to transfer TRect as X0, Y0, X1, Y1: Integer. See more about process of adding functions with different parameters in FastScript documentation. On the Delphi form declare the function or procedure and its code.
function TForm1.MyFunc(s: String; i: Integer): Boolean; begin // necessary logic end; procedure TForm1.MyProc(s: String); begin // necessary logic end;

create the onuser function handler for the report component.

function TForm1.frxReport1UserFunction(const MethodName: String; var Params: Variant): Variant; begin if MethodName = 'MYFUNC' then Result := MyFunc(Params[0], Params[1]) else if MethodName = 'MYPROC' then MyProc(Params[0]); end;

Use the report components add method to add to the function list (usually in on create or on show event of the Delphi form).
frxReport1.AddFunction('function MyFunc(s: String; i: Integer): Boolean'); frxReport1.AddFunction('procedure MyProc(s: String)');

Connected function can now be used in report script; furthermore, one can refer to it from objects of TfrxMemoView type. This function is also displayed in "Data tree" windows function page tab. In this window functions are split into categories, and when you select any function, a hint about this function appears in the bottom pane of the window. Modify code sample above to register functions in separate category, and display function description hint:

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frxReport1.AddFunction('function MyFunc(s: String; i: Integer): Boolean', 'My funct frxReport1.AddFunction('procedure MyProc(s: String)', 'My functions', ' MyProc proc

Your added items will now appear under the category My Functions. If you want to register functions in one of the existing categories, use one of the following category names: 'ctString' string function; 'ctDate' - date/time functions; 'ctConv' - conversion functions; 'ctFormat' - formatting; 'ctMath' - mathematical functions; 'ctOther' - other functions. If blank category name is specified, the function is placed in the functions tree root. If you wish to connect (add) a large number of functions, it is recommended to placet all logic in a separate library unit. Here is an example:
unit myfunctions; interface implementation

uses SysUtils, Classes, fs_iinterpreter; // you can also add a reference //to any o

type TFunctions = class(TfsRTTIModule) private function CallMethod(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass; const MethodName: Str public constructor Create(AScript: TfsScript); override; end; function MyFunc(s: String; i: Integer): Boolean; begin // necessary logic end; procedure MyProc(s: String); begin // necessary logic end; { TFunctions } constructor TFunctions.Create; begin

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.


FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

inherited Create(AScript); with AScript do AddMethod('function MyFunc(s: String; i: Integer): Boolean', CallMethod, 'My fu AddMethod('procedure MyProc(s: String)', CallMethod, 'My functions', ' MyProc p end; end;

function TFunctions.CallMethod(Instance: TObject; ClassType: TClass; const MethodNa begin if MethodName = 'MYFUNC' then Result := MyFunc(Params[0], Params[1]) else if MethodName = 'MYPROC' then MyProc(Params[0]); end; initialization fsRTTIModules.Add(TFunctions); end.

Save the file with a .pas extension then add a reference to it in the uses clause of your Delphi projects form and all your custom functions will be available for use in any report component. No need to write code to add these functions to each TfrxReport, and no need to write additional code for each report components onuserfunction handler.

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.

Custom Wizards Writing


Custom Wizards Writing

You can extend FastReport functionality with help of custom wizards. FastReport, for example, contains standard Report Wizard, which is called from File|New menu. There are two types of wizards supported in FastReport. The first type includes wizards already mentioned, called from File|New menu. The second one includes wizards, which can be called from Wizards toolbar. Basic class for any wizard is TfrxCustomWizard, defined in frxClass file.
TfrxCustomWizard = class(TComponent) Public Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; class function GetDescription: String; virtual; abstract; function Execute: Boolean; virtual; abstract; property Designer: TfrxCustomDesigner read FDesigner; property Report: TfrxReport read FReport; end;

To write your own wizard, it is necessary to inherit from this class and override at least GetDescription and Execute methods. The first one returns wizard name; the second one is called when running the wizard; it must return True, if wizard finished working successfully and made any changes to report. During wizard work, you can call designer and report methods and properties properly via Designer and Report properties. Wizard registration and deleting is performed via procedures described in frxDsgnIntf file:

frxWizards.Register(ClassRef: TfrxWizardClass; ButtonBmp: TBitmap; IsToolbarWizard: frxWizards.Unregister(ClassRef: TfrxWizardClass);

At registration, one enters wizard class name, its picture, and specifies if wizard is placed in Wizards toolbar. If wizard should be placed in toolbar, ButtonBmp size must be either 16x16 pixels, or otherwise 32x32 pixels. Let us examine primitive wizard, which is being registered in "File|New..." menu, and then adds new page to report.
uses frxClass, frxDsgnIntf; type TfrxMyWizard = class(TfrxCustomWizard) public class function GetDescription: String; override; function Execute: Boolean; override; end;

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.


FastReport 4.0 Developer's manual

class function TfrxMyWizard.GetDescription: String; begin Result := 'My Wizard'; end; function TfrxMyWizard.Execute: Boolean; var Page: TfrxReportPage; begin { lock any drawings in designer } Designer.Lock; { create new page in report } Page := TfrxReportPage.Create(Report); { create unique name for page } Page.CreateUniqueName; { set paper sizes and orientation by default } Page.SetDefaults; { update report pages and switch focus to last added page } Designer.ReloadPages(Report.PagesCount - 1); end; var Bmp: TBitmap; initialization Bmp := TBitmap.Create; { load picture from resource; of course, you should place it there first } Bmp.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'frxMyWizard'); frxWizards.Register(TfrxMyWizard, Bmp); finalization frxWizards.Unregister(TfrxMyWizard); Bmp.Free; end.

1998-2006 Fast Reports Inc.


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