Faculty Norms AICTE

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(Engineering & Technology, Architecture, Planning, Pharmacy,

All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi vide Notification
F.No.37-3/Legal/2010 issued pay scales, Service conditions
& qualifications for teachers and other academic staff in Technical
institutions (Degree) Regulations, 2010.

 The regulations 2010 shall apply to technical institutions

& Universities including Deemed Universities imparting Technical
Education and such other course/ programmes and areas as
notified by Council from time to time.

 There shall be only three designations in respect of teachers in

Universities and colleges, namely, Assistant Professors, Associate
Professors and Professors.

 No one shall be eligible to be appointed, promoted or designated as

Professor, unless he or she possesses a Ph.D and satisfies other
academic conditions, as laid down by the AICTE from time to time.
This shall, however, not affect those who are already designated as

 Faculty designated as Professors as on 05.03.2010 shall continue

as Professors.

 The ratio of Professors to Associate Professors to Assistant

Professors in a UG college shall be in the ratio, ordinarily of 1:2:6.
The ratio of Professors to Associate Professors and or Assistant
Professors in a PG college shall be in the ratio, ordinarily of 1:2.

Faculty required 1:15 (Teacher: student ratio)
Cadre ratio 1:2:6 (Professor: Associate Professor : Assistant Professor)
Programme Cadre Qualification Experience
Engineering Assistant BE/B.Tech & ME/
& Professor M.Tech in relevant
Technology branch with 1st class or
equivalent either in
BE/B.Tech or
Associate Qualifications as above Minimum of 5 years experience in
Professor that is for the post of teaching / research /industry of
Assistant Professor, as which 2 years post PhD experience
applicable and PhD or is desirable.
equivalent, in In case of Architecture,
appropriate discipline. Professional Practice of 5 years as
Post PhD publications certified by the Council of
and guiding PhD Architecture shall also be
students is highly considered valid.
Professor Qualifications as above Minimum of 10 years teaching/
that is for the post of research /industrial experience of
Associate Professor, which at least 5 years should be at
applicable. the level of Associate professor. or
Post PhD publications Minimum of 13 years experience
and guiding PhD in teaching and / or Research and
students is highly /or Industry.
desirable. In case of research experience,
good academic record and books/
research paper publications /IPR/
patents record shall be required as
deemed fit by the expert members
of the selection committee.
If the experience in industry is
considered, the same shall be at
managerial level equivalent to
Associate Professor with active
participation record in devising/
designing, planning, executing,
analyzing, quality control,
innovating, training, technical
books/ research paper
publications / IPR/ patents, etc.,
as deemed fit by the expert
members of the Selection

Faculty required 1:12 (Teacher : student ratio)
Cadre ratio 1:2 (Professor: Associate / Assistant Professor)
Qualifications as prescribed above

Note: Sanctioned students intake shall be considered for all (4) years in respect of UG and
(2) years in respect of PG programmes for calculating Teacher: Student ratio.
B. Architecture
Faculty required 1:10 (Teacher: student ratio)
Cadre ratio 1:2:6 (Professor: Associate Professor: Assistant Professor)
Programme Cadre Qualification Experience
Assistant Bachelors and
B. Professor Masters Degree in
Architecture Architecture with
First Class or
equivalent either in
Bachelors or
Masters Degree
Associate Qualifications as Minimum of 5 years experience in
Professor above that is for the teaching / research /industry of which
post of Assistant 2 years post PhD experience is
Professor, as desirable.
applicable and PhD In case of Architecture, Professional
or equivalent, in Practice of 5 years as certified by the
appropriate Council of Architecture shall also be
discipline. Post PhD considered valid.
publications and
guiding PhD
students is highly
Professor Qualifications as Minimum of 10 years teaching/
above that is for the research /industrial experience of
post of Associate which at least 5 years should be at the
Professor, level of Associate professor. or
applicable. Minimum of 13 years experience in
Post PhD teaching and / or Research and /or
publications and Industry.
guiding PhD In case of research experience, good
students is highly academic record and books/ research
desirable. paper publications /IPR/ patents
record shall be required as deemed fit
by the expert members of the selection
If the experience in industry is
considered, the same shall be at
managerial level equivalent to Associate
Professor with active participation
record in devising/ designing,
planning, executing, analyzing, quality
control, innovating, training, technical
books/ research paper publications
/IPR/patents, etc., as deemed fit by the
expert members of the Selection
In case of Architecture, Professional
Practice of 10 years as certified by the
Council of Architecture shall also be
considered valid.

M. Architecture
Faculty required 1:10 (Teacher: student ratio)
Cadre ratio 1:2 (Professor: Associate / Assistant Professor)
Qualifications as prescribed above
Note: Sanctioned students intake shall be considered for all (5) years in respect of UG and
(2) years in respect of PG programmes for calculating Teacher: Student ratio.
Town Planning
Faculty required 1:10 (Teacher: student ratio)
Cadre ratio 1:2:6 (Professor: Associate Professor: Assistant Professor)
Cadre Qualification Experience
Assistant Bachelors and Masters
Professor Degree in Town
Town Planning with First
Planning Class or equivalent
either in Bachelors or
Masters Degree
Associate Qualifications as Minimum of 5 years experience in
Professor above that is for the teaching / research /industry of
post of Assistant which 2 years post PhD experience is
Professor, as desirable.
applicable and PhD or In case of Architecture, Professional
equivalent, in Practice of 5 years as certified by the
appropriate discipline. Council of Architecture shall also be
Post PhD publications considered valid.
and guiding PhD
students is highly
Professor Qualifications as Minimum of 10 years teaching/
above that is for the research /industrial experience of
post of Associate which at least 5 years should be at
Professor, applicable. the level of Associate professor. or
Post PhD publications Minimum of 13 years experience in
and guiding PhD teaching and / or Research and /or
students is highly Industry.
desirable. In case of research experience, good
academic record and books/
research paper publications /IPR/
patents record shall be required as
deemed fit by the expert members of
the selection committee.
If the experience in industry is
considered, the same shall be at
managerial level equivalent to
Associate Professor with active
participation record in devising/
designing, planning, executing,
analyzing, quality control,
innovating, training, technical
books/ research paper publications
/IPR/patents, etc., as deemed fit by
the expert members of the Selection
In case of Architecture, Professional
Practice of 10 years as certified by
the Council of Architecture shall also
be considered valid.

M. Planning
Faculty required 1:10 (Teacher: student ratio)
Cadre ratio 1:2 (Professor: Associate / Assistant Professor)
Qualifications as prescribed above
Note: Sanctioned students intake shall be considered for all (4) years in respect of UG and
(2) years in respect of PG programmes for calculating Teacher: Student ratio.
B. Pharmacy
Faculty required 1:15 (Teacher: student ratio)
Cadre ratio 1:2:6 (Professor: Associate Professor: Assistant Professor)
Programme Cadre Qualification Experience
Pharmacy Assistant Bachelors and Masters
Professor Degree in Pharmacy with
First Class or equivalent
either in Bachelors or
Masters Degree
Associate Qualifications as above Minimum of 5 years experience
Professor that is for the post of in teaching / research /industry
Assistant Professor, as of which 2 years post PhD
applicable and PhD or experience is desirable.
equivalent, in appropriate In case of Architecture,
discipline. Post PhD Professional Practice of 5 years
publications and guiding as certified by the Council of
PhD students is highly Architecture shall also be
desirable. considered valid.
Professor Qualifications as above Minimum of 10 years teaching/
that is for the post of research /industrial experience
Associate Professor, of which at least 5 years should
applicable. be at the level of Associate
Post PhD publications and professor. or
guiding PhD students is Minimum of 13 years experience
highly desirable. in teaching and / or Research
and /or Industry.
In case of research experience,
good academic record and
books/ research paper
publications /IPR/ patents
record shall be required as
deemed fit by the expert
members of the selection
If the experience in industry is
considered, the same shall be at
managerial level equivalent to
Associate Professor with active
participation record in devising/
designing, planning, executing,
analyzing, quality control,
innovating, training, technical
books/ research paper
publications /IPR/patents, etc.,
as deemed fit by the expert
members of the Selection

M. Pharmacy, Pharma.D (6 Years duration) and Pharma.D-PB (3 Years Duration)

Faculty required 1:12 (Teacher : student ratio)

Cadre ratio 1:2 (Professor: Associate / Assistant Professor)
Qualifications as prescribed above

Note: Sanctioned students intake shall be considered for all (4) years in respect of UG,
(2) years for PG, (6) years for Pharma.D and (3) years for Pharma.D-PB programmes
for calculating Teacher: Student ratio.
Faculty required 1:15 (Teacher: student ratio)
Cadre ratio 1:2:6 (Professor: Associate Professor : Assistant Professor)
Cadre Qualification Experience
MCA Assistant BE / BTech and ME /
Professor M. Tech in relevant
branch with
First Class or equivalent
either in BE/BTech or
ME/ MTech OR
BE/ BTech and MCA
with First class or
equivalent in either BE /
with first class or
equivalent with two years
relevant experience
Associate Qualifications as above Minimum of 5 years experience in
Professor that is for the post of teaching / research /industry of which
Assistant Professor, as 2 years post PhD experience is
applicable and PhD or desirable.
equivalent, in In case of Architecture, Professional
appropriate discipline. Practice of 5 years as certified by the
Post PhD publications Council of Architecture shall also be
and guiding PhD considered valid.
students is highly
Professor Qualifications as above Minimum of 10 years teaching/
that is for the post of research /industrial experience of
Associate Professor, which at least 5 years should be at the
applicable. level of Associate professor. or
Post PhD publications Minimum of 13 years experience in
and guiding PhD teaching and / or Research and /or
students is highly Industry.
desirable. In case of research experience, good
academic record and books/ research
paper publications /IPR/ patents record
shall be required as deemed fit by the
expert members of the selection
If the experience in industry is
considered, the same shall be at
managerial level equivalent to Associate
Professor with active participation
record in devising/ designing, planning,
executing, analyzing, quality control,
innovating, training, technical books/
research paper publications
/IPR/patents, etc., as deemed fit by the
expert members of the Selection
In case of Architecture, Professional
Practice of 10 years as certified by the
Council of Architecture shall also be
considered valid.

Note: Sanctioned students intake shall be considered for all (2) years for calculating
Teacher: Student ratio.
Faculty required 1:15 (Teacher: student ratio)
Cadre ratio 1:2:6 (Professor: Associate Professor: Assistant Professor)

Programme Cadre Qualification Experience

Assistant First Class or equivalent in
Management Professor Masters Degree in
(MBA) Business Administration or
and 2 years relevant
Experience is desirable
Associate Qualifications as above Minimum of 5 years experience in
Professor that is for the post of teaching / research /industry of
Assistant Professor, as which 2 years post PhD experience
applicable and PhD or is desirable.
equivalent, in appropriate In case of Architecture, Professional
discipline. Post PhD Practice of 5 years as certified by
publications and guiding the Council of Architecture shall
PhD students is highly also be considered valid.
Professor Qualifications as above Minimum of 10 years teaching/
that is for the post of research /industrial experience of
Associate Professor, which at least 5 years should be at
applicable. the level of Associate professor.
Post PhD publications and or
guiding PhD students is Minimum of 13 years experience in
highly desirable. teaching and / or Research and /or
In case of research experience, good
academic record and books/
research paper publications /IPR/
patents record shall be required as
deemed fit by the expert members
of the selection committee.
If the experience in industry is
considered, the same shall be at
managerial level equivalent to
Associate Professor with active
participation record in devising/
designing, planning, executing,
analyzing, quality control,
innovating, training, technical
books/ research paper publications
/IPR/patents, etc., as deemed fit by
the expert members of the Selection
In case of Architecture, Professional
Practice of 10 years as certified by
the Council of Architecture shall
also be considered valid.

Note: Sanctioned students intake shall be considered for all (3) years for calculating
Teacher: Student ratio.
Principal / Director

Programme Cadre Qualification Experience

Principal Qualifications as above Minimum of 10 years
/ Director that is for the post of experience in teaching /
Professor, as applicable Research / Industry out
Post PhD publications and of which at least 3 years
guiding PhD students is shall be at the level of
highly desirable. Professor.
Minimum of 13 years
experience in teaching
and/ or Research
and/or Industry In case
of research experience,
good academic record
and books / research
paper publications / IPR
/ patents record shall be
required as deemed fit
by the expert members
of the Selection
If the experience in
industry is considered,
the same shall be at
managerial level
equivalent to Professor
level with active
participation record in
devising / designing,
developing, planning,
executing, analyzing,
quality control,
innovating, training,
technical books /
research paper
publications / IPR /
patents, etc. as deemed
fit by the expert
members of the
Selection committee.
Flair for Management
and Leadership is
In case of Architecture,
Professional Practice of
10 years as certified by
the Council of
Architecture shall also
be considered valid.

The ratio of non-teaching (inclusive of administrative, ministerial, technical

and other unskilled and semiskilled staff) to teaching staff should not
exceed 3:1.

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