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“Jnana Sangama”, Belgaum - 590 018, Karnataka State.

Ref. No.VTU/DPAR/PG-II/2012-13/ 728 Date: 20-03-2013

Sub: Recruitment of teaching posts for the PG Programmes at VTU and its Regional Centres– reg.
Ref: 1. Govt. Order No. DPAR 08 SeHiMa 95 dated: 20-06-1995
2. Govt. Order No. SIASUE 21 SeHiMa 90 dated: 16-11-1995
3. Govt. Order No. SAKAE 225 BCA 2000, dated: 30-03-2002
4. Govt. Notification No. ED 165 DTE 2007 dated: 06-09-2008
5. Government letter No. ED 77 UTV 2011 dated: 11-07-2012.
6. Approved VTU C& R Statutes 2012dated:23-02-2013
7. Approval dated: 19-03-2013 of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, VTU. Belgaum

Applications are invited in 5 (Five) sets in the prescribed format from the eligible
Indian citizen for the following Teaching Posts in the Department of Post Graduate Studies
located at Bangalore, Gulbarga, and Mysore. The eligible Indian Nationals / Origins who are
residing abroad may also apply. An Application format is available on the University Website
Sl. Sl. Teaching Posts
Centre Course Associate Assistant Total
No. No. Professor
Professor Professor
Dept. of PG 1 M.Tech. in Computer Aided Engineering 1 1 2 4
1 Studies, M.Tech. in Digital Electronics &
Bangalore 2
Communication Systems 1 1 2 4
Dept. of PG
2 Studies, 1 M.Tech. in Structural Engineering 1 1 2 4
Dept. of PG 1 M.Tech. in Machine Design 1 1 2 4
3 Studies,
Gulbarga 2 M.Tech. in Construction Technology 1 1 2 4
Total 5 5 10 20

Roster for Reservation for the above posts is as follows as per Govt. Norms:
Designation No. of posts Reservation
Professor SC - 01
and ST- 01
05 Cat-I - 01
Professor GM - 02 (GM – 01, Woman - 01)
SC – 02 (SC-01, Woman -01)
ST- 01
10 Cat-I - 01
IIA - 01
GM - 05 (GM – 01, Woman - 02, Rural- 01, PH- 01)

Age Limit for Appointments:

The candidates should have attained the age of 18 years. The maximum age limit for direct
recruitment shall be as follows,
Sl. No Category Age Limit
1 SC / ST / Category - I 40 Years
2 Other Backward Classes 38 Years
3 General Merit 35 Years
Note: 1. Age relaxation is admissible as applicable.
2. On the last date fixed for receipt of application or on such other date as may be specified by the
Appointing Authority. The maximum age limit for the posts of Ass. Professors, Associate Professors and
Professors shall be 50 years and relaxable up to a maximum of 5 years in exceptional cases or as per the
State Government norms.

Pay Scale, Qualification & Experience required for the above posts:
(As per AICTE Norms, Govt. Order No. ED 96 DTE 2010 dated: 07-03-2011 and Approved VTU C& R Statutes 2012)

Sl. Department/
Cadre Qualification/Experience Pay Scale
No. Branch
BE/B.Tech and ME / M.Tech in relevant Rs. 15600-39100
Assistant subject with First Class or equivalent either in
01 Professor All programs +
BE/B.Tech or ME / M.Tech. AGP of Rs. 6000
Qualification as above that is for the post of
Assistant Professor, as applicable and Ph. D or
equivalent, in appropriate discipline.
Post Ph.D publications and guiding Ph.D
student is highly desirable.
Experience – Rs. 37400-67000
02 Associate
All programs +
Professor Minimum of 5 years of experience in teaching AGP of Rs. 9000
and / or research and / or industry of which at
least 2 years shall be post PhD, is desirable.
In case of Architecture, Professional Practice
of 5 years as certified by the Council of
Architecture shall also be considered valid.
Qualifications as above that are for the post of
Associate Professor, as applicable.
Post PhD publications and guiding Ph.D
students is highly desirable.
Experience –
Minimum of 10 years teaching and / or
research and / or industrial experience of which
at least 5 years should be at the level of
Associate Professor. OR
Minimum of 13 years experience in teaching
and or Research and / or Industry.
In case of research experience, good academic
record and books / research paper publications Rs. 37400-67000
03 Professor All programs / IPR / patents record shall be required as +
deemed fit by the expert members in Selection AGP of Rs. 10000
If the experience in industry is considered, the
same shall be at managerial level equivalent to
Associate Professor with active participation
record in devising / designing, planning,
executing, analyzing, quality control,
innovating, training, technical books / research
paper publications / IPR / Patents, etc. as
deemed fit by the expert members in Selection
Committee. In case of Architecture,
Professional Practice of 10 years as certified by
the Council of Architecture shall also be
considered valid

Instructions to the Candidates

1. Application shall be submitted by the candidate in the prescribed format only, as

available on VTU Website ( Application in any other format will not be
2. The filled-in application form should be accompanied with Demand Draft, obtained
from any Nationalized Bank, for Rs. 1,000/-(for SC/ST/Cat-I Rs. 500/- only) towards
processing fee in favour of Finance Officer, Visvesvaraya Technological University,
Belgaum. Postal Orders, Money Orders and Cheques will not be accepted.
Application fee once paid will not be refunded.
3. The filled-in applications which does not accompany the prescribed fee are liable for
4. Candidate desiring to apply more than one post shall submit separate applications with
prescribed fees.
5. Ex-servicemen or children of defence personnel killed or disabled in action are
exempted from payment of application fee provided they furnish appropriate certificate
issued by the Competent Authority along with the filled-in applications.
6. All applications in respect of communications, for recruitment against the posts
advertised by the University, should be addressed to The Registrar, Visvesvaraya
Technological University, “Jnana Sangama” Campus, Belgaum- 590018 (Karnataka).
7. The vacancies now notified are provisional and are subject to variations. The University
reserves the right to fill-up any or all the vacancies.
8. Filled-in applications together with copies of testimonials should be sent in an envelope,
superscribed on top of the cover, “APPLICATION (PG) FOR THE POST OF
_________________________” to THE REGISTRAR, VISVESVARAYA
BELGAUM-590018 (KARNATAKA) on or before 21/04/2013 at 5.00 P. M.. The
candidates staying abroad may also download the application Form from the website
( and submit the application forms along with the relevant documents
and the prescribed fee.
9. Applications received after the prescribed last date and incomplete applications will be
rejected. The University is not responsible for the transit delay.
10. The candidate will be held responsible for furnishing any false information in the
application form and liable to action deem fit including rejection of application.
11. No recommendations should be made to the University. Influencing in any form for
seeking postings, will disqualify the candidature.
12. The selected candidates are subject to transfer/appointment anywhere in Karnataka to
any Constituent College / PG Centres coming under the University jurisdiction.
13. The appointed candidates are governed by the Rules and Regulations of the University.
14. No TA/ DA will be paid either for attending the interview or for joining the post.
15. The candidates selected will be appointed on probation for a period of two years;
probationary period may be extended by the University, depend on their performance
during probationary period.
16. All the appointments shall be subject to relevant regulations of AICTE and orders of the
State Government issued from time to time in the matter.
17. All the appointments shall be made in accordance with relevant provisions of VTU Act
1994, regulations and statutes.
18. Pension/EPF/Gratuity will be applicable as per VTU norms.
19. Each application must be accompanied by attested copies of Testimonials/ Marks
Cards, Caste Certificates, Experience Certificates, Publications, Research Notes,
Certificates of Awards/Medals, Certificates related to past service etc. and the details of
research or related publication, if any, in support of eligibility.
20. The attested copies of Testimonials/ Certificates/ Caste Certificates/Marks Cards and
bio-data form provided with the application, should be enclosed to all the Five sets
which will not be returned, the original of the same shall be produced at the time of
21. Candidates having knowledge of reading and writing Kannada is preferable for the
posts notified apart from fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
22. The candidates who have studied under Trimester System and other than 10 point
grading system are required to produce the equivalent percentage certificates obtained
from the respective University, if equivalence details are not mentioned in the mark
23. Candidates already in service (Government/Quasi Government or private) shall submit
their applications through proper channel. Candidates anticipating delay in sending their
applications through proper channel may submit an advance copy of the application
along with the processing fee.
24. The candidates who are in service shall submit a No Objection Certificate at the time of
interview in original, failing which they will not be allowed for interview.
25. All the enclosed documents to the application will be verified with the originals at the
time of interview.
(Dr. K.E.Prakash)

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