Edibl Oil Vanuf Cturing Prou CT - Ftasibility Study: O/''flhd
Edibl Oil Vanuf Cturing Prou CT - Ftasibility Study: O/''flhd
Edibl Oil Vanuf Cturing Prou CT - Ftasibility Study: O/''flhd
a which enable the promoter to export the products and generate foreign
4.1. SoyaBeanoil
Soya oil is pale yellow fixed drying oil which is soluble in alcohol. Soya bean
oil is the most widely used vegetable oil for both edible and industrial use,
mainly as margarine and salad dressings, in paint and varnish, soap and
others production.
•Soybean oil is healthy oil, provided that it's not been hydrogenated and
provided that it's certified organic. Soy oil would be especially helpful for a
diet that was missing the essential omega-6 fatty acid called linoleic acid.
(Soy oil is about 50% 1inoleic acid). It would also be helpful for a diet that
needed more monounsaturated fat.
Soybeans contain about 180/o oil and 400/o protein. Because soybeans are
high in protein, they are a major ingredient in livestock feed. Most soybeans
are processed for their oil and protein for the animal feed industry. The
high-protein fiber (that which remains after processing has removed the oil)
is toasted and prepared into animal feed for poultry, pork, cattle, other farm
animals and pets. The poultry and swine industries are major consumers of
soybean meal. Therefore, the expeller cake is an important food supplement
for cattle, pigs and poultry.
Soybean oil is one of many drying oils, which means that it will slowly
harden (due to free-radical based polymerization) upon exposure to air,
forming a flexible, transparent, and waterpro; e of this
However, other oils such as linseed oil may be superior for some drying oil
applications. While soybean oil has no direct insect repellent activity, it is
used as' a fixative to extend the short duration of action of essential oils
such as geranium oil in several commercial products.
Soybean oil represents the greatest opportunity for domestic market supply
and import substitution. Imported soybean oil has a considerable market
share, soybean oil production can satisfy the local market and also it's by
product is very useful for animal feed market. In Ethiopia, there is a large
scarcity in high protein animal feed (for the booming dairy, export beef and
poultry sectors).
The vegetable oils produced, particularly the soya bean oil, can also be used
as a raw material in the production of alkyd resin in local industries as an
input substitution saving the meager foreign currency of our country.
glyceride oil or oil derived fatty acid. Also, an alkyd is called a polymer
formed by chemical synthesis of smaller molecules. A|kyd resins are a large
group of thermoplastic resins which are polyester products formed from the
polymeric condensation of polyhydric alcohols, polybasic acids, and
monobasic fatty acids.
Alkyd resins are widely used for the production of surface coatings:
decorative paints, varnishes, printing inks air drying and stoving industrial
paints etc. The process of producing alkyd resin involve: alcoholysis,
Alkyd resins have many applications in the coating industry due to their
low cost, wide range of functions, and are produced from renewable S.
vegetable oils.
Soybean oil is the most readily available and one of the lowest cost
vegetable oils in the world today. For many years, soybean oil has been a
major ingredient in making alkyd resins, which are dissolved in carrier
solvents to make oil-based paints. While the production of alkyd resins,
finished paints and coatings may involve proprietary formulations, the basic
4.2. Nigerseed
Niger seed (often called Nyger Seed or Nyjer Seed) is a small black `;eed
from tHe Guizotia flower, a pretty and dainty yellow bloom that is native to
Africa. Combine Niger Seed with other seeds to provide your birds with a
more varied diet. It's perfect for treating the small birds in your area and is
particularly loved by goldfinches.
You might see Niger Seed referred to as 'Thistle Seed', but they're actually
two different seeds. It is thought that this misconception came about
because the seeds look similar and goldfinches love both Niger Seed and
Thistle Seed!
A little-known fact is that Niger Seeds actually have shells, so if you what
looks like seed on the ground, it's not your birds throwing them away. It's
actually the shells (husks) of the seeds
This seed can be used for human consumption. You will find the oil and the
seed in recipes for curries, chutneys and other foods. Niger seed also offers
4.3. Cottonseed
Cotton seeds are the seeds of the cotton plant. Cotton seeds are ovoid, 3.5-10
mm long. They are densely covered with white or rusty, long and woolly
hairs, called the lint, which is the main product used to make cotton
textiles, and shorter hairs (linters). Commercially available cotton seeds are
usually the by-product of the production of cotton fibre by a cotton gin,
which separates the lint from the seeds.
- cotton crop (O'Brien et al., 2005). Depending on the species and varie`ty,
cotton lint has different colours (black, brown or red), and may be long a;d
thin (Gossypium hirsutum, 900/o of world production), longer and finer
(Gossypium barbadense, also called Egyptian cotton) or shorter and thicker
(Gossypium herbaceum and Gossypium arboretum) (Ikitoo, 2011; Rossin,
2009). Once ginned, the cotton seed remains covered with linters and called
whole cottonseed or fuzzy cottonseed.
The amount of linters left on the seeds varies from 4 to 8°/o, except for seeds
of Gossypium barbadense varieties, such as the American Pima cotton,
which are naturally without linters (NCPA, 2012). Linters are a valuable
fibre used for paper, cellulose acetate, viscose, explosives, plastic or
Cottonseed oil is an important cooking oil extracted from the seeds of cotton
plants. Whole cottonseeds have 150/o-200/o oil, which depends on the species
and quality of the seeds (Savanam & Bhaskara oil consists
of about 700/o unsaturated fatty acids.
• Vegetable oils are fats that have been extracted from plants. The extraction
of oils from plants has been a common practice in several cultures since
early times. Through time, the vegetable oil industry expanded and thrived
at a very fast pace due to the development of oil presses as well introduction
of innovative methodologies. Over the centuries, oil extraction technology
has evolved substantially and now there are different types of oils available
in the market for consumption and industrial uses as well.
Vegetable oil is widely used as cooking oil in various cuisines, comes from
different plants/seeds like soybeans, sunflower, cottonseed, olive, mustard
seeds, etc. Apart from its application in culinary uses, vegetable oil is also
used as an ingredient in many manufactured products. It is used in soaps,
candles, skin products. Some oils are known as drying oils, and are used in
manufacturing paints as well as for wood treatment
This is due to the changing lifestyles, improving dietary habits and rising
awareness among consumers about various health benefits offered by
vegetable oil such as enhanced metabolism and prevention of several
diseases. According to the report of International Trade Center, over the
last several years, the global production of vegetable oils has experienced
constant growth. Since 2007, annual vegetable oil production had increased
by more or less five percent. The Trade Center further indicates that during
2016/17 a total of 185.78 million metric tons of oils have been manufactured
all over the world which represents a 6.28 percent raise from the previous
pe.riod. According to the web site called www.statistia.com data, in the year
2021/22 the global vegetable oils production amounted to around 209.11
million metric tons. The main sources of this vegetable oil production are
coconut, cottonseed, olive, palm, palm kernel, peanut, rapeseed, soybean
and sunflower seed. The following table shows the total world edible oil
Peanut oil
Rapeseed oil 27.27 27.61 27.99 28.06 27.64
The graph below shows global production of vegetable oils during the past
recent seven years.
On basis of oil type, the market has been segmented into palm oil, soybean
oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, coconut oil, palm kernel oil, etc. Currently,
palm oil represents the largest oil type as it is a rich source of saturated
fats, vitamins and antioxidants which offer numerous health benefits. Palm
Brazil make up about 700/o of the world edible oil production in 2020/21.
I World cchsumption for the same year shows 209.11 million tones.
Table 3: World Top Edible Oil Producers
productive and have an ability to secure food stability in the world and it is
free of cholesterol and high chine fatty acid. For instance, rapeseed oil and
sunflower oils are widely used in cooking due to their nutritional values,
pleasant taste and health benefits. They also have a variety of industrial
uses. Consumption of vegetable oils worldwide from '2014/15 to 2020/2021,
by oil type (in million metric tons) presented in the following graph.
ffiicoconut oil ffi!Cotton seed oil zasoliveoil &`` Palm oil .Peanutoil
Over the past three decades, there has been a substantial growth in the
global consumption of vegetable oil. Between 1980 and 2008, consumption
increased more than threefold from 40 million tons to over 130 million tons.
In addition, there has been a significant shift in the relative market share of
different vegetable oils. In 1980, the main vegetable oil on world markets
was soybean, accounting for approximately a third of total consumption.
The market share of soybean has since fallen, with palm oil becoming the
major consumed vegetable oil. In 30 years, palm oil consumption has
increased tenfold from 4.5 to 45 million tons (including growth of 100
percent in the last decade) and now comprises 34 Percent of the world
market. In 2009, despite consumption of soybean oil increasing by 22.5
million tons, its market share had fallen to 27 percent. Rapeseed and
sunflower oil's market shares were 16 percent and 1
a aspects, the prices of the products, existence & prices of substitute products,
In the last decade, Ethiopia has experienced solid progress in terms of key
economic and social indicators. During the period from 2011/12 to 2020/21,
the country has been achieving a sustainable economic growth. Overall,
during this period, the country has recorded an average GDP growth rate of
about 8.7°/o which makes it one of the fastest - growing nations in the
co-ntinent of Africa.
In terms of GDP per capital, the country has achieved a profound growth
during the past decade. For instance, GDP per capital of the country has
increased from 524 USD in 2011/12 to 1,092 USD in 2020/21 which
represents more than double growth. The government's commitment to
develop the country's economy with supportive state policies and strategies
have contributed for the impressive growth in new investments and
5.2.2.Population growth
coming two years from 84.3 million in 2011. The following figure shows the
I population projection for the next five years with 2.60/o per annum.
• ' I . I ' I.
Source: CSA
~ activity in urban areas are often associated with high level of edible oil
2014 thct.) 2017 (proj.)
Source: CSA 2014 population census & CSA projection Aug. 2017
Based ont per capita consumption of oils and fats, a breakdown of the per
capita volume of oils and fats [7.9 kilogram's] designated by the Ethiopian
Public and Health Institute [EPHI] as required for adequate nutrition,
would translate into 6.3 kilograms of oils and 600 grams of fats per capita
for urban Ethiopia and 4.8 kilograms of oils and 2.1 kilograms of fats per
capita for rural Ethiopia.
per capita consumption of about 6.3 kg per annum for urban and 4.8 kg for
rural population is expected to be around 924 million liters in 2025.
For instance, GDP per capital of the country has increased from 524 USD in
2011/12 to 1,092 USD in 2020/21 which represents more than double
given to the domestic private sector, especially those who would like to
invest in the manufacturing sector. This initiative will be enhanced through
encouraging and supporting through incentive packages and creating
favorable environment for doing business. In addition, particular attention
have been given to the linkages between local and foreign enterprises to
The Ethiopian edible oil market is supplied by mostly from import. Even
though Ethiopia has huge potential for scaling up its production of edible
oil: favorable agro-climatic conditions for increased oil seeds cultivation, the
labor-intensive nature of the sub-sector, conduciveness of the business
environment, the willingness oil seed crushers to work at full capacity and
the huge local demand.
Edible oils produced by local oil mills, mainly soya bean, sunflower,
groundnut, Niger seed oil, rapeseed oil and cotton seed oil. And know a
day's Safflower becomes also popular. While larger mills has higher
large scale processed, medium and household level oil brocessing mills. Due
a In most of areas of the country oilseeds are crushed, crude oil is used for
cooking purposes, without any refining. The production of refined oil iri
Ethiopia is very limited. More than 500 small crushers (mostly with
Chinese/ Indian machines) are operational on village level.
These local crushers, with a very limited capacity, have low hygiene
standards and high risks of contamination with acidic oil. The working
environment is far from ideal. Safety risks (e.g. slippery floors, no protection
on belts etc.) for employees are the case at most of these establishments
during the fact finding mission.
Despite this potential, however the edible oil processing industry remains
under developed. Main constraints are:
> Low production due to poor quality and supply of seeds. Even though
is a large local production of sesame seed and soybean due to the
relatively higher price offered in the international market for the seed
as compared to the price offered by the domestic market most of the
locally produced sesame seed are exported.
> Inadequate trading infrastructure and poor agro-processing facilities,
weak business development services for upgrading the processor and
limited access to local and international markets.
> Weak linkages among the chain's actors and a lack of working capital
also constitute major obstacles.
Increasing the productivity and competitiveness of oilseed producers, boost
the capacity for processing edible oil seeds and improve .access to local and
international markets. This is being achieved by integrating the private
number of small to medium scale oil seed crushing units and a much
growing demand for cooking oil, oil meal and livestock feed. The
inauguration of Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks and entry of large-scale
edible oil complexes in the market will offer new opportunities to process
this anticipated increase in oilseed production. This suggests that cooking
oil imports could thus decline in the future.
Among the existing edible oil producing factories Addis-Mojo Oil complex,
Shemu plc, Health care, Febela, WA, Leos, Aysana, Rongie, Kunifera,
Hamaressa, Top and others Oil Millers designed and actual production
capacity of edible oil processing plants excelling in the table below.
chnual Capacity
tilized Total
Name of Establishment / Location IJocation Production
Enterprise Region Zone '000 litter
p'Ro€ECT PROMOTER:: - pRooECT neoMOT€R: sorR:€rl INT€RNAiTloNAL
€Dreue olL VANUFACTu:RING pRoutcT -f€AislBILITV sT!±:p¥_
4 edible oil. However, due to various problems, the actual production of the
large, medium and small oil millers operate at about 780/o of their capacfty,
the production volume at 78% production capacity is 886,564 tons.
Based on the data obtained from the Central Statistical Agency on the
production of edible oil in Ethiopia and the Ministry of Trade and Industry
information on edible oil processing plants production capacity, and
conservative assumptions and calculation of the consultant, on average the
large, medium and small oil millers operate at only 70% of their production
capacity, which is 620,595 tons in year 2021.
According to the data obtained from the Central Statistical Agency, during
the period 2012-2021 the maximum local production of edible oil was
748,859 in year 2016, due to its unrealistic figure it is better to assume and
take the average production of year 2015 and 2017 conservatively, which is
38,078 tons of edible oil local production for year 2016.
Accordingly, the highest production volume was recorded in 2021, the total
production of edible oil in Ethiopia reached 620,595 tons in 2021 which have
an increment from 4,573 tons in 2013. f§.
During the period under consideration, the average annual local production
of edible oil was about 85,977 ton with average growth rate of 2240/o. The
trend in local production of edible oil is shown in the table below.
2012 6,520 0%
2013 4,573