Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Reg. No.
(2013 Admission onwards)
Time : Three Hours
Maximum:36 Weightage
Part A
lnsuuer the follohtage.
Each question carries
1. Differentiate between selling and marketing ?
2. What is diffusion of innovation ?
3. Write a note on bundle pricing.
4. What is narrow cast media ?
5. Writea note on franchising.
6. What is marketing control ?
(6 x 1 6)
Part B
Answer any six of the
Bach question carriee 3
7. Explain the marketing concept and discuss how the modern marketing concept difers from the
traditional one
8. According to AC Nielson, for business-to-business (B2B) marketers under increasing pressure to
better target customers and prospects, segmentation is a
powerful tool for strategic and tactical
applications. Although marketing segmentation systems have enjoyed widespread acceptance in
the consumer world for decades, B2B segmentation systems have languishcd due to the limited
availability of accurate data, marginal technical expertise, an inability to develop high quality
leads and poorly differentiated advertising. Develop an appropriate market segmentation for any
two industrial products of your choic.
9. Explain brieflv the five stages in the consumer buying decision process. What is the utility of
consumer buying behaviour model in case of:
(a) Satollite service : and (b) Premium car.
Turn over
2 C 60887
10. As a Marketing Manager you åre assigned the task of launching a new tooth-paste in the Indian
market. Prepare a strategic plan ofnctivities you will undertake to achieve your target successfully
Also explain the various marketing functions involved in your marketing strategy.
11. Explain the pricing strategies adopted by Click and mortor companies by comparing between twe
similar portals
12. What are the merits in Road transportation? How does transportation play an important role in
satisfying customer needs to bring about Customer satisfaction?
13. Establish the need for a Public Relations Department and event management department in a
business. Give examples if necessary.
14. "India still has too many barriers to trade and investments, which need substantial further
liberalisation for developing the international market". Discuss.
(6 x 3 m 18
Part C
17. AT.V. manufacturing company organiscd a mega event recently for advertising their new Digital
T.V. manufactured with foreign collaboration. The event was organized with help ofa very famoui
advertising agency having good experience in organising such events. You are now assigned
evaluate the outcome of the advertising event. Prepare a dotailed plan of your own evaluatics
plan of the event.
(2 x6m 12)
Reg. No........
(2013 Admission onwards)
Time : Three Hours
Maximum:36 Weightage
Part A
Answer the following.
Each question carries 1 weightage.
1. What is social markoting approach
2. What is difusion of innovation ?
3. Write a note on skimming pricing ?
4. What is outdoor media
5. Write a note on logistics ?
6. What is marketing control ?
(6 x 1 = 6 weightage)
Part B
Answer any six of the following.
Each question carries 3 weightage.
7. Explain the marketing concept and discuss how the modern marketing concept differs from the
traditional one.
8. industry
Prepare aand
report on the competitive strategies played by the participants in the Indian cement
Indian watch industry
9. Explain with examples why standardisation is important in services and how it is difficult to
achieve. Suggest various ways in which standardisation can be nchieved in services. Give oxamples,
10. What are the issues in marketing to the laggnrds in the diffusion of innovation cyele ?
l1. Stato briefly the various methods of pricing aproduct in the terms of objectives. Also explain the
factors affecting pricing decisions.
12. Explain the Changing Rotailing Sconario in India. Explain in brief any two retail outlets including
their operations.
Turn over
C 82598
Turn over
2 C 279%
Part C
Ansuer any two of the following.
Baeh question carries 6 oeightage.
15. Explain the various segmentation bases used by marketers, with suitable illustrations. Sugges
suitable segmentation basis for the following, giving reasons :
(a) Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV).
(b) Contact lenscs.
16. Design a marketing mix for following products. Justify your answer, (make assumptions whereve
a) Portable MP3 player.
(b) Branded wheat flour (Atta).
(e) Any consumer durable product.
(d) Mobile phone.
17. Explain the marketing ceriteria to be used for selection of a brand name. Based on criteria sugge
a suitable brand name for the following Products and Services :.
(a) Fruit juice.
(b) Indian fast food chain.
(c) Footwear.
(2 x 6 = 12 weightag=
Part A
Answer the following questions.
Each question carries 1 weightage
Distinguish between selling concept and marketing concept.
2. What is the meaning af targeting ? Give an example.
3. What is meant by positioning ? Give an example.
4. What is mystery shopping ?
5. What is focus group technique?
6. What is internal marketing ?
(6 x 1 =6 weightage)
Part B
Turn over
C 2422%
Part C
Ansuer any three of theweightage.
Bach question carries 4
packnging ?
13. What is the importance of
Explain marketing researeh process.
influencing pricing decision ?
15. Whnt are the factors
16. Link product life cycle with appropriate
small retail formats.
17. Compare between large and
(3 x 4 = 12 weightage)
Part D
(1 x 6 = 6 weightage
D 42921 (Pages : 2)
Reg. No..
(2013 Admisaions)
Time : Three Hours Maximum 36 Weightage
Part A
5. Defne retailing.
(6 xl=6 weightage)
Part B
Turn over
D 42921
Part C
Answer any two of the fallowing.
Each question carries 6 weightage.
15. Discuss the micro environment of marketing and macro environment of marketing in detail.
16. Diseuss the levels and patterns of market segmentation. What is the importance
segmentation ? Suggest the techniques for effective segmentation by taking an example.
17. Explain in detail about the elements of promotion mix.
(2 x 6 = 12 weightage
C61129 (Pages : 2)
Reg. No...
(2016 Admissions)
Maximum: 36 Weightage
Time:Thrce Hours
Part A
Answer the following questions.
Each question carries 1 weightage.
1. Define Marketing concept.
down ?
2. Whnt is trnding up and Lrnding
3. Define PESTEL analysis.
4. What are the objcctives of sales promotion
pronotional pricing ?
5. What do you mean by
6. Define Green Marketing.
(6x ] = 6 weightage)
Part B
Answer any four of the following.
Eoch question carries 3 weightage.
7. What is STP ? Explain.
product development':.
8, Explnin the concept of "New
9. Why new product fails ?
of wholesalers.
10. Explnin the functions
11. Packnging act like a salesman. Do you angree withh the statement ? Justify your answer.
12. Explain the marketing segmentation strategies.
(4 x 3 12 weightage)
Turn over
P'art C
14. Explain in brief the five stages in the buying deision proces.
15. Explain the types of "Marketing Researeh.
l6. Diferntiate product markcting and service marketing.
17. Explain the marketing control techniques.
(3 x4= 12 weightage)
Part D
(4 x3 = 12 weightage)
Turn over
C 82132
Part C
(1x6= 6 weightage)
C3715 (Pages : 2) Name..
Reg. No...
Part B
following questions.
Ansuer any four of the
Each question carries 3 weightage.
marketing research.
7. Explain the scope of
8. Explain trading up and trading down.
qualities of successful sales man.
9. Comment on the behavior in the purchase of a produet.
which influence the consumer
10. Mention the factors What is its function?
understand by the term branding?
11, What do you product life-cycle.
Explain the different stages of
12. What is product life-cycle? (4 x3= 12 weightage)
Part C
following guestions,
Anstuer any three of the
Each question carries 4 weightage.
of new product
13. Explain the concept marketingcontrol.
14. Explain the tools Turn over
Part D
Ansuer the compulsory question.
Case Study (Compulsory)
New Coke
Battered by competition from the sweeter Pepsi-Cola, Coco-cola decided in 1985 to replace its
old formula a sweeter variation dubbed the "New Coke".Coco-cola spent $4 million on market
Blind taste tests showed that coke drinkers preferred the new, sweet formula, but the launch
researchers had measured the taste but had
of New coke provoked a national uproar, Market
to measure the emotional attachment consumers had to Coco-cola, there were angry
letters, formal protests and even lawsuit threats, to force the retention orThe real thing ten
re-introduced its century old formula as
weeks later, the company withdrew New coke and in the market place.
"classical coke" giving the old formula even stranger status
18. Questions
modifying the four- Ps - Analyse.
(a) Managers try to stimulate sales by
to accept an improved product-Comment.
(b) Customers are not always willing
(2 x 3=6 weightage)
C 23469
(Pages :2) Name...
Reg. No..
JULY 2022
(2016 Scheme)
Time:Three Hours Maximum :36 Weightage
Part A
Ansuer the follouwing questions.
Each question carries 1 weightage.
1. Define Marketing.
2. What is meant by market segmentation ?
3. What do you mean by physical distribution ?
4. Define product mix
5. Explain marketing control.
(6x 1 =6 weightage)
Part B
Answer any four of the following question.
Each question carries 3 weightage.
7. Highlight the importance of consumer behaviour
8. Mention the tools of promotional mix. Explain any two
9. Differentiate selling concept and marketing concept.
10. What are the methods of data collection ?
11. Discuss FourPsof marketing mix.
12. How does customer react to a purchase dis-satisfaction ?
(4x3 = 12 weightage)
Turn over
2 C 23469
Part C
a) How will you advice Krishnath and Thanush, as how to increase the consumer awareness
about this new food.
b) What would be your suggestions for distribution channel for Mushroom ?
(2x3 6 weightage)
Reg. No.
Part A
4. Define Positioning.
5. Define Packaging.
6. What is Labeling ?
(6x 1 = 6 weightage)
Part B
2 C43511
Part C
On the basis of his boxing career, George Foreman has a measure of name recognition around the
world, which will help the company build awareness and recognition for the Foreman grills and
other Foreman products. But effective marketing also requires that Salton convey to consumers
the brand's attributes - such as quality. convenience, state-of-the-art design, and value price. In
addition, as often occurs in international marketing, there may be cross-cultural issues to deal
with- for example, the views of a countrvs residents toward meat or toward different methods of
food preparation.
Even expanding the product line at home will prsent challenges for Salton and its star spokesperon
Entering the outdoor gas grill market with a George foreman grill placed the brand nd in the same
ring with such entrenched competitors as Weber and Sunbeam. That endeavor proved unsucessful,
and Salton accepted defeat.
Domestically or internationally, Salton is counting on Foreman still having a strong endorsement
punch. The company believes in the strength of the brand as well as the affection people feel for
the man who becamne a brand name. As explained by Salton's CEO, We saw what his name could
do for us".
1 What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of basing a brand on the name and
reputation of a celebrity ?
2 What else can Salton, Inc.. do to benefit from its well-established George Foreman
brand ?
(6 weightage)