Biology Investigatory Project Class 12

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In recent decades, autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have emerged as
a subject of intense scientific inquiry and public interest. Defined by a
spectrum of developmental disabilities, ASD encompasses a range of
conditions characterized by challenges in social interaction,
communication skills, and repetitive behaviors. This investigatory
project delves into the multifaceted nature of ASD, aiming to shed
light on its underlying mechanisms, diagnostic criteria, prevalence
rates, and the diverse experiences of individuals living with autism.

ASD affects individuals across all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic

backgrounds, with varying degrees of severity and symptomatology.
The unique manifestations of ASD make each case distinct,
presenting a complex puzzle for researchers, clinicians, educators, and
families alike. By exploring the biological, psychological, and
environmental factors associated with ASD, this project seeks to
contribute to a deeper understanding of how these factors interact and
influence the development and experiences of individuals on the
autism spectrum.

Furthermore, this investigation aims to discuss current trends in

research, intervention strategies, and societal attitudes towards autism,
highlighting the evolving landscape of support and advocacy for
individuals with ASD. By examining both the scientific literature and
personal narratives, this project strives to provide a comprehensive
overview that encourages empathy, awareness, and informed
discourse on this significant issue.

Through systematic exploration and analysis, this investigatory

project endeavors to foster a greater appreciation for the diversity of
human cognition and behavior, contributing to a more inclusive and
supportive society for individuals with autism spectrum disorders.

Before we dive into the world of autism spectrum, we first must
understand what autism is. Autism and autism spectrum disorders are
the same. ASD is an umbrella term that covers the diverse levels of
autism. The American Psychiatric Association changed the term
autism to autism spectrum disorder in 2013.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as defined by the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual Fifth Edition of the American Psychiatric
Association (DSM 5), is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated
with symptoms that include "persistent deficits in social
communication and social interaction across multiple contexts"
and "restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or
The DSM 5 gives examples of these two broads categories:
Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction
across multiple contexts, as manifested by the following, currently
or by history (examples are illustrative, not exhaustive):
 Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, ranging, for example,
from abnormal social approach and failure of normal back-and-
forth conversation; to reduced sharing of interests, emotions, or
affect; to failure to initiate or respond to social interactions.
 Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social
interaction, ranging, for example, from poorly integrated verbal
and nonverbal communication; to abnormalities in eye contact
and body language or deficits in understanding and use of
gestures; to a total lack of facial expressions and nonverbal
 Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understand
relationships, ranging, for example, from difficulties adjusting
behavior to suit various social contexts; to difficulties in sharing

imaginative play or in making friends; to absence of interest in
Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviors, interests, or activities,
as manifested by at least two of the following, currently or by
history (examples are illustrative, not exhaustive):
 Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or
speech (e.g., simple motor stereotypes, lining up toys or flipping
objects, echolalia, idiosyncratic phrases).
 Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or
ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior (e.g., extreme
distress at minor changes, difficulties with transitions, rigid
thinking patterns, greeting rituals, need to take same route or eat
same food every day).
 Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity
or focus (e.g., strong attachment to or preoccupation with
unusual objects, excessively circumscribed or perseverative
 Hyper- or hypo reactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in
sensory aspects of the environment (e.g. apparent indifference to
pain/temperature, adverse response to specific sounds or
textures, excessive smelling or touching of objects, visual
fascination with lights or movement).
These symptoms result from underlying challenges in a child’s ability
to take in the world through their senses, and to use their body and
thoughts to respond to it. When these challenges are significant, they
interfere with a child’s ability to grow and learn and may lead to a
diagnosis of autism.
Many parents are told autism is a behavioral disorder based on
challenges in behavior. While children with autism do display
behaviors that can be confusing, concerning, and even disruptive, the
basis of these behaviors is a neurodevelopmental difference.
Understanding autism based on behaviors is superficial at best. The
behavioral perspective has dominated the "airwaves" for the past 15
years and Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) has become the most
known intervention for autism as a result. However, clinical practice
and research are creating a change in basic assumptions to more fully
understanding autism from a neurodevelopmental perspective rather
than simply behaviorally.

Children with difficulties or differences in relating and
communicating may fall within a broad spectrum of diagnoses or
challenges that includes language processing disorders, attention
disorders, sensory or regulatory disorders, and autism spectrum
disorder. These challenges often involve several different underlying
difficulties, including:
1. Taking in sensations or information: the child may be under or
over reactive to the information received through their senses of
vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, and body awareness.
2. Processing information: the child may have difficulty
understanding or organizing the sensory information they
3. Planning or executing responses: the child may have trouble
using their body or thoughts to respond to the information they
have taken in.
A child may develop unusual or concerning behaviors in response to
these difficulties or differences. For example, a child may be so under
reactive to sensation that they spin in circles to increase their sensory
input; another child, overwhelmed by the confusing information their
receiving about his world may withdraw, finding security in lining up
their cars over and over again. Examples of behaviors parents may
observe, by area of difficulty, are:
 Relating and emotion
 A tendency to avoid interaction
 Difficulty paying attention
 Limited eye contact with others
 “Self-stimulatory” behaviors: spinning, hand flapping, head

A child receives a diagnosis based on observation of the behaviors
outlined above. However, though a child may share a common
diagnosis with other children, each has a unique pattern of
development and functioning. Each child is unique in their
processing of sensory and other information, and their motor planning
(the ability to plan and carry out actions). Some children are over
reactive to sensations, such as touch and sound, while others are under
reactive. Some children have strong auditory memories and can
memorize entire scripts; others have strong visual memories. Some
children can plan and carry out several actions in a row, such as going
upstairs, getting a toy, and bringing it back down, while others are
only able to carry out one action at a time, becoming very fragmented
in their behavior.


Autism spectrum disorders have a wide range of symptoms, so one

can be mistaken as another one. Moreover, after the change of autism
to autism- spectrum disorders in 2013, all the varieties of ASD have
been referred to as ASD. Until recently, experts talked about diverse
types of autism, such as autistic disorder, Asperger’s syndrome,
pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-
NOS). But now they are all called “autism spectrum disorders.” The
diverse types of ASD are listed below.

Asperger’s Syndrome is a form of autism spectrum disorder. It is a
developmental disorder. Young people with Asperger’s Syndrome
may have a challenging time relating to others socially, repetitive
behavior patterns, and a narrow range of interests. Children and teens
with Asperger’s Syndrome can converse with others and can perform
well in their schoolwork. However, they may have trouble
understanding social situations and subtle forms of communication
like body language, humor, and sarcasm. They might also think and
talk a lot about one topic or interest or only want to do a small range
of activities. These interests can become obsessive and interfere with
everyday life, rather than giving the child a healthy social or
recreational outlet. Boys are three to four times more likely than girls
to be diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. Most cases are diagnosed
between the ages of five and nine, with some diagnosed as early as
age three.
For a child with Asperger’s Syndrome, you may see one or more of
the following patterns of behavior:
 Difficulty with social interactions and social language
 Not understanding emotions well or having less facial
expression than others
 Not using or understanding nonverbal communication, such as
gestures, body language, and facial expression
 Conversations that revolve around themselves or a certain topic
 Speech that sounds unusual, such as flat, high-pitched, quiet,
loud, or choppy

 An intense obsession with one or two specific, narrow subjects
Children with Asperger’s Syndrome often show no delays in their
overall language development (e.g., grammar skills and vocabulary),
but can have trouble using language in a social context. They may
have average intelligence but can have problems with attention span
and organization.
The exact cause of Asperger syndrome is unknown and the pathology
that underlies this condition is not well understood. However,
research suggests that the factors that cause this condition may be a
combination of both genetic and environmental variables. These
factors may lead to changes in brain development that develops into
Asperger syndrome. What is evidenced in medicine and extensive
studies is that Asperger syndrome does NOT depend on a person’s
upbringing, their social or economic circumstances or due to the
person’s own fault.
While there is no cure for ASD, various treatments and interventions
can help individuals manage symptoms, improve social
communication skills, and enhance overall quality of life. Here are
some common approaches to treatment:
Behavioral and Educational Interventions:
 Social Skills Training: This involves teaching individuals with
ASD specific social skills, such as initiating conversations,
maintaining eye contact, understanding social cues, and
navigating social situations appropriately.
 Structured Teaching (TEACCH): This approach emphasizes
structured environments and visual supports to enhance learning
and independence. It includes strategies like visual schedules,

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task organization, and physical structure modifications to
support individuals with ASD.
 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT can help individuals
with ASD manage anxiety, improve coping skills, and address
specific behavioral challenges through structured therapeutic

Speech-Language Therapy: Many individuals with ASD, including

those who previously would have been diagnosed with Asperger
Syndrome, may benefit from speech-language therapy to improve
communication skills, including pragmatic language (social
language), conversation skills, and understanding non-literal

Medication: Medication may be prescribed to manage specific

symptoms or co-occurring conditions commonly associated with
ASD, such as anxiety, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD), or aggression. Medication should be carefully
monitored and prescribed by a qualified healthcare professional.

Parent and Caregiver Training: Providing training and support to

parents and caregivers is crucial. They learn strategies to support their
child’s development, manage challenging behaviors, and create
supportive home environments. Parent training programs often
incorporate principles from behavioral interventions like TEACCH.

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Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-
NOS) was a diagnostic category used in the DSM-IV and DSM-IV-
TR for individuals who exhibited some, but not all, characteristics of
autism, or whose symptoms did not fit into other specific categories
of pervasive developmental disorders. It was a more generalized
diagnosis used when the symptoms were significant but did not meet
the criteria for Autistic Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, or other
specific pervasive developmental disorders.

Key features of PDD-NOS included:

1. Social and Communication Challenges: Individuals with

PDD-NOS experienced difficulties with social interactions and
communication, but these challenges might not have been as
pronounced or clearly defined as those seen in classic autism.
2. Behavioral Issues: They often displayed repetitive behaviors or
restricted interests, though these behaviors might have been less
intense or more variable than those seen in other forms of
3. Variability in Symptoms: The symptoms and severity of PDD-
NOS varied widely. Some individuals might have had
significant impairments, while others had milder symptoms.
4. Onset and Development: Symptoms typically emerged during
early childhood, but the nature and timing of these symptoms
could differ from those of classic autism.

With the publication of the DSM-5 in 2013, PDD-NOS, along with

other specific diagnoses such as Asperger Syndrome and Childhood
Disintegrative Disorder, was integrated into a single diagnostic

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category of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The change was
intended to provide a more cohesive and comprehensive
understanding of autism as a spectrum of symptoms and to ensure that
individuals with various presentations of autism received appropriate
support and services.

Under the DSM-5, the focus is on describing the severity of

symptoms and their impact on functioning, rather than categorizing
specific subtypes. This approach allows for a more individualized
diagnosis and treatment plan based on the unique characteristics and
needs of each person.

Sometimes a child with learning and behavioral differences doesn't
meet all the diagnostic criteria for Autism, which led to a diagnosis of
PDD-NOS. Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise
Specified is the diagnosis that was given to those who fell into this
category and were generally considered to exhibit milder symptoms
than those with autism spectrum disorder.

Symptoms included:

 Atypical or inappropriate social behavior

 Uneven skill development (motor, sensory, visual-spatial
organizational, cognitive, social, academic, behavioral)
 Poorly developed speech and language comprehension skills
 Difficulty with transitions
 Deficits in nonverbal and/or verbal communication
 Increased or decreased sensitivities to taste, sight, sound, smell
and/or touch
 Perseverative (repetitive or ritualistic) behaviors (i.e., opening
and closing doors repeatedly or switching a light on and off)

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The exact causes of Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not

Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) were not well understood, much
like the broader category of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), into
which PDD-NOS has now been absorbed under the DSM-5.

However, research suggests that the causes of PDD-NOS, like other

autism spectrum disorders, are likely multifactorial, involving a
combination of genetic, environmental, and possibly other factors:

1. Genetic Factors:

 Family History: There is evidence that genetics play a

significant role in the development of PDD-NOS and other ASD
diagnoses. Children who have a family member with an autism
spectrum disorder are at a higher risk.
 Genetic Mutations: Certain genetic mutations and variations
have been associated with a higher risk of ASD, including PDD-
NOS. These can involve multiple genes and are often complex.

2. Environmental Factors:

 Prenatal Factors: Exposure to certain environmental factors

during pregnancy, such as infections, maternal stress, or
complications, might increase the risk of developmental
disorders, including PDD-NOS.
 Toxic Exposure: Exposure to certain environmental toxins or
chemicals during early development (both prenatal and
postnatal) has been hypothesized to contribute to the risk,
though specific links are not fully established.

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3. Neurological Factors:

 Brain Development: Abnormalities in brain structure or function

are often seen in individuals with autism spectrum disorders,
including PDD-NOS. These may involve differences in how the
brain processes information or how different regions of the brain
communicate with each other.
 Neurotransmitter Imbalances: Some research suggests that
imbalances in certain neurotransmitters, which are chemicals
that help transmit signals in the brain, could be involved in the
development of ASD.

4. Combination of Factors:

 Gene-Environment Interaction: It is likely that a combination of

genetic predisposition and environmental factors contributes to
the development of PDD-NOS. For example, a child with a
genetic predisposition might be more susceptible to certain
environmental triggers.

5. Unknown Factors:

 Despite extensive research, many aspects of the causes of PDD-

NOS remain unknown. It's likely that different factors contribute
to different individuals' symptoms, making it a complex and
individualized condition.

Given that PDD-NOS has been reclassified under the broader

category of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the ongoing research
into the causes of ASD continues to provide insights that would have
been relevant to understanding PDD-NOS as well.


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Treatment for Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD-NOS), like other conditions on the autism spectrum,
focuses on addressing the individual's specific symptoms and
improving their quality of life. Since PDD-NOS was a diagnosis that
included a wide range of symptoms and severity, treatment plans were
often highly individualized. Here are some of the key approaches that
were commonly used:

1. Behavioral Interventions:

 Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): ABA is one of the most

widely used and effective therapies for children with autism
spectrum disorders, including PDD-NOS. It involves breaking
down skills into small, manageable steps and reinforcing
positive behaviors while reducing negative ones.
 Behavioral Therapy: This includes interventions that focus on
reducing challenging behaviors and teaching appropriate social
and communication skills.

2. Speech and Language Therapy:

 Many individuals with PDD-NOS have difficulties with

communication. Speech therapy can help improve language
skills, both in terms of understanding and expressing language.
This might include verbal communication, as well as nonverbal
forms like gestures or picture exchange systems.

3. Occupational Therapy:

 Occupational therapy helps individuals with PDD-NOS develop

the skills they need for daily living, such as dressing, eating, and
playing. It also addresses sensory processing issues, which are
common in individuals on the autism spectrum.

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4. Social Skills Training:

 Social skills training focuses on helping individuals with PDD-

NOS learn how to interact appropriately with others. This can
include teaching skills like taking turns in conversation,
understanding social cues, and making and keeping friends.

5. Educational Support:

 Children with PDD-NOS often benefit from specialized

educational programs that are tailored to their learning needs.
This might include individualized education plans (IEPs) and
support from special education professionals.

6. Medication:

 While there is no medication specifically for PDD-NOS, certain

medications may be prescribed to manage specific symptoms,
such as anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, or obsessive-
compulsive behaviors. Medications are typically used in
conjunction with other therapies.

7. Family Support and Education:

 Educating and supporting families is crucial. Families often

benefit from learning strategies to manage their child’s
behavior, improve communication, and support their child’s
development. Support groups and counseling can also be helpful
for family members.

8. Other Therapies:

 Sensory Integration Therapy: This type of therapy is designed to

help children who have sensory processing issues, which can be

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common in individuals with PDD-NOS. It helps them respond
more appropriately to sensory stimuli.
 Play Therapy: Play therapy can be particularly useful for
younger children, helping them express themselves and learn
social and communication skills through structured play

9. Early Intervention:

 Early intervention is critical. The earlier a child with PDD-NOS

receives appropriate therapy and support, the better their long-
term outcomes are likely to be.

10. Holistic Approaches:

 Some families explore additional treatments such as dietary

changes, supplements, or alternative therapies. While these
approaches can sometimes be helpful, they should be pursued
under the guidance of healthcare professionals.

11. Individualized Treatment Plans:

 Since PDD-NOS encompassed a broad spectrum of symptoms,

treatment was always tailored to the individual’s specific needs.
A multidisciplinary approach, involving healthcare professionals
from various fields, was often necessary to address the full
range of symptoms.

Treatment should always be guided by professionals with expertise in

developmental disorders, and it’s essential to continually assess and
adjust the treatment plan as the individual’s needs evolve.

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Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD), also known as Heller's
syndrome and disintegrative psychosis, is a rare condition
characterized by late onset of developmental delays—or severe and
sudden reversals—in language (receptive and expressive), social
engagement, bowel and bladder, play and motor skills. Researchers
have not been successful in finding a cause for the disorder. CDD has
some similarities to autism and is sometimes considered a low-
functioning form of it. In May 2013, CDD, along with other sub-types
of PDD (Asperger's syndrome, Classic autism, and PDD-NOS), was
fused into a single diagnostic term called "autism spectrum disorder"
under the new DSM-5 manual.
Key Characteristics of CDD:

1. Late Onset of Symptoms:

 CDD typically appears after at least two years of normal

development, usually between ages 3 and 4, but it can occur as
late as age 10.

2. Significant Regression:

 Loss of Skills: Children with CDD experience a marked loss of

previously acquired skills in multiple areas. This regression is
sudden and severe.
 Language: There is a significant decline in language abilities,
including speaking and understanding language.
 Social Skills: The child may lose the ability to interact socially,
becoming more withdrawn and less responsive to social cues.
 Motor Skills: There can be a noticeable deterioration in
coordination and movement.

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 Play Skills: The child may lose interest in imaginative or
interactive play.
 Bowel and Bladder Control: Some children may regress in
toileting skills, losing previously acquired bladder and bowel

3. Behavioral Changes:

 Increased Irritability: The child may become more irritable or

 Withdrawal: Social withdrawal and a decrease in interest in the
environment are common.
 Repetitive Behaviors: Some children may develop stereotyped
or repetitive behaviors, similar to those seen in other autism
spectrum disorders.

4. Normal Early Development:

 Before the onset of CDD, the child usually exhibits normal

development in language, social skills, and motor abilities for at
least the first two years of life.

5. Severity:

 The regression in CDD is profound, often more severe than in

other autism spectrum disorders, and the child may not regain
the lost skills.

6. Rare Condition:

 CDD is extremely rare compared to other autism spectrum

disorders, and its distinct pattern of late onset and severe
regression differentiates it from other developmental disorders.

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According to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases
and Related Health Problems, 10th edition (ICD-10), the symptoms of
CDD include:

Typical development in communication, play, social skills, and

movement up until the age of at least 2 years

A significant loss of previously acquired skills in at least two of

the following areas:

 Language
 Play
 Social skills
 Bowel or bladder control
 Motor skills

Changes in social functioning in at least two of the following


 Reciprocal social interactions

 Communication
 Restrictive, repetitive, or stereotyped behaviors, activities,
interests, or mannerisms
 General loss of interest in the world around them

The symptoms are not the result of other conditions, such as aphasia,
selective mutism, mental health conditions, or Rett syndrome

The characteristic symptom of CDD is a loss of skills that a child

previously had. The age this occurs can vary, but usually, it is after
the age of 3 years.

Before symptom onset, many children with CDD already have some
delays in their development in comparison to others their age. Some

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notice when their abilities begin to change — they may ask their
caregiver what is happening.

A 2017 study notes that many children with CDD also experience
episodes of anxiety before the regression, and some appear to have


The exact causes of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) are not

well understood, but researchers believe it may result from a
combination of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors.
Here's a summary of the potential causes:

1. Genetic Factors:

 Genetic Predisposition: There may be a genetic component to

CDD, similar to other autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
However, specific genes or genetic mutations associated with
CDD have not been definitively identified.

2. Neurological Factors:

 Brain Abnormalities: Some studies suggest that abnormalities in

brain development, particularly in areas involved in language,
social behavior, and motor skills, may play a role in CDD.
Structural and functional brain changes have been observed in
some children with CDD, although these findings are not
consistent across all cases.
 Neurochemical Imbalances: Imbalances in neurotransmitters
(chemicals that transmit signals in the brain) might contribute to
the onset of CDD, but this area requires further research.

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3. Environmental Factors:

 Environmental Triggers: While there is no definitive evidence,

some researchers hypothesize that environmental factors, such
as exposure to toxins, infections, or stressors, could potentially
trigger the onset of CDD in genetically predisposed children.

4. Immune System Dysfunction:

 Autoimmune Response: Some theories propose that an

abnormal immune response, where the body's immune system
mistakenly attacks its own brain cells, could contribute to the
development of CDD. However, this remains speculative and is
not proven.

5. Metabolic Disorders:

 Metabolic Abnormalities: Rare metabolic disorders, which

affect the body’s ability to process certain chemicals or
nutrients, have been suggested as a potential cause of CDD in
some cases. However, these are uncommon and not present in
all children with CDD.

6. Association with Other Medical Conditions:

 Seizures and Epilepsy: Some children with CDD also have a

history of seizures or epilepsy, which suggests a possible link
between neurological conditions and the development of CDD.
 Neurodegenerative Diseases: In very rare cases, CDD has been
associated with underlying neurodegenerative diseases, where
brain cells progressively deteriorate over time.

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7. No Single Cause Identified:

 Despite these theories, no single cause has been identified for

CDD, and it is likely that the condition arises from a complex
interplay of multiple factors.

8. Distinction from Other Disorders:

 It is important to note that CDD is distinct from other autism

spectrum disorders (ASD) due to its characteristic late onset and
profound regression after normal development. However, it
shares some features with other ASDs, which complicates the
identification of specific causes.

There is no cure for CDD. Treatment involves supporting the child
and their caregivers. Doctors recommend that children with CDD
receive treatment as early as possible.
This may involve:

1. Family education: This involves teaching caregivers and

families about CDD and what the child may need.
2. Behavioral therapy: This therapy aims to teach those with
CDD self-care skills and social skills.
3. Speech language therapy: This may help children improve
communication skills or learn alternative ways of
4. Occupational therapy: This aims to help the child live as
independently as possible by teaching them to use assistive
devices and equipment. Occupational therapists can also advise
on ways to change the home and the household routine to make
things easier.

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5. Physical therapy: This may help some children to improve
their motor skills.
6. Sensory therapy: This therapy involves giving those with CDD
sensory stimulation via texture, sound, light, and other
approaches. It may help reduce symptoms.
7. Medications: There are no specific medications for CDD, but
doctors may try drugs to help with specific symptoms, such as
insomnia or anxiety.

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Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) encompass a range of
neurodevelopmental conditions marked by deficits in social
communication and the presence of restricted and repetitive
behaviors. Diagnosing ASD involves a comprehensive and multi-
faceted approach, integrating clinical evaluations, developmental
history, and standardized assessment tools.

Clinical Evaluation: The diagnostic process begins with a thorough

clinical evaluation by a healthcare professional, typically a
developmental pediatrician, psychologist, or psychiatrist. This
evaluation includes detailed interviews with parents or caregivers to
gather information about the child's developmental milestones,
behavioral patterns, and any concerns regarding social,
communicative, and repetitive behaviors.

Developmental History: An essential component of the diagnosis is

the collection of the child’s developmental history. This involves
documenting early developmental milestones, such as the onset of
language skills, social interactions, and motor skills. The history also
includes any deviations from typical development, such as delays in
speaking or challenges in engaging with peers.

Standardized Assessment Tools: To support the clinical evaluation,

standardized diagnostic tools are utilized. These may include:

 Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS): A semi-

structured assessment that involves observing the child’s
behavior in various social and play contexts to evaluate
communication, social interaction, and repetitive behaviors.
 Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R): A structured
interview conducted with parents or caregivers to assess
behaviors and developmental history relevant to ASD.

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Diagnostic Criteria: The diagnosis of ASD is based on criteria
outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
Fifth Edition (DSM-5). According to the DSM-5, a diagnosis of ASD

4. Persistent deficits in social communication and social

interaction across multiple contexts, including difficulties in
social reciprocity, nonverbal communication, and developing,
maintaining, and understanding relationships.
5. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities,
manifested by behaviors such as repetitive movements,
insistence on sameness, and highly restricted interests.
6. Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period
and cause significant impairment in social, occupational, or
other important areas of functioning.

Differential Diagnosis: It is crucial to distinguish ASD from other

developmental or psychological conditions that may present with
overlapping symptoms. Differential diagnosis involves ruling out
other disorders such as intellectual disability, language disorders, or
social communication disorder, which may have similar presentations
but differ in their underlying causes and management strategies.

In summary, diagnosing autism spectrum disorders is a complex

process that requires a combination of clinical expertise,
developmental history, and standardized assessments. The goal of this
diagnostic process is to accurately identify ASD to facilitate early
intervention and support tailored to the individual’s needs.

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Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) represent a complex and
multifaceted group of neurodevelopmental conditions characterized
by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive
behaviors. Through this investigatory project, we have explored the
biological underpinnings, genetic predispositions, environmental
influences, and potential interventions associated with ASD. Our
research underscores the importance of understanding autism not as a
single disorder but as a spectrum, with a wide range of manifestations
and individual experiences.

One of the key findings from this project is the significant role of
genetics in the development of ASD. Numerous studies have
identified various genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities
linked to autism, highlighting the hereditary nature of the disorder.
However, it is equally clear that genetics alone cannot fully explain
the occurrence of ASD. Environmental factors, particularly those
affecting prenatal development, such as maternal health, exposure to
toxins, and complications during birth, also contribute to the risk of
developing autism. This interaction between genetic predisposition
and environmental triggers forms a complex web that challenges
researchers to untangle the precise causes of ASD.

Our investigation also revealed the critical role of early diagnosis and
intervention in improving outcomes for individuals with autism.
Behavioral therapies, such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA),
have been shown to significantly enhance communication skills,
social interaction, and adaptive behavior when implemented early in a
child’s development. Additionally, educational support tailored to the
specific needs of children with ASD can foster learning and social
engagement, helping them reach their full potential. Despite these
advancements, there remains a significant gap in access to these

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essential services, particularly in under-resourced communities,
emphasizing the need for greater awareness, funding, and policy
support to ensure equitable care for all individuals with ASD.

In conclusion, autism spectrum disorders represent a significant

public health challenge that requires a multifaceted approach
encompassing research, early intervention, and societal support. The
diversity within the autism spectrum demands personalized strategies
that cater to the unique needs of each individual. Continued research
is essential to uncover the biological mechanisms underlying ASD,
which could lead to more effective treatments and interventions.
Equally important is the ongoing effort to promote understanding and
acceptance of individuals with autism, ensuring that they are
supported and valued members of society. Through a combination of
scientific inquiry, compassionate care, and inclusive policies, we can
make meaningful strides in enhancing the quality of life for those
affected by autism spectrum disorders.

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5. Autism spectrum disorder - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

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