Pharma Sales Process

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Sanofi Pharma Sales Process:

Here are the five types of training that are covered in the exhaustive sales
training curriculum.

Anatomy & Physiology – The Normal and Abnormal: This includes a

thorough training on the human anatomy and physiology – the functions of
the various organs, the different parts of the organs, and what happens if
they function abnormally. This training is usually conducted by doctors.

Diseases – What are the various diseases for which the company offers
medicines? What are their symptoms? What is the future?

Drugs – What are the drugs available for a particular disease? How does the
drug help cure the disease, and what are its indications and
contraindications? This training is given by a pharmaceutical specialist.
Sales Process – Once sales representatives complete their medical training,
the next step would be a through process training on how to work with
doctors, how to break the ice and open the conversation, how to introduce
the drugs, and how to promote the drug and company. This sales process is
critical for effective communication with the doctor. This training usually
covers soft skills needed to make a sale and is delivered by a senior sales

Pharmaceutical sales is very tough, it can be made easy if we give the sales
team the edge of accessing training on the go!

Who will influence the decision?

Understanding who will influence the decision and what role they are playing is key. In
pharma we have worked the KOL model however how many KOLs truly influence the
buying process? Are the payers the true KOLs in your buying process or are the patients
(or patient groups) leading the opinions?

Understand what motivates the buyer to buy.

Very little is done in pharma to understand motivations to buy. Is the buyer motivated
by ego? Or do they want to follow the crowd? Are they a maverick or driven by pure
science? Segmentation of customers based on motivation to buy may lead to far quicker
and profitable results than the traditional functional segmentation still employed in many
pharma companies.

Understand what happens after the “buy”.

What support does each of the buyers in the process need to ensure lasting satisfaction
with their buying decision? Patient support programs are the current vogue to reflect the
increasing influence the patient has on the buying process (and certainly the “post-
buying process”!)

“One business transaction is nice but multiple transactions are needed for lasting

Integrate ‘e’ into the Sales Force Mix

Many reps visit offices of both low value Doctors and "no-see" Physicians, neither of which
is likely to produce much in the way of bottom-line results. If we can change the way we
measure and compensate the sales force to discourage this kind of behaviour, then we
don’t need to avoid these Doctors completely as in small ways they can slowly add up to
increased sales; however, they should not be targeted with an expensive method such as
sales force. Would they not be a prime candidate for an inexpensive ‘e’ solution? Once that
grew them to a sufficient level (as long as it took their segmentation drivers into account in
order to do so), then when they were financially viable to do so, the real sales reps could
become involved in direct selling.

Help your Sales Reps Spend Most of their Time Selling

One issue we see with sales reps in most companies around the world is that they spend a
large amount of their time doing things other than selling (e.g. admin, travel, expense
reporting, etc.) We need to ensure that our sales reps are able to minimize their time on
non-sales activities and maximize their time selling. Obviously the adjunct tasks are
important, but how can we make them more efficient. You may hire more back office staff
but that might increase costs while productivity remains flat. One company created a
section of back office that was devoted specifically to supporting the sales force admin, at
the same time they increased their sales quotas and coverage rations, and increased each
sales rep’s territory to ensure the additional time was spent selling.

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