Structural Masonry
Structural Masonry
Structural Masonry
a. Prestressed members are presumed to withstand high bending stresses but with some losses.
Discuss ANY five losses experienced from post-tensioning a structural member.
(5 marks)
b. A pre-tensioned concrete beam, 100 mm wide and 300 mm deep, is prestressed by straight
wires carrying an initial force of 200 kN at an eccentricity of 50 mm. The modulus of
elasticity of steel and concrete are 225 and 45 kNm-2 respectively. Estimate the percentage
loss of stress in steel due to elastic deformation of concrete if the area of steel wires is 165
mm2. (10 marks)
a. A cavity wall of length 5 m supports the loads as shown in figure 4a. The inner load-
bearing leaf is built using concrete blocks of length 440 mm, height 215 mm, thickness 100
mm and faced with plaster, and the outer leaf from standard format clay bricks. Design the
wall assuming the masonry units are category I and the construction control category is
normal. The self-weight of the blocks and plaster can be taken to be 2.4 kN m-2. Calculate
the characteristic compressive strength of the masonry wall.
(15 Marks)
a. Highlight any three terms that building bricks are identified in the BS codes. (3marks)
b. A 3.5 m high wall shown in the cross-section in Figure 5b is constructed from clay
bricks having a compressive strength of 30 N mm 2 laid in a 1:1:6 mortar. Calculate
the ultimate load-bearing capacity of the wall assuming the partial safety factor for
materials is 3.5 and the resistance to lateral loading is (A) ‘enhanced’ and (B) ‘simple’.