30 Day Content Plan-Download

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You’ve downloaded this social posting

plan because you’re ready to start
connecting with collectors and selling
more art and we’re here to help you.

So many artists spend their time posting

to social media for the wrong audience.
They post content that appeals to 

other artists.

Our goal with this guide is to help you

break that pattern and start connecting
with collectors that will be lining up to
buy your art because they resonate with
you, your story, and your art.


3 0 DAY S O C I A L P O S T I N G P L A N 2

Create your Content Pillars


Create your Word Bank

General Tips for Posting

30 Day Prompts




Apps to use 15


3 0 D AY S O C I A L P O S T I N G P L A N 3
Create Your

Content Pillars

Identify your content pillars, the topics

that you want to talk about on a
consistent basis.

Elli Milan’s examples

Pursuing your destiny with passio
Overcoming obstacle

The purpose of having content pillars is to

guide and frame every post that you make.
When using the posting plan that we
provide in this guide, make sure to have
your photos and copy reflect the content
pillars that you’ve outlined for yourself.
That way you have a cohesive voice.


3 0 D AY S O C I A L P O S T I N G P L A N 4
Create Your

Word Bank
Now that you’ve made your content
pillars, create a word bank for yourself
that reflect your content pillars. This will
help you find inspiration and have a
starting place when you don’t know
what to post. Although, you’ll have our
posting plan in this guide, so that
shouldn’t ever be an issue
Create a list of verbs that reflect your
content pillar
Now, create a list of adjectives


3 0 D AY S O C I A L P O S T I N G P L A N 5
General Tips

for Posting
Start out every post with a hook. This doesn’t
need to be cheesy, or over the top, just
something to make the scroller want to stop
scrolling and read the rest of your post

Give people a reason to comment. Somewhere

within each post there needs to be a call to
action that gets people to comment or maybe
even share on their stories if it is worthy. Most
of the time, you’ll do this at the end of posts

Speak directly to your audience. You want to

write love letters instead of make billboards. If
you speak directly to your audience you’ll
create much more engagement and provide
more value. In addition, your followers will start
to relate to you more

Allow yourself to be seen. We know it can be

hard to be vulnerable, but this is key to truly
creating a bond with your followers and
gaining trust and respect. There is a line you
don’t want to cross, though

Try to avoid sharing negativity unless you have

a story of overcoming or some sort of happy
ending or positive outlook to go with it.

3 0 DAY P R O M P T S

3 0 DAY S O C I A L P O S T I N G P L A N 6
30 Day Prompts

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Visual Visual Visual

Selfie of you with your art. Carousel of stages of a Photo or video of a painting
painting, or closeups. Should in progress.
Caption start with the whole piece.
Share who you are, why you Caption
love to paint, and let your Share a work in progress and
followers get to know you. Share about your favorite a revelation you’ve had
Ask where everyone is from painting you’ve created, recently. Ask the audience if
to get more comments. show the finished piece, the the revelation resonates, and
story behind it, what if so, why?
inspired you, and ask what
does everyone feel from it?

Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

Visual Visual Visual

Video of moments from your Make a reel where you show Share a picture or video of
day, keep each clip under 3 the sketch, pull it away to you in your studio working.
seconds. reveal the painting.
Caption Caption
Tell a story from that day.
Share a day in the life of you, Share a sketch and then the Ask the audience if they find
make a reel with key painting, what sparked the their own work enriching?
moments from your day, use idea. Ask audience how art
voiceover to tell a story inspires new ideas for them?
about your day.
Show the tools you used to
Share your voice as often as make the sketch or painting
possible, so your audience gets (bonus points if you used Milan

to know you intimately. Try to Art brushes).

make everything a story.



30 Day Prompts

Day 7 Day 8 Day 9

Visual Visual Visual

Make a time-lapse reel of Post a finished painting, Share a dramatic before and
something you’re working could be a reel with several after of a painting, (show the
on and voiceover of a short clips of the painting or after first for better
story about the theme and simply a picture. engagement) messy stage
how you came up with the then refinement.
idea. Caption
Caption Share the meaning behind
the painting. Ask the Talk about how your creative
One line to grab people’s audience what they think the process connects to your
attention that alludes to ideal environment would be content pillars.
what you’re talking about in for the painting?
the voiceover.

Day 10 Day 11 Day 12

Visual Visual Visual

Professional shot of you in Lifestyle shots with Closeups of pieces that will
your studio, closeup of you. voiceover or an old pic of be in the show. Timelapse of
you when you were younger. you working on a painting.
Caption Caption
Share about how you
became an artist, what Tell a story about a recent Tease an upcoming show,
about being an artist do you challenge, how you project, or collaboration.
love most? overcame it or are in the
process of overcoming.
Talk about your experience in
the Mastery Program or latest
workshop and tag us so we can
repost you.


3 0 DAY S O C I A L P O S T I N G P L A N 8
30 Day Prompts

Day 13 Day 14 Day 15

Visual Visual Visual

Carousel, share pictures with Reel, show how you pack Post a photo or video of you
you, the collector and the your artwork for shipping, signing your work.
art, close-up of just the art. include any personal
touches. Caption
Caption You can write about the
Share about a recent signature of one of your
experience with a collector, Talk or write about how favorite artists or an artist
share the painting you sold much care you put into your from art history who inspires
and any poetry or stories packaging and shipping and you and how their signature
you have about the art. what it is like for the stands out to you, OR talk
collector to relieve your about the satisfaction of
artwork, include testimonials seeing your vision come to
of people who have received completion and how
your work. finishing paintings is so

Day 16 Day 17 Day 18

Visual Visual Visual

Carousel of a photo shoot Reel of a studio tour, talk Share pages from your
with you and a series of your about your favorite materials sketchbook or a video of
art all around you, you to work with and why, talk you flipping through your
working on one of the about how being in your sketchbook.

pieces, close-up of your studio makes your feel, or

hand and the art. productivity and of your
creative process and take Caption
Caption satisfying shots of your
space. Write about your sketch
Post several pieces of art book and how it gives you
maybe from a series and Caption inspiration for your paintings
discuss the meaning behind or fills in on days when you
your art or symbols you use Write about your art studio want to take break from
in your work.
and how much you love to your work and play and
be working in it. make discoveries. You can
highlight a particular story
or experience or sketch.



30 Day Prompts

Day 19 Day 20 Day 21

Visual Visual Visual

Post a photo of your Show a reel or photos of you Old pics of you painting or
painting in a nice home or doing something you love, being creative, you can
environment. cooking, a craft, a sport, include a timeline like pics of
hiking with your family or a you as a kid, and teenager,
Caption friend, or travel etc. and young adult.
Share about how art elevates Caption Caption
a space, write about color or
emotion or how the theme Discuss how another hobby Share your earliest memories
will draw us in and inspire us of yours relates to your art. of art, were you always into
throughout our day. Talk about how these art? How did you get your
experiences inspire your start in art?
work and add dimension to
your life.

Day 22 Day 23 Day 24

Visual Visual Visual

A before and after. Show a new completed Share a closeup or detail
piece of artwork shot of your work, maybe
Caption with your hand in it holding
Caption a brush
Share an older piece and
how your art has changed Write a blurb about what the Caption
over time, like a before the inspired the painting and
mastery program or when remind people of artwork You can write about your
you first started painting and being for sale and how they signature color you like to
what you’re creating now can contact you. use and how it makes you
after you have evolved. Talk feel, or a theme you are
about how you are excited painting and what it
to see your art in the future. symbolizes to you.



30 Day Prompts

Day 25 Day 26 Day 27

Visual Visual Visual

share real life photos (that Reel: shots of your morning Share that you’re open for
you took) of your artwork on routine and getting to studio commissions & examples of
products, if you have prints to work, show your pets if past commissions.
etc. you have any. Sunrise,
coffee, breakfast, journaling, Caption
Caption sketchbook, messaging,
exercise, praying/meditating. Write about your
Remind people you have commission process and
products for sale, write Caption how much you love to do
about how they can collect them, If you have a
them and display them in a Write about what you love testimonial or can one, this
collection in their home. most about your morning would be a great time to
and why and how it relates share that.
to your art or you as a
person. This is your chance
to show your collectors
more about yourself.

Day 28 Day 29 Day 30

Visual Visual Visual

Carousel of some finished Reel: show a video of you You reading a book or the
paintings. working on a piece and then cover of the book with your
what it looks like finished. artwork in background
Caption Caption
Ask your audience about
what their favorite piece of Talk about your process on Share the book you’re
yours is, ask which painting video in a way that currently reading and how
should you offer as prints, or collectors can connect with, it’s inspiring you in your life/
only post one painting and write about your process in a artwork.
ask people what they feel romantic or mysterious way
from it and what story does that leads people in and
it tell them. Invite them to provokes questions or
interpret your art and share wanting to know more.
in the comments.


3 0 DAY S O C I A L P O S T I N G P L A N 11

In today’s world, social media has become an

indispensable tool for you as an artist, granting you
the power to connect with art collectors and
establish a lasting bond. If you want to build a
thriving career and sell your art, harnessing the
potential of social media is no longer optional, but

While the principles and tips taught in this download

are relevant across various social media platforms,
slight adjustments may be necessary to cater to the
specific format of each platform. It is wise to
concentrate your efforts where your ideal buyer

If you want to leave a lasting impact, you must strive

to create art that evokes a sense of wonder through
its sheer beauty and distinctive style. This might
sound complicated and daunting, but it’s not. The
key is to prioritize honing your craft and developing
a unique style, in addition to promoting your work.
Once you’ve created art that truly stands out,
promoting your work will become immensely easier.



But how do you develop your own unique style as
an artist?

In order to discover your own personal style, refine

your skills, and learn how to sell more art while
standing out from the crowd, you need to take The
Mastery Program. This self-guided art program will
revolutionize your approach to art creation on every
level. With over 100 meticulously designed projects
aimed at helping you master your creative prowess,
you will soon find yourself producing true
masterpieces. Within the first 30 days, both
beginners and those with a BFA will excel at
painting realistically and loosely.

After you’ve honed your skills, you’ll learn how to

develop your own unique style that fits your
individual temperament and personality. This is done
through our proven process. We’ve helped over
2,500 students discover their own voice and style.

Once you’ve created your own unique style and

process, your career will really start to take off and
we’ll be right there to guide you. With over 50 hours
of marketing and sales training, you’ll develop your
own unique brand that clearly is in alignment with
style and communicates your story with integrity.
You’ll learn how to build a social media strategy,
build a website and turn your art into a profitable
business so that you can quit whatever job you’re
working now and focus full time on doing what you
love: creating art.


3 0 D AY S O C I A L P O S T I N G P L A N 13

Don’t miss the opportunity to transform your life

through this extraordinary one-year Art Program.

To learn more, click the link here or scan the QR

Code below.



Apps to use

Post Formatting
Photo editing tools

Hashtag Expert

Caption Kit


Video editing tools

Content planners

Descript Notion



Social Platform for Artists & Art Lovers

Art Social

Want to be a part of a thriving community of artists

that genuinely want to see each other succeed?

Join Art Social and connect with over artists from

around the world today. Get constructive feedback on
your art, fresh inspiration and make new friends all in
one place on Art Social.

3 0 D AY S O C I A L P O S T I N G P L A N 15

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