Spring10 Feature
Spring10 Feature
Spring10 Feature
most famous
design, ‘Bar,’ from
his inaugural
collection was
not the bestseller,
but is an icon of
20th century
fashion, as is
this photograph
taken by Dior’s
Photos: TK
friend, photo
grapher Willy
Maywald, in 1955.
By Alexandra Palmer
who served as president of
the Chambre Syndicale de
la Couture Parisienne, repre-
senting Parisian haute couture
during the war years.
quickly becoming
a celebrity coutur- artistic and dominant source for fashion in the ground floor window and several young people happily climbed
ier. His private world. By doing this, the city would reassert its up and tried to force themselves inside’.11 Guests were greeted on
and public life
attracted much cultural importance for fashion and demonstrate the stairs by formidable staff dressed in chic black uniforms. The
interest and that France – and particularly not America – was aboyeuse or barker called out the name and number of the model
from 1947–57 he
was constantly
the source of creative fashion as it had been since entering the room, in English and French. The presentation was
photographed. the late seventeenth century. dramatic, as one reporter recalled: