Importance of Photography
Importance of Photography
Importance of Photography
After the French Academy of Sciences announced the amazing discovery in January 1839, the
French government, who purchase the patent, declared the invention a “gift to the world” on the
19th of August on the same year. Since then we have come a long way and are not done yet
discovering and experimenting in this field. This most likely never came to anyone’s mind when
ready to get into the let-me-take-a-picture mode: we own this invention as part of our daily
routine and this itself is very special.
We want to inspire you to keep (or start!) taking pictures and make Photography your trusted
daily journal because there is nothing more important than your story and the way you see the
world. Here are 10 reasons why this is so important in our society and how you can make
creativity your ethos and Photography your call.
What you want to communicate with your portrait or your street photography shot does not need
a caption, emotions will work their way into everyone’s heart.
2. Capture history
With Photography, you have the chance to capture crucial events in-the-making. From politics to
sports and music, as well as everyday life, you preserve reality as it is in a specific time frame,
collecting irreplaceable information for the archaeologists of the future.
6. Experiment
Discover the wide world of photography styles, give different types of cameras a try.
Photography is more than just your phone. In fact, put it down it, switch on to life without a
black screen filtering it for you. Venture into the pleasant immediateness of an instant camera, or
dive into the interchangeable lenses. Photography is a bridge between art and science that you
can explore infinitely and surprise yourself with.
7. Learn History
Photography has been the voice of the most human history, an irreplaceable tool to record
memories and highlight every aspect of our recent history. You can honour the past by going
through the most iconic shots that marked a specific event in the last two centuries, or even just
searching over your city archives to find out how much photography material was produced and
get inspired to do the same to continue the cycle.
Be proud of your work and happy about your memories: your shots are meant to be seen, this is
what Photography is all about.
World Photography Day helps us recalling a big step forward in human history and technology
evolution but most importantly is a reminder to treasure our most precious moments and
document our culture for future generations.