Education Watch - South East Nigeria

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... Reviving Our Lost Glories

First Published 2006


How St. Joseph's
Ntigha Performed
… LAUDS RECTOR, Abia Poly Aba
ALOY OKEZIE conducts 30th
… AS COLLEGE exercise
HOLDS 2024 …Rector, Engr. Dr. CK Okoro
proclaims: 'A new
MATRICULATION Abia is possible and a new
Abia Poly, Aba, is attainable'
Governor Alex Otti CEREMONY
Reinhart Bonke's Abia College of The Leading
Team Visits New Health Graduates
Citadel of Learning
Hope Academy Maiden
Amibo Ubakala Humanitarians in Port Harcourt
Spotlight on Deacon
Dozens Graduate Academic Planet Dike Owadiegwu;
From Master Of The Pioneer Principal
Schools Aba, of Community
Business In The Thrills At Int'l Secondary School
Streets In Oyigbo Museum Day Omunwei Igwuruta

How Amuzu Okpuala

Gov. Fubara Promises Ngwa Community
To Restore Glory Of School celebrated
maiden inter
Rivers Public Schools house sports


... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006 VOL. 16 THIRD TERM JUNE - SEPTEMBER 2024 EDITION PAGE 2

Academic Planet Schools Aba,

T he Museum of
History Aba
joined the rest of the
globe on 22 May 2024
Thrills At Int'l Museum Day
In his address, the Cultural and Creative
Director-General of the Arts Mistress, thrilled
to celebrate the National Museums and the dignitaries with
International Museum Monuments Mr. Olugbile several cultural dances.
Day. Holloway disclosed that Some of the several
The occasion was Nigeria has 2 world well researched papers
chaired by Dr. Madukwe heritage sites out of the 1, presented included
Ogbonnaya, a lecturer in 199 sites world-wide. 'Museum for Education
Abia Polytechnic, Aba. The Director- and Research' by the
In his speech he went General's address was immediate past curator,
historical to underline presented by the Curator- Mr. Ogar Julius Martins.
the importance of in-Charge of Museum of M r . V i c t o r
preservation. He recalled Colonial History, Aba Mr. Onyekwere, an assistant
that in 1795, Napoleon Theophilus C. Amadi. director, also presented a
Bonaparte had thrown a One of the highlights paper on the theme:
challenge on scientist to of the event was a brilliant 'disaster and conflict
find solution to food presentation on museums resilient heritage,
wastage and 50 years by a pupil of Academic preparedness, research
later, food preservation Planet Schools, Aba, Miss and recovery'.
became a reality. Favour Onyebara. Amongst the
D r. O g b o n n a y a The school, which was dignitaries at the event
tasked Nigeria led to the event by Mrs. was the DPO Eziama,
governments to fund Nkechi Ekemelu, the Mr. Geoffrey Ogbonna.

Continued from back page

Gov. Eno Promises the best ...
placed the benefitting visit was to seek areas of exchange programme encourage students to succeeded, so I take this
students and even the partnership. that will enable work hard, take their as a project.”
teachers on a vantage While revealing that successful students from studies seriously and Expressing optimism
position to explore the schools in the London public schools in the shun all forms of social that the exchange
opportunities abroad. Borough of Southwark village to travel to vices, saying that it was programme would be
Though the project that have been intimated London for the only the bright students mutually beneficial to the
could be cost sapping about the exchange programme.” that were selected for the two communities, the
considering the present programme were already In readiness for the programme after rigorous governor assured that
economic realities and excited about it, he execution of the examinations. every child and member
volatile exchange rates, expressed optimism that programme, Akwa Ibom According to him, of staff that will leave the
the governor insisted that the people of Southwark, State government has “the reason for this UK, will return.
human capital especially those of selected about 31 brilliant programme is for the “I can guarantee in our
development and the African descent, will be but poor indigenes in the brilliant child in a public honour that every child
benefits for Akwa Ibom excited to also have an public secondary schools school in the village who and member of staff that
children outweighs the opportunity to visit Akwa across the state to travel didn't even think of it or will leave to the UK, will
cost. Ibom. to the United Kingdom have hope of going to the return. That is the
The programme H e s a i d t h e for studies. airport, to have the commitment I make
would open up programme would create This was part of the opportunity of sitting on a because we hope this to be
opportunities for the an avenue for interactions fulfilment of Gov. Eno's 6-7 hours flight to arrive a continuous thing,” the
students of both in culture, sport, and other E d u c a t i o n a l the UK and you tell him governor assured.
nationalities as they areas of interest. Advancement initiative this 'just the beginning, if To also show how the
would have the privilege E d u c a t i o n as contained in his you take your education project was dear to the
to exchange curriculum, C o m m i s s i o n e r, M r s ARISE agenda where he more seriously, it can take state government, it went
culture, sports and learn Idongesit Etiebet, promised to bolster you to any part of the ahead to organise a two-
peculiar educational and speaking on the existing free and world and you can sit on day workshop on
vocational studies. programme, disclosed compulsory education in the table with anyone. Education Skills
During the signing of that, “arrangements have the state. “That's the catch for Upscaling for principals
the exchange bond, been finalised by the State The governor has also me. If I can get one Akwa of public secondary
Mayor Situ had told Gov government for attempted using the Ibom child motivated schools in Uyo to prepare
Eno that the aim of the commencement of the programme to woo and with that, I would have them for the task ahead.
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006

Gov. Fubara Promises To Restore

Glory Of Rivers Public Schools
“ Many people are
forced to take
their children to
private schools. We will
make our school models so
teachers are civil servants,
and I am the Head of
Service. I can say
authoritatively that all of us
received a N100,000.00
not promoted for many
years. This governor came
and you were promoted and
also paid arrears. To him
that much has been given,
that there will be an each in December, 2023, in they say, much is also
osmotic movement from addition to our salaries. expected. Let every teacher
private schools to public “Nigeria Union of sit up now. Let every parent
schools. Teachers (NUT) is the try as much as possible to
“For many people, the body that manages all the cooperate so that we can
minimum wage is not teachers in the state. They achieve set goals,” he said.
enough because they have have a structure they are Governor Fubara
to pay for private schools' building somewhere which assured that with the right
fees. But when we rebuild had stayed there for many support and every person
government schools in years. As we speak, the doing his or her own part,
terms of infrastructure sum of N250million has the government will hand
and, more importantly, the been released to finish that over to the children a state
content, people will come building. that is better than what it
back from the private cannot be well brought up. carried teachers along, “ B e f o r e n o w, t h e met.
schools. So, when you bring your unlike previous previous administration Presenting the address
“When that happens, children to school, allow administration, which did not care much about of members of the Parents
parents will have less to them to be taught. denied them promotion and what happens in schools. Teachers Association for
pay, the cost of living will “And to you teachers, failed to assist in the Teachers were using their All Government Schools,
become lower, and the when parents also bring building of their secretariat, money to run schools. It's the state chairman,
standard of living will their children, treat them the governor admonished no longer so now. Money Comrade Boma Watson
become higher, and the like your children. There parents and teachers to join has been released to the Allison, said the solidarity
economy will be better for should not be any hands with government to Senior Secondary Schools visit was to congratulate the
us.” difference between your turn around the school Board to purchase governor for his lofty
He also frowned at a biological children and system. instructional and achievements, people-
situation in which parents other children.” He said, “The educational materials centric programmes and
go to schools to harass While maintaining that Government has done which they will use. policies in his first year in
teachers who discipline the state government had much for teachers. All the “Teachers, you were office.
their children and wards,
saying his administration
would not tolerate such a
negative trend.
Cornerstone Schools, Osisioma, Aba
The governor
promised to ensure a
...The School that grooms and sharpens the Total Child
mathematics scholarship

symbiotic relationship ornerstone Cornerstone Schools to The chairman of the
between parents and Schools, 2006 as a result of the awards. school, Mr. Ogans told
teachers and urged parents Osisioma Aba director's mission trip to She also disclosed E d u c a t i o n Wa t c h
to give teachers the needed is located at Kilometre 1 Akaeze in Ebonyi State that Cornerstone Schools magazine that the school
support to teach their Aba-Port Harcourt when GOD gave him the recorded 100 percent in was not established for
children properly, while expressway Osisioma mandate to 'groom and the 2022 JSS 3 and the profit but to answer a call
teachers, in turn, see their Aba. sharpen our children and Primary School Leaving to serve. 'When we went
pupils as their own The vision and goal Assessment Tests. on a mission to Ebonyi
children. She listed the State, GOD spoke to us to
of the school is to groom According to her, 'the
He said, ” The challenges of the school
and sharpen the total vision is still gathering open a school. My wife is
government is determined to include the
to turn around the fortunes child. momentum. We are here a professional
E D U C AT I O N to 'raise the total child' replacement of 'our educationist who passed
of our schools. Parents,
please allow your children WATCH magazine paid a which includes their ceiling fans, foams, through TTC to NCE
to be taught. I hear that working visit to the mental, social, spiritual sports equipment which before getting her
some parents go to schools school during their 2023 and physical lives in were stolen by thieves university Degrees. She
to molest teachers. This graduation and prize- addition to academics'. from the school. has the flair for
administration will not giving day ceremony Mummy Ogans used The occasion was education.'
tolerate that. We cannot, in held on 24 July 2023 at the opportunity to chaired by Evangelist ' We g r o o m t h e
a n y w a y, c o n d o n e the school compound. announce Hyacinth Obinna Onyejiaka who children in spiritual,
indiscipline. The proprietress and Daniel and Wisdom described Cornerstone as academic and social. In
“When you remove chief servant of the Okike as the winners of a School with quality short, we produce
discipline from a child's school, Mummy Ogans with exceptional balanced children'.
the 2022/2023
upbringing, that child children.
traced the origin of
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006

Reinhart Bonke's Team Visits New

Hope Academy Amibo Ubakala
A special
team of
ts from the Christ for
All Nations owned
by the popular global
Bonke visited the
New Hope Academy,
A s o m u g h a
Foundation, Amibo
Ubakala in Umuahia
South local
government area of
Abia State recently.
The special team,
which was led by a
female missionary
volunteer Evangelist
Trudy Makepeace,
actively participated
in the morning
devotion with the
pupils and the staff.
Speaking to
WATCH magazine,
the Director of New
H o p e A c a d e m y,
A s o m u g h a
Evangelist Ifeanyi
described the visit as
an act of GOD.
'I never knew
them before. They
said GOD directed to
come to my school.
How they got my
contact is the Lord's
The Headmistress
of the New Hope
Academy, Madam
Cordelia Mbagwu
coordinated the
special assembly.
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006

Dozens Graduate From Master Of

Business In The Streets In Oyigbo
D ozens of
graduated from a novel
programme known as
vulnerable conditions. She stressed that the aim is to
lead the beneficiaries to self-reliance.
'The programme promotes business ideas and
strengthens existing businesses thus leading
individuals to self-reliance'
Master of Business in the The programme is affiliated to International
Streets on 19th April 2024 Success University in Ota in the United States.
in Oyigbo, Rivers State.
The graduands
upgraded to Success
A m b a s s a d o r s
The Coordinator of
the programme, Madam
Rhoda Ebi Ogbonnaya
told the ZENITH that the
Master of Business in the
Streets is targeting at
improving the quality of
lives of individuals in

How St. Joseph's Academy Amapu Ntigha

Performed 2023 Graduation Ceremony
W e d n e s d a y,

2023 was
celebrations galore for the
pupils and students of St.
'produce great men and
women that will champion
the course of positive
development here in Ntigha
and in the country'.
Isiala Ngwa North and has
trained over One Thousand
computer operators and
graphic designers who have
Rev. Sr. Okafor.
He rated the caliber of
the teachers in the school as
'the best in the vicinity' and
Their teachers are grounded
and they have dozens of
computer sets which enable
the pupils do practical. Four
of my children are in the
become serious bread lauded the principal for her
Joseph's Academy Amapu She declared that pupils winners to themselves and excellent monitoring which school.
Ntigha as the school held and students of St. Joseph's their families. has ensured that the staff 'do On her part, Evangelist
their 2023 graduation Academy Amapu Ntigha He requested for the the right thing at the right Stella Ngozi, aka Ada
ceremony. perform brilliantly in name of the overall best time'. JESUS who has three
The event took place at internal and external student of the school to be 'Next year we will have children in the school
the nearby Community examinations due to the forwarded to him and he more classes and we will praised the level of
Primary School field conducive learning will pay the first term fees introduce more activities. discipline which the
Amapu Ntigha and environment of the school. for the student. The clement weather today Principal, Rev. Sr. Okafor
attracted parents, guardians For instance, the school Sir Godpower and the impressive turnout has instilled on the children.
as well as dignitaries and has well equipped science Okeoduwa, an electrical of parents, guardians and 'Rev. Sr. Okafor has a
well-wishers of the school. and computer laboratories engineer graduate of Enugu well-wishers is an eloquent firm grip on the school and I
In her address, the as well as enjoys State University, ESUT, is testimony that the signature am happy to be here today
Principal of the school, Rev. uninterruptible power and the physics/biology master of GOD is on St. Joseph's because this is my first time
S r. C a l l i s t a O k a f o r water supply. The school of the school. He described Academy Amapu Ntigha. to witness a graduation
disclosed that the occasion also has conducive the event as a success and One of the dignitaries at ceremony.
was to celebrate nursery classrooms and qualified assured that the school will t h e c e r e m o n y, H o n I pray that the school
three and basic six pupils and seasoned teachers. come up with more Kingsley Nwagbara is a will sustain their
and JSS Three students who The chairman of the innovations in 2024 grassroots politician in Abia achievements and continue
have successfully occasion, Mr. Otti Ibeabuchi because 'we are in a very State. He said that St. to march forward with the
completed their studies. Michael commended Rev. competitive business'. Joseph's Academy has fear of GOD.
Rev. Sr. Okafor thanked S r. O k a f o r f o r h e r Similarly, Mr. Bright unique qualities which The occasion was
the school management and outstanding performance in Nwakanma, the senior other schools in the vicinity compered by Mr. Prince
the teachers for their the school which has made mathematics master and lack. Ebenezer, aka Nwamuo.
relentless efforts in the school the best place for chairman of the organizing They have conducive The event featured
ensuring that St. Joseph's 'parents and guardians to put committee attributed the environment and the presentation of songs,
Academy, Amapu Ntigha is their children and wards'. success of the St. Joseph's proprietor is a widely lighting of candles,
recognized among the best Mr. Otti Ibeabuchi Academy Amapu Ntigha to travelled Catholic Priest recitations and news
schools in Abia State Michael is the director of the cordial relationship who had chosen to erect a 3- presentation by Dominion
adding that the school will Access Computers Ntigha between the proprietor of storey well equipped Moses Ginikachi.
in the foreseeable future which is one of the best in the school and the principal, edifice among his people.
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006

Gov Otti Commissions 52-Room

Office Block At ABSCOHMAT, Aba
… Lauds Rector, Aloy Okezie
… As College Holds 2024 Matriculation Ceremony

A bia State By Dr. Okechukwu Uwaekweikpe disclosed that the College

G o v e r n o r, was disaccredited 7 years
Dr. Alex ago but with the
matriculating students are assumption of office of
Chioma Otti has
growing which is an Governor Alex Chioma
commended the gigantic
eloquent testimony that Otti, OFR, funds were
strides of the Rector of
the people outside rate the made available, which
the Abia State College of
College very highly. made the College to
Health Sciences and
M a n a g e m e n t Summing up, the regain full accreditation
T e c h n o l o g y , Governor urged the in December 2023.
management of the Governor Alex Otti Aloy E. Okezie, Rector
ABSCOHMAT, Aba, The Rector unveiled
Distinguished College to give maximum his plans to improve on his completion of the
support to the Rector, on Health who is also the
Humanitarian Aloy the internally generated ultra-modern 52-room member representing
Ekeleme Okezie. because, 'The Rector revenue of the College by office complex within
cannot do it alone. May Umuahia South State
Governor Otti, who is introducing a crèche, five months. Constituency Hon
GOD strengthen the nursery and primary
the Visitor to the College, Several dignitaries Obioma also commended
Rector, the management school programmes in
made the commendation that graced the ceremony the Rector on 'what he has
and the students.' September 2024 and a
while commissioning an gave their goodwill achieved within a short
ultra-modern 52-room In his matriculation water treatment and messages. time'.
office complex inside the address, the Rector, bottling company for the T h e H o n Similarly, the Rector
campus on Friday 10th Distinguished production of Commissioner for of Abia State Polytechnic,
May 2024 as part of Humanitarian Aloy ABSCOHMAT Health Education, Professor A b a , E n g i n e e r D r.
activities marking the Okezie lauded Governor water for public Uche Eme-Uche declared Christopher Kalu Okoro
2024 matriculation Alex Chioma Otti for consumption. that the courses at lauded Abia State
ceremony of the College. engineering a positive He listed some of the ABSCOHMAT, Aba, are G o v e r n o r, D r. A l e x
transformation in the challenges of the College
The Governor, who self-sustaining and tasked Chioma Otti, aka, Chioma
College. He added that to include the absence of
was represented by the the students to be focused Ndi Abia, 'the man GOD
3,500 new students took any utility vehicle as well
Majority Leader of the on their course and ensure has chosen to transform
the matriculation oaths. a s l a c k o f o ff i c i a l
Abia State House of that they would be part of education in Abia State',
He revealed that the vehicles for the Rector
Assembly, Hon Uchenna the convocation in due for his wisdom in
College which was and his principal officers.
Kalu Okoro, lauded the course. choosing a hardworking
founded in 1948, as the Also the College lacks an
Rector for transforming The Commissioner person like Aloy Okezie
School of Hygiene, auditorium and lecture
the College which was in who was represented by who has transformed the
tailored after the London theatres.
ruins before the Deacon Uko N Igwe, a College within a short
School of Hygiene, was
assumption of office of To the matriculating Director in the ministry time, in concert with his
the oldest citadel of higher
Distinguished students, the rector Aloy assured the College that management team.
learning in the old Eastern
Humanitarian Aloy E. Okezie fihsd, tasked the ministry will address Speaking to
Okezie, as Rector. them to push beyond their challenges. EDUCATION WATCH
He specially thanked boundaries: 'You are
Governor Otti said: 'It The member magazine, His Royal
Governor Otti for making potential scholars and
is worthy to give the r e p r e s e n t i n g Majesty, Eze Sir Sunday
funds available to thinkers. Push
Rector a round of Isuikwuato/Umunneochi Emejiaka, the Osimiri
complete the ultra- boundaries. Nothing is
applause. Keep doing the federal constituency, Rt. 111, the traditional ruler
modern 52-room office better than the best. Be
good work. As a Hon Amobi Godwin of Ohazu ancient
complex which is three the best in character and
government, we are here Ogah, who is sponsoring kingdom, who is the
stories and was in learning'.
to support and protect our 22 students in the College landlord of the College,
abandoned for over ten
own'. The highlight of the commended the Rector described the Rector,
years by previous
The Governor matriculation ceremony for bringing life to the Distinguished
administrations in the
stressed the unwavering was the decoration of College which was in Humanitarian Aloy
hard work of the Rector Governor Alex Chioma 'comatose before his Okezie, as exceptional.
The Rector rated the Otti as The Visitor and his
which saw him complete appointment'. ‘The Rector has
p r o d u c t s o f formal welcome to the
t h e 5 2 - r o o m o ff i c e Rt. Hon Amobi reengineered the College.
A B S C O H M AT, A b a , College.
complex within five Godwin Ogah was He has a high
very highly and stated that
months. The complex The Deputy Rector r e p r e s e n t e d b y D r. administrative style. He is
they are mobilized for the
had been abandoned for and College Orator, Promise Udeh. so patient. He has a
mandatory one year
the past ten years. Prince O Adimuko The chief whip of the listening ear. Governor
National Youth Service
Governor Otti expressed the joy of the Abia State House of Alex Chioma Otti went
Corps, NYSC, on
expressed satisfaction College community in Assembly and chairman the extra mile is choosing
completion of their HND
that the number of the Rector especially in of the House Committee him as the Rector'.
programs annually. He
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006

Abia College of Health Graduates

By Dr Okechukwu Uwaekweikpe

Maiden Humanitarians

Dr Chukwudi Okebaram from University of Northinham,

UK delivering his keynote speech at the occasion Academic procession to the graduation pavilion

T he auditorium equally appreciated the academic yearnings of pure and applied science regulatory agencies.
of Abia State "passion and genuine our teeming youths of and business studies and The Rector also
College of interventions of the Otti Abia and Nigeria. management technology. unveiled his plans to
Health Sciences and administration especially He went memory Humanitarian Okezie introduce 4 additional
M a n a g e m e n t in regular payment of our lane to recall the solicited for concerted courses such as health and
Technology, Aba was monthly subventions and establishment of the interventions and social care, HSC, west
filled to capacity with his promise to renovate College by the British sponsorships from the management technology,
dignitaries on the College geometry to colonial masters in 1948 government, corporate W M T, b i o m e d i c a
We d n e s d a y 1 5 t h modern citadel of higher as the School of Hygiene, bodies and public spirited engineering technology,
November, 2023 for the learning. tailored after the London individuals to save the BET, and humanitarian
maiden graduation The Rector thanked School of Hygiene. It College from collapse. studies, HST.
ceremony of trained staff the commissioner for was the first tertiary The College lacks The occasion was
and students of the education, Prof. Eme institution to be laboratory equipment, chaired by High Chief
College as Certified Uche Eme for her support established in the old library books and Nnanna Jones Ike, the
P r o f e s s i o n a l and directives, as well as Eastern Region, now journals, desks and Editor-in-Chief of Abia
Humanitarians. the Abia State House of South East and most of computers as well as Ambassador newspaper
The Rector of the Assembly whose the South-South. acute deficit in office and Umuahia.
College, Distinguished foresight and inspirational The College has classroom spaces. The guest of honor
Humanitarian Aloy wisdom provided the grown to 15 academic Above all, the College w a s D r. C h u k w u d i
Okezie in his address enabling law that have disciplines in the 3 needs support to secure Okebaram.
stated that the graduands elevated us to our current Schools of the College full accreditation of all his Amb Prince Francis
were trained by the status to meet up with the namely health sciences, courses from the Origa, PhD, the registrar
I n s t i t u t e f o r and CEO of IHSD gave a
Humanitarian Studies brief speech on IHSD and
and Social Development, UNITAR.
IHSD, in partnership The general manager
with the United Nations of ASEPA, Hon Mazi
Institute for Training and Ogbonnia Okereke, the
Research, UNITAR. acting Rector of Abia Poly
He expressed Aba Engr. Mrs. Ndukwe
gratitude to Governor and Professor Augustine
Alex Chioma Otti, the Uwakwe were the guests
Visitor to the College, of honor.
who directed, supported The institute was
and facilitated the choice founded in 2008 during
of our College as centre t h e J o n a t h a n
for the training. administration and
Humanitarian Okezie formally inaugurated in
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006 VOL. 16 THIRD TERM JUNE - SEPTEMBER 2024 EDITION PAGE 8

T Abia Poly Aba conducts

he pavilion of
the Abia State
Aba was filled to the brim
and bursting at the seams
on Friday 26th April 2024
30th matriculation exercise
as the Citadel of Learning …Rector, Engr. Dr. CK Okoro proclaims: 'A new
admitted fresh 'Great
Elephants' into the four Abia is possible and a new Abia Poly, Aba, is attainable'
wall of his Ivory Tower. By Dr. Okechukwu Engineer Dr. Okoro on his
The event was the Uwaekweikpe, elevation to the office and
maiden major ceremony Publisher/Editor-in-Chief expressed confidence that
of the newly appointed the Rector will justify the
Rector of the polytechnic, being pursued by Governor confidence of the Abia
Engr. Dr. Christopher Alex Chioma Otti is State Government under
Kalu Okoro, who, in his possible while a brand new Dr. Alex Chioma Otti in
matriculation address, Abia State Polytechnic Aba appointing him to the
lauded the Abia State that will rub shoulders with exalted position.
G o v e r n o r, D r. A l e x the best and imbibe the best Some of the dignitaries
Chioma Otti for global practices in the that graced the event and
appointing him to the products of the Abia presented goodwill
exalted position of Rector Polytechnic, Aba, is messages included the
of the polytechnic at a time attainable. Rector of the Abia State
of great positive changes Abia State Governor, College of Health Sciences
in the polity of Abia State. Dr. Alex Chioma Otti was and Management
Engineer Dr. Okoro represented by the Te c h n o l o g y, A b a ,
declared that the Secretary to the Abia State D i s t i n g u i s h e d
appointment would Government, Professor Humanitarian Aloy
motivate him to move Kenneth Kalu. Ekeleme Okezie who was
Abia Polytechnic Aba to a Engr. Dr. Christopher Kalu Okoro
Governor Otti, in his represented by the deputy
world class centre of address which he titled: R e c t o r, M r. O b i e z e
excellence, stressing that Governor Otti lauded the students to be focused
'Identify Your Paths' lauded the management and staff and motivated in their lives Adimuko.
he is aware of his mandate the Rector for his positive Also present was the
as Rector of the of the poly for putting up and to be 'builders and not
strides within his short time a n i m p r e s s i v e slumbers'. Majority Leader and
polytechnic at a time like in office and also chairman of the House
this in the history of Abia performance and tasked In her address, Abia
congratulated the them to support the State Commissioner for Committee on Education
State. matriculating students for in the Abia State House of
The Rector stated that policies and programmes Post Basic Education, Prof
attaining the status of of the government. Uche Eme Uche Assembly, Hon Okoro
a brand new Abia State “Great Elephants.” Uchenna Kalu.
The Governor tasked commended the Rector,

EDUWAY SCHOOLS: The Leading to recall the vision behind

her establishing the

Citadel of Learning in Port Harcourt E D U WAY C h r i s t i a n

Learning Centre 9 years

F r i d a y, 9 t h The Publisher/Editor- themselves'. exceptionally dedicated to ago.

December 2022 in Chief of EDUCATION E D U C AT I O N their duties. For this Her words: 'Eduway is
was a fabulous WATCH magazine, Dr. WATCH magazine sought Christmas Carol, our music a dream and passion I had
and thrilling day for the O k e c h u k w u to know how her school teacher, Mr. Kpobari several years before the
management, staff and Uwaekweikpe, witnessed was able to present prepared the children for school started for top
p u p i l s o f E D U WAY the celebration and performances that are the performances. quality education. That
Christian Learning Centre, afterwards spoke with the comparable to any 'My other staff are all made me to come up with
one of the leading private Proprietress of EDUWAY professional troupe and she exceptionally good in their the name, EDUWAY,
educational institutions Schools, Mrs. Ibironke has this to say: various departments. I which means the way to
located at #18, Okabie Taiwo-Olowa. 'I have a music and commend Mr. Peters and quality education.
Street, Chinda-Iwonfe The Proprietress choir troupe in the school Mrs. Fyneface for their 'We are 9 years old and
Link Road, Port Harcourt. explained that the who practice weekly. For hard-work. I also some of those who started
The school celebrated Christmas Carol was this first term, all their appreciate our dancing with us in the nursery and
their 2022 Christmas Carol planned as a surprise to the practices were tailored to troupe known as 'The Ballet primary school are now in
on the day and it turned out staff and students because Christmas songs and Group' led by Mr. Oliver of our secondary section. It is
to be a very joyous 'it was only on Wednesday, dances' the Shabach Dance wonderful for us to still
occasion for the staff, that is two days ago, that we The Proprietress, Mrs. Company based here in have them and that gives us
students and pupils. informed them of the Ibironke Taiwo-Olowa Port Harcourt'. the opportunity to infuse
The event was several Christmas Carol. They thanked Our Great GOD 'Also Miss Rachael and our dream for quality
'hours of nonstop were exceptionally very for blessing her with real Miss Caroline have both education into them'.
Christmas sing songs, happy. Personally I am exceptional hardworking been outstanding'. Here are some of the
recitations, dances and delighted that my staff and and dedicated staff. Mrs. Ibironke Taiwo- pictures of the memorable
music'. students enjoyed 'My staff are Olowa went memory lane event.
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006

Gov Otti directs immediate restoration regretted

working in various sectors,
that the facilities
of NYSC Camp structures, facilities in the NYSC camp were
left to deteriorate by

A bia State previous administrations

Governor, Dr. without maintenance.
Alex Otti, According to her, the
OFR, has directed the Coordinator's residence
Commissioner for Sports and other structures in the
and Youth Development, camp are all in bad shape
Mr. Nwobilor Ananaba, to with the walls cracked and
visit the National Youth the roofs leaking. She said
Service Corps (NYSC) a large portion of the
camp in Umunnato, Bende camp's perimeter fence had
Local Government Area, to fallen off, while the
ascertain the extent of football pitch is also in bad
deterioration with a view to condition.
fixing same. Governor Otti She appealed to the
gave the directive on State Government to
Friday when he played host consider paying corps
to the State Coordinator of environment. promised. that there are over five members deployed to the
the NYSC in Abia state, Governor Otti restated Earlier in her speech, thousand corps members state monthly allowances
Barr. Mrs. Gladys Adama, that it is in the character of Mrs. Adama, who reported deployed to the state and to serve as morale booster.
and her team, among his government to ensure
whom were corps that the welfare of the
members, who visited him. people come first, adding Rivers State Ministry of Education
The Governor that anyone who lives and
expressed shock to learn serves in the State is renews certificate for Methodist
how bad the condition of considered an Abian. “I
the camp had become, after
listening to Mrs. Adama,
have taken note of all the
points you raised,
Girls' High School, Port Harcourt
who calmly articulated all
the issues in her address to
the Abia Chief Executive.
He promptly issued a
including the well-being of
the five thousand youth
corps members, office
accommodation, the
s a result of Education Prof. Chinedu Government renamed it
t h e h i g h Nnom, JP, performed the Women Rehabilitation
standard of honours on behalf of the Centre and afterwards it
delivered by R i v e r s S t a t e became Government Girls
directive to the challenge of fencing the the Methodist Girls High Government. Secondary School, GGSS,
Commissioner for Sports camp, ambulance, the School, Harbour Road, T h e H o n Harbour Road, Port
and Youth Development, Coordinator's residence, Port Harcourt, the Rivers C o m m i s s i o n e r w a s Harcourt.
who unfortunately was and, of course, payment of S t a t e M i n i s t r y o f r e p r e s e n t e d b y t h e In 2007, the Rivers
unavoidably absent at the allowance by the State. Education has renewed Director of Quality S t a t e G o v e r n m e n t
meeting, to work with the “We are are going to look at the certificate for the Assurance in the Rivers returned the school to the
NYSC State Coordinator them,” Governor Otti, who approval of the handover S t a t e M i n i s t r y o f Methodist Church Nigeria
to immediately attend to said that there was nothing of the school from the E d u c a t i o n , M r s . and the school became
the issues enumerated in like payment of allowance Rivers State Government Silverline Ine Ibame, who Methodist Girls High
order to restore the camp by the State during his days to the Methodist Church lauded Methodist Church School, Harbour Road,
into a decent and secure a s a c o r p s m e m b e r, of Nigeria. for running the Methodist Port Harcourt.
This certificate of Girls Port Harcourt to the O n Tu e s d a y 8 t h
renewal was handed over
The Day GLOTES held to the incumbent
highest standards
obtainable anywhere in
November 2022, Total
Energies Foundation and
Principal of the school, the country. Slum to School Africa
convocation ceremony The Very Rev. Macaulay According to her, the organized an impactful
O. Daniel who stood in for

G l o b a l Owerri, Calabar, Nsukka, school has 'standard programme at the School

Theological FCT and Lagos plus 'other the Proprietor of the buildings and standby Assembly Hall to sensitize
S e m i n a r y, yet to inaugurated centres'. Methodist Girls High sound-proof generating teachers, students and staff
Nigeria and USA held her The institution also has 8 School, Harbour Road, set plus modern security on the reduction of
convocation, ordination, major faculties. Port Harcourt, Most Rev. architecture and operates pedestrian accidents.
16th anniversary and Rev Prof Israel, who Emmanuel O. Udofia, the curricular that follow On 16th November
award ceremony on tasked the graduands to 'be Archbishop of Port both the Rivers State 2022, two students of the
Saturday 10th December a success not a statistics' Harcourt Archdiocese. Government and school Joseph Diepiriye
2022 at her headquarters canvassed assistance from The date was National education and Gabriel Merit won
Degema Street off Obohia all and sundry to enable Wednesday, 11th January policies'. laurels at a debate
Road Aba. GLOTES complete her 3- 2023 and the venue was Before the Nigeria competition organized by
In his address the storey building at a the 7th floor of the Civil War, Methodist Society for Women in
Presiding Chancellor, Rev projected cost of 30 million Podium Building of the Girls Harbour Road Port Taxation, SWIT. The
Prof Emma Israel declared Naira as well as the plans to ultramodern Rivers State Harcourt was known as Rivers State Coordinator
the institution now has acquire a 50 plot of land for Secretariat. Women Development of the society, Dr. Mrs.
campuses in Port the gospel community in T h e H o n Centre. After the war in Eunice Odum decorated
Harcourt, Umuahia, Uyo, the Aba area. Commissioner of 1970, the Rivers State and presented the duo with
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006

Spotlight on Deacon Dike Owadiegwu; The Pioneer Principal

of Community Secondary School Omunwei Igwuruta

D eacon Dike Government, he used his proud of us. I have a great

Owadiegwu personal funds to build interest in sports as well
is the pioneer the initial seats for both as quiz and debates. I will
principal of Community the students and staff. hold regular workshops
Secondary School Thereafter he for my staff to give them
Omunwei Igwuruta summoned the parents the necessary tools to
which started in and guardians on the way make Community Senior
September 2023. He forward. He got the Secondary School
assumed duties on 11th support of the Paramount Omunwei Igwuruta a
September 2023 and Ruler of the community, centre of excellence'.
immediately confronted Chief Collins who Deacon Dike
the challenges of the assured him of the Owadiegwu was the
newly established eagerness of the former Vice Principal,
school. community to support the Community Secondary
When he assumed senior secondary school. School, Ubima, before
duties the challenges Deacon Owadiegwu his elevation to the
were herculean, there t o l d E D U C AT I O N exalted position of
were no offices, no desks WATCH that his utmost pioneer Principal,
for both students and task is to get the West He assured that in a Community Senior
staff. He was only African Examinations few years to come he Secondary School,
'I will turn the school
assigned a big hall. Council, WAEC, to grant would transform the Omunwei, Igwuruta in
into a reference point that
While awaiting take the school as an school into a citadel of Ikwerre local
both the government and
o ff g r an t f r o m th e examination centre. learning and sporting government area of
the community will be
Rivers State.

St Jude's Schools, Amapu Ntigha:

The School that sets the standards
for other schools to emulate assistant Mr. Godswill
St. Jude's Amapu

S t J u d e ' s
School, Amapu
Ntigha, owned by the
Catholic Diocese of Aba,
He was emphatic that
the so called 'magic centres'
does not apply to St. Jude's,
'We don't advertise
ourselves. St Jude's
Amapu Ntigha is a good
anonymous are helping us
to develop our permanent
Aside from academic
Ntigha was established in
the 1940s by the Catholic
Diocese of Aba but the staff
and students cut across all
Amapu Ntigha. For market that sells itself. excellence, St. Jude's denominations. The
has created a healthy instance all the 42 E D U C AT I O N Amapu Ntigha also proves secondary section started
reputation as the best place candidates that registered WATCH sought know the her mettle in extra- in 1997.
to acquire quality for WAEC in 2022 were our plans of the school for curricular activities Here is Rev. Fr. Fred
secondary school bona-fide students. We boarding facilities and especially soccer. Nwosu: 'There is no
education to residents of have zero tolerance for again, Rev. Fr. Fred
Aba, Umuahia, Owerri and St. Jude's Amapu discrimination. The Chapel
malpractices and we have Nwosu says: Ntigha has defeated many Prefect here in St. Jude's
environs. It can be no space for external 'We started the school
accessed through the old of the schools within the Amapu Ntigha is of the
students. Most of them on a full boarding policy Ntigha zone in football Assemblies of GOD
road linking Umuahia to recorded A in English, but as time went on the
Aba or through the Port matches both at the Ginger Church but he leads the
Mathematics and the population of the school Model Stadium, Amapu Angelus Prayers
Harcourt-Enugu express sciences. grew in such leaps and
way. Ntigha, and at the school's flawlessly.
Again here is Rev. Fr. bounds that we were football pitch located 'The same scenario
E D U C AT I O N Fred Nwosu: 'We don't obliged to convert the across the school. played out when I was the
WATCH magazine visited allow malpractices. That is boarding facilities into
the school and to interact Rev. Fr. Fred Nwosu Principal of Lumen Christi
why our teachers are classrooms. attributed the successes of at Arungwa. The Senior
with the Principal, Rev. Fr. always on their feet 'However, full
Fred Nwosu who gave a the school in soccer to the Prefect then was a member
working to ensure they boarding facilities will be twin factors of the of the Seventh Day
glimpse into this citadel of adequately cover the incorporated in our long
learning. abundant natural soccer Adventist but he would
syllabuses'. term project at our talent of the Amapu Ntigha ring the bell for the
Rev. Fr. Nwosu says, 'The result is that permanent site located just indigenes and residents as Angelus and also led the
'we are the best among parents and guardians keep across the road. well as the efforts of two of prayers.
equals in academics both visiting us to see that what 'Some illustrious sons the staff Evangelist You can reach Rev. Fr.
in our internal and external we do here confirms the of the community who Destiny Ikechukwu Fred Nwosu on 0807-
examinations. Other reputation of our school chose to remain Okwubunka and his 6601-695
schools come to copy our that has spread far and
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006

How Amuzu Okpuala Ngwa Community

School celebrated maiden inter house sports
T he Amuzu
N g w a
Community School in
Isiala Ngwa North local
government area of
Abia State celebrated
their maiden inter-house
sports on Tuesday 26th
March 2024 at the
school premises.
The school which is
one of the oldest in the
area has not organized
any such sporting
activity in recent years
especially since the
advent of the present
democracy in 1999.
All that changed
with the assumption of
office as the Head
Teacher by Deaconess
Mercy Nneoma Orji
who decided to make
her teachers and pupils
to feel the thrills and
excitements that go with
inter house sports
competitions which are
mostly done by private
Deaconess Mercy
Nneoma Orji told
during a visit that the
event was sponsored
through self-help as
well as the invaluable Committee, Chief
assistance of some sons Emeka Robert and a
and daughters of the foremost grassroots
community. politician in the area,
Yellow House won Hon Izuakachi Sunday.
the sports with a total of The Head Teacher
108 points. Green expressed appreciation
House emerged to her 'special committee
runners-up with 106 for the inter-house sports
points. and my teachers. 'Also
Red House came worthy of praise are the
third with 104 points members of the PTA'.
with Blue House The royal father of
finishing with 99 points the community, HRH
Amongst the Eze GODswill Ubani
dignitaries that graced was represented by a
the sports included the foremost retired
chairman of School educationist, Elder Isaac
Based Management Ukaegbu, a Principal
St Jude's Schools, Amapu Ntigha:

EDUCATION The School that

sets the standards for
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006
VOL. 16 THIRD TERM JUNE - SEPTEMBER 2024 EDITION ISSN 1595 - 8594X 1N000 other schools to emulate
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006




An industrial and agricultural complex (17 Acres of land)
The Magnificat


BA (Hons), LASI 1991

located at Osisioma Industrial hub of Aba, Abia State. AMARA-DADDY OKECHUKWU

Managing Editor
Asking Price is 2.5 Billion Naira Editor
Education Correspondent

Contact: 0806-333-5497 JULIET IFEOMA PATRICK

Managing Director

Bishop Ubani Appointed Director Smith Nwokocha

of United Nations Human Rights Makes Case For A
Organization in Abia State Borderless Africa
T he General
Overseer of
Apostolic Gospel Church
Laguru Ubakala in
A climate reality leader and a member of
Africans Rising, Comrade Smith
Nwokocha is championing the move for
a borderless Africa and prudent public finances
among African countries.
Umuahia South local A borderless Africa aims to encourage Africans
government area of Abia to freely travel, trade and tour without VISA
State Bishop Shedrach restrictions. If the vision becomes a reality, it will
Igbariam Ubani, PhD, was 'unlock the continent's full potential'.
recently appointed the According to Comrade Smith Nwokocha, he is
Abia State Director of the using the opportunity of the 2024 Africa Day to push
United Nations Human through the vision.
R i g h t s O rg a n i z a t i o n , The Africa Day was formerly known as Africa
UNHRO. Freedom Day celebrated on 25th May to mark the
Bishop Ubani recently week dedicated to honouring and remembering
chaired the Igbo African independence.
Intercesary Prayer Summit Comrade Smith Nwokocha told the ZENITH:
held in Umuahia recently. 'Africa unity on 25 May 1963 remains relevant
today, echoing the call for a unified Africa without
Gov. Eno Promises the best borders as envisioned by our forefathers'.

for Akwa Ibom Schools

G overnor
Ibom State, Pastor
Umo Eno has
To achieve this,
the governor
recently cemented
an education
exchange deal with
vowed that no cost the Mayor of
would be too much London Borough of
to give the children Southwark,
of the state quality Micheal Situ, in his
education. government house
“If I can get one office, when the
Akwa Ibom child latter came for a
motivated with our working visit with a
education exchange while expressing resolve delegation from the
with the United to ensure that every Akwa United Kingdom.
Kingdom, I would have Ibom student gets not only The exchange has
succeeded,” Eno said free but quality education. Continued from page 2



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