Education Watch - South East Nigeria
Education Watch - South East Nigeria
Education Watch - South East Nigeria
symbiotic relationship ornerstone Cornerstone Schools to The chairman of the
between parents and Schools, 2006 as a result of the awards. school, Mr. Ogans told
teachers and urged parents Osisioma Aba director's mission trip to She also disclosed E d u c a t i o n Wa t c h
to give teachers the needed is located at Kilometre 1 Akaeze in Ebonyi State that Cornerstone Schools magazine that the school
support to teach their Aba-Port Harcourt when GOD gave him the recorded 100 percent in was not established for
children properly, while expressway Osisioma mandate to 'groom and the 2022 JSS 3 and the profit but to answer a call
teachers, in turn, see their Aba. sharpen our children and Primary School Leaving to serve. 'When we went
pupils as their own The vision and goal Assessment Tests. on a mission to Ebonyi
children. She listed the State, GOD spoke to us to
of the school is to groom According to her, 'the
He said, ” The challenges of the school
and sharpen the total vision is still gathering open a school. My wife is
government is determined to include the
to turn around the fortunes child. momentum. We are here a professional
E D U C AT I O N to 'raise the total child' replacement of 'our educationist who passed
of our schools. Parents,
please allow your children WATCH magazine paid a which includes their ceiling fans, foams, through TTC to NCE
to be taught. I hear that working visit to the mental, social, spiritual sports equipment which before getting her
some parents go to schools school during their 2023 and physical lives in were stolen by thieves university Degrees. She
to molest teachers. This graduation and prize- addition to academics'. from the school. has the flair for
administration will not giving day ceremony Mummy Ogans used The occasion was education.'
tolerate that. We cannot, in held on 24 July 2023 at the opportunity to chaired by Evangelist ' We g r o o m t h e
a n y w a y, c o n d o n e the school compound. announce Hyacinth Obinna Onyejiaka who children in spiritual,
indiscipline. The proprietress and Daniel and Wisdom described Cornerstone as academic and social. In
“When you remove chief servant of the Okike as the winners of a School with quality short, we produce
discipline from a child's school, Mummy Ogans with exceptional balanced children'.
the 2022/2023
upbringing, that child children.
traced the origin of
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006
2023 was
celebrations galore for the
pupils and students of St.
'produce great men and
women that will champion
the course of positive
development here in Ntigha
and in the country'.
Isiala Ngwa North and has
trained over One Thousand
computer operators and
graphic designers who have
Rev. Sr. Okafor.
He rated the caliber of
the teachers in the school as
'the best in the vicinity' and
Their teachers are grounded
and they have dozens of
computer sets which enable
the pupils do practical. Four
of my children are in the
become serious bread lauded the principal for her
Joseph's Academy Amapu She declared that pupils winners to themselves and excellent monitoring which school.
Ntigha as the school held and students of St. Joseph's their families. has ensured that the staff 'do On her part, Evangelist
their 2023 graduation Academy Amapu Ntigha He requested for the the right thing at the right Stella Ngozi, aka Ada
ceremony. perform brilliantly in name of the overall best time'. JESUS who has three
The event took place at internal and external student of the school to be 'Next year we will have children in the school
the nearby Community examinations due to the forwarded to him and he more classes and we will praised the level of
Primary School field conducive learning will pay the first term fees introduce more activities. discipline which the
Amapu Ntigha and environment of the school. for the student. The clement weather today Principal, Rev. Sr. Okafor
attracted parents, guardians For instance, the school Sir Godpower and the impressive turnout has instilled on the children.
as well as dignitaries and has well equipped science Okeoduwa, an electrical of parents, guardians and 'Rev. Sr. Okafor has a
well-wishers of the school. and computer laboratories engineer graduate of Enugu well-wishers is an eloquent firm grip on the school and I
In her address, the as well as enjoys State University, ESUT, is testimony that the signature am happy to be here today
Principal of the school, Rev. uninterruptible power and the physics/biology master of GOD is on St. Joseph's because this is my first time
S r. C a l l i s t a O k a f o r water supply. The school of the school. He described Academy Amapu Ntigha. to witness a graduation
disclosed that the occasion also has conducive the event as a success and One of the dignitaries at ceremony.
was to celebrate nursery classrooms and qualified assured that the school will t h e c e r e m o n y, H o n I pray that the school
three and basic six pupils and seasoned teachers. come up with more Kingsley Nwagbara is a will sustain their
and JSS Three students who The chairman of the innovations in 2024 grassroots politician in Abia achievements and continue
have successfully occasion, Mr. Otti Ibeabuchi because 'we are in a very State. He said that St. to march forward with the
completed their studies. Michael commended Rev. competitive business'. Joseph's Academy has fear of GOD.
Rev. Sr. Okafor thanked S r. O k a f o r f o r h e r Similarly, Mr. Bright unique qualities which The occasion was
the school management and outstanding performance in Nwakanma, the senior other schools in the vicinity compered by Mr. Prince
the teachers for their the school which has made mathematics master and lack. Ebenezer, aka Nwamuo.
relentless efforts in the school the best place for chairman of the organizing They have conducive The event featured
ensuring that St. Joseph's 'parents and guardians to put committee attributed the environment and the presentation of songs,
Academy, Amapu Ntigha is their children and wards'. success of the St. Joseph's proprietor is a widely lighting of candles,
recognized among the best Mr. Otti Ibeabuchi Academy Amapu Ntigha to travelled Catholic Priest recitations and news
schools in Abia State Michael is the director of the cordial relationship who had chosen to erect a 3- presentation by Dominion
adding that the school will Access Computers Ntigha between the proprietor of storey well equipped Moses Ginikachi.
in the foreseeable future which is one of the best in the school and the principal, edifice among his people.
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006
Maiden Humanitarians
T he auditorium equally appreciated the academic yearnings of pure and applied science regulatory agencies.
of Abia State "passion and genuine our teeming youths of and business studies and The Rector also
College of interventions of the Otti Abia and Nigeria. management technology. unveiled his plans to
Health Sciences and administration especially He went memory Humanitarian Okezie introduce 4 additional
M a n a g e m e n t in regular payment of our lane to recall the solicited for concerted courses such as health and
Technology, Aba was monthly subventions and establishment of the interventions and social care, HSC, west
filled to capacity with his promise to renovate College by the British sponsorships from the management technology,
dignitaries on the College geometry to colonial masters in 1948 government, corporate W M T, b i o m e d i c a
We d n e s d a y 1 5 t h modern citadel of higher as the School of Hygiene, bodies and public spirited engineering technology,
November, 2023 for the learning. tailored after the London individuals to save the BET, and humanitarian
maiden graduation The Rector thanked School of Hygiene. It College from collapse. studies, HST.
ceremony of trained staff the commissioner for was the first tertiary The College lacks The occasion was
and students of the education, Prof. Eme institution to be laboratory equipment, chaired by High Chief
College as Certified Uche Eme for her support established in the old library books and Nnanna Jones Ike, the
P r o f e s s i o n a l and directives, as well as Eastern Region, now journals, desks and Editor-in-Chief of Abia
Humanitarians. the Abia State House of South East and most of computers as well as Ambassador newspaper
The Rector of the Assembly whose the South-South. acute deficit in office and Umuahia.
College, Distinguished foresight and inspirational The College has classroom spaces. The guest of honor
Humanitarian Aloy wisdom provided the grown to 15 academic Above all, the College w a s D r. C h u k w u d i
Okezie in his address enabling law that have disciplines in the 3 needs support to secure Okebaram.
stated that the graduands elevated us to our current Schools of the College full accreditation of all his Amb Prince Francis
were trained by the status to meet up with the namely health sciences, courses from the Origa, PhD, the registrar
I n s t i t u t e f o r and CEO of IHSD gave a
Humanitarian Studies brief speech on IHSD and
and Social Development, UNITAR.
IHSD, in partnership The general manager
with the United Nations of ASEPA, Hon Mazi
Institute for Training and Ogbonnia Okereke, the
Research, UNITAR. acting Rector of Abia Poly
He expressed Aba Engr. Mrs. Ndukwe
gratitude to Governor and Professor Augustine
Alex Chioma Otti, the Uwakwe were the guests
Visitor to the College, of honor.
who directed, supported The institute was
and facilitated the choice founded in 2008 during
of our College as centre t h e J o n a t h a n
for the training. administration and
Humanitarian Okezie formally inaugurated in
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006 VOL. 16 THIRD TERM JUNE - SEPTEMBER 2024 EDITION PAGE 8
S t J u d e ' s
School, Amapu
Ntigha, owned by the
Catholic Diocese of Aba,
He was emphatic that
the so called 'magic centres'
does not apply to St. Jude's,
'We don't advertise
ourselves. St Jude's
Amapu Ntigha is a good
anonymous are helping us
to develop our permanent
Aside from academic
Ntigha was established in
the 1940s by the Catholic
Diocese of Aba but the staff
and students cut across all
Amapu Ntigha. For market that sells itself. excellence, St. Jude's denominations. The
has created a healthy instance all the 42 E D U C AT I O N Amapu Ntigha also proves secondary section started
reputation as the best place candidates that registered WATCH sought know the her mettle in extra- in 1997.
to acquire quality for WAEC in 2022 were our plans of the school for curricular activities Here is Rev. Fr. Fred
secondary school bona-fide students. We boarding facilities and especially soccer. Nwosu: 'There is no
education to residents of have zero tolerance for again, Rev. Fr. Fred
Aba, Umuahia, Owerri and St. Jude's Amapu discrimination. The Chapel
malpractices and we have Nwosu says: Ntigha has defeated many Prefect here in St. Jude's
environs. It can be no space for external 'We started the school
accessed through the old of the schools within the Amapu Ntigha is of the
students. Most of them on a full boarding policy Ntigha zone in football Assemblies of GOD
road linking Umuahia to recorded A in English, but as time went on the
Aba or through the Port matches both at the Ginger Church but he leads the
Mathematics and the population of the school Model Stadium, Amapu Angelus Prayers
Harcourt-Enugu express sciences. grew in such leaps and
way. Ntigha, and at the school's flawlessly.
Again here is Rev. Fr. bounds that we were football pitch located 'The same scenario
E D U C AT I O N Fred Nwosu: 'We don't obliged to convert the across the school. played out when I was the
WATCH magazine visited allow malpractices. That is boarding facilities into
the school and to interact Rev. Fr. Fred Nwosu Principal of Lumen Christi
why our teachers are classrooms. attributed the successes of at Arungwa. The Senior
with the Principal, Rev. Fr. always on their feet 'However, full
Fred Nwosu who gave a the school in soccer to the Prefect then was a member
working to ensure they boarding facilities will be twin factors of the of the Seventh Day
glimpse into this citadel of adequately cover the incorporated in our long
learning. abundant natural soccer Adventist but he would
syllabuses'. term project at our talent of the Amapu Ntigha ring the bell for the
Rev. Fr. Nwosu says, 'The result is that permanent site located just indigenes and residents as Angelus and also led the
'we are the best among parents and guardians keep across the road. well as the efforts of two of prayers.
equals in academics both visiting us to see that what 'Some illustrious sons the staff Evangelist You can reach Rev. Fr.
in our internal and external we do here confirms the of the community who Destiny Ikechukwu Fred Nwosu on 0807-
examinations. Other reputation of our school chose to remain Okwubunka and his 6601-695
schools come to copy our that has spread far and
... Reviving Our Lost Glories
First Published 2006