Strategies To Increase Mid Week Service Attendance

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Mid-Week services have become a culture for most churches. Providing another
avenue for members to gather to fellowship, commune and grow in their knowledge
of Christ.

The benefits are usually two ways - to the church and the members.

However, it becomes a concern when the culture seems to do more harm than good
as it were.

While we discuss the strategies we also would recommend the following.

1. Run a survey to check with persons who are not coming for mid week to
ascertain the reason. Make the survey as simple as possible. Your intent
should be seen as genuine.
2. Do a personal review of the mid week service. Observe what could be causing
leaders to be absent. Their personal schedules and reason would help you
make the right move and decision.

Here a few discovery about the state of mid-week services in most churches.

1. Poor attendance
2. Poor preparation and delivery of the services
3. Poor dress sense and appearance
4. Lack of attention to first time guests
5. General non-challant attitude of the church workers.

Why does these challenges show up in Mid-week and not Sunday Servcies ?

- Is it that a smaller god is in charge for Mid-weeks Services?

- Is the word preached not from same bible as Sunday Service?
- Does God not deserve the best just like Sunday Service?
- Is the culture meant to present it as a lesser service?

While a lot of pastors and administrators will provide seemingly justifiable

reasons, we must acknowledge that in this same city as those churches, there are
churches that mid-week service gets same approach and attention as their
Sunday service.

It is just an unhealthy culture that crept into the church.

This has caused a lot of worry for ministers.

See strategies to boost attendance

Church workforce is a driving force when it comes to church culture. They
model the culture for members to follow.
However, quite a number of church workers lack the understanding of why
mid-week service de should be a big deal.
If the Workforce alone attends your mid-week service, attendance will be
So there is a need for Setting up a culture on midweek service, TRAINING and
Re-Training accompanied by planning and preparation.
Lack of understanding is the cause of workers poor approach to Midweek
Service. Launch ha mid week service attendance campaign for the workforce
and insist on measuring performance based on that.

2. DELIBERATE IMPRESSIONS: While this workforce attendance may increase,

the level of attraction for others also needs to be stepped up. Attending mid-
week service s cool, giving it the attention and preparation it needs is another
level. Here are a few tips
- The preparation should send a message of importance
- All uniformed departments should be fully kitted and dressed up for the Mid-
week services
- Toilets and Parking areas should be cleaned, properly made ready for the

3. SERVICE CONTENT: The Service content should be driven to address the

congregation’s state example the choice of songs, testimonies, prayers and
word should be designed to trigger a desire to participate in the next mid-
week service. Mid services are held mostly in the evenings and we should
consider the following while building the content
a. People could be tired
b. People could be having specific emotions running through them such as
joy, anger etc.
c. Some person will be coming from road traffic, school runs, business
meetings etc.

4. CREATE MESSAGE SERIES that includes midweek service. When preaching a

juicy message, add the midweek service window in delivering the series. That
means, a juicy series will get people to attend the mid week. The suspense and
expectation of the next point in the series should be triggered with the pastor
emphasizing the need for the next point. People are interested in specific
value and this can be used to market the mid week service.
5. TIMELINESS OF THE SERVICE (especially closing time). The mid week service
organizers should take cognizance of the need to close early enough for
people to get back home and prepare for their next day engagement. (You do
not always have to apologize for closing late).
These will create the right impressions on the congregation hereby sparking up
more interest. When people trust your mid week service with respect to time,
they can invest their own time to attend too.

should I come to mid week service exists in the subconscious of your ministry
members. The secretly check the value of the service and decide the
opportunity cost of not attending. To give the mid week service an advantage
in this thought process you an create special services depending on the
majority of church attendees.
a. Sex
b. Relationship
c. Finance
d. Business
e. Football
So give your mid week service the preparation a Sunday service gets.
7. INFLUENCE COMMANDERS: Call the Persons who command Influence within
the church and encourage them to attend. There persons within the church
membership who command a level of influence. The strategy is to have a talk
with them and bring them into your mid week service boost strategy team.
Their presence will encourage their followers and protégés to also start
way and manner the led pastor approaches the service affects the member’s
willingness to attend. The silent thought is … if it is not important to pastor
why should it be important to me? Every pastor must realize that conscious
and unconscious utterances and appearance sends salient messages to
members. Their interpretation of your signals can influence their response and


Your mid-week services invitation should be well structured with e-copies
graphics and short videos. There are persons who may not even attend your
Sunday service but prefer your mid week service because of the level of
preparations and content. Graphics and videos will help to drive interest.

10.ONLINE OPTIONS: Thank God for smart phones, create an option for persons
who could not make it to the location can participate through the online
streaming. Building a smart church starts with making accessibility to services
smart. Make your online service accessible to the world. You will be shocked
how many persons will keep a date with your mid week services.
11. INVITE GUESTS MINISTERS: Music and Word ministers as guest usually
attract some persons who love to see and hear new content. Inviting guest
ministers to your mid week services can be very interesting as it will pull the
attention of some persons to attend the service.
12. RECOGNIZE CONSISTENT MEMBERS: Foe ministries that are not in large
number yet, the ministry can spot persons that are consistent with the mid
week service and appreciate them. Use their consistency to encourage others.


The Average human loves to copy whatever is working. When there are
testimonies form the mid week services, it will be a good to amplify them. Talk
about them and make sure it is broadly shared and posted to encourage
others to attend.


Once in a while, you can create departmental services with your mid week
services. Example: You can assign a midweek service to be handled by the
choir or media or men or women etc depends on what works for your
ministry. The department of the day will handle the operations, invite their
friends, and maybe do a presentation if possible but the lead pastor still
delivers the message of the day.

15. INTERACTIVE PRESENTATIONS: Create an interactive set up where people can

ask questions on matters bordering them. You can get a panel of discussant to
provide answers to these questions maybe in a specific field. This gives direct
value to the realities of members.

The Mid Week is not a lesser service and thus should not be given a lesser
preparation. The full equipment should be used especially when we hope to
get people to attend it like a Sunday morning service.

We hope this material has blessed you.

You can reach us for more information and support on church administration
and growth solutions.
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