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Creative Arts 2018 Sept

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Creative Arts Grade 8 1 September Controlled Test 2018 | GRaDE/oIVisiON | SASTRI COLLEGE CREATIVE ARTS GRADE 8 SEPTEMBER CONTROLLED TEST 2018 Aeguom Servare Mentem EXAMINER: —T.A.Thandrayan MODERATOR: _N. Z. Zondi MARKS: 40 DURATION: — 1Hour INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 2. You have been allocated FIVE minutes reading time before the start of the examination. 2. ANSWER QUESTION 1 AND QUESTION 2 IN THE SPACE PROVIDED ON THE QUESTION PAPER. ANSWER QUESTION 3 AND QUESTION 4 in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 3. Write neatly and legibly. QUESTION 1: VISUAL ARTS MATCH THE TERM IN COLUMN A WITH THE STATEMENT IN COLUMN B. WRITE ONLY THE CORRECT LETTER IN THE ANSWER COLUMIN ON THE QUESTION PAPER. COLUMN A COLUMN & ANSWER 14 Create __|_A.__Things in an artwork which are very different to each other | 1.2 __ Shapes 8.__To look at the world and ask questions about what you notice 1.3 _Comtrast____|_C._ Change of colour from light to dark 7 = 1.4 _Unity |b. Organic, Geometric, Figurative, Non-figurative, Complete 15__Critical Thinking | _£.__ A series of points from one place to another F _To make something that did not exist befo: G.__ The different parts of an artwork H._This partis calied the focal point Creates harmony in an artwork J. _Asignature on an artwork (a0) QUESTION 2: DRAMA ‘STATE WHETHER THE FOLLOWING ARE TRUE OR FALSE. WRITE TRUE OR FALSE IN THE ANSWER COLUMN ON THE QUESTION PAPER. [ANSWER | 2.4 _The main character suffers abad outcome in a tragedy —_ : 2.2_A comedy is a funny play that is about something that would probably never happen in life. 2.3 _A double take is an important technique used in tragedies. oe He 2.4 _ Sophiatown is an example of a popular South African musical. oH 2.5 Puppet shows are only popularwith younger audiences. a | i 10) Copyright reserved Please turn over cre Arts Grade 8 2 September Controlled Test 2018 GET QUESTION 3: PRACTICAL CHOOSE A WORD FROM THE LIST TO FILL IN EACH BLANK IN THE PASSAGE, WRITE ONLY THE CORRECT ANSWER NEXT TO THE NUMBER IN YOUR ANSWER BOOKLET. [ LIST OF WORDS I audience director | history madiba multimedia producer rehearsals rivonia singers stage i study ‘traditional ver several years pupils at Sastri College have been learning about freedom icon Nelson Mandela, sna next week they will bring their school lessons to the (3.2.3). Pupils, many of whom are in mathe this year, will relive historic events surrounding Mandela in the play ‘The Spear, the Nation, the | Future’ on July 21. The production includes Sastri College alumni, and celebrates 100 years sine the | birth of Madiba, “We are reviving (3.1.2) Magic,” satd Habi Singh, chairperson of the Sastrt Alumni pesocintion. The theme of Mandela Day this year Is #BeTheLegacy, which is meant to spur youth into becoming heroes themselves through social development work, At (2.1.3), dozens of puplis broke out | into song and dance, each learning what freedom songs stood for. Singh sald: “Many of the pupils acting here, including our lead actor and actress in the roles of Mandele and Winnie are in Grade 12 sett ave ceceifced important (32.4) time to bring this play to life." The (3.1.5) and theatrical performance has a cast of 50, including dancers, (3.1.6), and a videographer who had put together rlitimedia. packages to enhance scenes such as the icon 1994 freedom moment and Madiba's wvedding to Winnie, “The (32.7) willbe treated to (3.1.8) and modern dance forms together with 2 | Sequence of actions that marked Miadiba as a ‘wanted man’. His capture will be dramotl ed as the etroduction to the (2.1.9) Trial and his 27 year imprisonment,” Singh said. After Mandela's death in 2013, Singh felt pupils lacked knowledge about apartheid (3.1.10). “We hope this play will Brow our pupil's understanding of the contribution by struggle heroes to our freedom,” he added. Before the | play, a garden tea and talk by John Samuel, the former chalrperson of the Mandela Foundation is set | 19 take place at the Sastri College Convention Centre. Go} QUESTION 4: CAREERS IN ART AND DESIGN ‘Anew Visual Arts and Desizn College is opening in Durban. Students wil be able to study there fora career inthe Arts and Design field. You have been asked to create an Ad size, full colour poster to advertise en Open Day at the college. Include the following in your design: . ‘The name of the college . The address of the college . Information about the Open Day . What students can study at the college . How to register at the college . Details about the college website (10) {cateria for Assessment: Colour (2) Layout (2) Lettering (2) images (2) Creativity (2) TOTAL MARKS: 40 PLACE THIS QUESTION PAPER INSIDE YOUR ANSWER BOOKLET AND HAND TIN TO YOUR INVIGILATOR. Copyright reserved

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