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Grade 9 History Study Guide

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2022 November Grade 9 History Study Guide

Natural Science (Prestige College Hammanskraal)

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Table of Contents:


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Treaty of Versailles 1919 and brief summary of German punishment

January 1919, representatives of 32 countries met at Palace of Versailles in
Paris, to draw up peace settlement.
Germany not invited.
Europeans, especially France, were bitter and angry, they blamed Germany for
the war and thought they should be punished.
Negotiations went on for six months
“Big Three” taking charge: Lloyd George – Britain, Clemenceau – France,
Woodrow Wilson – America
Most countries did not want to be harsh on Germany, Clemenceau had his way.
He said Germany should be brought to their knees, so that they can never start
a war again.
Carrying out of this statement lead to World War II 20 years later, 1939.
The Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919, exact day Archduke
Ferdinand had been assassinated 5 years earlier.
Germany was treated harshly.
The German people felt bitter about the peace treaty.
Their bitterness grew stronger and eventually helped Adolf Hitler to come into
power in 1933.
He promised to ‘break the shackles of Versailles’. The Treaty of Versailles is
seen as one of the major factors that led to the outbreak of World War II.
Summary of Germany’s punishments
Germany was forced to sign a ‘war guilt’ clause which meant that it had to
accept responsibility for causing World War I.
Germany had to pay reparations of £6.6 million to the Allied powers
Military restrictions were placed on Germany. These included:
–The German army was limited to 100 000 men.
–Germany was not allowed to have an air force.
–The German navy was limited to six battleships and no submarines.
Germany lost 13% of its land, which meant the loss of nearly six million people.
Germany lost all its colonies.
The Weimar Republic
During the war, Germany also faced other serious problems. There were severe
labour and food shortages and the German people were facing starvation.
There were uprisings and the Social Democrats were worried that there would
be a revolution.
In December 1918, elections were held for a National Assembly tasked with
creating a new parliamentary constitution.
On February 6, 1919, the National Assembly met in the town of Weimar and
formed the Weimar Coalition.
They also elected SDP leader Friedrich Ebert as President of the Weimar
It was named this way because the leaders met in the city of Weimar to draw up
a new constitution.
Germany then became a democracy with the most liberal constitution in

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Nazi's foreign policy & its aims

Nazi’s aggressive, expansionist foreign policy for Lebensraum
Once Hitler was in power (leader of Germany), he started an aggressive
expansionist foreign policy.
This was because he wanted to expand the borders of Germany to create a
large, united Germany.
He was even prepared to use force to take over the land belonging to other
He was prepared to go to war to achieve his aims.
Three main aims of Hitler’s foreign policy
1. Undo the terms of the Treaty of Versailles by re-arming Germany, getting back
the land that Germany had been forced to give up and German’s pride.
2. Uniting all Germans living outside Germany (in Europe), by taking over the areas
they lived (Czechoslovakia and Poland) and uniting with Austria into one united
“Greater Germany”.
3. To gain lebensraum (living space) so that he could build a large German empire
by taking over Europe.
Nazi’s found Slavs who lived in Eastern Europe inferior and felt that they should
make a room for German expansion
Capitalism vs Communism
Capitalism Communism

System of government is democratic System of government is dictatorship

Property is privately owned Property is owned by the state

Driven by free enterprise No free enterprise is allowed

Wealth distributed unevenly Wealth distributed equally

Education and health care provided Education and health care provided
by private entities by the state

Freedom of the press Class Classless society: all members of

distinctions: upper class, middle class society are considered to be equal
and working class

Focus is on the individual and his/her Focus is on the progress of the

own progress in life community as a whole

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Apartheid & its laws

Apartheid and the myth of ‘race’
The policy of apartheid was introduced in 1948 by the National Party. Apartheid is
the Afrikaans word for “apartness”. This policy was designed to keep white South
Africans separate from black South Africans and to discriminate against black
South Africans.

Racism was the foundation of the apartheid system

Racism is the false idea that certain groups of people are better than or
superior to others
Racists divide the human race into different ‘race groups’ and believe that it is
acceptable to exclude or dominate certain certain groups on the grounds of
their race.
The whites-only government rules SA and held all the positions of power. All
the laws benefited white people.
All South Africans were divided into categories called

Some of the Apartheid laws

Beaches,parks, toilets and nearly all

public amenties were segregated.
Separate Amenities Act
White people were allowed to use the
best amenities.

Black children received an inferior

Bantu Education Act education in different schools to
those of white people.

All African men had to carry a

'reference' books or 'pass' books.
Passes were used to control the
"Passes" Act movement of African male workers. If
a man was found without his pass, he
was arrested. Passes for women were
introduced later.

Special areas were set aside as

residential and business areas for
different 'race' groups. Many people
were forced to move under this act.
Group Areas Act
Police were sent to move people who
resisted. Bulldozers were often used
to flatten the houses where black
people had lived.

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Any person or organisation that the

National Party (NP) did not like, was
Suppression of Communism Act and called a 'communist' or 'terrorist' and
the Terrorism Act banned. People were arrested,
detained and located without trial
under these acts.

This law classified all South Africans

Population Registration Act into Europeans (whites), coloureds,
Indians and Africans.

This system of 'homelands' or

Bantu Self Government Act 'bantustans' for African people - one
for each 'ethinc' group.

These laws forbade marriages

Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act between black and white people and
and the Immorality Act made it illegal for black and white to
have sexual relations with each other

Job colour bar

During the 1920’s many white people were very poor. In the 1920’s Prime
Minister Hertzog introduced the ‘civilised labour’ policy which was a policy also
known as the job colour bar and was a policy of affirmative action for white
people. White people were given jobs rather than black people, and a white
person was paid more for doing the same job as a black person.

Racial segregation in South Africa began during colonial times, when powerful
nations like Britain took control of South Africa and tried to impose British
culture and language. After the British defeated the Boers in the South African
War (1899–1902), negotiations led to the Union of South Africa and the South
Africa Act (1910), which gave white people complete political control over all
other race groups and excluded black South Africans politically from South
Africa. There were other laws as well, such as the Natives’ Land Act (1913) that
allocated about 87% of the land to white people, the Urban Areas Act (1923) that
introduced residential segregation and provided cheap black labour for
industries owned by white people, and the Colour Bar Act (1926) that reserved
skilled jobs for white people. Most racial segregation and many laws were
designed to protect white people economically, and segregation was not
structural, the way apartheid would be, because it did not legally force the
different ‘races’ in South Africa to be completely separate.

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The Group Areas Act was created to divide 'racial groups' up into different
residential areas of towns and cities. People were moved to special residential
areas reserved for their 'population group' only. White people got the most
attractive and most valuable areas and the areas nearer to the business areas
of the cities. The Group Areas Act also stated that 'non-whites' were not
allowed to own or run businesses in the white areas. When the areas were
defined, anyone living in the 'wrong' area had to move, or else was moved by
force. Very few white people had to move and they were usually moved to
better areas than where they had been living.
Sophiatown was near the centre of Johannesburg and had a really mixed
population. It was situated near white working-class suburbs. When the
National Party implemented the Group Areas Act, they thought that
Sophiatown was too dose to where white people were living, Sophiatown was
classified as a white group area.
Sophiatown was destroyed under apartheid. The forced removal from
Sophiatown was part of the government's apartheid plan to turn the residential
and business areas of cities and towns white. They did this by forcibly
removing black South Africans to 'locations' or 'townships', away from the
white areas.
Residents of Sophiatown held regular meetings to try to co-ordinate resistance
to the forced removals. But, on 9 February 1955, 2000 heavily armed police-
men arrived in Sophiatown. They forcefully moved:
*the black families to Meadowlands, Soweto
*the 'coloured' people to Eldorado Park, in the south of Johannesburg
*the Indian community to Lenasia
*the Chinese people to central Johannesburg.
Before long the place was a wasteland of rubble. A white suburb was developed
on the site. The govemment called it Triomf (Triumph) and white working class
people moved into the newly built suburb.
PAC formation
The ANC was formed in 1912. By the 1950s, it had many members, but they did not
always agree on all issues.
Some of them thought that the ANC's form of peaceful protest was not
effective and they wanted to protest in more effective ways.
Some thought that the ANC should not allow white people to become
members, because they thought that black people should control the
resistance to apartheid.
In 1959, this group broke away from the ANC and formed the Pan African Congress
(PAC). The PAC's leaders were Robert Sobukwe and Potlako Leballo.

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After the PAC was formed, it decided to hold an anti-pass protest on 21 March
1960. The ANC also planned one, for later that same month. It was planned to
be a peaceful protest, where black people would refuse to carry passes. They
would go to the local police stations and offer to be arrested for not carrying a
pass. They would be arrested and taken to jail. This would flood the jails and
leave no-one doing any work, so the country would suffer. They believed that
the government would be forced to get rid of the passes.
Marches and protests were planned for many parts of the country. The PAC
handed out pamphlets telling people about the protest and gathered a lot of
support. In Sharpeville, people were also upset at increases in the rent they
had to pay, so many were strongly supportive of the PAC in its actions.
The PAC was banned
On 8 April 1960, the government banned the PAC. Banning meant that the
organisations were not allowed to exist in South Africa. People were not allowed to
become members or to hold meetings. People could be arrested and jailed for
being members. Some of their leaders and members went to live in exile in other
Effects on PAC
The PAC was banned soon after the massacre. They went underground and
carried on working against apartheid in secret. People could be arrested for
being members of these organisations so it was dangerous to be known to be
an PAC member.
Some leaders were arrested. For example, Robert Sobukwe was arrested and
then released and arrested again.
Some PAC leaders and members went into exile. They went to live in countries
that supported the PAC, and worked from there to end apartheid.
The PAC realised that trying to change apartheid through peaceful methods
was not going to work. They both formed armed wings - parts of the
organisations that could use violence to try to change apartheid. The ANC
formed Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), which means the 'Spear of the Nation'. The
PAC formed Poqo, which means 'Standing Alone'. MK used sabotage to try to
make the government change its policies. The ANC did not plan to kill people
with its acts of sabotage. It wanted to hurt the economy of South Africa by
damaging government buildings and facilities.
The Sharpeville massacre is seen as a turning point in South African history
because the resistance to apartheid changed afterwards. People realised that the
government was not going to change unless they became more violent.

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