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Great Omega COLLEGE

Third Term SS1 2023/2024

Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note

Week One
Class: SS1

Prayer is a means by which an individual communicates and listens to God. Prayer is

very important in the life of a Christian. It is a mean of interacting with God and it
also serves as a weapon of defence against evil ones. Jesus taught us the importance
of prayer in life because he used every situation or event to communicate with his

James teaching on effective prayer/conditions for effective prayer (James 1:2-8, 5:13-

According to the passage, a very important condition for effective prayer is that we
must pray without doubting the reality of God. James compares such a doubting
Thomas to “wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind”.

Faith is therefore a necessary condition for effective prayers. Another necessary

condition is that our prayers should spring from the right motive, for this reason, they
should ask for God’s wisdom to direct them on the right thing to ask God.

Again, christians must confess their sins before God and take decision to forsake them
so that God can hear their prayers.

Finally, there should be an element of righteousness in us, for the bible says that the
fervent prayer of the righteous has great power in its effect. James gave example, he
said that prophet Elijah was a righteous man whose prayers were effective. Elijah
prayed that the rains should cease for three years and six months and it was so, when
he prayed again it came pouring on the earth bringing back life.

Jesus Taught His Disciples How to Pray (Matt. 6:7-13)

Jesus taught his disciples to pray in the secret for he who sees in secret will reward
them. He also told them to avoid babbling empty words as the Gentiles or unbelievers
do with reputation for our heavenly father knows the things we need before asking

Jesus taught his followers to pray thus:

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors;
And lead us not into temptation;
But deliver us from evil



Lack of faith on the part of the person praying.

Unforgiving spirit on the part of the person praying.
Unnecessary repetition of words.
Lack of concentration.
Asking wrongly. Asking against the will of God or to make a wrong use of what we
ask for like spending it on our passions.
Lack of consistency or not being steadfast in praying.
Lack of repentance from personal sins.

Types of Prayer
James, in his teaching, mentioned various types of prayers that ought to be prayed at
various times and conditions, these are:

Prayer of Adoration is mentioned.

“Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise” (James 5:13)

Prayer of Petition and Intercession are also mentioned.

“Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray
over him….” (James 5:14)

Prayer of Confession is mentioned as well.

“Therefore confess your sins to one another” (James 5:16).

Prayer of Adoration: In this type of prayer, we acknowledge God as the maker and
controller of the universe by giving him honorific names and praises. Here we
mention the titles of God.

Prayer of Petition: Requesting things from God for personal purposes. Here also the
prayer must be specific and resolute. In other words, we have to describe the exact
nature of our difficulty and feeling to God.

Prayer of Intercession: Here, we pray for the good and salvation of others. Thus,
praying on behalf of others especially for those who cannot pray for themselves.

Prayer of confession: In it, we ask God to help us avoid sin, seek forgiveness of our
sin when our weakness overcome us. It helps us to restore our relationship with God.
We also use this medium to ask God’s assistance in order to curb wrong inclinations.

How Prayers are Misused by Christians Today

1.Paying money for prayers/consultation fees for prayers/ commercialization of
2. Cursing people in prayers/praying against enemies.
3. Praying at the wrong time when there should be working/substituting prayer for
4. Shouting or making noise to disturb others.
5. Prayers for the highest donors/bidders.
6. Substituting prayers for righteousness.
7. Praying with selfish motives.
8. Praying not in accordance with the word/will of God.
9. Idolatry in prayer/praying to religious leaders instead of God.
10. Effectiveness of prayers wrongly associated with material objects. e.g. salt,
candle, stickers, anointing oil etc.

Week Two
Class: SS1

St. peter, appealed to Christians not to conform to the standard of this world. They
should avoid the passion of the flesh and things that hinder their spiritual growth.
They must maintain good conduct among non-Christians so that in case of false
accusation people would see their good deeds and glorify God.

Again, Christians are expected to be subjected to every human institution and to civil
authorities. By so doing, they would put to silence, the ignorance of the foolish man.
As men who lived under the freedom of Christ, they should not use their freedom as
pretext for evil. But as servants of God, they should honour all men, love their
brothers, fear God and honour their leaders.

Peter advised servants to submit themselves to their earthly masters. Even when there
is a case of unjust punishment, they should bear it. To buttress his point, peter cited
the case of unjust suffering of Jesus as an example. When Christ was revived he did
not revile back, when he suffered, he did not threaten but he trusted in God. Christians
should therefore follow the good examples if Jesus Christ in all things.

In summary, Christians should maintain high moral standard wherever they find

How to Promote Good Relationship Among Non-Christians

1. Teaming up with non-Christians to develop community.
2. Contributing to the meeting the needs of non-Christians.
3. Take part in social activities with non-Christians.
4. As much as possible, tolerate the activities of non-Christians.
5. Attending programmes organized by non-Christians.
6. Christians being tolerant of other religions.
Christians must be well informed about other religions.

Week 3
Class: SS1
Topic: How Christians can live their daily lives to support of Peter’s description of
1. Christians should render quality services to God.
2. Christians should have respect for authorities, elders of the community and laws of
the country.
3. Christians should perform their civic responsibilities such as payment of taxes, dues
4. Render possible assistance to the needy.
5. Assist security agents whenever possible in maintenance of peace and order in the

Paul’s statement as children of the light (Rom. 13:11-14)

Paul admonishing Christians concerning the nearness of their salvation how for as
many as believed advised them to cast off the work of darkness and put on the
weapon of light. He encouraged them to walk as if it was already the day without
reveling and drunkenness, nor in fornication, licentiousness, strife and jealousy.

He concluded by telling them to put on the Lord Jesus and have no provision for the
flesh to fulfil it lusts.

Week Four

Here, Peter focuses his message on the type of inter-personal relationship that ought
to exist among fellow Christians. However before this we wish to point out that the
Christian community or the church is a society made up of the leaders, elders and
youth with each having its own duties and obligations.

Peter enjoined the elders to find the flock of God not by constraint but willingly not
for shameful gain but eagerly, not as domineering over those under them but example
of the flock of God so as to be crowned with glory when Jesus is revealed.

The younger ones should be subject to the elders. They should clothe themselves with
humility towards one another for God opposes the proud but gives grace to the

Peter advised Christian generally to humble themselves before God so as to be exalted

by him. They should cast their anxieties on God, for he cares for them.

The duties of a good church leader

1. To ensure the spiritual and physical development of his followers.
2. To serve as a shining example to the church members.
3. To live a modest lifestyle.
4. It should encourage the people morally and give them spiritual counselling.
5. He should pray for the congregation and intercede on their behalf continually.

Factors which may cause conflict in the church

1. Negligence of one’s duties and obligations.
2. Lack of respect or regard for constituted authority.
3. Failure to forgive one another.
4. Unwillingness to participate in societal building.
5. Jealousy and envy.

Causes of conflict among Christians

1. Bribery and corruption in the church
2. Jostling for power and position in the church
3. Differences in doctrines
4. Ostentatious lifestyle of some church leaders and their followers.
4. Determining who is using the real spirit of God and who is not.
5. Envy and jealousy
6. Fornication among the young and between the young and the old.
7. Problems that confront church leaders today
8. Disregard for authority
9. Rivalry between the youth and the elders
10. External opposition from government
11. The status of women, gay marriage
12. The finance of the church
13. Doctrinal differences among various denominations.

Situations which call for humility among Christians

1. Opposition from members of other faith

2. Opposition from unfaithful.
3. Opposing examination malpractices.
4. In the performance of civic responsibilities like payment of taxes.

Week 6
class: SS1

Christians are to be loyal to their masters and as well behave in accordance with their
high calling. Paul advised the Christians to live the life of Jesus by avoiding all
disgraceful conduct as a son. Christians are to live above social vices such as:
corruption, drug abuse, sexual promiscuity, cheating, examination malpractice,
smoking and fornication so that those who might speak against them might see their
good deeds and as well promote the spread of the gospel.

Tolerance and Peaceful Co-Existence

Tolerance is fair, objective and permissive attitude towards opinions, beliefs and
practices that differ from one’s own.


Tolerance is being patient, understanding and accepting of anything different.

Examples of tolerance: Muslims, Christians and atheist being friends.

Peaceful Co-Existence
Competition without war or a policy of peace between nations or widely deferring
political systems and ideologies especially between communist and non-communist
nations e.g. between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

Moreover, for peaceful co-existence to exist, Christians should behave well in the
community so as to distinguish them from non-Christians attitude. They should live in
harmony with both Christians and non-Christians irrespectively of what the
community might look like. They should submit to the constituted authorities,
promote inter-personal relationship indiscriminately in the community where they
bring they belong. They should be loyal to their masters and as well fulfil their civic

Week 8
Class: SS1
Topic: Civic Responsibilities

Civic responsibilities refers to the duties we have to perform as citizens of the country
to promote order, peace and progress development.

These duties must be done in obedience to the constituted authorities.

Examples of Civic Responsibilities of the Citizens are:

1. Obey the laws of the land.

2. Respect all laws fully made by constituted authorities.
3. Pay all taxes, bills and levels as at when due.
4. Respect other people’s right.
5. Protect public properties.
6. Voting during elections.

Week 9
Class: SS1

Firstly, persecution in an act of molesting a person or a group of people. It involves

harassment, intimidation, oppression, incarceration and physical assault which may
lead to the death of the victims. Persecution may come as a result of one’s religious or
political belief. In the case of Christianity, persecution comes as a result of the
Christian’s faith, determination, boldness and full commitment to the service of God.

Secondly, Peter advised the Christians to see persecution as a necessity to the test of
their faith. He advised Christians to rejoice when they are always encountering trials
and persecution as it is their share of Christ’s suffering. Since Jesus Himself, the role
model passed through suffering during his ministry.

Persecution to Peter is the strengthening of the Christ faith just as the fire refines gold,
so hope in him for the crown of glory provided the suffering is not as a result of
criminal involvement.
Suffering for the sake of Christ and for one’s faith in him, Christians should rejoice
and serve God with gratitude, knowing their present trials and sufferings are temporal
since the glory of Jesus would be revealed unto them.

According to Peter, Christians should not be ashamed of suffering for Christ, for the
sake of our religion for the time had come for judgement to start in the household of
God. Since salvation could not easy for the righteous man. He advised them to live a
holy life since the creator Himself is holy.

Jesus Message on Love of Enemies (Matt. 5:38-48)

Jesus reminded the Christians of this message which commanded them not to reward
evil with evil, nor refuse to lend to anyone that counts to borrow from them. Here He
instructed them to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them for them
to become sons of their father who is in haven for He causes sun to rise on the evil
and good and send rain on the just and unjust.

Loving only one’s lover, to him has no reward for him even the tax collectors and
Gentiles do the same. He concluded by asking them to be perfect as their heavenly
father is perfect.


Jesus was persecuted for the sins He committed not. He passed through arrest, trial
and crucifixion. Jesus during His persecution uttered seven words on the cross and
one of them is “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”.

Jesus asked His father to forgive His enemies just as He had taught on the love of
one’s enemies.

Sufferings and the Christian Faith

Suffering is meant to prove the genuineness of their faith and make them worthy to
reach heavenly inheritance.
It is regarded as the Christians share in Christ suffering which will finally reach to
eternal glory.
Persecution should not be seen as evil but as something that strengthen, only genuine
faith in Christ.
Christian’s Attitude to Persecution

Persecution should be received with joy and gladness for it is the share of the
Christians in Christ’s suffering.
The fear of God should be the Christians watch word.
Christians should praise and as well pray to God during persecution.
Christians should not allow themselves to be weighed down by their sufferings rather
should remain holy for God is holy.
Week 10
Class: SS1
Impartiality, in the literal sense means “the practice of treating persons and issues on
their own merits and the intrinsic worth as humans

It means the non-inclination of human beings to such repulsive tendencies as

favouritism and preferential treatment as well as other obnoxious. That is to say that,
it the act of not following one person more than another.

To be partial means to discriminate/to be unjust and unfair to a person or group of


St. James’ Teaching on Impartiality (James 2:1-13)

James advised all Christians to do away with any act of partiality in the church. He
says that partiality is made known when well dressed and poorly dressed people come
to church and the poorly dressed are asked to stand up for a well-dressed person. This
is partiality. God often honours those who are despised on earth but are humbly
faithful in spiritual affairs because it is the earthly rich who are oppressors of the
faithful poor. They drag them to court without a cause. All Christians should observe
the royal law which says “love your neighbour as yourself”.

If you show partiality, you commit sin and you are convicted by the law, for point has
become guilty of all of it. If one commits adultery but does not kill, he is guilty of
breaking the law.

Therefore all our thoughts and actions must be in consonance with observation of the
law of liberty. A Christian who fails to show mercy to the oppressed will receive
God’s condemnation.

Negative Effects of Discrimination in the Church

1. It creates division in the Church.

2. Discrimination discourages unbelievers from accepting the gospel.
3. It creates under utilization of the talents of members.
4. Discrimination creates frustration and discord in the church and society.
5. Discrimination could lead to break-away of members.
6. Discrimination retards the spiritual growth and the expansion of the church.
7. Discrimination reduce the commitment level of the congregants.

The Effects of Partiality in the Society

In any country where partiality exists, there are bound to be tribalism, sectionalism,
favouritism and nepotism. And these have a great negative effect on a country in the
following ways:

1. It brings disunity in the nation.

2. It promotes disunity and unhealthy rivalry.
3. It does not foster sense of belonging.
4. It encourages greediness and selfishness.
5. It encourages sycophancy and praise singing.
6. At the end, the nation will have no chance to develop because partiality is an enemy
of progress and development.

Areas of Partiality in Today’s Churches

1. Appointment to church offices are often based on other considerations other than
2. Allocation of seats in churches during occasions depends on social status not
morality. Some even ask the poor to get up for the rich who must have come late.
3. Contributions made by the poor are not recognized.
4. Burial services of the rich are better attended by church dignitaries than the burials
of the poor faithful Christians.
5. Only the poor participate in daily church labour.
5. People who contribute much money are the ones known in the church and given
positions of honour.
6. Even some pastors visit only the well to do members of their congregation.
7. The various committees in the church are open headed by the rich and they are not
allowed a say in the affairs of the church.
8. Only the rich have access to product at bazaars.

Human Beings are Equal before God

Before God, everyone is equal especially in the church. Christians should not show
any form of distinction or discrimination as is against God’s command. Christians are
expected to live a life free of partiality by preaching against it in all ramifications and
its total eradication. Christians should love their neighbour as themselves.

The Golden Rule

Therefore all that you wish men would do to you so also do to them for this is the law
and the prophets. Christians should not, coming to their part show favouritism but
must show mercy, since mercy, influence judgment.

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