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Trade Apprenticeship Scheme at RRCAT (TASAR)

Government of India
Department of Atomic Energy
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology
Indore, Madhya Pradesh

Advertisement No. RRCAT-1/2024

Trade Apprenticeship Scheme at RRCAT (TASAR)
Engagement of Trade Apprentices under Apprentices Act 1961

हिंदी रूपांतरण

Date: 26 June, 2024

Advertisement Detail:

1. Applications are invited for engagement of 21 numbers of Trade Apprentices in Secretarial Assistant
trade and stenographer (Hindi) trade under extant provisions of Apprentices Act, 1961 and
Apprenticeship Rules, 1992 at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore,
Madhya Pradesh. The date of commencement of the batch is 23/08/2024 and the duration of the
apprenticeship is 1 year. The trade apprenticeship scheme at RRCAT is a part of National
Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS).

2. Facility for submission of online application will be available from 1000 hours of 26/06/2024 to 1500
hours of 25/07/2024 on RRCAT Apprenticeship Portal.

3. The reservation for Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other Backward Classes – non-
creamy layer (OBC-NCL) will be as per the extant provisions of Apprenticeship Rules 1992.

4. Efforts will be made to reserve places for SC, ST and OBC (non-creamy layer) in each trade as per the
ratio / percentage suggested in extant provisions of Apprenticeship Rules 1992. However, it may not be
always possible to implement this policy if the number of training places in a trade is small. In such cases,
training places will be reserved on the basis of total number of apprentices in all designated trades. Out of
21 training places, 3 are reserved for SC, 4 are reserved for ST and 3 are reserved for OBC (non-
creamy layer only).

5. If the number of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes is insufficient to fill up the training places
reserved for them, then the shortfall may be filled by the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribes.
Similarly, if the number of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribes is insufficient to fill up the training
places reserved for them, then the shortfall may be filled by the candidates belonging to the Scheduled
Castes. If some training places reserved for either Schedules Tribes or Scheduled Castes or both are still
left unfilled, then these training places may be filled by candidates not belonging to the Scheduled Castes
and the Scheduled Tribes.

6. If the number of candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes (non-creamy layer) is insufficient to fill
up the training places reserved for them, then the shortfall may be filled by candidates not belonging to the
Other Backward Classes (non-creamy layer).

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7. Age Limits: The age of the candidate shall be in the range 18 to 22 years as on the date of
commencement of apprenticeship i.e. the date of birth of the candidates shall be from 23/08/2002
to 22/08/2006.

8. Amount of Stipend: The stipend is ₹ 11,600/- (Rupees Eleven Thousand Six Hundred only) per

9. Apprentice Registration: All aspiring candidates must be registered on NAPS portal

https://www.apprenticeshipindia.gov.in/. It is an official website of the Central Government for exchange of
information on Apprenticeship.

10. List of trades, vacancies and minimum qualification

S.No. Vacancies Qualification – Passed ITI in the trade of

Secretarial "Stenographer & secretarial assistant (English)" OR

1. 20
Assistant "Secretarial Practice (English)" OR Stenographer (English)

Stenographer "Stenographer & Secretarial Assistant (Hindi)” OR

2. 1
(Hindi) “Stenographer (Hindi)"

11. Application process:

a. Candidates shall register themselves at NAPS apprenticeship portal

https://www.apprenticeshipindia.gov.in/. Candidates shall fill up all the data including their
Aadhaar number correctly. Candidates shall also upload scanned copies of the following originals at
the apprenticeship portal while registering:

i. Date of Birth certificate / 10th class passing certificate

ii. 10th class mark-sheet in “Academic Qualification”
iii. ITI certificate in “Technical Qualification”
iv. Photograph
v. Disability certificate (if applicable)
vi. Signature

b. Candidates must register at RRCAT apprenticeship portal after registering at NAPS apprenticeship
portal. Only online applications will be accepted through RRCAT Apprenticeship Portal. Registration
number issued by NAPS apprenticeship portal is mandatory for applying through RRCAT
apprenticeship portal.

c. Submission of fraudulent and wrong information on the RRCAT Apprenticeship Portal is a serious
criminal offence and is subjected to the provisions of the Indian Penal Code. It is strongly advised
that such attempts shall not be made.

d. Candidate should read the general instructions given in the advertisement carefully before making
any entry or selecting any option. Candidate shall enter all the required details while filling up the
online application form.

e. Name and date of birth should be filled exactly as it is given in their Aadhaar card. Candidate must
also ensure that same name and date of birth is provided while registering himself / herself on
NAPS apprenticeship portal. Any corrections/updating required in the Aadhaar data must be
done prior to registering on both the portals.

f. Before filling application form, candidates should keep ready scanned copy of the following in jpg /
pdf format in 300 kB file size for each document:

i. Date of Birth certificate

ii. 10th standard board examination mark sheet
iii. All semester or all year ITI mark sheet and NCVT/SCVT Trade Certificate
iv. Aadhaar card
v. Passport size color photograph
vi. Signature
vii. Caste certificate (if applicable)
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viii. Disability certificate (if applicable)

g. Candidate is required to fill up personal, educational and other details as per the documents
available with him / her.

h. Candidates shall immediately start the process of getting a police verification certificate of
address mentioned on their Aadhaar cards. This will be required on the date of reporting for
joining the apprenticeship scheme. There is no specified format for this certificate. The
candidates may use formats prevalent in the locality.

i. No request for change / correction in any particular in the application form shall be
entertained under any circumstances after final submission of the application on the portal.
Therefore, before clicking the submit button, the candidate is advised to check that all the details
filled in are correct. Submission of wrong information will lead to disqualification.

j. After final submission, the application form will be generated by the system. Candidates are advised
to save the soft copy and take a printout of the application form generated by the system and keep it
safely for future reference.

k. Candidates are required to bring the print out of the application form during physical verification of
the documents.

l. Incorrect / incomplete online applications will be summarily rejected.

12. Selection Procedure:

The applications will be sorted on the following basis:

a. Candidates shall have passed ITI either in 2019 or after 2019. Candidates who passed out ITI
in 2018 or before are not eligible to apply.

b. RRCAT reserves the right to increase the number of training places up to 50% of the originally
specified training places subject to (i) reservation criteria of apprenticeship rules 1992 and (ii) a
capping of 15% of total number of employees of the organisation applied on the total number of
apprentices engaged by the organisation.

c. Candidates must have passed the 10th class board examination prior to taking admission in ITIs and
secured a minimum of 40% in aggregate in 10th class board examination.

d. The merit list will be prepared on the basis of 'one third of percentage of marks in ITI' and 'two third
of percentage of marks in 10th class'. The sum will be rounded off to two places of decimal. In case
of a tie, a candidate having higher percentage of marks in 10th Class board examination will be
accorded a higher rank.

e. The merit list will be displayed on RRCAT Apprenticeship Portal on 01/08/2024

f. Candidates appearing on the merit list shall confirm on or before 07/08/2024 that they are willing to
join the apprenticeship. A link for confirmation will be made available through email. The candidate
shall keep record of their login and password as they will be required for confirmation. The
candidates shall check RRCAT Apprenticeship Portal and their emails regularly. All candidates
who confirm to join trade apprenticeship scheme at RRCAT shall immediately start tracking
the process of getting their police verification certificate of address mentioned on their
Aadhaar cards. This is a mandatory document for joining the programme.

g. A final merit list will be published on the RRCAT Apprenticeship Portal on 09/08/2024 based on the
confirmations received and number of training places.

h. Candidates appearing on the final merit list shall appear for document verification personally at
RRCAT at 1000 hours on 19/08/2024. Following documents will be physically verified:

i. 10th standard board examination mark sheet and certificate

ii. ITI mark sheet and Trade Certificate
iii. Caste certificate (if applicable)
iv. Disability certificate (if applicable)
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v. Aadhaar card
vi. Police verification certificate of address mentioned on the Aadhaar card.
vii. Savings Bank Account Number and Pass book
viii. Hard copy of national apprenticeship portal registration confirmation email
ix. Hard copy of online application form
x. self-attested photocopies of all above mentioned documents
xi. Two recent passport size photographs.

i. If some of the selected candidates do not appear for physical verification of documents or their
documents are not found in order or they reject the offer; then the opportunity will be passed on to
the next candidates in the merit list, on the spot.

j. Medical examination of candidates will be conducted immediately after all documents are physically

k. Candidates, declared medically fit, must report at RRCAT and join the apprenticeship programme on
23/08/2024; otherwise their candidature will be cancelled and their offer will stand withdrawn.
RRCAT reserves the right to permit late joining in deserving cases on merit of the case.

l. If a selected candidate, whose documents are found in order but fails to get an offer; then he / she
will be placed on a waiting list. Such candidates may be given offers at a later date also.

m. Candidates from waiting list may be called for joining the apprenticeship batch in case vacancies
exist due to (i) withdrawal of candidature or (ii) if some of the candidates, who have accepted the
offer earlier but did not report at RRCAT on 23/08/2024.

n. If necessary, a new supplementary merit list may also be published for joining at a later date.

13. General Instructions

a. No correspondence will be entertained with the candidates.

b. Any form of canvassing will result in cancellation of candidature.

c. No TA/DA will be paid for attending physical verification of documents or at the time of
commencement of the apprenticeship.

d. The engagement and training are strictly in compliance with the provisions of the Apprentices Act
1961 and Apprenticeship Rules 1992.

e. There is no obligation to provide regular Employment on completion of apprenticeship

training. The process of employment at RRCAT is a separately conducted exercise in which the
apprentice may participate if he or she is eligible.

f. Those who have already attended the trade apprenticeship training elsewhere will not be
considered for apprenticeship in the same trade.

g. RRCAT will conduct its own medical examination of the selected candidates. A candidate will be
assumed to have agreed to this condition by applying for a trade apprenticeship at RRCAT.

h. Hostel facility for apprentices is available at monthly charges of ₹ 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) per
head. In addition, electricity will be charged at actual basis. Hotel and electricity charges are subject
to revision and will be deducted from the monthly stipend of the apprentice availing hostel facility.

i. Apprentices will have to make their own transport arrangements.

j. RRCAT will conduct the trade apprenticeship with periodic assessments at a frequency and duration
decided by the training In-charge. The apprentices must make efforts to learn the trade during the
‘on the job practical training’ with utmost sincerity and perform satisfactorily in the periodic
assessments. It is assumed that the trade apprentices are acquainted with skills they learnt during
their ITI training. A consistent bad performance in these internal assessments may lead to
termination of the apprenticeship as per the extant provisions of Apprenticeship Act 1961 and
Apprenticeship Rules 1992.

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k. The medium of instruction will be Hindi / English. Commonly used technical terminologies will be
utilized during instructions irrespective of the medium of instruction.

l. RRCAT is a unit of Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, engaged in R&D in non-
nuclear areas of lasers, particle accelerators and related technologies. It has its own residential
colony within its campus and near to technical area. The whole RRCAT campus is under
surveillance of CCTV cameras with round the clock security managed by CISF.

m. At RRCAT, there is zero tolerance for any action detrimental to dignity of women. In order to ensure
safe and secure workplace for women, RRCAT has constituted following committees:

i. Women's Welfare Committee: to discuss problems faced by working women and suggest
solutions to mitigate them.
ii. Internal Complaints Committee: The committee has been constituted to follow provisions of
the "Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act

n. RRCAT is governed by special provision like Atomic Energy Act 1962. The employees are civilian
employees and are bound by the aforementioned act and CCS conduct rules 1964. In all matters of
conduct and discipline, the apprentice shall be governed by the rules and regulations prevalent at

o. Disrespectful, belligerent, dishonest, procrastinating and escapist behaviour of an apprentice will

hamper the outcome of this training scheme. Therefore, if such things are brought to the notice of
RRCAT authorities and the apprentice does not correct himself / herself even after three official
memos then his / her apprenticeship may be terminated in consultation with Apprenticeship Adviser.

p. Where the contract of apprenticeship is terminated for failure on the part of the apprentice to carry
out the terms of contract, the apprentice shall refund to RRCAT as cost of training such amount as
may be determined by the Apprenticeship Adviser. In such event, the apprentices shall not be
entitled to enter into another contract of Apprenticeship under the Apprenticeship Act 1961 with any
other organisation.

q. After successful completion of the apprenticeship, apprentices will be awarded National

Apprenticeship Certificate issued online by Controller of Examination (DGT) through apprenticeship

r. For any queries or clarifications send email to tasar@rrcat.gov.in

14. Summary of Important Dates:

S.No. Description Start Date End Date

A. Date of Birth 23/08/2002 22/08/2006

26/06/2024 25/07/2024
B. Online application by candidates
(1000 hours) (1500 hours)

C. Declaration of merit list 01/08/2024 -

D. Confirmation by shortlisted candidates 01/08/2024 07/08/2024

E. Declaration of final merit list 09/08/2024 -

F. Reporting for document verification 19/08/2024 -

G. Document verification and medical examination 19/08/2024 21/08/2024

H. Apprenticeship period 23/08/2024 22/08/2025

Assistant Personnel Officer (R)

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USER GUIDE for Filling Online Application Form for TASAR

Compatible browsers
Microsoft Internet Explorer(IE) version 7+ and Firefox version 3.x browsers are compatible for this website. Lower
versions of mentioned browsers may cause trouble in data mapping and application form processing. Javascript
of browser should be enabled for this website. Acrobat PDF Reader version 6+ should be installed on your

Read the following instructions carefully before doing User Registration for online application

1. User registration requires some of your personal details like Name, Gender and Email address .
2. Carefully read age limit and selection procedure before online submission of application.
3. Please enter valid, active and unique email address. After successful completion of User Registration step,
you will receive further details on this email address for completion of online application submission.

Read the following instructions carefully before filling online application:

1. Carefully read Application process.

2. Candidate can edit application details and preview the application form before final submission of
3. Candidate will have to enter credentials (Email-id and password) for completing the process of final
submission for printing the application form.
4. Only JPG files are allowed to be uploaded for coloured Photograph and Signature.
5. For other documents(duly self attested) JPG/PDF files are allowed to be uploaded.
6. Maximum file size to be uploaded is restricted to 300 KB.
7. Print button and Final Submission button will be enabled only after entering marks details of ITI
and SSC and uploading all the mandatory documents.
8. Final submission of application will require authentication through OTP which will be sent on
applicant's personal mobile no. and email.
9. After completion of final submission, application details can not be modified.
10. Only finally submitted applications will be considered for further processing.
11. After Final Submission, candidates are required to generate a print out of the application which
would be required to be produced at the time of document verification at RRCAT.
12. Please use your registered email ID for future reference and correspondence.
13. For any queries send mail to tasar@rrcat.gov.in
किसी भी प्रश्न के लिए tasar@rrcat.gov.in पर मेल भेजें

Click Here To Apply Online For TASAR-2024

Last date for online submission against ADVERTISEMENT NO. RRCAT-1/2024 (TASAR-2024) is upto 1500
hours of 25/07/2024.

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last updated on July 09, 2024
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