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8 authors, including:
Kanchan Shukla
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University
All content following this page was uploaded by Kanchan Shukla on 02 January 2024.
Objective: This paper reviews the impact of different flap approaches in dental implant surgeries, focusing
on their influence on outcomes and the principles guiding their use.
Background: Implant dentistry aims to restore aesthetics and functionality in edentulous patients through
osseointegrated implants. Flap elevation during implant placement enhances visibility of landmarks but
may lead to complications like morbidity, discomfort, and tissue loss. Various flap designs and principles
are employed to address these challenges.
Methods: The review analyzes diverse flap designs, principles, and their implications in implant dentistry,
emphasizing their impact on esthetics, bone preservation, and surgical outcomes.
Results: Different flap approaches like flapless, vestibular incision, papilla sparing, and others are assessed
in terms of their advantages, limitations, and impact on soft tissue aesthetics, bone resorption, and surgical
success. Principles guiding flap design and management for esthetic implant therapy are also outlined.
Conclusion: Preserving inter-dental papilla through appropriate flap designs is crucial in preventing bone
denudation and subsequent resorption post-implant placement. Adhering to principles and employing
suitable techniques ensures consistent and favorable esthetic outcomes in dental implant surgeries.
Application: This review highlights the significance of flap approaches in implant dentistry, offering
insights into optimizing surgical techniques and promoting patient-centered outcomes, contributing to
enhanced esthetic and functional restoration.
Address of correspondence: Dr. Akash Raj Sharma, Department of Prosthodontics & Crown & Bridge, Subharti Dental College
& Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University Meerut.
Email address: - itsdocakash@gmail.com Phone no: 7376017017. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10425733
Submitted: 27-Oct-2023 Revised: 15-Nov-2023 Accepted: 27-Nov-2023 Published: 25-Dec-2023
Bibliographic details: Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation Vol. 3(3), Dec 2023, pp. 40-49.
wound dehiscence will ultimately lead to • Principle 25: Atraumatic wound handling
increased scar formation. avoids tension and pressure to the flap that
• Principle 18: Tissue trauma, such as may lead to impaired blood flow and
stretching, tearing, or distortion, should be interrupted lymph drainage.
avoided through appropriate and careful • Principle 26: Controlling intraoperative
reflection and manipulation of tissue flap. bleeding (adequate hemostasis) is
Excessive trauma from retraction may necessary to avoid the possibility of
cause increased swelling and delay hematoma formation, another causative
healing. factor in delayed wound healing.
• Principle 19: The integrity of the • Principle 27: Practitioners should strive to
periosteum should be maintained eliminate the formation of any dead space
throughout. The periosteum will serve as a in which fluids might collect after wound
barrier against the connective tissue cells closure1.
so that these cells cannot invade the bone • Principle 28: The use of proper suture
cavity during the healing process and materials with an atraumatic needle must
prevent a complete bone fill. be practiced. Further, practitioners must
• Principle 20: Providers should avoid have exceptional surgical knotting and
oblique relieving incisions over prominent suture selection techniques.
root surfaces because recession may result • Principle 29: Avoid any local or external
if there is an underlying bony dehiscence. pressure on the wound during the healing
• Principle 21: In cases of reduced quantity period. Educate patients about the
of keratinized tissue, it is beneficial to importance of postoperative care.
position the crestal incision toward the • Principle 30: In situations involving non-
palatal aspect, the area where more submerged implants, it is recommended to
keratinized tissue as it extends onto the reposition the flap edge upward
palatal mucosa. postoperatively. This is aimed at
• Principle 22: When employing graft preventing excessive growth of the
materials or membranes during gingiva above the healing cap or cover
procedures, it is advisable to incorporate screw. Achieving this involves orienting
relieving incisions at a minimum of one the connective tissue (periosteum) toward
tooth proximal to the augmentation area. the healing cap rather than positioning the
Principle 23 emphasizes that in situations epithelium in that direction.
where uncertainty arises regarding the
necessity to expose anatomical structures The advantages and disadvantages of various
like the incisive nerve, or when flap designs have been enumerated in Table
augmentation techniques might be no. 1.
necessary, opting for a wider flap design
that includes the papillae becomes
obligatory. Flap design and management
• Principle 24: For larger implant sites that considerations for esthetic implant
are 8 mm and larger, choose a mesiodistal therapy[11]:
crestal incision of 5-6 mm to allow for
nonreflection of papillary tissue. For sites The planning and execution of incisions
that are less than or equal to 7 mm within the esthetic zone should adhere to
mesiodistally, there is a need to reflect the biological principles and consider the desired
papillae. esthetic outcome. Various incision and flap
designs have been identified for implant and predictable soft tissue aesthetics, a crestal
implant-related surgeries in this zone, bone height of 5.0 mm or less is deemed
including flapless, vestibular incision, papilla necessary. After extraction, buccal bone
sparing, envelope, triangular, and trapezoidal resorption results in substantial vertical
techniques. Proper surgical planning requires reduction of the buccal crest. Immediate
time and a multidisciplinary approach, implants placed with a flapless technique do
ensuring comprehensive treatment planning not prevent alveolar bone resorption and show
and appropriate case selection for each no impact on dimensional changes of the
technique to minimize complications. extraction socket over time compared to those
Specifically tailored incision planning should placed with a flap. Both flapless and flap
be conducted with a focus on the desired implant placement techniques exhibit high
esthetic result. Emphasizing patient-driven success rates; however, a flapless protocol, by
outcomes through diagnostic mock-ups or avoiding potential scars and trauma to
esthetic try-ins during the initial stages of supracrestal gingival fibers, may offer
therapy aids in treatment planning. Utilizing a superior esthetic outcomes in certain clinical
multidisciplinary approach and prioritizing scenarios. Flap designs based on need for flap
biologically predictable results for each advancement is shown in the figure 1.
surgery is essential. Employing a flapless or
vestibular incision technique, when suitable, Conclusion
minimizes anterior maxillary surgical
interventions critical for predictable esthetic
Preserving inter-dental papilla through
outcomes. Therefore, prior to any surgical
different flap designs is crucial, as it aids in
procedure, thorough consultation involving a
preventing the denudation of interproximal
discussion of expected outcomes and
bone near adjacent teeth from the periosteum.
treatment options is imperative with the
This preservation plays a vital role in averting
patient and treatment team.
deleterious effects on bone nutrition,
consequently leading to reduced resorption
Guidelines for implant placement advocate for
following dental implant placement. By
the implant-abutment interface to be
adhering to these principles and employing
positioned 3 mm apically and 2 mm palatally
appropriate surgical techniques, consistent
to the gingival zenith at the alveolar bone
and favorable esthetic outcomes can be
crest. These guidelines consider the biologic
reliably achieved.
width along the abutment and the stability of
thicker buccal tissue following implant
placement. In surgical contexts, a flapless References
approach is often favored to maintain soft
tissue aesthetics. Studies have indicated that 1. Lemos CA, Ferro-Alves ML, Okamoto R,
single implants placed using a flapless Mendonca MR, Pellizzer EP. Short dental
approach exhibit less soft tissue recession implants versus standard dental implants
compared to those placed using a flap placed in the posterior jaws: A systematic
approach. Preserving supracrestal gingival review and meta-analysis. J Dent
fibers has been linked to predicting 2016;47:8–17.
postsurgical attachment levels. A direct
correlation exists between crestal bone height 2. Ledermann P. Complete denture provision
and the stability of soft tissue indicators of atrophic problem mandible with aid of
influencing esthetic success.[12-18] For cbs implants. Quintessenz. 1977;28:221-6.
Table No. 1
Mid crestal incision • This flap can be used for • Requires sufficient
both one- and two-stage buccal and palatal
implant surgery tissues
• Buccal and
palatal/lingual bone
grafting is possible
Figure 1: Principles for achieving passive flap extension. This figure categorises the
surgical flap designs based on the amount of flap advancement that may be achieved by
each technique, shown in the boxes on each axis. The authors recommendation for each
category based on experience, are highlighted in yellow. The centre of the triangle lists
determining factors which are key principles that determine the degree of flap advancement
and success of the guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedure. “Other modifying factors”
also may have an effect on flap advancement.