IO-Link Offline Parameterization

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Offline Parameterization

Installation/User Instructions
Brief Description of IO-Link

IO-Link is a serial digital protocol standardized in accordance The IO-Link device communicates with the IO-Link master via
with IEC 61131-9 and intended for use in automation technology. a point-to-point connection. An IO-Link system consists of:
The technology links sensors and actuators to an automation
system. Switch states (on/off) and analog signals are transferred  The IO-Link master
between the above-mentioned components using state-of-  The IO-Link device
the-art technology. IO-Link is also used to read status information  An unshielded three, four, or five-core standard cable
from the system and to transmit parameterization information  An engineering tool for project planning and
to the sensors and actuators (IO-Link device). Parameterizing IO-Link
 The relevant IODD device description files or
device drivers

Industrial Ethernet


IO-Link master

Fieldbus/Industrial Ethernet

IO-Link master IP20

Port 1 Port 5

Port 2 Port 6

IO-Link master IP65/67


10/100 Network



Port 3 Port 7

Port 4 Port 8

Example of system architecture with IO-Link

IO-Link Offline Parameterization
Using PACTware

The manufacturer-independent, fieldbus-independent PACTware operating software can be used

to parameterize and operate IO-Link devices easily outside the plant, e. g., from a desk. In
addition to the IODDs that are always available, device-specific DTMs (device type managers) can
be obtained for numerous Pepperl+Fuchs IO-Link sensors. These allow users to conveniently
operate the sensors via a graphical user interface.

1 Installing the Software 4

1.1 Downloading the Software 4

1.2 Installing the Software Bundle 5
1.3 Adding IODDs Using IODD DTM Configurator 5
1.3.1 Add IODD 6
1.3.2 Add Multiple IODDs (folder) 6
1.3.3 Add Multiple IODDs (*.zip) 7
1.3.4 Add IODD from IODDfinder 7
1.4 Installing Additional Device Software 8
1.4.1 Selecting the Device Drivers 9
1.4.2 Downloading the Device DTM 9
1.4.3 Installing the Device DTMs 9

2 Offline Parameterization 10

2.1 Hardware Components 10

2.2 Opening PACTware 10
2.3 Reading Process Data Cyclically 10
2.4 Reading Parameter Values 11
2.5 Reading Parameter Values Cyclically 11
2.6 Writing Parameter Values 12
2.7 Cloning Parameter Values 13

1 Installing the Software

1.1 Downloading the Software

All the files you will need to commission your IO-Link device Select Products  Industrial Communication  IO-Link 
can be downloaded as a single software bundle from IO-Link Software Tools to navigate to and download the software bundle.

Direct link:

1.2 Installing the Software Bundle

The installation package for offline parameterization of IO-Link

contains the following components: PACTware DC 5.x, drivers
for IO-Link USB master, IODD interpreter DTM.

 Unzip the ZIP file and start the installation by double

clicking on “IO-Link_ParamTool_Setup.exe.”
 The checkmarks indicate the components to be installed.
 If necessary, select Microsoft .NET Framework to be
included in the installation.
 Agree to the license terms and then click “Install.”
 Follow the subsequent instructions for the installation

1.3 Adding IODDs using IODD DTM Configurator

 Open the “IODD DTM Configurator” program.

 You have several options for adding IODDs to the catalog.

1.3.1 Add IODD

Adds an individual IODD to the catalog.

1.3.2 Add multiple IODDs (folder)

Adds a complete folder, which may contain several IODDs,

to the catalog.

1.3.3 Add multiple IODDs (*.zip)

 Adds an archived folder, which may contain several

IODDs, to the catalog, e. g., IODD download from the
Pepperl+Fuchs website.

1.3.4 Add IODD from IODDfinder

 Allows full access to the IODDfinder database at  Select the IODD file version you need for the device (IO-Link icon, highlighted in blue here), and click
 The filter mask can be used to filter by a manufacturer “Add selected IODD.”
and device. Enter “Pepperl+Fuchs” for the manufacturer  An active internet connection is required!
and the relevant device for the device (here:

1.4 Installing Additional Device Software

 Search for the required IO-Link device

(here: OMT100-R100-2EP-IO-V31).
 Click the search result (item name).

1.4.1 Selecting the Device Drivers

 You will be taken to the product page, which contains

information about the device (datasheets, certificates, etc.).
 The downloads for commissioning a device with IO-Link
can be found under the “Software” tab.

1.4.2 Downloading the Device DTM

Clicking “Software” takes you to the software section for the

sensor. You can now download the device DTM for the sensor
free of charge.

Note: The IODD can be downloaded from the “Software”

section instead of using IODDfinder. See section 1.3.3.

1.4.3 Installing the Device DTM

Note: If an older version of the device DTM is installed, this

must be uninstalled first!

 Navigate to where you saved the downloaded device DTM.

 Unzip the ZIP file and start the installation by double
clicking on “setup.exe.”
 Follow the instructions for the installation process.

2 Offline Parameterization

2.1 Hardware Components

 Connect the IO-Link-Master02-USB to the PC using the Note: Sensors with a low current consumption are powered
USB cable. directly via the USB master. The additional external power
 Connect your IO-Link device to the USB master using the supply for the IO-Link-Master02-USB is required for sensors
relevant cable. with a higher current consumption.

2.2 Opening PACTware

 Open PACTware DC 5.0.

 A new project opens automatically.
 The device catalog updates automatically.
 Click “Search for devices…”.
 PACTware adds the IO-Link USB master and the connected
IO-Link device to the project automatically in the
 Click “Yes” in response to the “Read from device (upload)?”
dialog box to synchronize the parameter values displayed in
PACTware with the parameter values on the device.

2.3 Reading Process Data Cyclically

 Click “Process data” in the device selection menu to open  Click the “Enable cyclic read from device for process data”
the process data view. icon to start cyclic reading of all process data supplied by
 By default, PACTware does not request process data the device.
cyclically and only saves the values acquired when the data  Move the connected IO-Link device to trigger a change to
was last read, e.g., after a connection was established. the data/distance.

2.4 Reading Parameter Values

The reading of parameter values is shown using  This screen displays all the key product information, e. g.,
identification data as an example: product name, item number, serial number, etc.
 Application-specific information can be saved to the device
 In the device selection menu, click “Identification” to open in this view via the “Application Specific Tag” and “User
the device information view. Tag” parameters.

2.5 Reading Parameter Values Cyclically

Enable parameter data to be read cyclically to display up-to-  Click the “Enable cyclic read from device for dynamic
date diagnostic information and observation data from the variables” icon to start cyclic reading of all supplied
device. variables that change in the device.
 This screen displays all the key diagnostic information, e. g.,
 In the device selection menu, click e. g., “Diagnosis” to operating hours counter, temperature indication, etc.
switch to the device diagnosis view.

2.6 Writing Parameter Values

The writing of parameter values is shown using Note: The modified parameters can also be transferred to the
switching signal 1 as an example: device via the “Write to device (download)” icon. In this case,
all data (changed and unchanged) is written, which takes more
 In the device selection menu, click “Parameter” to switch to time.
the device parameter view.
 Change the value for “Switching Signal 1 – Setpoint 1” to
70 mm. Press Enter to confirm the entry.
 Click the “Write different values to device” icon.
 The device adopts the new switch point.

2.7 Cloning Parameter Values

 Cloning parameter values enables quick and easy  Click “Import the dataset from a file” in the icon tray
replication of complete parameter sets for multiple IO-Link selection menu and select the required dataset.
devices of the same type.  All non-standard parameter values are indicated by a
 The created parameter set is exported to a PACTware- corresponding icon.
independent, version-independent XML file format and can  Click the “Write to device (download)” icon to transfer the
then be imported again. complete parameter set to the IO-Link device.
 To do this, click “Export the dataset to a file” in the icon tray  The cloning process is now completed.
selection menu.
 Save the created parameter set on your PC and disconnect Note: A parameter set generated in this way can be read in
the connection to the sensor. any environment using the IODD interpreter DTM and written
 Connect a new sensor of the same type (here: OMT100- to a device of the same type.
R100-2EP-IO-V31) to your USB IO-Link master.

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Subject to modifications · © Pepperl+Fuchs · 07/19

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