Christian Living 7 ST Q1

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Identify the following.
________________1. A Catholic prayer that commemorates the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
________________2. The Angelus consists of three verses from this gospel.
________________3. The number of times Angelus is recited in a day.
________________4. This is the meaning of the Latin phrase “Regina Coeli”
________________5. It is a joyful and celebratory song that praises the resurrection of Jesus
________________6. This is where Regina Coeli was first sung
________________7. Franciscan friar who composed Regina Coeli
________________8. It is one of the oldest and most widely used Christian creeds in the
________________9. Apostles Creed is traditionally believed to be written by them.
________________10. Section in Apostles creed that affirms belief in God the Father, the
creator of the universe.
________________11. Section in Apostles Creed that affirms belief in Jesus Christ, the Son
of God.
________________12. Section in Apostles creed that affirms belief in the Holy Spirit, the
Holy Catholic church, the communion of Saints and the forgiveness of sins and the life
________________13. It is a statement of faith in Christianity that is widely used in liturgy
or worship services.
________________14. This is where Nicene Creed was first formulated.
________________15. A traditional Catholic prayer that is recited at 3:00 PM each day. It is
said to have a significance as Jesus died at 3:00 PM.
________________16. Three O’clock prayer is said to have been revealed by Jesus Christ to
her in the 1930s.
________________17. The most important books in the New Testament. They are the
“heart of all the Scriptures”. They contain the story of Jesus, what He said and did that
brought our salvation.
________________18. Term used to refer to a person that do not lie nor deceive.
________________19. He is the so-called beloved disciple, whom believed by the other
disciples to be an eye witness to Jesus. He heard him speak and witnessed his death.
________________20. He is the angel who told Mary about the good news.
________________21. The mystery of the son of God assuming human nature.
________________22. It separates us from God.
________________23. It gives us hope for our salvation.
________________24. Place where Jesus was born.
________________25. First visitors of Jesus upon his birth.

Fill in the blanks.

1. Apostles Creed summarizes the ______________.

2. Regina Coeli is a hymn that is also known as _____________.
3. Apostles Creed serves as a reminder of the _______________________ that unite
Christians across different cultures and traditions.
4. The Nicene Creed affirms the belief of ____________________________.
5. The Nicene creed also emphasizes the ___________________________________.
6. Three O’clock Prayer is also known as _____________________.
7. The word “gospel” means _____________
8. Jesus means _______________
9. Emmanuel means ___________________
10. ______________ means taking flesh.

Compare and Contrast the Apostle’s Creed and Nicene Creed using the table below.
Characteristics Apostle’s Creed Nicene Creed

Why was it written?


The 4 gospels

Stages of the formation of gospel


Why does the son of God took on a human flesh for our sake and salvation?

How did God show his love for us?

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