CMY Exam Prep

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Which one of the following statements reflects on the definition of sexual harassment?

Inappropriate messages of a sexual nature

Economic circumstances force the elderly to:

Move to poorer parts of the city, Rely on public transport & Compromise on security

The aim of victim empowerment is to provide services within the restorative justice
framework that are accessible… integrated and culturally sensitive.

Which organisation has a special unit for effective crime prevention globally?
The United Nations

Which important element was left out of crime prevention throughout the years?
The community

When parents or caregivers fail to provide children with necessities, it will fall under the
category of? Neglect

The goals of victim support strive to:

• Prevent or reduce secondary victimisation by the criminal justice system by
providing information on matters such as progress with the investigation; the
functioning of the court system; and the rights of victims in the system.
• Prevent repeat victimisation by advising and guiding individuals to maintain a
preventative lifestyle, and by creating awareness among the public of the risks of
• Reduce the psychological trauma victims experience by providing emotional support
and practical assistance, either immediately or shortly after the incident.

The ease at which the offender can conquer the target without much effort, refers to the
suitability of the target`s… physical visibility and accessibility.

Due to the rifeness of stigmatising of victims, many people prefer the term “…” to the term
“victim”. Survivor

What are the requirements for an individual before he/she can benefit from victim support?
Dependent, passive and helpless

Da Costa, Spies and Coetzee (2014) revealed that there is a specific type of sexual abuse
prevalent in families, namely… sexual abuse. child-on-child

Select the most crucial factors linked to successful crime prevention.

• State and community involvement
• Implementation of causation theories
• Multidimensional crime prevention approach
The South African Police Service (SAPS) must combat crime impartially in accordance with
the…Bill of Rights contained in the Constitution

All victims must be treated fairly and with respect regardless of their gender, age, …,
appearance or disability. Circumstances

Diversion programmes dealing with petty and youthful offenders aim to divert this specific
category of offenders… out of the criminal justice system.

According to empirical findings, which single factor contributes to rape and female youth
sex offending, in South Africa? Alcohol

Artz and Smyth (2013), found that elements of sexual harassment include:
• An implied promise of reward for complying with a sexual request.
• Unwelcome sexual attention from another person.
• Unwelcome explicit or implicit behaviour.

Which model stipulates that the early identification and treatment of criminals, especially in
the event of children with psychological problems, play an important part in preventing
crime? Biophysical crime prevention

Facilitating factors cannot be regarded as the fundamental causes of criminal behaviour, but
they can… speed up the crime process.

Child abuse occurs especially in families where one parent (or both) come/s from:
A violent family

Why are drugs a coping mechanism for street children? They can stay awake to combat

According to Geldenhuys (2016) characteristics contribute to the vulnerability of tourists.

These are … Conspicuous and predictable.

Name one effective parental measure that can contribute to the reduction of physical and
verbal abuse of children. Parental training

Statistical data reveal that young people face a much greater risk of being victimised than
older people because of ... their lifestyle.

Identify the myths justifying sexual offences against women.

• Women want to be raped.
• Many women lie about being raped because they regret having sex.
• A woman who says ‘no’ actually means ‘yes’.

Which vulnerable groups do social crime prevention programmes focus on?

The young, the old, the poor and the unemployed
To which one of the following forms of victimisation are women particularly vulnerable?
Marital violence

Embarking on publicity campaigns as an attempt to combat crime refers to:

Making people more security conscious

Utilising CCTV`s in banking halls to detect bank robbers is an example of the …

limiting opportunities from crime.

The probability of a person becoming a victim of crime relates to …Victim vulnerability.

A system of restitution will only benefit victims when offenders … make monetary

Siegel (2011), specifies that age, gender and lifestyle influence the association between
victimisation and marital status because:
• Young people (adolescents and teens) who are too young to get married reflect the
lowest victimisation risk.
• Young people (adolescents and teens) who are too young to get married reflect the
highest victimisation risk.
• Young single people visit public places, such as discos. This exposes them to
interaction with high-risk peers and increases their exposure to violence.

Apart from society, which other institution has also neglected the victim for many years?
Criminal justice system.

Misinformation regarding human trafficking is often fuelled by unreported significant

elements, such as: Manipulation, trauma bonding, deceit, fraud and grooming

Siegel (2011) deems that the rate of female victimsation is closely linked to: Economic

Deterrence can best be explained as, inhibiting criminal behaviour… by state-imposed


Which institution is responsible for crime prevention through effective criminal justice
practises? All levels of government

Young people are often victimised because they… fulfil social roles that demand more
activities outside the home.

When parents fail in their role as natural caregivers, what can happen to children? They are
placed at risk

The mission of the Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP) is to ensure an:

Integrated, holistic approach and coordinated service delivery to victims of crime in an
enabling environment.
The effects of traumatic events such as sexual abuse on young children can be devastating.
They may suffer from… disrupted personality development.

Peacock and Rosenblatt (2013) refer to street children as community children because these
these children… originate from the community.

The philosophy of care and assistance and a specific approach by service providers to deliver
the service they pledged to deliver refers to? Victim empowerment

Violence against youth has no… race or ethnic boundaries.

Victims of sexual crimes in rural areas are less likely to receive support due to… transport
shortages to police stations.

Women must deal with the fact that the criminal justice system does not view marital
violence in the same light as an attack by a… stranger.

Van Dyk`s (1998) verdict about state compensation for crime victims found that many
victims expressed their… dissatisfaction with this system.

Why does human trafficking fall within the priorities of the national crime prevention
strategy (NCPS)? Emphasis is on violence against women, children and a corrupt criminal
justice system.

Which three elements will best describe victimology?

• Measures used by society to respond to victimisation
• Events leading to victimisation
• The victim’s experience

The existence of myths surrounding sexual offences against women allow for shame to rule
over the victim and can contribute to? Increased underreporting

Domestic violence is seldom a single event, it is a/an ... ongoing process

Siegel (2011) notes that the elderly are more susceptible to fraud and scams because they...
have insurance and money.

Child sexual abuse can lead to the dissolution of... intimate relationships.

Finkelhor`s (2009) study found that female sex offenders have a preference for a specific
victim profile: A sibling, relative, step-sibling, foster sibling, or a cousin

Sexual harassment has received more attention in recent years because more women...
enter the workplace.
Crime prevention can be described as measures adopted by ... community, commerce,
authorities and individuals.

In comparison to past statistics, the rate of victimisation of black people is on a drastic ...
and as such the racial victimisation gap is...decrease; narrowing.

Victimisation refers to a person`s violation of human rights as well as a disturbance of

their... safety.

Which type of crime prevention focuses on the early identification of potential law violators,
with simultaneous intervention before a crime is committed? Secondary crime prevention

What enables the victim to regain ownership of the criminal event and its repercussions and
also gives the victim the opportunity to gain control over his/her life? Empowerment

Positivist victimology puts the blame on the... victim.

Which of the following options are examples of appropriate services to crime victims in the
criminal justice system?
(b) Advice on preventive measures
(c) Referral to support agencies
(d) The right to be notified of the outcome of the investigation
(b), (c) and (d)

(a) The right to receive retribution (restitution) from the offender

Which specific reaction related to crime can lead to a restricted lifestyle of the elderly?
fear of crime or victimisation could cause changes in their lifestyle, avoidance of particular
places; and isolation that virtually amounts to house arrest.

In most western countries, care orientated services were originally offered to female...
victims exclusively.

Research indicates that the perpetrator of sexual harassment at the workplace is usually...
older than the victim and married.

Why can abusive parents not be classified in terms of age, gender and educational level?
They come from all spheres of life

Children are being exposed to violence, not only as direct victims, but they are also...
forced to witness acts of violence against others.

Victim precipitation assumes that the victim`s behaviour can explain:

The criminal’s actions

The pain caused by the violation of crime forces victims to...

question themselves.
What is the biggest challenge for victim support in South Africa?
1. Insufficient coordination between existing service networks
2. Unreliable programmes and monitoring
3. Accommodating high numbers of victims
4. State funding and coordination

The Victim Empowerment Policy (VEP) will remain purposeful if it strives to ...
remain well-informed with the latest developments in victim empowerment.

Behaviour modification attempts to change one's conduct positively by: reinforcing

appropriate behaviour with privileges

Collective incapacitation refers to: Imposing the same sentence on everyone who has
committed the same type of crime

Research conducted by Cooper (2008) found that 25% of their elderly respondents reported
being victims of: psychological abuse

The objectives of punishment transformed from punitive punishment towards approaches:

rehabilitation and restoration

The possibility that the victim's behaviour might have been the spark or the provocation
that ignited the subsequent offence fits the definition of: Victim precipitation

Research conducted by Van der Hoven and Maree (2005) indicates that repeat victimisation
relates to the fact that
• The risk of victimisation increases for subsequent victimizations
• Previous crime victimisation is a good predator for subsequent victimisation
• Victimisation tends to occur soon after the previous incident

Elimination of crime opportunities originating in the physical environment refers to which

level of crime prevention? Primary

Conservative Victimology is also known as .. realism: left

Which factor may contribute to children choosing a life on the streets?

Academic qualifications of the parents

The boost explanation of repeat victimisation is dependent on the of the initial offence:

One of the aims of victim offender mediation (VOM) is for the offender to: Take
responsibility for the harm caused
The Department of Correctional Services has seven programmes available to address
offending behaviour which are compulsory for offenders serving sentences of .. months or
longer: 24 months

Probable reasons why a large urban area will be more crime-oriented than a rural
community is the greater degree of .. and characteristics of its inhabitants: anonymity,
weaker social bonding

Which of the factors below play a role in the victimisation of the elderly?
• Because the pension pay-out dates are widely known it makes the elderly easy
• The elderly has a reduced income and economic liability which often accompanies
• The elderly is more dependent on public transport and this increases their exposure
to crime

Which level of crime prevention incorporates a pure reactive approach because it revolves
around reducing the seventy of loss? Tertiary

Repeat victimisation refers to a person, objed or place being victimised more than during a
limited period: twice (more than once)

Empathetic, person-centred assistance rendered by an organisation or individual after an

incident of victimisation refers to: Victim support

Early identification and treatment of crimes and criminals, especially in the event of children
with problems, may play an important part in preventing crime. Which model is described
here? The biophysical crime prevention model

Sexual activities between individuals who are closely related by kinship refers to: Incest

as an objective of punishment, is often associated with lex talions, the principle of ’an eye
for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth': Retribution

Dastile’s (2014) research indicates that certain groups of women are more vulnerable to
victimisation than others. These groups refer to: Minority groups, poor women and women
with disabilities

Based on Siegel's (2011) opinion, males are more likely than females to become victims of
1 non-violent crime
2 economic crime
3 conservation crime
4 violent crime

Select the three main components that are linked to a criminal event:
• The criminal
• The victim
• The criminal act

Which theory explains that victimisation is the result of direct victim-offender contact in
conjunction with the co-presence of time and space, a motivated offender, a suitable target,
and the absence of a capable guardian? Routine activities

The effortlessness with which an offender can attain a target refers to: The suitability,
physical visibility and accessibility of the target

Which of the options below are the three factors that safeguard low-risk victims against
dangerous situations?
1 Emotional, professional, social
2 Financial, personal, social
3 Personal, professional, social
4 Psychological, personal, social

John was late for a meeting and neglected to lock his car after parking it upon his return, his
car was stolen. This scenario is a description of: Victim facilitation

Why do drugs serve as a coping mechanism for street children? To be vigilant at night and to
cope with hunger

The mission of the Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP) is: To ensure an integrated,
holistic approach and coordinated service delivery to victims of crime in an enabling

Which form of victimisation are women likely vulnerable to: Intimate violence

The Service Charter for Victims of Crime in South Africa was adopted to: Eliminate
secondary victimisation of victims by the criminal justice process

Limiting opportunities for crime include: Preventing external crime in commerce and

Why can restorative justice be beneficial: Enhances community involvement

Which treatment programme introduces the principles of rehabilitation into all the aspects
of an institution: Milieu therapy

Which three (3) categories of physical injuries can be linked to crime: Minor, moderate,

Which phase is identified during the cycle of violence against women, when the abuser
pleads for forgiveness and promises no more violence: Honeymoon

During the past 20 years the role of the victim in the criminal justice system has been:
Child abuse in families occurs where one parent (or both) come/s from: A violent family

Precipitating factors can be seen as factors offender to commit crime: Encourage

Trauma refers to: Mental distress

The critical victimology paradigm is also known as: Left idealism

The crime prevention model emphasises that the most important units of socialisation,
namely the family, schools, peers and the community, influence behaviour sequentially
• Social crime prevention model

Children who run the highest risk of becoming prostitutes have parents who are...
divorced, alcoholics and drug dependent.

Why do parents force their children out on the street? To supplement family income.

According to Benokraitis (2011) which is one of the best predictors of child abuse and
neglect? Poverty

The Victim Empowerment Policy attempts to shift the focus of state responses to crime and
conviction of the offender, to services rendered to... the victim.

Even though there has been an increase in violence against women by their spouses, there
is no ... that characterises relationships of intimate violence. pattern

23. Characteristics of female sex offenders are described by Da Costa, Spies and Coetsee
(2014) as:
(a) Instability and in the family
(b) Adult male victims are high on their preference list
(c) They target mainly female victims
(d) Young children in the family are victimised
Choose the correct combination
1. (a), (b) and (c)
2. (a), (b) and (d)
3. (a), (c) and (d)
4. (b), (c) and (d)

What enables the victim to regain ownership of the criminal event and its repercussions and
also gives the victim the opportunity to gain control over his/her life? Empowerment

Which specific reaction related to crime can lead to a restricted lifestyle of the elderly?
Fear of victimisation

Victimisation refers to the violation of a person’s human rights, as well as a disturbance of

their... safety.
Siegel (2011) notes that the elderly are more susceptible to fraud and scams because they ...
have insurance and money.

What makes the urban environment more susceptible to criminal activities?

Insufficient structural planning of cities

“The injured person or institution perceives the injury as unfair and unwarranted, they feel
victimised”. Which stage of Viano’s (2002) definition of victimisation is referred to in the
excerpt? Stage 2

Which assumption relates to the characteristics of repeat victimisation?

Prior victimisation can predict future victimisation

For many years the victim was neglected by: The criminal justice system and society

Which specific victim support model does a state compensation scheme represent?
Care model

According to the Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime (2011), victims have four
(4) psychological reactions to crime. Which one of the following options refers to the
victim’s first psychological reaction to crime?
This reaction involves emotions such as shock, fear, anger, helplessness, disbelief and guilt.

Peacock and Rosenblatt (2013) speak of street children as: Community children

Research regarding the commission of violent crime by women is bleak because ...
50% of all women will most likely fall victim to violent crime.

Which poor socioeconomic conditions contribute to diseases that street children can die
from? Overpopulation and lack of proper nutrition

Which kind of crime prevention focuses on the early identification of potential law violators
and simultaneous intervention before a crime is committed? Secondary crime prevention

Which myths can contribute to the reluctance of some police officials to act on a domestic
violence charge?
• The victim is getting back at her/his husband
• A protection order against emotional abuse is uncalled for
• Sexual violence is not common in marriage

What is the biggest challenge for victim support in South Africa? Insufficient coordination
between existing service networks

Poor people are most likely to suffer ... while rich people are mostly victims of ...
violent crime, personal theft.
Victim precipitation assumes that the victim`s behaviour can explain: The criminal’s actions

Central to the Victim Empowerment Policy is the: The South African Charter of Victims’

The flag explanation of repeat victimisation is based on the vulnerability and ... of the victim.

Which type of child abuse is the most prominent in the family cycle?
Sexual abuse

The word “comfort” is directly linked to care centres for victims and awakens feelings of:

The willingness of people in the community to act if they see a crime in progress refers to:
Informal social control

Crime prevention models and programmes are normally based on:

Specific theories and factors that can lead to crime

Tertiary crime prevention mainly focuses on:

The criminal justice system

What is the advantage of involving the community in crime prevention efforts?

Potential victims become involved in crime prevention

Geldenhuys (2016) estimates that there are about ... child prostitutes in South Africa.
40 000

The National Crime Prevention Strategy was introduced in 1996 to ...

eradicate the unacceptable levels of crime.

Which theory attempts to explain and provide an understanding of intimate violence?

Learned helplessness

The problem of human trafficking is compounded by the absence of ...

an official database.

Which two characteristics contribute to the vulnerability of tourists according to

Geldenhuys (2016)? Being conspicuous and predictable

What is the impact of incarceration on offenders? They become powerless

When Ruth reported a case of rape at the police station, she was told by one of the police
officers that she was raped because she wore a mini skirt. The police officer’s insensitive
and harsh treatment towards Ruth refers to:
Secondary victimisation
Positivist victimology places the blame on the ... offender.

Which one of the following options is a practical example of victim support?

Accompanying the victim to court

Radical victimology emphasises that victim rights should not lessen the rights of the ...

Which crime prevention model accentuates that crime may be prevented if potential
offenders are made aware of the high risk of being caught in specific neighbourhoods?

Identify the factor that is essential to the success of an initial offence.

Valuable information about the target

Physical violence between parents is dangerous to children, not only because they are
witnessing the violence, but also because ... they can come between the targets of violence.

A person who has sex with a child is referred to as the sex offender and the child as the
...non-consenting victim.

Which of the reasons mentioned below contribute to the ineffective rehabilitation of

prisoners in South Africa?
• The violent prison culture
• Long-term and life-sentenced offenders
• Overcrowding

Sexual offence statistics are too general and incorrect conclusions are drawn due to ...
a lack of detail in the records.

Identify one reason that can contribute to the likelihood of young people becoming victims
of crime.
Young people are more receptive to promises, great bargains and wonderful opportunities

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