Tetra Max

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses topics related to testing of integrated circuits including fault modeling, test generation, design for testability, and fault simulation.

The purpose of testing integrated circuits is to ensure high product quality and reliability by weeding out defective chips before they are shipped to users.

The three main types of defects that can occur in integrated circuits are defects, faults, and errors. A defect is an unintended physical difference, a fault represents the defect at an abstract level, and an error is a wrong output caused by a defect.

DFT Compiler & TetraMAX

Kate, Yu-Jen Kate Yu Jen Huang Dec 17 2009

VLSI Testing
I t d ti Introduction Fault modeling T t generation Test ti

Design for Testability (DFT) Fault Simulation (TetraMAX) Lab time

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Design synthesis
Gi an I/O function, develop a procedure to Give f ti d l d t manufacture a device using known materials and processes

Predictive analysis to ensure that the synthesized design will perform the given I/O function

A manufacturing step that ensures that the physical device, device manufactured from the synthesized design design, has no manufacturing defect
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Why Testing?
P d t quality Product lit Product reliability

The purpose of testing is to weed out all bad products before they are shipped to users
The number of bad products heavily affect the price of good products

A profound understanding of the principles of manufacturing and test is essential for a designer to design a quality product
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Defect, Fault, and Error

A d f t is an unintended diff defect i i t d d difference b t between th the implemented hardware and its intended design It is caused during manufacture or the use of devices

A representation of a physical defect at the abstracted f f function level

E Error
A wrong output signal produced by a defective circuit It is caused by a fault or a design error

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Testing Problem
What faults to test
F lt modeling Fault d li

How are test pattern obtained

Test pattern generation

How is test quality

Fault simulation

How are test vectors applied and results evaluated


Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Modern IC Testing
STIL 1 0; 110001001 000111000 101000011 111110001

Test program

Passed the test Devise under test (DUT) Automatic test equipment (ATE) Failed the test
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Cost of Test
Design for testability (DFT)
A Area overhead and yield reduction h d d i ld d ti Performance overhead

Software processes of test

Test generation and fault simulation Test programming and debugging

Manufacturing test g
Automatic test equipment (ATE) capital cost Test center operational cost p

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

VLSI Testing
I t d ti Introduction Fault modeling T t generation Test ti

Design for Testability (DFT) Fault Simulation (TetraMAX) Lab time

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Real defects are too numerous and hard to be analyzed

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Fault is a physical defect in a circuit/system
P Permanent Fault: a fault th t i continuous and stable, t F lt f lt that is ti d t bl whose nature do not change before, during, and after testing
Hard fault or solid fault

Temporary fault: a fault that is present only part of the time, occurring at random moments and affecting the system for finite, but unknown, intervals of time
Transient fault, soft error

Intermittent fault: caused by non-environmental conditions diti

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Fault Model and Error

Fault model is a logic effect of a fault
St t l fault Structural f lt
Stuck-at-faults Bridging fault Open fault Transition fault Delay fault

Functional fault
RAM coupling and pattern-sensitive faults

Error is manifestation of a fault that results in an incorrect module output or system state
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Failure is deviation of a system from its specified behavior
Fault -> error -> failure

F il Failure mechanism i a physical or chemical h i is h i l h i l process that causes devices to malfunction Failure mode is the cause of rejection of failed device (effect of failure mechanism), such as open/short interconnections, or degraded parameter values

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Defect Level, Fault Coverage and Yield

Defect Level
Th fraction of devices that pass all the tests but still The f ti fd i th t ll th t t b t till contain faults DL = 1 Y(1-FC) 1-Y(1 FC)

Fault Coverage (FC)

The measure of the ability of a test set T to detect a f f given set of faults FC = N of d t t d f lt / No. of possible f lt No. f detected faults N f ibl faults Can be determined by fault simulation

Yi ld (Y) = No. of good dies per wafer/No. of di Yield N f d di f /N f dies per wafer
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Defect Level and Fault Coverage

DL is measured in terms of DPM (defects per million), million) and typical values claimed are less than 200DPM, or 0.02% R Required FC f DL = 200DPM i d for
Y(%) FC(%) 10 99.99 50 99.97 90 99.8 99 98

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Single stuck-at-fault: line has a constant value M lti l stuck-at-fault: several single SAF occur Multiple t k t f lt l i l SAFs at the same time
a b c

a 0 0 1 1

b 0 1 0 1

c 0 0 0 1

c(a/0) c(a/1) c(b/0) c(b/1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

Yu-Jen Huang

c(c/0) 0 0 0 0

c(c/1) 1 1 1 1

0 1 1

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Single Stuck-at Fault Assumption

ATPG tools assume at most one SA fault is present on the chip under test This assumption is made to simplify the analysis
Detecting multiple faults would complicate ATPG

The SSF model disregards the possible presence of any other faults affecting the test for a target fault SSF assumes no chance of another fault masking the target fault, making it impossible to g g , g p detect
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Number of Single Stuck-at Faults

Number of faults in a Boolean gate circuit
N of PI + No. of gates + No. of fanout branches No. f N f t N ff tb h

Example: XOR gate

24 SAFs
c d j 0/1

1 0

a b

g 1

h i


z 1/0

k 1

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Bridging Faults
Two or more normally distinct points (lines) are shorted together Two types of bridging faults
Input bridging
Can form wired logic or voting model

F db k b id i Feedback bridging
Can introduce feedback
x1 x2 xn . . . F Y x1 x2 xn x1 . . . F Y x2 xn . . . F Y

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Bridging Fault behavior

I1 I2 O1 O2

AND bridges
The bridge acts like an AND gate

OR bridges
The bridge acts like an OR gate

Dominant bridges
Th dominating net always controls th value output The d i ti t l t l the l t t

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Single Cell Fault

Cells can have any implementation All possible cell faults are allowed ibl ll f lt ll d C-testability: constant number of test patterns, independent of circuit size
X1 Y1 X2 Y2 X3 Y3 X4 Y4







Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang



Transistor Faults
MOS transistor is considered an ideal switch and two types of faults are modeled
Stuck-open: a single transistor is permanently stuck in the open state Stuck-on: a single transistor is permanently shorted irrespective of its gate voltage

Detection of a tuck-open fault requires two vectors Detection of a stuck-on fault requires the measurement of quiescent current (IDDQ) t f i t t
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Timing-Related or Delay Fault

Delay fault
G t delay fault: A gate delay f lt occurs when a gate Gate d l f lt t d l fault h t operates more slowly than expected

Path delay fault: A path delay fault assumes that a logic transition is delayed along an entire path

Because delays refers to differences in behavior over time delay faults focus on transition in logic time, values
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

VLSI Testing
I t d ti Introduction Fault modeling T t generation Test ti

Design for Testability (DFT) Fault Simulation (TetraMAX) Lab time

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Testing = test generation + test application + output evaluation FC can be determined by fault simulation Cost of test generation (TG) depends on
Complexity of the fault model Complexity of the TG algorithm Complexity of the DUT y

A test set for a class of faults F is a set of tests T such that for any fault f F , there exists t T such that t detects f
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Test Generation by Truth Table

a b c

a 0 0 1 1

b 0 1 0 1

c 0 0 0 1

c(a/0) c(a/1) c(b/0) c(b/1) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1

c(c/0) 0 0 0 0

c(c/1) 1 1 1 1

Ta/0 = {11}; Ta/1 = {01}; Tb/0 = {11}; Tb/1={10} Tc/0 = {11}; Tc/1 = {00} or {01} or {10} T = {01, 10, 11}
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Undetectable Fault
No pattern can be devised to detect fault U2 SA0
a U1

b 1/0 U2 c U3 Y

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Select a primitive cube to activate fault f S Sensitize all possible paths f iti ll ibl th from th f lt site t the fault it to POs (fault propagation or D-drive)
Continued until a PO has a D or D

Develop a consistent set of primary input (PI) values that will account for all lines set to 0 or 1during D-drive. If not consistent, try another path

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

a c e b a d SA1 h g i f

a 1 1 1 1 1

b 1 1 1 1 1

d D D D

e 1 1 1 1
Yu-Jen Huang

g D D

0 0 0


1 1



Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

VLSI Testing
I t d ti Introduction Fault modeling T t generation Test ti

Design for Testability (DFT) Fault Simulation (TetraMAX) Lab time

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Design for Testability (DFT)

A fault is testable if there is a well-specified procedure to expose it which can be it, implemented with a reasonable cost using current technique DFT
A class of design methodologies which put constraints on the design process to make test generation and diagnosis easier

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Sequential Logic - I


Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Sequential Logic - II
Harder to test
S Sequential circuit h memory i addition t ti l i it has in dditi to combinational logic It takes more clock cycles to activate the fault and propagate the fault effect

x x 1 x x 0 a b 1/0 z H x x x x 0 x x 0 c d

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Scan Design Approaches

MUX scan
Shift register modification i t difi ti

Clock scan

Partial scan Boundary scan

1149.1 (JTAG) 1149.4 1149 5 1149.5

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Mux Scan
Primary Inputs (PIs) Combinational Logic Primary Outputs (POs)

Sequential Logic

Primary inputs

Combinational Logic

Primary outputs

Pseudo Primary Outputs (PPOs) Scan i S input (SI) t

Pseudo Primary inputs (PPIs) Scan output (SO) S t t

Sequential Logic

Controllability and observability

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Scan Cell

PI Combinational Logic


PPO SI T clk lk

mux PPI



Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Sequential Logic Full Scan

Scan_en Scan_in



Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

1. Switch to SR mode 2 I iti li SR 2. Initialize
Load the first pattern

3. Return to normal mode

Apply test pattern

4. Switch to SR mode
Shift out the final state Setting the starting state for the next test Go back to the previous operation 3

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Advantages and Disadvantages

S Scan paths allow use of combinational ATPG th ll f bi ti l Make high coverage possible in reasonable ATPG time and test program length

Area overhead
Scan-in pin (SI), scan-out pin (SO), test mode pin (T), and mux in front of each FF

For large design, back-end re-optimization to fix scan timing is tedious and time-consuming g g

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Scan Synthesis
Scan configuration
Number of scan chains Types of scan cells Storage elements to exclude from scan synthesis How scan cells are arranged within scan chains

Scan replacement
Replace original design to scannable design

Scan reordering
Reorder scan chains

Scan stitching
Connect all scan cells together to form scan chains
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

1. Before DFT Synthesis

Add scan related I/O pins in the design
Add si, se, t t d as th i i testmode the input pins t i Add so as the output pin

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

2. Set Scan Chain Type

Set in .synopsys_dc.setup file
set_scan_configuration -style multiplexed_flip_flop t fi ti t l lti l d fli fl

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

DFT Compiler Flow

HDL Set constrains: scan style, speed, area

Scan-ready synthesis

check dft

Pre-scan DRC Constraint-based scan synthesis: Routing, balancing, g g, g, gate-level opt. p

insert dft

Insert scan

check dft

Post-scan DRC

Preview coverage
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Scan Synthesis Flow

1. Create Test Protocol 2. DFT Check 3. Test-Ready Compile Check Constraint 4. Design + Test Protocol DFT Check

Existing Scan Chain Flow

Top-Level Netlist

Unmapped pp DFT Flow

5. Specify Scan Chain 6. DRC & Preview 7. Scan Chain Synthesis

Mapped DFT Flow

8. Scan Chain Identification

9. DRC & Coverage 10. 10 Handoff Design

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

3.Create Test Protocol

set t t d f lt t test_default_period 100 i d set_dft_signal -view existing_dft -type ScanClock timing {45 55} -port clk port set_dft_signal -view existing -type Reset -active_state 1 -port rst set_dft_signal -view existing -type Constant active_state port test_mode active state 1 -port test mode create_test_protocol

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

4.DFT Check
Pre-DFT DRC Ch k scan d i rule b f Check design l before scan chain h i synthesis dft_drc

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

5.Test-Ready Synthesis
compile -scan

D clk

Q Replaced by DFF D se clk DFF

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

6.Read Design & Test Protocol

Write out the test protocol and scan-ready design
write_test_protocol -output cpu.spf it t t t l t t f Write -format ddc -hierarchy -output cpu.ddc

Read design & test protocol

read_file -format ddc cpu.ddc current_design design link read_test_protocol cpu.spf

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

7.Specify Scan Chain

Set global attributes for scan paths in the current design
set_scan_configuration -chain_count 1 set_scan_configuration -clock_mixing no_mix t fi ti l k i i i set_dft_signal -view spec -type ScanDataIn -port si set_dft_signal -view spec -type S t dft i l i t ScanDataOut -port so D t O t t set_dft_signal -view spec -type ScanEnable -port se active_state active state 1 set_scan_path chain1 -scan_data_in si scan_data_out scan data out so

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Memory Block
add memory wrapper
si so si so







Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Memory Wrapper
Add in step 5
set test point element -type observe [get object name set_test_point_element type [get_object_name [get_pins RAM_64B/D*]] -clock_signal clk point_element -type observe [g _object_name yp [get j set_test_p [get_pins RAM_64B/A*]] -clock_signal clk set_test_point_element -type control_01 [get_object_name [get_pins RAM_64B/Q*]] l k i [ t i RAM 64B/Q*]] -clock_signal clk l lk report_test_point_element

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

8.Scan Preview
Check scan-path consistency Determines th chain count D t i the h i t Allocates and orders scan cells Adds connecting hardware
preview dft -show all preview_dft show preview_dft -test_points all

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

9.Scan Chain Synthesis

Scan replacement Ensures no contention E t ti Inserts test points Optimized the logic
insert dft insert_dft

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

10.Scan Chain Identification

Use when you import an existing scan design in non-ddc non ddc netlist format
set_scan_state scan_existing

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

11.DRC & Coverage

dft d -coverage_estimate dft_drc ti t

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

12.Handoff Design
Report scan information
report_scan_path -view existing_dft -chain all t th i i ti dft h i ll report_scan_path -view existing_dft -cell all

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

13.Handoff Design
Prepare TetraMax script
change_names -hierarchy -rule verilog h hi h l il write -format verilog -hierarchy -out cpu_dft.vg write -format dd -hierarchy -output cpu_dft.ddc it f t ddc hi h t t dft dd write_scan_def -output cpu_scan.def set test_stil_netlist_format verilog f write_test_protocol -output cpu.spf

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

VLSI Testing
I t d ti Introduction Fault modeling T t generation for combinational and sequential Test ti f bi ti l d ti l circuits

D i f T t bilit (DFT) Design for Testability Fault Simulation (TetraMAX) Lab time

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Automatic Test Pattern Generation

G Generate the test patterns for target fault model and t th t t tt f t t f lt d l d keep the number of test pattern as small as possible

H ? How?
Use an ATPG tool which relies on proprietary techniques to speed up and extend the basic D algorithm
Fault list Test Generation Fault simulation Add pattern to test set

Remove all detected fault and select next fault

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Test Set
Yu-Jen Huang

DFT Compiler to TetraMAX

design_dft.v write f verilog hierarchy

-output design_dft.v p g _

read netlist design_dft.v

Simulation Testbenches

Design Compiler

Simulation Library

read netlist library.v


ATE Vectors

write_test_protocol f stil _ _p -out design.spf

design.spf design spf

Fault Reports
run d d i drc design.spf f

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

5 Fault Categories
During ATPG and functional fault simulation, TetraMAX classifies faults into 5 major categories
DT: Detected PT: Possibly d t t d PT P ibl detected UD: Undetected AU: AU ATPG untestable t t bl ND: Not detected

Test coverage

all faults - UD+ AU au_credit

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

DT DT+ PT posdet credit posdet_credit

Yu-Jen Huang

Setup file (CSHRC)
source / / d/ /usr/cad/synopsys/CIC/tmax.csh /CIC/t h source /APP/cshbank/tmax.csh

Invoking TetraMAX


Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Command Input and Script Files

Command input may be specified in many ways
manus, GUI b tt buttons, di l b dialog boxes typed at the command input line read from command fil df d files

By default, TetraMAX aborts a script file when a command returns an error To continue executing scripts, use g
BUILD> set_command noabort

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Multi-line Input in the GUI

Multiple commands may also be entered by separating each command by a semicolon and white space
BUILD> b ild force; read net mylib.v; run build build f d t lib b ild

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Help Command
BUILD> help add
Add Atpg Constraints Add Cell Constaints Add Equivalent Nofaults Add Net Connections Add PI Constraints Add PO Masks Add Atpg Gates Add Clocks Add Faults Add Nofaults Add PI Equivalences

BUILD h l read netlist BUILD> help d tli t

REAd NEtlist [file_name] [-Format <Edif |VErilog | VHdl>] [-Sensitive | -INSensitive] [-Delete] [-Library] [-Master modules] [-Master_modules] [-Noabort] [-Verbose]

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

MAN for Command Reference

Entering man and a command name, a message ID or a DFT rule ID or violation ID will ID, open up the on-line help to the reference page for that topic

BUILD> man getting_started BUILD> man add clock BUILD> man report faults BUILD> man z4-6 BUILD> man m68

// // // // //

a topic a command a command a violation a message ID

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Stop Process
Submit button changes to Stop while performing operation or CTRL+C and CTRL+Break

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Basic Flow
Read in the netlist B ild M d Build Mode
BUILD> read netlist xxx.vg BUILD> read netlist tsmc18.v BUILD> run build_model top_model

DRC mode
DRC> set drc xxx.spf p DRC> run drc

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

1.Build Mode - Read Netlist


1.Read cpu_dft.vg tsmc18.v RAM_64B.tv 1 Read cpu dft vg & tsmc18 v & RAM 64B tv

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

2.Choose Top Module

1.Build 1 Build

2. Choose top module cpu 3.Run

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

3. DRC Mode Choose spf file


2. Choose spf file cpu_dft,spf

3.Run 3R

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

4.Test Mode
Test mode
TEST> report summaries f lt patterns t i faults tt TEST> add faults -all TEST report summaries f lt patterns TEST> t i faults tt TEST> run atpg -auto TEST> report summaries f S faults patterns Increase fault coverage
run atpg -fast seq. (or full seq.) f ( f ll )

Write ATPG patterns

write patterns xxx_atpg.v -internal -format verilog -serial -replace
Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Test Coverage

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

DFT compiler user guide T t M user guide TetraMax id

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab.

Yu-Jen Huang

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