Plant Based Diet
Plant Based Diet
Plant Based Diet
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
Abstract: A vegan diet is built on plant - based foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes, and meals made from plants. A
vegan diet sometimes called a plant - based diet, is quickly increasing acceptance (Petre, 2021). For some individuals, abstaining from
dairy, meat, and any other products produced by animals may seem like a significant sacrifice. Others, however, believe that switching
to a vegan diet is simple, given the many personal and societal benefits that come with it (Sengul, 2022). For instance, many people are
deeply concerned with the welfare of animals. Many individuals find that the prospect of better health is sufficient motivation.
Keywords: children, adolescents, vegan diet, maternal and fetal outcome, food and nutrition
1. Introduction establishing dietary routines that are beneficial for the baby's
healthy growth.
A rigorous vegetarian who abstains from all animal
products—including meat, dairy, eggs, honey, and According to the most recent Dietary Guidelines for the
everything else is referred to as a vegan. A variety of American Diet and the Mediterranean Diet, inadequate
delectable and nutrient - dense foods, including fruits, amounts of crucial minerals and micronutrients (proteins,
vegetables, grains, nuts, and legumes, may (and should) be iron, folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, iodine, omega - 3, and
included in a vegan diet (BROS VEGAN, 2016). A vegan vitamin B12) should be avoided throughout pregnancies and
diet may also include seeds. Animal goods, such as silk, during pregnancy (Boutros et al., 2020). These inadequacies
wool, leather, and fur, are not used by vegans. People often might put the kids at risk for developing long - term
decide not to purchase products tested on animals, including diseases, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease,
animal parts or components, or those that use animal parts as and delays in neurodevelopment.
filters (like certain wines, beers, and white sweets) (Fryer,
2019). This covers products that use animal parts as filters. High standards of cleanliness, the avoidance of potentially
dangerous substances, the provision of adequate amounts of
Vegan impact on pregnant ladies energy and macronutrients, and the satisfaction of the
When a woman is pregnant, her ability to eat a well - requirements (which are frequently augmented) for vitamins
rounded and nutritious diet is crucial to maintaining an and minerals should all be taken into account when planning
environment favourable for good fetal development and a diet for a pregnant woman (Benham et al., 2022).
growth (Avnon et al., 2021) —both the mother and her Therefore, while pregnant, it is crucial to maintain a diet that
offspring gain from this. In line with the theory of "early life is both nourishing and well - balanced. The way that people
programming, " environmental elements and way of life see food and eating has evolved significantly over the last
decisions made While pregnant decide a person's likelihood few decades, even though there is no such thing as the
risk of subsequently acquiring chronic illnesses, as well as "perfect diet, " which is always beneficial and does not
impact a child's overall health. These variables influence the impose any limits (Brytek - Matera, 2020). In actuality, it is
likelihood of later - life regular illness development. During now understood that food is both a basic need for
pregnancy, consuming more macro - and micronutrients and maintaining the body's essential functions and a crucial tool
maintaining a healthy diet is essential (Alnasser & Alomran, for promoting the advancement of a healthy lifestyle.
2023). This creates a significant window of time for
According to the American Dietetic Association and the keep this variable under control (Fryer, 2019). According to
Canadian Dietary Association, vegetarianism may be recent studies, vegetarian diets may be associated with better
pursued throughout one's life, including when pregnant weight control in pregnant women, resulting in less or
(Clarke, 2018). Despite being linked to various potential comparable weight gain to omnivorous diets. The subjects of
nutritional risks for the mother, it has significant health this study were vegetarians.
implications for both the mother and the children. There is
now a rising trend toward healthier lives, which includes Effects on Children and Adolescents
selecting better foods and a rise in environmental awareness Vegetarian diets are often associated with a lower risk of
and sustainable lifestyles. An increasing number of exposure to dangerous chemicals. Increased intakes of
individuals worldwide are calling for a decrease in the use of antioxidants and other bioactive substances, which can
meat and products made from it and an increase in the usage provide further protection against the impacts of
of organic products (Domke, 2018). These decisions are environmental variables, are another characteristic of it
often linked to healthier lifestyles. They may thus be (Gingerella, 2019). As a result, not only during the
associated with many health benefits during pregnancy, not development of the pregnancy but also during that of the
only for the mothers but also for the unborn children. neonates and later in life, the feeding pattern may
substantially impact the offspring. It is well known that
Vegan Impact on mother's health nitrate, nitrite, and N - nitroso compound exposure may
A vegetarian diet may have various possible effects on increase the likelihood of a kid having a brain tumour or a
pregnant women, although generally speaking, there is little neural tube anomaly. The most significant dietary sources of
data to back up these statements. It is believed that doing so these compounds are cured beef and smoked fish, the two
may assist in decreasing blood pressure and, consequently, foods that vegetarian diet patterns do not include. However,
minimize the chance of developing pregnancy - related these compounds may also be present in high concentrations
hypertension illnesses such as preeclampsia and eclampsia in pickled vegetables (Gallagher et al., 2022). On average,
(Franziska, 2021). Additionally, it was shown that the children born to vegetarian mothers are less likely than meat
prevalence of proteinuric hypertension was significantly - eating mothers to have conditions connected to nitrate,
decreased. These findings support the hypothesis that nitrite, and N - nitroso compounds.
preeclampsia is associated with increased sugar and
saturated fat consumption and decreased fibre intake. Additionally, it is commonly known that teenagers have a
Similarly, it was proposed that pregnant women's blood strong preference for VD. The effects of VD in this more
pressure would fall if they consumed three plates of vulnerable age group are exciting since children and teens
vegetables daily. It has been shown that a mother's weight must maintain a healthy, well - balanced diet to fulfil the
during pregnancy is linked to a higher risk for her unborn growing demands imposed on their bodies during the growth
children to have chronic illnesses. Vegetarians' diets, which spurt (Alnasser & Alomran, 2023). In a recent study,
are high in fruits and vegetables, may make it simpler to anthropometry, dietary intakes, and nutritional status of
Volume 12 Issue 9, September 2023
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: MR23905205649 DOI: 10.21275/MR23905205649 594
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years and a mean age protein in the diet, the need for dietary protein for vegetarian
of 12.7 3.9 years were examined using a cross - sectional adult women should be increased by 20% until it reaches 1
methodology. This group contained 137 omnivores, 115 g/kg/day. The ability of a meal to be broken down into its
vegans, and 149 vegetarians. Compared to omnivores, component amino acids is gauged by the Protein
vegetarians and vegans, they have consumed considerably Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)
more carbohydrates (p = 0.0002) (Brytek - Matera, 2020). (Katonova, 2022). This rating assesses the amount of protein
There was no significant difference in the blood in a particular diet. Values close to one indicate that the
concentrations of vitamin B2, D3, HDL - C, or triglycerides dietary source included all nine essential amino acids and
among the other diet groups, even though vegetarians came from an animal, whereas values below 0.7 imply that
consumed the minor protein (p = 0.02) of any diet group. the original was a plant. Even if the score is lower,
additional meals with vegetables and various amino acid
International dietary recommendations for vegetarians compositions may raise the overall calibre of the diet's
and vegans protein intake.
According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, if
proper and healthy standards are met, a well - planned plant Messina's guide for vegetarians in North America states that
- based eating pattern may benefit all life phases. For this population needs to eat more legumes, nuts, tofu, beans,
instance, if most people follow a vegetarian diet, a seeds, fortified breakfast cereals, milk, cheese or yoghurt,
vegetarian diet that includes a range of plant - based foods and fortified soymilk, all of which are excellent sources of
will have a protein quality comparable to a diet that includes vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, and calcium (1200 to 1500
meat (Jakše, 2021). These guidelines state that an adult mg/day of calcium is advised, 20% more than omnivores)
woman should aim to consume 0.8 grams of protein per (Kale et al., 2022). Additionally, this group needs to drink
kilogram of body weight each day when she consumes more fortified soymilk. Since the average levels of these
meals that include high - quality protein sources, such as minerals in vegan diets are insufficient, vegan dieters must
eggs, meat, milk, or fish. Due to the decrease in protein regularly take calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12
digestibility that occurs when dairy products, whole grains, supplements.
legumes, nuts, and seeds are the significant sources of