Unit 12
Unit 12
Unit 12
After studying this unit, a candidate should be able to:
● Prepare an effective resume;
● Draft curriculum-vitae and portfolio for interview;
● Develop a holistic understanding of the interview process;
● Understand the concept of group discussion.
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Resume
12.3 Video Resume
12.4 Curriculum-Vitae
12.5 Interview Portfolio
12.6 Interview
12.7 Types of Interviews
12.8 Process of an Interview
12.9 Group Discussion
12.10 Types of Group discussions
12.11 Offer Letter
12.12 Summary
12.13 Keywords
12.14 Self-Assessment Questions
12.15 References and Further Readings
This unit also discusses the need and importance of a resume and CV. The
CV of every candidate must be effective as it creates the first impression.
Apart from interviews, the group discussions also at times act as an important
tool to analyze the personality traits of the candidates. Every interview is a
selling process. The interviewer is a buyer in this process and the interviewee
is a seller. The interviewer is a buyer as s/he analyses the interviewee’s
performance, strengths, and weaknesses and then s/he finally checks whether
the candidate can be an asset to the organisation's needs or not. The
interviewee is the seller as s/he convinces the interviewer that s/he is the best
suitable candidate for the organisation. There are some specific do’s and
don’ts of the interview process as covered in this unit. These points will
guide and empower candidates to be more effective in the interview. Proper
mmunication in
n conduct inn the groupp discussion ns (GD) is important as it reflects the
communicaation skills aand behaviooural traits oof the candiddates as well. This
unit covers all the nuannces about thhe interview process, GD
D process and CV.
Resume is a must wheen applying for a new joob, looking for a promootion or
looking fo or better oppportunities. A resum me is an im mportant foorm of
communicaation at the workplace. They comm municate abo out an indivviduals’
y traits and are
a a major contact betw ween the orrganisation anda the
one who iss seeking a job or promo otion. Whenn a resume iss drafted folllowing
points shouuld be kept inn mind as thhis is what thhe organisatioons look forr:
● Does thhe candidatee possess req
quisite qualiffications for a job?
● Does thhe candidatee have some experience w
which can be
b consideredd
above the qualificaations?
● Is the candidate
c goood in whatever s/he doees?
After conccentrating onn the abovee points whhile preparinng a resume, it is
important that the folloowing featurees should bee taken into consideration
c n:
● Facts
● Groupss/Categoriess
● Tabulaar presentatioons
Facts: Ressume shouldd be based on actual facts
f rather than manippulating
them. Onlly the faccts like edducational/accademic quualifications, work
experience etc. should be mentioned which caan later be suubstantiatedd by the
Groups/Caategories: R Resume should always be categoriised and preesented
under varioous heads liike educatioonal qualification, work experience,, extra-
curricular activities
a etc.
Tabulationn: Resume sshould alwaays be preseented in a taabular form having
headings annd sub-headiings. This inncludes all thhe categoriess which a candidate
may wish to incorporatte.
A resume can
c be in diffferent formaats and it is upto
u the canndidate to select the
best suitablle format. Thhe followingg checklist should necessarily be preesent in
the resume:
● Presen
nt address
● Professsional email
● Importtant achievem
● Properr categorisatiion
● Free off errors
● Criticaal informatioon to be listedd at the begiinning
● Up-to-date informaation
n in ● Clean and clear Communication
for Employment
● Appealing
Apart from these, it is important that the candidate checks with the
organisation for the applicable resume style so as to suit their needs. It is,
therefore, important that a resume should be prepared in such a manner that it
should be able to communicate the exact set of information which the
candidate wishes to divulge.
Activity 1
Prepare a resume based on the checklist given in section 12.2.
Effective Video
V Resum
The follow
wing checklisst should bee followed w
while prepariing a video resume
to make it more
m effectivve:
● Eliminnating backgrround distractions
● Use off professionaal language
● Use prroper voice m
● Prepare a script
● Script should be baased on the requirement
r of the intervviewer
● Precisee and short
● Share with
w mentor and friends for review
● Edit, ree-edit beforee posting
Activity 2
Create a video
v resumee highlightin
ng your skiills and experience keepping in
mind that this video resume is asked for tthe profile of Assistannt Sales
manager inn a Bank.
It is importtant to note tthat there is a marked difference bettween a resuume and
a curriculum m vitae (CVV). Usually, a resumesum mmarises thee credentialss of the
candidate whereas
w a C CV is a kinnd of acadeemic/professsional diary which
includes all the ddetails of the qualifications, work w expeerience,
accomplishhments, publlications and d additional iinformation.. In this section, we
will discusss curriculumm-vitae and howh to draft it.
A curriculuum vitae, offten abbreviaated as CV and a is a vitaal documentt that is
made by applicants to t highlightt their skillls, academicc knowledgge, and
professionaal endeavourrs. The checkklist for a goood CV is ass follows:
● Specifi
fic fonts to bee used
● Candiddate’s name must appearr on the top rright corner of the CV. (Paste
photo only
o if askedd)
● Properr spacing andd grouping
● Use a formal
f e-mail-Id;
● A speccific career objective;
Highlight professiona
p al backgroun
After the inntroduction, highlight thhe candidatee's professioonal backgroound. A
visual timeeline of educcation, workk experience (if any) is recommende
r ed. One
must also highlight sppecific achieevements annd contributiions at eachh stage.
Specific coontributions will position the candiddate as a prroductive candidate
and also refflects his/herr zeal for conntribution.
R formula
Hiring man nagers often check the crredibility off the candidaates by askinng them
situational--based questtions. The best
b way too handle thee situationall based
questions isi STAR forrmat. The addvantage off this formatt is that it brings
b a
methodicall approach inn the candiddate's expresssion. The full
f form off STAR
formula is asa follows:
● Situatiion: Recall the
t situationn the candidaate was in.
● Task: Describe thee task the caandidate had to do.
● Action
n: Outline thhe action the candidate toook.
● Resultt: Describe thhe results th
he candidate achieved.
For instancce if a candiddate is applyying for the pposition of a team leaderr in any
bank, thenn the candiddate must highlight
h ceertain experriences wherre s/he
n in handled certain conflicts, his/her leadership traits, team management Communication
for Employment
problems with the help of STAR format.
Include achievements
Awards and achievements act as a candidate's third-party references which
show that candidate’s work has been appreciated by others as well.
Define goals
This section of the candidate's portfolio should reflect the candidate's
professional goals for the next few years. This section must be explored to
stress howmuch a candidate is willing to get this job and how this job suits
the candidate's overall career goal and career map. A strategic way to do this
is by exploring and locating any challenges the company might be facing or
witnessing and how a candidate plans to handle them in case thes/heis offered
the position.
Interview refers to a formal, in-depth conversation between two or more
persons, wherein the exchange of information takes place, with a view of
checking a candidate’s acceptability for the job. Interviews are considered to
be the most practical way to understand the personality traits of the
interviewee. There are various ways in which the interviewer can assess the
candidate. S/he may ask technical or subject-based questions to check the
technical acumen of the candidate, certain HR-based questions can be asked
to check the behavioural skills of the candidates.The time range of an
mmunication in
n interview iss a subjectivve matter. Thhe interview
ws may be 5m minutes longg to one
hour or eveen more. Som metimes thee candidate iis selected inn just 5minuutes and
sometimes a candidate may even get g rejected aafter an houur-long intervview. It
all dependss on how cllearly and confidently
c t candidatte creates thhe right
impression in the mindd of the interv viewer.
2. Person nal intervieew- This is the most coommon typee of intervieew and
usuallyy takes placce in personn at the orgganisation’s headquarterrs. The
duratioon of the personal inteerviews mayy vary from m 5 minutess to 60
● Inform
mation based topics
● Non-kknowledge-bbased topics
These classifications are explaained below -
● Inform
mation-baseed topics
mation-based topics expeect candidatees to be well-read. Inform
Inform mation-
based subjects falll into variouus classificattions dependdent on the kind
k of
mation requireed.
● Non-K
based topicss
Non-innformation-bbased points are those thhat do not neeed any inforrmation
base inn a particulaar area for a candidate to have thee option to discuss
n in them. Routine and everyday information is adequate to work effectively Communication
for Employment
in discussing such subjects. Candidate’s common information and
presence of mind will help him/her in taking on these types of topics.
Non-information-based points themselves can be classified into two
areas – substantial subjects and theoretical or conceptual themes.
a. Substantial topics
While there is a great deal of conversation conceivable on these subjects,
the focal point of conversation is extremely clear, independent of who
talks about these themes.
b. Conceptual themes
Conceptual themes are those with regard to which the actual
understanding can fluctuate from one individual to another. Discussions
on these themes can be exceptionally shapeless. Inthese GDs, a candidate
has to think out of the box and needs to come up with multiple
Group discussions are important as they help the recruiters to assess the
problem solving and analytical abilities of the candidates.
12.12 SU
In this com mpetitive wworld, everyy candidate wishes to secure a luucrative
employmennt offer. Som me of the ideal
i charactteristics which every reecruiter
would like to see in anyy candidate are clarity of thoughts, proactive
p appproach,
emotional balance
b and sound acadeemic knowleedge with go ood communnication
skills. Everry candidatee should preppare an effecctive CV/ressume or a poortfolio
which can help the canndidate to market
m himseelf effectively. The interrview is
the first steep that every candidate comes acrosss. The interview is a metticulous
discussion that takes pllace betweenn an intervieewer and an interviewee. Every
interview is i a selling process whhere the canndidate is a seller and triest to
present him mself/herselff effectively
y so that thee recruiter can offer himm/her a
good job opportunity.
o Interviews have certainn rules and regulationss which
every candiidate must keep
k in mindd. Apart from
m interviews, group discuussions
also assess various perrsonality traiits in a canddidate such asa group behhaviour
skills, leaddership skillls, patiencee, communnication skillls and abiility to
convince ettc.
12.13 KEYWO
Group Disscussion: A GD is a platform w where few people
p analyyse and
discuss a to
opic in ordeer to developp a holistic uunderstandinng of the toppic and
develop inssights about the topic in order to reacch a sensiblee conclusionn.
Video-Resume: A videeo resume iss a short viddeo made by a candidate for the
purpose of employmennt.
Interview Portfolio:A A portfolio is a detaiiled view of o the canddidate’s
qualificatioons, skill-setss and also prrovides a sam
mple of his/hher work.
Interview: Interview rrefers to a formal,
fo in-deepth converssation betweeen two
or more peersons, wherrein the excchange of innformation takes
t place, with a
view of cheecking a canndidate’s acceptability foor the job.
Offer Letter: An offerr letter is a part
p of formaal business communicati
c ion and
is usually written byy any organnisation whiich promisees to offer a job,
placement, internship, ppart-time jobb to any seleected candidaate.
12.14 SE
1) What are
a the varioous points too be consideered while crreating an efffective
2) Do canndidates agreee with the statement
s thaat “An effecctive portfoliio gives
candiddates an edgee over otherss in an intervview”? Why??
3) What is
i an intervieew?
4) What are
a the various types of an
a interview
5) Explain
n the interviiew process??
n in
for Employment