D C Circuit Lab Manual New Syllabus Updated

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C. U.


Diploma Engineering
Laboratory Manual
(D.C. Circuit)

Enrolment No
Academic Term
Directorate Of Technical Education
Gandhinagar - Gujarat

DTE’s Vision:
● To provide globally competitive technical education;
● Remove geographical imbalances and inconsistencies;
● Develop student friendly resources with a special focus on girls’ education
and support to weaker sections;
● Develop programs relevant to industry and create a vibrant pool of technical

DTE’s Mission:

Institute’s Vision:(Student should write)

Institute’s Mission:(Student should write)

Department’s Vision:(Student should write)

Department’s Mission:(Student should write)


This is to certify that Mr/Ms ………………………………………………………

Enrolment No. ………….……………. of 1ST Semester of Diploma in
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING of …………………………………………………
(GTU Code) has satisfactorily completed the term work in the course D.C
CIRCUITS (4310901) for the academic year: …………………… Term: Odd
prescribed in the GTU curriculum.


Date: …………………..

Signature of Course Faculty Signature of the Head of the Department

D.C. Circuits (4310901)

The primary aim of any laboratory/Practical/field work is enhancement of required skills as well
as creative ability amongst students to solve real time problems by developing relevant competencies
in psychomotor domain. Keeping in view, GTU has designed competency focused outcome-based
curriculum -2021 (COGC-2021) for Diploma engineering programmes. In this more time is allotted to
practical work than theory. It shows importance of enhancement of skills amongst students and it pays
attention to utilize every second of time allotted for practical amongst Students, Instructors and
Lecturers to achieve relevant outcomes by performing rather than writing practice in study type. It is
essential for effective implementation of competency focused outcome- based Green curriculum-2021.
Every practical has been keenly designed to serve as a tool to develop & enhance relevant industry
needed competency in each and every student. These psychomotor skills are very difficult to develop
through traditional chalk and board content delivery method in the classroom. Accordingly, this lab
manual has been designed to focus on the industry defined relevant outcomes, rather than old practice
of conducting practical to prove concept and theory.
By using this lab manual, students can read procedure one day in advance to actual
performance day of practical experiment which generates interest and also, they can have idea of
judgement of magnitude prior to performance. This in turn enhances predetermined outcomes amongst
students. Each and every Experiment /Practical in this manual begins by competency, industry relevant
skills, course outcomes as well as practical outcomes which serve as a key role for doing the practical.
The students will also have a clear idea of safety and necessary precautions to be taken while
performing experiment.
This manual also provides guidelines to lecturers to facilitate student-cantered lab activities for
each practical/experiment by arranging and managing necessary resources in order that the students
follow the procedures with required safety and necessary precautions to achieve outcomes. It also
gives an idea that how students will be assessed by providing Rubrics.
In this semester we will study the basic elements and laws related to electrical circuits which are
powered by DC (Direct Current) Source. Thomas Edison invented DC generators in late 1870s which
could generate DC power. The first DC Power generating station was built in 1882 in New York,
USA. That station supplied DC power at 110 V. Those generators were driven by steam engines.

In this course we shall study active elements of electrical circuits which are DC Sources and
passive elements of electrical circuits which are resistors, inductors and capacitors. The passive
elements either consume or store energy and are connected with active elements. In theory class we
shall study the behaviour of these elements, laws governing DC Circuits and network solution
techniques. In laboratory we will realize the relationship between voltages, currents and power, series-
parallel connections of resistors and verify the laws which govern DC Circuits.

Although we try our level best to design this lab manual, but always there are chances of
improvement. We welcome any suggestions for improvement.

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D.C. Circuits (4310901)

Programme Outcomes (POs):

1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics,

science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the
engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using
codified standard methods.
3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for engineering well-defined
technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to
meet specified needs.
4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering
tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply
appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical
6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a
team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about
well-defined engineering activities.
7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in
the context of technological changes in field of engineering.


After completing the Electrical Engineering Program and acquiring three-to-five-year
professional experience, the student will be able to…
PEO-1 Apply the knowledge of basic engineering and practical skills for solving
engineering problems.
PEO-2 Participate in academic activities so as to grow their interest in pursuing higher
studies and development work.
PEO-3 Inculcate professional and ethical attitude.
PEO-4 Do team work while working with diverse multi-disciplinary/interdisciplinary


After completing the Electrical Engineering Program, the student will be able
to…possess the ability to…
PSO-1 Maintain various types of electrical equipment and drives.
PSO-2 Maintain the operation of power system.
PSO-3 Undertake the electrification of commercial and multi storied buildings.

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DCC (4310901)

Practical Outcome - Course Outcome matrix

Course Outcomes (COs):

a. CO1 Solve simple electrical circuits using basic circuit laws.

b. CO2 Solve simple electric circuits using different network solution techniques/analysis
c. CO3 Solve simple electrical circuits using network theorems.
d. CO4 Interpret the working of capacitor based on electrostatic principle.
e. CO5 Interpret the working of inductor based on electromagnetic principle.
Sr. Practical Outcome/Title of experiment

Demonstrate various types of resistors and measure

1 √
2 Verify Ohm’s law in the given electric circuit. √
Verify Kirchhoff’s current law in the given
3 √
electrical circuit.
Measure voltage, current and resistance in the given DC
4 √
Verify Kirchhoff’s voltage law in the given electrical
5 √
Find equivalent resistance for series, parallel and series-
6 √
parallel combination.
Verify Superposition theorem and determine the current
7 √
and voltage in each branch of the given circuit.
Verify Thevenin’s theorem and determine the current
8 √
and voltage in each branch of the given circuit.
Verify Norton’s theorem and determine the current and
9 √
voltage in each branch of the given circuit.
Verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem and
10 determine value of load resistance for maximum power √
transfer in the given electrical circuit.
Connect given capacitors in series, parallel and series-
11 parallel combinations and determine the total equivalent √
value of capacitance.
12 Test the different types of capacitors. √
Measure charging and discharging time of capacitor in
13 the given circuit and verify the same with RC time √
14 Test different types of inductors √

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DCC (4310901)

Industry Relevant Skills

The following industry relevant skills are expected to be developed in the students
by performance of experiments of DC Circuits.
1. Use various types of meters to measure DC parameters such as voltage, current,
resistance, capacitance, and inductance.
2. Apply various laws, theorems to solve / simplify given network to calculate load
current, voltage, power etc.

Guidelines to Course Instructor:

Course instructor is expected to...
1. Course faculty should demonstrate experiment with all necessary implementation
strategies described in curriculum.
2. Course faculty should explain industrial relevance before starting of each experiment.
3. Course faculty should Involve& give opportunity to all students for hands on experience.
4. Course faculty should ensure mentioned skills are developed in the students by
5. Utilise 2 hrs of lab hours effectively and ensure completion of write up with quiz
6. Encourage peer to peer learning by doing same experiment through fast learners.

Instructions for Students:

1. Organize the work in the group and make record of all observations.
2. Students shall develop maintenance skill as expected by industries.
3. Student shall attempt to develop related hand-on skills and build confidence.
4. Student shall develop the habits of evolving more ideas, innovations, skills etc.
5. Student shall refer technical magazines and data books.
6. Student should develop habit to submit the practical on date and time.
7. Student should well prepare while submitting write-up of exercise.

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DCC (4310901)

Rubrics for Progressive Assessment

(1 MARK) (2 MARKS) (3 MARKS) (4 MARKS) (5 MARKS)
Circuit interpretation and Student faces Students is Student is Student is Student is able to
connection difficulty in able to able to able to interpret the
interpreting interpret but interpret and interpret circuit and
circuits and finds connect with circuit and connect without
connecting difficulty in few mistakes connect any mistakes
accordingly connecting accordingly
accordingly with lesser
Skills for practical Student is able Student is Student is Student is Student is able to
performance by following to perform able to able to able to perform
safety practices experiment by perform perform perform experiment by
following experiment bv experiment experiment following
procedural steps following by following by following procedural steps
with major procedural procedural procedural ensuring safety
assistance. Need steps with steps with steps without standards and also
to be often major minor any guides other
reminded of assistance. assistance. assistance. students to do so
safety practices Proper safety Proper safety Proper safety
during the lab precautions precautions precautions
are are are
consistently consistently consistently
used used used
Ethical conduct and Team Student shows Student Student Student Student exhibits
Work ethical conduct shows ethical shows ethical shows ethical guideless attitude
sometimes but conduct & conduct & conduct and of ethical conduct
does not perform attitude of attitude of attitude of and attitude of
any duties of the working in working in working in team spirit
assigned role in team the team most team
the team sometimes of the time
Interpretation of results Student is able Student is Student is Student is Student is able to
and conclusion to do able to do able to do able to do do calculation,
calculation, plot calculations, calculations, calculations, plot graphs, derive
graphs, derive plot graphs, plot graphs, plot graphs, conclusions etc.
conclusion etc. derive derive derive and explains other
after complete conclusion conclusions conclusions students the same
assistance etc. after etc. after etc. without
major minor any
assistance assistance assistance
Timely completion and Student does not Student Student Student Student completes
quality of work complete work completes completes completes work within one
after two weeks, work after work after work after week, clarity,
clarity, neatness, two weeks, one week, one week, neatness,
nomenclature clarity, clarity, clarity, nomenclature etc.
etc. are neatness, neatness, nomenclature are excellent
satisfactory nomenclature nomenclature etc. are very
etc. are good etc. are good good

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DCC (4310901)

Assessment Record for Progressive Assessment of Practical Work

Student Name:
Student Enrolment No.:
Course Name: D. C. Circuit
Course Code: 4310901

Criterion Criterion Criterion Criterion Criterion

Exp. Total
CO 1 2 3 4 5 Faculty Sign
No. (25 marks)
(5 Marks) (5 Marks) (5 Marks) (5 Marks) (5 Marks)

1 1

2 1

3 1

4 1

5 1

6 2

7 3

8 3

9 3

10 3

11 4

12 4

13 4

14 5

Total Marks (out of )

Total Marks (out of 25)

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DCC (4310901)

Continuous Assessment Sheet:

Enrolment No: ………………………………………
Name of Student: _______________________ Term:__________

Sr. Marks
Practical Outcome/Title of experiment Page Date Sign
No. (25)
Demonstrate various types of resistors, and measure

2 Verify Ohm’s law in the given electric circuit.

Verify Kirchhoff’s current law in the given electrical

3 circuit.
Measure voltage, current and resistance in the given
DC circuit
Verify Kirchhoff’s voltage law in the given electrical
Find equivalent resistance for series, parallel and
series-parallel combination.
Verify Superposition theorem and determine the
current and voltage in each branch of the given circuit.
Verify Thevenin’s theorem and determine the current
and voltage in each branch of the given circuit
Verify Norton’s theorem and determine the current and
voltage in each branch of the given circuit.
Verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem and
10 determine value of load resistance for maximum power
transfer in the given electrical circuit.
Connect given capacitors in series, parallel and series
11 parallel combinations and determine the total
equivalent value of capacitance
12 Test the different types of capacitors

Measure charging and discharging time of capacitor in

13 the given circuit and verify the same with RC time
14 Test different types of inductors

Sign of Course Faculty

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DCC (4310901)

Practical 1
Aim :Demonstrate various types of resistors, and measure resistance
A. Objective
This is task based practical. Resistor is the basic components of the electrical engineering.
Students should be able to identify them from the appearance, measurement and from other
tangible attributes.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs):
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to strengthen
electrical components and circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analyzing skills to its relevant
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate designing
and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends to
develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: This
experiment intends to inculcate engineering practices to its relevant extent.
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of managing
engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following standard procedures,
observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the developed
skills for life long.
C. Expected Competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network theorems”
1. Identify and demonstrate various types of resistors.
2. Determine value using colour code and digital multi-meter

D. Expected Course Outcomes (COs):

CO 1: Solve simple electrical circuits using basic circuit laws.

E. Practical Learning Outcomes (PrOs):

At the end of the practical session, the students are expected to be able to…
1. Demonstrate various types of resistors
2. Measure resistance using colour code and digital multi-meter

F. Expected Affective Domain Outcome (ADos):

1. Follow safety protocols
2. Work in team

G. Prerequisite theory:
Resistance is property of substance to oppose the flow of electron. The material that exhibits

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DCC (4310901)

this property is called resistor. Resistor is an electronic / electrical component. Its function is
to limit the current in an electric circuit. The resistance of material is measured in unit called
“Ohm” (Ω). They are denoted by capital letter R.
Although resistors can be classified in several ways and there are many types of resistors in
commercial market, here is the list of some common types of resistors:
Fixed value resistors:
1. Carbon Composition resistors
2. Thin film resistors
3. Carbon film resistors
4. Wire wound resistors
5. Metal film resistors
6. Thick film resistors
7. Metal Oxide Resistors
Variable resistors:
1. Potentiometers
2. Rheostats
3. Trimmers
H. Demonstrate types of resistors
Part 1: Demonstration:
Please refer Appendix A
Activity to be carried out:
Demonstrate the given resistor’s type and its rating from the demonstration kit or available
resistors in the laboratory. Draw rough sketch depicting its nomenclature. Write your
observation in the below space:

Part 2:Measurement of resistors by colour code and digital multi-meter:

By colour code:
Normally manufactures provide colour bands on resistor called colour code – a standard
practice directed by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA). The first two colour bands
indicate values, third colour band indicates the multiplier and fourth (if provided) indicates

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DCC (4310901)

The typical values of resistance vary from Ohm to Mega Ohm.
Conductors have resistance very less resistance – micro-ohm to milli-ohm
Insulators have resistance very high – in terms of Mega ohms.

As shown in above example, the measured value of illustrated example will be 𝟐𝟒 ×

𝟏𝟎𝟑 Ω ± 𝟏𝟎 %
I. Resources required:
1. Demonstration kit of various types of resistors
2. Digital multi-meter
J. Precautions:
While measuring resistance using DMM, do not touch both the leads of the resistor,
otherwise the DMM will measure the human body resistance as well as the resistance of the
given resistor.
K. Procedure to be followed:
Measurement of resistance using digital multi-meter:
1. Hold the given resistor and connect probes of multi-meter to both the leads of resistor.
2. Make sure no human touch on any one side of the leads.

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Write down your observation

L. Observation and Calculations:

Colour coded Toleranc
Sr. No. value using Deviation
resistance value e

1. Find tolerance of the given resistor.

2. Compare the colorcoded value of resistance with actual measurement by DMM.
3. Calculate the deviation.
M. Interpretations of the results: (for any one resistor)
The measured value of resistance is _________ using DMM. The color coded value is
________. The tolerance by colour code is _______. The deviation from colour coded value
is ___________. The actual tolerance is _________.
N. Conclusion:

O. Practical Related Quiz:

1. Wire wound resistors have _______ power rating than carbon resistors. (more, less)
2. A certain wire has resistance of R Ohm. If the length of the wire is doubled and cross
sectional area is halved, the resistance of the wire will be ________Ohm.
3. State the applications of resistors.

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P. References:
1. https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/reference/chpt-2/resistor-color-codes/
2. https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/resistor/res_2.html
3. https://learnabout-electronics.org/ac_theory/inductors04.php
4. https://byjus.com/physics/resistor-colour-codes/

Q. Assessment Rubrics:
Sr. Criteria Maximu Marks
No. m Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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DCC (4310901)

Practical 2
Aim: Verify Ohm’s law in the given electric circuit.

A. Objective
The practical signifies the method to be adopted for verification of Ohm’s law. The students
will obtain the result in this practical to verify the mathematical expression of the Ohm’s
law. Hence this practical is an effort to instil scientific approach to verify the laws of
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to strengthen
electrical circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analysing skills to its
relevant extent.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate
designing and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends to
develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: This
experiment intends to inculcate engineering practices to its relevant extent.
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of managing
engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following standard
procedures, observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the developed
skills for life long.
C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
1. Establish voltage current relationship in given DC circuit.
2. Connect and read meters correctly to establish the VI relationship.
D. Expected Course Outcomes (COs):
CO 1: Solve simple electrical circuits using basic circuit laws.
E. Practical Learning Outcomes (PrOs):
1. Verify Ohm’s law in the given electrical circuit.
2. Setup tools and equipment of appropriate rating available in the laboratory to perform
the practical.
F. Expected Affective Domain Outcome (ADos):
1. Follow safety protocols
2. Work in team
3. Handle equipment safely
G. Prerequisite theory:
Ohm’s law states that the current through the conducting material (rheostat in our case) is
directly proportional to the voltage applied across its terminals. Mathematically,

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𝑰 ∝ 𝑽; 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐 𝒐𝒇 𝑽 𝒕𝒐 𝑰 = = 𝑹 (𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒍). For Ohm’s law
to be true there should exist some standard conditions.
The Ohm’s law has certain limitations such as
1. It is applied only to material having linear properties.
2. The temperature should remain constant.
3. Ohm’s law is not applicable to unilateral networks.
4. Ohm’s law is not applicable to non-metallic materials.

H. Experimental Setup:

I. Resources required:
1. Rheostat (0-300 Ohm or 0-100 Ohm, linear, 2 A or 5 A)
2. DC variable Voltage source (0-30 V or higher, 0-2 Amp or higher)
3. DC Voltmeter (0-100 V) or multi-meter
4. DC Ammeter (0-2 or 5 A) or multi-meter
5. Connecting wires
We may use lamp-load too, but incandescent lamps are non-linear load which may confuse
students while plotting graph of Voltage v/s current which according to Ohm’s law is a
linear graph.
J. Safety and necessary precautions:
1. Wear safety shoes while in the laboratory.
2. Do not touch any live wire or part of the circuit.
3. Do not wear ornaments or loose robes.
K. Procedure to be followed:
1. Connect the circuit as per given diagram.
2. Set the resistance value of rheostat to certain value. (To a safe limit so that high current
does not flow).
3. Gradually increase the voltage until the ammeter shows its safe measurement limit.
4. Record voltage and current value each time you increase the voltage.
5. Turn off the supply and disconnect the circuit.
6. Plot the graph between Voltage and Current. Calculate the gradient of the graph.
7. Take suitable scale. Voltage values will be taken on X-axis. Current values will be taken
on Y axis.

L. Observation and Calculations:

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Sr.No. Voltage V (Volt) Current I (Amp) Ratio V/I

M. Interpretation of results:
Write your interpretation from the observation table in the space below.

N. Conclusion:

O. Practical Related Quiz:

1. State the limitations of Ohm’s law.

2. State the application of Ohm’s law.

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P. References:
1. https://byjus.com/physics/ohms-law/
2. https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/dccircuits/dcp_2.html
3. https://www.britannica.com/science/Ohms-law
4. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/circuits-topic/circuits-

Q. Graph: Plot the graph in the attached graph paper.

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R. Assessment Rubrics:

Sr. Criteria Maximu Marks

No. m Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Practical 3
Aim: Verify Kirchhoff’s current law in the given electrical circuit.

A. Objective:
The practical signifies the method to be adopted for verification of Kirchhoff’s current
law. The students will obtain the results in this practical to verify the mathematical
expression of the Kirchhoff’s current law. Hence this practical is an effort to instil
scientific approach to verify the laws of science.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to
strengthen electrical circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analysing skills to its
relevant extent.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate
designing and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends
to develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: This
experiment intends to inculcate engineering practices to its relevant extent.
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of
managing engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following
standard procedures, observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the
developed skills for life long.
C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
1.Establish current relationship in given DC circuit.
2. Connect and read meters correctly to verify KCL.
D. Expected Course Outcomes:
CO1: Solve simple electrical circuits using basic circuit laws.
E. Practical Learning Outcomes (PrOs):
1. Verify Kirchhoff’s current law in the given electrical circuit.
2. Set up tools and equipment of appropriate rating available in the laboratory to
perform the practical
F. Expected Affective Domain Outcome (ADos):
1. Follow safety protocols
2. Work in team
3. Handle equipment with care

G. Prerequisite theory:
Kirchhoff’s current law states that the algebraic addition (vector sum in case of ac

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circuit) of the currents meeting at junction in a circuit is zero. The junction or node of
the circuit is a point where at least three branches are connected. Mathematically,
∑ 𝐼 = 0 𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑗𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛.

For simplicity we may state the same law in other words i.e. the algebraic addition of
currents entering the junction is equal to algebraic addition of currents leaving the
junction. We may assign any sign of our choice to the currents entering or leaving the
node. For example, if the currents leave the node, let us assign negative sign. And if the
currents enter the node, we will assign positive sign.
∑ 𝐼 (𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒) = ∑ 𝐼 (𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒)

Kirchhoff’s current law is only applicable in lumped networks and cannot be applied in
distributed networks. You will become familiar with the terms “lumped” and
“distributed” during thefurthercourse progress.

H. Experimental setup
You may form various types of connections on the breadboard. However, for simplicity
we will be considering basic type of networks that is T network
Form the following circuit (T-network) on the breadboard.

I. Resources required:
1. Breadboard
2. Jumper wires
3. Carbon resistors of various values (preferably in Ω or in kΩ values)
4. DC Source (0-30 V, 0-2 A)
5. Multi- meter or ammeters of mA range (if resistors are in the range of kΩ)
J. Safety Precautions:
1. Do not touch the conducting wires.
2. Handle the equipment with care.
3. Do not exceed the voltage beyond the power rating of carbon resistors.
K. Procedure to be followed:
1. Make the circuit on breadboard as per the circuit diagram.
2. If three ammeters are not arranged then only one multi- meter can be used as an

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3. Switch ON the supply and set the voltage level to sufficient value such that
measurable current can flow through the resistors.
4. Junction J is considered hence, current I1 enters this junction. Whereas, currents I2
and I3 leave this junction.
5. Take the readings of I1, I2 and I3 and record them in the observation table.
6. Assign (+) sign to currents entering the junction and (-) sign to currents leaving the
L. Observation and Calculations:

I1 I2 I3 I1+I2+I3 = ?
(With (With (With
assigned assigned assigned
sign) sign) sign)

M. Interpretations of Results:
Write your results / findings if any.

N. Conclusion:
Conclude the exeperiment here in this space or add separate page.

O. Practical Related Quiz:

1. Kirchhoff’s current law is valid only at / in ______. (mesh, node)
2. Calculate the current through the resistor R.

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P. References:
1. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/circuits-topic/circuits-
2. https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/dccircuits/dcp_4.html
3. https://byjus.com/physics/kirchhoffs-law/

Q. Assessment Rubrics:

Sr. Criteria Maximu Marks

No. m Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Practical 4
Aim: Measure voltage, current and resistance in the given electrical circuit

A. Objective:
This experiment is designed to inculcate ability to measure dc voltage, dc current and
power in the given electrical circuit.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to
strengthen electrical circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analysing skills to its
relevant extent.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate
designing and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends
to develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: This
experiment intends to inculcate engineering practices to its relevant extent.
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of
managing engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following
standard procedures, observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the
developed skills for life long.
C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
1. Establish current relationship in given DC circuit.
2. Connect and read meters correctly to verify KCL.
D. Expected Course Outcomes (COs):
CO1: Solve simple electrical circuits using basic circuit laws.
E. Practical Learning Outcomes (PrOs):
At the end of the practical session, the students are expected to be able to…
1. Measure dc voltage, dc current in the given dc circuit and determine the resistance
of the circuit
2. Set up tools and equipment of appropriate rating available in the laboratory to
perform the practical
3. Conclude the practical results
F. Expected Affective Domain Outcome (ADos):
1. Follow safety protocols
2. Work in team
3. Handle equipment safely
G. Prerequisite theory:
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It is known that any material possesses some basic electrical properties such as
resistance. In the circuit, the voltage dropped in resistor and current flowing through the
resistor is calculated either by using circuit laws or by connecting meters. We can
calculate the current through the resistor by applying Ohm’s law. Hence current will be
voltage divided by resistance.

H. Experimental Setup:

I. Resources required:
1. Rheostat (0-300 Ohm or 0-100 Ohm, linear, 2 A or 5 A)
2. DC variable Voltage source (0-30 V or higher, 0-2 Amp or higher)
3. DC Voltmeter (0-100 V) or multi- meter
4. DC Ammeter (0-2 or 5 A) or multi- meter
5. Connecting wires
J. Safety Precautions:
1. Do not touch the conducting wires.
2. Handle the equipment with care.
3. Do not exceed the voltage beyond the power rating of carbon resistors.
K. Procedure to be followed:
1. Procure the required resources to perform the practical.
2. Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram.
3. Now, share the tasks of practical performance with your batch-mates such as one
will vary the voltage from source, other students will take readings from meters,
another will record the observations etc.
4. Turn on the supply.
5. Increase the voltage from the source, let the pointers in meters be steady and take
6. Repeat the step no. 5 until sufficient readings have been taken making sure that the
current or voltage does not exceed the ratings of rheostat.
7. Turn-off the supply. Remove the connections and carefully submit the equipment to
the authorised person.

L. Observation and Calculations:

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Sr.No. Voltage V (Volt) Current I (Amp) R = V/I (Ohm)

M. Interpretation of Results:
Write your interpretation of results in the space below:

N. Conclusion:

O. Practical Related Quiz:

1. A metal wire of certain length is connected to 10 V DC supply. The ammeter shows
10 A current flowing through the wire. Calculate the resistance of the metal wire.

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2. Resistance of certain resistor is 100 Ohm. The manufacturer states that current
should not exceed 5 A. Calculate the maximum value of voltage that can be
supplied to the resistor.

3. The graph of the same practical on some other material passes through the
coordinates (3,5) and (4,6). Calculate the resistance of that material. Voltage scale
on X axis: 1 cm = 10 V. Current scale on Y axis: 1 cm = 2 A.

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P. References:
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWzM0foljTg
2. https://www.electronicshub.org/dc-and-ac-electric-power-
3. https://eepower.com/power-electronics-textbook/vol-i-electrical-power-

Q. Assessment Rubrics:

Sr. Criteria Maximu Marks

No. m Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Practical 5
Aim: Verify Kirchhoff’s voltage law in the given electrical circuit.

A. Objective:
The practical signifies the method to be adopted for verification of Kirchhoff’s voltage
law. The students will obtain the results in this practical to verify the mathematical
expression of the Kirchhoff’s voltage law. Hence this practical is an effort to instil
scientific approach to verify the laws of science.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to
strengthen electrical circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analysing skills to its
relevant extent.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate
designing and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends
to develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: This
experiment intends to inculcate engineering practices to its relevant extent.
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of
managing engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following
standard procedures, observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the
developed skills for life long.
C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
1. Establish voltage relationship in given DC circuit.
2. Connect and read meters correctly to verify KVL.
D. Expected Course Outcomes (COs):
CO 1: Solve simple electrical circuits using basic circuit laws.
E. Practical Learning Outcomes (PrOs) :
At the end of the practical session, the students are expected to be able to…
1. Verify Kirchhoff’s voltage law in the given electrical circuit.
2. Setup tools and equipment of appropriate rating available in the laboratory to
perform the practical
3. Conclude the results of practical
F. Expected Affective Domain Outcome (ADOs):
1. Follow safety protocols
2. Work in team
3. Handle equipment safely
G. Prerequisite theory:

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Kirchhoff’s voltage law states that the algebraic addition of the voltages in around a
closed path is zero. The closed path of the circuit is called mesh.
An electrical circuit involves voltage sources and elements where voltage drop occurs.
The voltage drop occurs in resistors in case of simple DC circuit. However, if the
circuit involves some other electronic components, then voltage drop occurs in those
components too, depending upon the internal resistances of those components.
∑ 𝑉 = 0 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑡

Kirchhoff’s voltage law is only applicable in lumped networks and cannot be applied to
distributed networks. You will become familiar with the terms “lumped” and
“distributed” during the further course progress.

H. Experimental Setup

I. Resources required:
1. Breadboard
2. Jumper wires
3. Carbon resistors of various values (preferably in Ω or in kΩ values)
4. DC Source (0-30 V, 0-2 A)
5. Multi- meter or voltmeters (if Analog voltmeters are chosen then make sure that
they are of adequate range to measure voltage drop in carbon resistors)
J. Safety Precautions
1. Do not touch the conducting wires.
2. Handle the equipment with care.
3. Do not exceed the voltage beyond the power rating of carbon resistors.
K. Procedure to be followed:
1. Make the circuit connections on breadboard as per the circuit diagram.
2. If three voltmeters are not available or practically difficult to connect then only one
multi- meter can be used as voltmeter.
3. Switch ON the supply and set the voltage level to sufficient value, say 10 V as in
our case.

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4. In the circuit shown above, we have considered two meshes. Mesh 1 current is
assumed to be I1 and mesh 2 current is assumed to be I2. The polarity marking of
voltage drop is always done in the direction of assumed mesh current.
5. Connect voltmeters or multi-meter in polarity as shown in above circuit.
6. Note down the values. Now the important task is + or – sign assignment. We assign
(+) sign to voltage sources with + → - polarity coming in the direction of assumed
mesh current. We assign (-) sign to voltage drops with +→ - polarity in the assumed
mesh current direction.
7. You may form different type of circuit and may provide two or more voltage
sources (if it is technically feasible in laboratory).
L. Observation and Calculations:

For mesh 1
(as seen in circuit diagram, obtain values of V1 and V3)

Vs V3
(assign“–“ Vs+V1+V3 = ?
(assign “–“ sign)

For mesh 2
(as seen in circuit diagram obtain values of V2 and V3)

V2 V3
V2 + V3 = ?
(assign“-“ sign) (assign “+“ sign)

• Keep measuring the voltage drop in the polarity of mesh currents. (take help of the
instructing faculty member if needed)
M. Interpretations of the results:
Write your results / findings if any.

N. Conclusion/Recommendation:
Conclude the exeperiment here in this space or add separate page.

O. Practical Related Quiz:

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1. Kirchhoff’s voltage law is valid only at / in ______. (mesh, node)

2. Calculate the value of R in the given circiut.

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P. References:
1. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/circuits-topic/circuits-
2. https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/dccircuits/dcp_4.html
3. https://byjus.com/physics/kirchhoffs-law/

Q. Assessment Rubrics:

Sr. Criteria Maximu Marks

No. m Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Practical 6
Aim:Find equivalent resistance for series, parallel and series-parallel combination

A. Objective:
It is important for students to find equivalent resistance of the resistors connected in
series, parallel or series-parallel combination. This practical signifies the use of multi-
meter to find the equivalent resistance of such combinations to verify the theoretically
calculated values.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to
strengthen electrical circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analysing skills to its
relevant extent.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate
designing and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends
to develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of
managing engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following
standard procedures, observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the
developed skills for life long.
C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
theorems.” through
1.Determine equivalent value of various types of resistor connections.
2. Use multi-meter to test the resistance.
D. Expected Course Outcomes (COs):
CO2: Solve simple electric circuits using different network solution techniques/analysis
E. Practical Learning Outcomes (PrOs):
At the end of the practical session, the students are expected to be able to…
1. Find equivalent resistance for series, parallel and series-parallel combination
2. Calculate equivalent resistance theoretically of the series, parallel connected
3. Conclude the results of practical
F. Expected Affective Domain Outcome (ADos)
1. Follow safety protocols
2. Work in team

G. Prerequisite theory:
Series connection: The elements are said to be connected in series, when same current
passes through all the elements.

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Parallel connection: The elements are said to be connected in parallel, when the voltage
across each element is same.

When resistors are connected in series, the equivalent resistance is given as the sum of
the values of each resistor connected in series.
Say, R1, R2, R3 .., Rn (total n number of resistors) are connected in series. Hence the
equivalent resistance is
Req = R1+ R2 + R3 … +Rn
If n number of resistors are connected in parallel then the equivalent resistance is given
by the following expression:
1 1 1 1 1
= + + + ⋯+
𝑅𝑒𝑞 𝑅1 𝑅2 𝑅3 𝑅𝑛

When resistors are connected is both series-parallel connection then find the immediate
series or parallel connection and calculate the equivalent resistance.

H. Experimental set up
Part 1: Series connection:

Part 2: Parallel connection:

Part 3: Series Parallel Combination:

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I. Resources required:
1. Breadboard
2. Jumper wires
3. Carbon resistors of various values
4. Multi-meter
J. Precautions:
1. Make sure the leads of the resistors do not break while inserting them in
2. Keep proper setting of resistance (preferably auto) range of digital multi-meter.
K. Procedure to be followed:
1. Make the circuit connections on breadboard as per the circuit diagram shown in
figure 1. That is series connection.
2. Measure the resistance using digital multi-meter at the terminals AB.
3. Now, make the circuit connections as per circuit diagram shown in figure-2. That is
parallel connection.
4. Measure the resistance using digital multi-meter at the terminals AB.
5. Now connect the circuit as per circuit diagram shown in figure-3.
6. Measure the resistance using digital multi-meter at the terminals AB.
L. Observation and Calculations:

Series connection:
R1 R2 R3 Req =
Thoeretical value =

Measured value =
Parallel Connection:
R1 R2 R3 Req =
Thoeretical value =

Measured value =
Series-Parallel Connection:
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Req =
Th. Value =

Value =

M. Interpretation of Results:
Write your results / findings if any.

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N. Conclusion/Recommendation:
Conclude the exeperiment here in this space or add separate page.

O. Practical Related Quiz:

1. Find the equivalent resistance of the network given below at the terminals AB.

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P. References:
1. https://byjus.com/physics/resistors-in-series-parallel/
2. https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/resistor/res_5.html
3. https://www.toppr.com/guides/physics/current-electricity/combination-of-

Q. Assessment Rubrics:

Sr. Criteria Maximu Marks

No. m Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Practical 7
Aim: Verify Superposition theorem and determine the current and voltage in each
branch of the given circuit.

A. Objective:
The objective of the practical is to make students familiar with the approach by which
the superposition theorem can be verified. This is an attempt to instil the scientific
approach of conducting an experiment to verify the laws of science. Also, the real time
observations during the practical will strengthen the conceptual knowledge of the
Superposition theorem and its application.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to strengthen
electrical circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analyzing skills to its
relevant extent.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate
designing and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends to
develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of managing
engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following standard
procedures, observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the
developed skills for life long.
C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
theorems.” through
1. Setup the network to verify Superposition theorem.
2. Solve given problem theoretically.
D. Expected Course Outcomes (COs):
CO 3: Solve simple electrical circuits using network theorems
E. Practical Learning Outcomes (PrOs):
At the end of the practical session, the students are expected to be able to…
1. Verify Superposition theorem and determine the current and voltage in each branch
of the given circuit
2. Select tools and equipment of appropriate rating available in the laboratory to
perform the practical
3. Conclude the results of practical
F. Expected Affective Domain Outcome (ADos)
1. Follow safety protocols
2. Work in team
3. Handle equipment safely

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G. Prerequisite theory:
Superposition theorem states that in a linear, bilateral electrical circuit with more than
one independent source the response (current or voltage) in any branch will be the
addition of the responses found individually when each independent source is acting
alone, while setting the other independent sources to zero.
Superposition theorem is used to calculate the currents or voltages in the branch of
interest in a circuit with more than one independent source. There are several types of
electronic circuits wherein more than one independent source are acting. Superposition
theorem cannot be applicable to unilateral circuits or non-linear circuits. Superposition
theorem is also not applicable for calculation of power in any branch.
There are certain rules while using the superposition theorem.
1. The polarity of current or voltage in the branch of interest should not be
changed while considering each source acting alone and making other sources
2. When the independent voltage source is to be set zero, then it is replaced by
short circuit.
3. When the independent current source is to be set zero, then it is replaced by
open circuit.

H. Experimental Setup:
Form the following circuit on breadboard

Figure 1Step 1 Circuit with two sources

Figure 2 Only 10 V source is acting

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Figure 3 Only 5 V source acting

I. Resources required:
1. Breadboard
2. Jumper wires
3. Carbon resistors of various values (preferably in Ω or in kΩ values)
4. DC Source dual channel (0-30 V, 0-2 A) or two dc sources or two batteries
5. Multimeter (we can use analog meters such ammeters or voltmeters but that will
make the task tedious hence we avoid using those analog meters).

J. Precautions:
1. Do not change the polarity while taking measurements in every step.
2. Do not touch the conducting wires.
3. Handle the equipments with care.
4. Do not exceed the voltage beyond the power rating of carbon resistors.
K. Procedure to be followed:
This practical is performed in three steps to verify the Superposition theorem. Our aim
is to determine the current and voltage in resistor R3. Resistor R3 is the element of our
interest in this practical. We want to determine the current and voltage value in resistor
R3 when both the independent sources 10 V and 5 V are acting in the circuit. The
superposition theorem states that the current and voltage in R3 is found as the addition
of the individual current and voltage when each source is acting alone and other is set to
zero (by replacing with short circuit).
So let us beginthe procedure:
Step 1: Connect the circuit as shown in figure 2. It shows that only 10 V source is
acting in the circuit and the other 5 V source has been replaced by short circuit at ‘cd’
Measure the current and voltage in the resistor R3 using multimeter. It is recommended
to use two multimeters; one as voltmeter and other as ammeter.
Note down the observations. Mark the current and voltage as I’ and V’ respectively.

Step 2: Now, connect the circuit as shown in figure 3. It shows that only 5 V source is
acting in the circuit and the other 10 V source has been replaced by short circuit at ‘ef’
Measure the current and voltage in the resistor R3 using multimeter. Note down the
observations. Mark the current and voltage as I” and V” respectively.

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Step 3: Now, connect both the sources as shown in figure 1. Measure the voltage and
current in resistor R3 using multimeter.
Mark the current and voltage as I and V respectively.

L. Observation and Calculations:

When 10 V is When 5 V is Addition of the Actual Verificati
acting alone acting alone responses when measurement on
individual when both
source is acting sources are
acting in the
I’ = I” = I’+I” = I= Is I =
I’+I” ?

V’ = V” = V’+V” = V= Is V =

M. Interpretations of the results:

Interpret your results / findings if any.

N. Conclusion/Recommendation:
Conclude the exeperiment here in this space or add separate page.

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O. Practical Related Quiz:

1. True or false? Superposition theorem is applicable to calculate voltage, current and
power in a circuit with more than one independent sources.

2. Calculate the current in ‘ab’ branch using Superposition theorem.


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P. References:
1. https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/direct-current/chpt-
2. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/network_theory/network_theory_superpositio
3. https://www.electricaltechnology.org/2021/05/superposition-theorem.html

Q. Assessment Rubrics:

Sr. Criteria Maximum Marks

No. Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Practical 8
Aim : Verify Thevenin’s theorem and determine the current and voltage in each branch
of the given circuit

A. Objective:
The significance of the practical is to make students familiar with the approach by
which the Thevenin’s theorem can be verified. This is an attempt to instil the scientific
approach of conducting an experiment to verify the laws of science. Also, the real time
observations during the practical will strengthen the conceptual knowledge of the
Thevenin’s theorem and its application.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to strengthen
electrical circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analyzing skills to its
relevant extent.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate
designing and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends
to develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of managing
engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following standard
procedures, observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the
developed skills for life long.
C. Expected Skills to be developed based on Competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
theorems” through
1. Use of equipments to verify superposition theorem.
D. Expected Course Outcome (CO):
CO 3: Solve simple electrical circuits using network theorems
E. Practical Outcome(Pro)
At the end of the practical session, the students are expected to be able to…
1. Verify Thevenin’s theorem and determine the current and voltage in each branch of
the given circuit
2. Setup tools and equipment of appropriate rating available in the laboratory to
perform the practical
3. Conclude the results of practical
F. Expected Affective Domain Outcome (ADOs):
1. Follow safety protocols
2. Work in team
G. Prerequisite theory:
Thevenin’s theorem states that any linear, bilateral complex electrical circuit can be

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replaced by single equivalent voltage source called Vth (Thevenin’s voltage) and
equivalent resistance Rth (Thevenin’s resistance) in series with ‘Vth’ at the branch of
interest. Generally the branch of interest is the terminals where load is connected.
The significance of the theorem is that any complex network can be simplified by this
theorem. This simplified network is called Thevenin’s circuit. Once the Thevenin’s
circuit is obtained, the load current or terminal voltage across load can be computed
easily for any value of load.
There are peculiar steps to obtain the Thevenin’s circuit.
1. At the branch of interest, remove the element of that branch i.e. if the load is
connected at that branch then remove the load (resistance in our case).
2. Then measure the open circuit voltage (Voc) at the branch terminals of the
branch of the interest which is nothing but the Thevenin’s Voltage Vth.
3. Now, replace the voltage sources by short circuits and current sources by open
circuits in the given network.
4. Then measure the resistance at the branch terminals of the branch of interest.
This is Thevenin’s resistance Rth.

H. Experimental Setup:
Form the following circuit on breadboard.

Figure 1 Given circuit to determine load current

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Figure 2- Measurement of Vth

Figure 3Measurement of Rth

Figure 4 (Thevenin's equivalent circuit

I. Resources required:
1. Breadboard
2. Jumper wires
3. Carbon resistors of various values (preferably in Ω or in kΩ values)
4. DC Source dual channel (0-30 V, 0-2 A) or two dc sources or two batteries
5. Multimeter

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6. 10 K POT – 10 turn (or 3.7 K POT)

J. Safety and necessary Precautions followed:

1. Do not change the polarity while taking measurements in every step.
2. Do not touch the conducting wires.
3. Handle the equipments with care.
4. Do not exceed the voltage beyond the power rating of carbon resistors.

K. Procedure to be followed:
The verification of Thevenin’s theorem practical is done in 5 steps.
Step 1: Connect the components (Voltage source, resistors, wires etc) as shown in
Figure-1. This is the given circuit, a complex circuit wherein our branch of interest is
branch ‘ab’. At ‘ab’ terminals load resistance is connected.
(* Please note that the resistors chosen should not be more than one kilo-ohm range, so
that later we can use 10 K pot or 3.7 K POT).
Switch ON the supply and measure the load current IL flowing through the load
resistance RL.
Step 2: Now, we will obtain Thevenin’s equivalent voltage Vth. For that, remove the
load resistance from terminals ‘ab’ (See figure 2). Now measure the open circuit
voltage at terminals ‘ab’. That is Thevenin’s Voltage Vth.
Step 3: Now connect the circuit as shown in figure-3. Remove the voltage source and
apply a short circuit link where the voltage source was connected. Now using
multimeter, measure the resistance at terminals ‘ab’. This is Thevenin’s equivalent
resistance Rth.
Step 4: Connect the circuit as shown in figure-4. Set the value of voltage source equal
to Vth. (For example - if you have obtained 6.7 V volt as Vth, then set 6.7 V from the
variable DC voltage source).
Also using 10K POT or 3.7K POT, set the value of resistance equals to Rth. (For
example, if you have obtained Rth = 2.5 K Ohm, then using 10K POT or 3.7K POT, set
the value of resistance = 2.5 K Ohm). In this way, we obtain the Thevenin’s equivalent
Now, connect the load resistance RL at the terminals ‘ab’, with an ammeter to be
connected in series. This ammeter will measure the load current IL.
Step 5: Compare the results.

L. Observations and calculations:

Load current Thevenin’s Thevenin’s Load current obtained

in actual circuit equal voltage equal from Thevenin’s circuit
(Circuit -1) (Vth) resistance Verification
IL = Vth = Rth= IL =

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M. Interpretation of Results:
Interpret your results/ findings if any. (Add separate page if needed)

N. Conclusion:

O. Practical related Quiz:

1. Obtain the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit at the terminal ‘ab’ of the given circuit

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P. References/Suggestion:
1. https://byjus.com/physics/thevenin-
2. https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/direct-current/chpt-10/thevenins-
3. https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/dccircuits/dcp_7.html

Q. Assessment Rubrics:
Sr. Criteria Maximum Marks
No. Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Practical 9
Aim : Verify Norton’s theorem and determine the current and voltage in each branch of
the given circuit

A. Objective:
The significance of the practical is to make students familiar with the approach by
which the Norton’s theorem can be verified. This is an attempt to instil the scientific
approach of conducting an experiment to verify the laws of science. Also, the real time
observations during the practical will strengthen the conceptual knowledge of the
Norton’s theorem and its application.

B. Expected Program Outcomes (Pos):

PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to strengthen
electrical circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analyzing skills to its
relevant extent.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate
designing and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends to
develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of managing
engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following standard
procedures, observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the
developed skills for life long.
C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
theorems” through
1. Use of equipment to verify Norton’s theorem.
D. Expected Course Outcomes (Cos):
CO 3: Solve simple electrical circuits using network theorems
E. Practical Outcome (Pro):
At the end of the practical session, the students are expected to be able to…
1. Verify Norton’s theorem and determine the current and voltage in each branch of
the given circuit
2. Setup tools and equipment of appropriate rating available in the laboratory to
perform the practical
3. Conclude the results of practical

F. Expected Affective Domain Outcome (ADOs)

1. Follow safety protocols

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2. Work in team

G. Prerequisite Theory:
Norton’s theorem states that any linear, bilateral complex electrical circuit can be
replaced by single equivalent current source called IN (Norton’s current source) and
equivalent resistance RN (Norton’s resistance) in parallel with ‘IN’ at the branch of
interest. Generally the branch of interest is the terminals where load is connected.
The significance of the theorem is that any complex network can be simplified by this
theorem. This simplified network is called Norton’s circuit. Once the Norton’s circuit is
obtained, the load current or terminal voltage across load can be computed easily for
any value of load.
There are peculiar steps to obtain the Thevenin’s circuit.
1. At the branch of interest, remove the element of that branch i.e. if the load is
connected at that branch then remove the load (resistance in our case).
2. Then measure the short circuit current (ISC = IN) at the branch terminals of the
branch of the interest which is Thevenin’s Voltage Vth.
3. Now, replace the voltage sources by short circuit and/or current sources by open
circuit in the given network.
4. Then measure the resistance at the branch terminals of the branch of interest.
This is Norton’s resistance RN. Norton’s resistance is same as Thevenin’s

H. Experimental Setup:

Form the following circuit on breadboard.

Figure 4 Given circuit to determine load current

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Figure 5 Circuit 2 - (Measurement of IN– Norton’s current)

Figure 6 Circuit -3 (Measurement of RN – Norton’s resistance)

Figure 7 Circuit-4 (Norton's equivalent circuit)

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I. Resources required:
1. Breadboard
2. Jumper wires
3. Carbon resistors of various values (preferably in Ω or in kΩ values)
4. DC Source dual channel (0-30 V, 0-2 A) or two dc sources or two batteries
5. Multimeter
6. 10 K POT – 10 turn (or 3.7 K POT)
J. Safety and Necessary Precautions Followed:
1. Do not change the polarity while taking measurements in every step.
2. Do not touch the conducting wires.
3. Handle the equipments with care.
4. Do not exceed the voltage beyond the power rating of carbon resistors.

K. Procedure to be followed:

The verification of Thevenin’s theorem practical is done in 5 steps.

Step 1: Connect the components (Voltage source, resistors, wires etc) as shown in
Figure-1. This is the given circuit, a complex circuit wherein our branch of interest is
branch ‘ab’. At ‘ab’ terminals load resistance is connected.
(* Please note that the resistors chosen should not be more than one kilo-ohm range, so
that later we can use 10 K pot or 3.7 K POT).
Switch ON the supply and measure the load current IL flowing through the load
resistance RL. Also measure voltage across load resistor using multimeter.
Step 2: Now, we will obtain Norton’s equivalent current IN. For that, remove the load
resistance from terminals ‘ab’ (See figure 2). Now measure the short circuit current at
terminals ‘ab’ by connecting them through ammeter.
Step 3: Now connect the circuit as shown in figure-3. Remove the voltage source and
apply a short circuit link where the voltage source was connected. Now using
multimeter, measure the resistance at terminals ‘ab’. This is Norton’s equivalent
resistance RN.
Step 4: Unlike Thevenin’s theorem, it is difficult to form Norton’s equivalent circuit on
breadboard because most labs don’t have current source generators. Hence for
simplicity, we shall use Norton’s equivalent circuit obtained through the experiment to
calculate the voltage across and current through the load resistor RL. Use the formula
𝑰𝑳 = 𝑹𝑵+𝑹𝑳 as shown in figure-4.
Step 5: Compare the results of step 1 and step 4.

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L. Observations and Calculations:

Load current Norton’s Norton’s Load current obtained
in actual circuit current resistance from Norton’s circuit
(Circuit -1) Verification
𝑰𝑳 =
IL = IN= RN= IL =

VL = VL = (ILRL) =

M. Interpretation of Results:
Write your results / findings if any..

N. Conclusion:
Conclude the exeperiment here in this space or add separate page.

O. Practical Related Quiz:

1. Obtain the Norton’s equivalent circuit at the terminals ‘ab’ of the given circuit

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P. References:
1. https://byjusexamprep.com/nortons-theorem-i
2. https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/dccircuits/dcp_8.html
3. https://circuitglobe.com/what-is-nortons-theorem.html

Q. Assessment Rubrics:
Sr. Criteria Maximum Marks
No. Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Practical 10
Aim: Verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem and determine value of load resistance
for maximum power transfer in the given electrical circuit.

A. Objective:
The significance of the practical is to make students familiar with the approach by
which the Maximum Power Transfer theorem can be verified. This is an attempt to
instil the scientific approach of conducting an experiment to verify the laws of science.
Also, the real time observations during the practical will strengthen the conceptual
knowledge of the Maximum Power Transfer theorem and its application.

B. Expected Program Outcomes (Pos):

PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to strengthen
electrical circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analyzing skills to its
relevant extent.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate
designing and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends to
develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of managing
engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following standard
procedures, observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the
developed skills for life long.
C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
theorems” through
1. Use of equipment to verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
D. Expected Course Outcomes (Cos)
CO 3: Solve simple electrical circuits using network theorems
E. Practical Outcome (Pro):
At the end of the practical session, the students are expected to be able to…
1. Verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem and determine value of load resistance
for maximum power transfer in the given electrical circuit
2. Setup tools and equipment of appropriate rating available in the laboratory to
perform the practical
3. Conclude the results of practical

F. Expected Affective Domain Outcome (ADOs):

1. Follow safety protocols
2. Work in team

G. Prerequisite theory:

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Maximum Power Transfer Theorem in DC Circuit states that when load resistance
becomes equal to source resistance, maximum
power will be transferred by source to load. The
circuit may be complex electrical network; hence
the source resistance is in fact Thevenin’s
equivalent resistance measured at the terminals
where load is connected. Consider the following
Simple Ohmic circuit is given. Source voltage is
Vs and source resistance is Rs. Load resistance is
RL. Load current is IL.

Now power 𝑃𝐿 = 𝐼𝐿2 𝑅𝐿 … … . . . (1)

𝐼𝐿 = … … . . . (2)
𝑅𝑠 + 𝑅𝐿
∴ 𝑃𝐿 = ( ) 𝑅𝐿 … … … . (3)
𝑅𝑠 + 𝑅𝐿

For power to be maximum,

= 0 … … … (4)
Differentiating equation no. 3wrt RL, we get, Rs = RL meaning that when load
resistance becomes equal to source resistance then maximum power will be transferred.

H. Experimental Setup:
Form the following circuit on breadboard.

Figure 8
I. Resources required:
1. Breadboard
2. Jumper wires
3. Rs = 1 K Ohm resistor (1 no.)
4. RL = 3.7 K POT (1 no.)
5. DC Source dual channel (0-30 V, 0-2 A)
6. Multimeter

J. Safety and necessary Precautions followed:

1. Do not touch the conducting wires.

2. Handle the equipments with care.

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3. Do not exceed the voltage beyond the power rating of carbon resistors.
K. Procedure to be followed:
The verification process of Maximum Power Transfer Theorem is done in following
Step 1: Form the circuit on the breadboard as shown in the figure-1.
Step 2: Keep the resistance RL (load resistance 3.7 K POT) to its minimum value (Fully
anticlockwise position). Set the supply voltage at 10 V or some suitable value.
Step 3: Keep recording the readings – IL (Load current) and VL (Load voltage),
measure the load resistance and record its value in observation table.
Step 4: Gradually increase the load resistance by turning the knob of 3.7K POT.
Record ammeter and voltmeter observations (preferably multimeter) and load resistance
Step 5: Repeat step no. 4 until 3.7 K POT knob is fully turned in clockwise direction.
Step 6: Set the RL = RS and take the VL and IL readings.

L. Observations and Calculations:

RL (Load IL (Load VL (Load Power PL (in watts)
resistance in K current in mA) Voltage in V)

M. Interpretation of Results:

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N. Conclusion:
Write down in the space below

O. Practical Related Quiz:

1. Write the application of maximum power transfer theorem in actual practice.

2. In a circuit, the source resistance is 5 Ohm, the supply voltage is 10 V. Caculate the
maximum power that can be transferred to load.

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P. References:
1. https://testbook.com/physics/maximum-power-transfer-theorem
2. https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/dccircuits/dcp_9.html
3. https://www.electronicshub.org/maximum-power-transfer-theorem/

Q. Assessment Rubrics:
Sr. Criteria Maximum Marks
No. Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Practical 11
Aim : Connect given capacitors in series, parallel and series parallel combinations and
determine the total equivalent value of capacitance
A. Objective:
The significance of the practical is to make students determine the equivalent
capacitance value for the given set of capacitors when they are connected in series,
parallel or series-parallel combinations. The equivalent value of capacitance is
calculated by theoretical formulas and the same formula will be verified by conducting
an experiment.

B. Expected Program Outcomes (Pos):

PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to strengthen
electrical components and circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analyzing skills to its
relevant extent.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate
designing and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends to
develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: This
experiment intends to inculcate engineering practices to its relevant extent.
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of managing
engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following standard
procedures, observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the
developed skills for life long.
C. Expected Skills to be developed based on Competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
theorems” through
1. Verifying the relationship in series, parallel combinations of capacitors.
D. Expected Course Outcome (Cos):
CO 4: Interpret the working of capacitors based on electrostatic principle.
E. Practical Outcome (Pro):
At the end of the practical session, the students are expected to be able to…
1. Connect capacitors in series, parallel and series-parallel combinations on bread-
2. Use multimeter to measure equivalent capacitance

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome (ADOs)

1. Follow safety protocols
2. Work in team

G. Prerequisite Theory:
We know that capacitance means the ability of capacitor to store charge. More the
charge it stores, more the capacitance is of that capacitor.

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Capacitance C = Q/V
When capacitors are connected in series, the equivalent capacitance is given by the
1 1 1 1
= 𝐶1 + 𝐶2 + ⋯ + 𝐶𝑛 Where n = number of capacitors connected in series.
Similarly when capacitors are connected in parallel, the expression for equivalent
capacitance is given as:
𝐶𝑒𝑞 = 𝐶1 + 𝐶2 + ⋯ + 𝐶𝑛

H. Experimental Setup

Figure 1Series connection of capacitor

Figure 2 Parallel Connection of capacitors

Figure 3 Series Parallel Combination of


I. Resources required:
1. Breadboard
2. Jumper wires
3. Capacitors of various values (preferably non-polar type)
4. Multimeter

J. Safety and necessary Precautions followed:

1. The leads of the capacitors are delicate hence, while inserting the capacitor leads in
the breadboard, take care that it does not break.

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2. Do not try to insert the multimeter probes into breadboard. Instead, use jumper
wires to take measurement.
3. Do not insert the leads of the capacitors with force. It may damage the breadboard.
K. Procedure to be followed:
1. Series connection:
Connect the capacitors as shown in figure-1 on the breadboard. Now measure the
capacitance with the help of multimeter at the terminals shown in the figure-1.
Record your observation.
2. Parallel connection:
Connect the capacitors as shown in figure-2 on the breadboard. Now measure the
capacitance with help of multimeter at the terminals shown in the figure-2. Record
your observation.
3. Series-parallel connection:
Connect the capacitors as shown in figure-3 on the breadboard. Now measure the
capacitance with help of multimeter at the terminals shown in the figure-3. Record
your observation.
L. Observation and Calculations:

Eq. capacitance Eq. capacitance Eq. capacitance

in sereis in parallel in series-
connection connection parallel



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M. Interpretation of Results:
Write down in the given space below.

N. Conclusion:
Conclude the exeperiment here in this space or add separate page.

O. Practical related Quiz:

1. You have four capacitors C1, C2, C3 and C4 of values 1µF, 0.5 µF, 1 µF and 2 µF
respectively. Arrange them in series-parallel combination such that equivalent
capacitance is 3 µF.

2. C1 = 1 µF is connected in series with C2 = 0.5 µF. Find the equivalent capacitance.

3. C1 = 10 pF is connected in parallel with C2 = 10 µF. Find the equivalent


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P. References:

1. https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/direct-current/chpt-13/series-and-
2. https://ecstudiosystems.com/discover/textbooks/basic-
3. https://openpress.usask.ca/physics155/chapter/4-2-capacitors-in-series-and-in-

Q. Assessment Rubrics:

Sr. Criteria Maximum Marks

No. Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Practical 12
Aim : Test different types of capacitors

A. Objective:
This is task based practical. Capacitors are the basic components of the electrical
engineering. Students should be able to identify them from the appearance, tests or
other tangible attributes.

B. Expected Program Outcomes (Pos):

PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to strengthen
electrical circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analyzing skills to its
relevant extent.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate
designing and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends to
develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: This
experiment intends to inculcate engineering practices to its relevant extent.
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of managing
engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following standard
procedures, observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the
developed skills for life long.
C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
theorems” through
1. Testing various types of capacitors
D. Expected Course Outcomes (Cos):
CO 4: Interpret the working of capacitors based on electrostatic principle.
E. Practical Outcomes (PRo):
At the end of the practical session, the students are expected to be able to…
1. Test different types of capacitors
2. Use LCR meter or DMM (Digital Multi Meter)
3. Measure capacitor from the colour code / manufacturing nomenclature
4. Differentiate polar and non-polar capacitor

F. Expected Affective domain outcome (ADOs):

1. Follow safety protocols

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2. Work in team

G. Prerequisite Theory:
Capacitor is a device which stores electric charge. When a dielectric material is placed
between two conducting plates, capacitor is formed. When the two plates are connected
with voltage source of ‘V’ volt, the amount of stored charge is given by the expression:
Q = CV coulomb. Where C is the capacitance of the capacitor.
Therefore, if a capacitor stores 1 coulomb charge when 1 volt is applied to it, the
capacitance is said to be 1 Farad. Capacitance is measured in Farad. Typical values
range from nano-Farad (nF) to micro Farad (µF).
Capacitors are mostly identified by the type of dielectric material used.
Various types of capacitors are manufactured such as air capacitors, plastic film
capacitors, ceramic capacitors, mica capacitors, tantalum capacitors.
Basically there are two types of capacitors – (1) Electrolytic and (2) Non-electrolytic.
Many years ago, colour coded system was used for identifying the value and tolerance
of capacitors. Nowadays, manufacturers follow number coded system wherein they
simply write 3 digits numeric value on the capacitor sometimes followed by
alphabetical letter. The first two digits show the value of capacitor in pico farad (pF).
The third digit is the multiplier. If there is English alphabet after the code, it means the
manufacturer has specified the tolerance also.
Consider the following example: On the disc type capacitor manufacturer has written
47 means the capacitor value is 47 pF (pico farad).
If the number code is 471 then it means 47 × 101 𝑝𝐹 = 470 𝑝𝐹.
For number code 101 = 10 × 101 = 100 𝑝𝐹.
For number code 232 = 23 × 102 𝑝𝐹
Following table depicts tolerance value for the corresponding English letters.

Letter B C D F G J K M Z
C < 10 pF 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 - - - -
C > 10 pF - - 0.5 1 2 5 1 2 -20→
0 0 +80

Hence, 224J means capacitor value is =22 × 104 𝑝𝐹 ± 5 % 𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

H. Experimental Setup
Please refer Appendix C
1. Observe capacitor demonstration kit displaying various types of capacitors.
2. Distinguish polar from non-polar capacitors.
3. Classify capacitors according to the materials used, size, rating etc.

I. Resources Required:
1. Capacitor demonstration kit or various capacitors available in the lab
2. LCR meter or DMM

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J. Safety and necessary Precautions followed:

K. Procedure to be followed:
1. Identify the value of capacitance of given capacitor from nomenclature or rating
specified by manufacturer or as per the instructions of faculty member.
2. Measure the value of capacitance using DMM or LCR meter.
3. Compare the results.
L. Observation and Calculations:

Sr. No. Number coded Tolerance Measured value

capacitance value using LCR meter

M. Interpretation of Results: (for any one capacitor)

The measured value of capacitance is ______ using LCR meter. The number coded
value is _____. The tolerance by number code is _______. The deviation from number
coded value is _____. The actual tolerance is ____.

N. Conclusion:
Conclude the experiment in the following space.

O. Practival related Quiz:

1. State the applications of capacitors.

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P. References:

1. https://chintglobal.com/blog/capacitors-types-and-how-to-test-capacitor/
2. https://www.watelectronics.com/different-types-of-capacitors-applications/
3. https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/capacitor/cap_2.html
4. https://www.linquip.com/blog/types-of-capacitors-all-you-need-to-know/

Q. Assessment Rubrics:

Sr. Criteria Maximum Marks

No. Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Practical 13
Aim : Measure charging and discharging time of capacitor in the given circuit and
verify the same with RC time constant.

A. Objective:
Charging and Discharging of capacitor finds many applications in electrical and
electronic circuits. Many timing and switching circuits are based on the RC time
constant of the RC network. This practical signifies the method to verify the charging
and discharging time of capacitor through the given value of resistor.

B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)

PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: This experiment intends to strengthen
electrical components and circuit related basic knowledge.
PO2: Problem analysis: This experiment intends to inculcate analyzing skills to its
relevant extent.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions: This experiment intends to inculcate
designing and developing solutions of a given problem to its relevant extent.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: This experiment intends to
develop skills of utilizing tools and carry out testing and experimenting skills
PO6: Project Management: This experiment intends to develop skills of managing
engineering projects through proper selection of equipment, following standard
procedures, observing outcomes and rectifying the errors.
PO7: Life-long learning: This experiment intends to inculcate ability to use the
developed skills for life long.
C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
theorems” through
1. Verifying the charging and discharging time constants of the given circuit
D. Expected Course Outcomes (COs):
CO 4: Interpret the working of capacitors based on electrostatic principle.

E. Practical Outcome (PRo):

At the end of the practical session, the students are expected to be able to…
1. Measure charging and discharging time of capacitor voltage through resistor and
determine RC time constant
2. Setup tools and equipment of appropriate rating available in the laboratory to
perform the practical
3. Conclude the results of practical

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome (ADOs):

1. Follow safety protocols

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2. Work in team

G. Prerequisite Theory:
Capacitor is an energy storing device. It stores the energy in the form of electric charge.
When capacitor is storing the charge, the process is called charging. When the stored
energy is being delivered to resistive element, then the capacitor is said to be
discharging. The charging of capacitor depends on the supply voltage as well as the
capacitance of the capacitor. But, the charging time of capacitor depends on the value
of resistance through which the capacitor is being charged. Similarly the discharging
time depends on the value of resistance to which it is being discharged.

Charging of capacitor:
The capacitor does not charge instantly when connected with the voltage source. It
takes some finite time. The time at which the capacitor charging voltage Vc reaches to
63 % of supplied voltage is called the time constant of the RC circuit. How do we know
that? Well, suppose you have connected 10 V source then measure the time from
“switching on” the circuit to the instant at which the capacitor voltage becomes equal to
6.3 V. The measured time duration is the time constant of the circuit and that is equal to
Here RC circuit means the Resistor R and Capacitor C are connected in series and the
combination is connected to voltage source V.
The time constant Ƭ (tau) = RC (product of resistance and capacitance)
The capacitor will fully charge when capacitor voltage Vc = supplied voltage V.
The time at which capacitor is fully charge is = 5RC.

Discharging of capacitor:

Capacitor does not discharge immediately (unless short circuited at its terminals) but
takes some finite time when discharges through a resistor. The discharging time
constant is different than charging time constant. The time at which capacitor voltage
Vc falls to 37 % of the fully charged voltage then it is the time constant of the RC
circuit. Charging and discharging time constant are same if the capacitor is charged or
discharged through the same resistor.
H. Experimental Setup:

Figure 9 Circuit for charging and discharging of capacitor

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I. Resources required:
1. Capacitor charging-discharging trainer kit (if available)
2. DC Source (0-30V, 0-2 A) – 1No.
3. Bread board -1 No.
4. Carbon resistor 10 M Ohm -1 No.
5. Carbon resistor 5 M Ohm- 1 No.
6. Capacitor 1 µF – 1 No.
7. Stop watch or use cell phone timer
8. Multimeter
9. Two way -Toggle switch
J. Safety and necessary Precautions to be followed:
1. Do not touch the conducting wires.
2. Handle the equipments with care.
3. Do not exceed the voltage beyond the power rating of carbon resistors.

K. Procedure to be followed:

1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure-1.

2. Connect digital multimeter across capacitor terminals to measure charging voltage
as shown in figure.
3. Keep the switch at position 1 as shown in figure-1.
4. Turn on the supply. At the same instant start the timer, the capacitor will start
charging through resistor RC.
5. Keep recording the time and voltage across capacitor at suitable interval (say at
every 2 second, observe voltage across capacitor)
6. Record the DMM reading until capacitor is fully charged. (Voltage across capacitor
becomes equal supply voltage)
7. Now, change the switch to position 2. At the same instant, start the timer. The
capacitor will start discharging through the discharging resistor RD.
8. Record the discharging voltage across capacitor along with the time.
9. Wait till the capacitor is fully discharged.
10. When voltage across capacitor becomes zero, turn-off the supply and disconnect the
L. Observations and Calculations:

Charging of capacitor:
RC = __________;C =_________ ; Vs =_______ ; 0.63Vs = ________

RCC = _____ second

Voltage across capacitor Vc = _____ at time t = RCC second

Is Vc at time t = RCC is equal to 0.63Vs?

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Observation table:

Time in second (t) Vc (Charging voltage) in volt

Discharging of capacitor:
RD = _____ C =______ Vs =_______ ; 0.37Vs = ________

RDC = _____ second

Voltage across capacitor Vc = _____ at time t = RDC second

Is Vc at time t = RDC is equal to 0.37Vs?

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Observation table:

Time in second (t) Vc (Charging voltage) in volt

M. Interpretation of Results:
Write your results / findings if any. (Sketch the graph between t & Vc during charging
and t & VC during discharging of capacitor). Comment on the graph. Find time
constant using the graph in both cases.

N. Conclusion:

O. Practical related Quiz:

1. Write the application of RC timer circuit.

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2. If 10 µF capacitor is charged through 1 KΩ resistor from 20 V DC supply then

compute the time for capacitor voltage to be 10 V.
[Hint: use the following equation - 𝑉𝑐 = 𝑉𝑠 (1 + 𝑒 −(𝑅𝐶) ) ]

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P. References:
1. https://www.vedantu.com/iit-jee/charging-and-discharging-of-capacitor
2. https://www.webassign.net/question_assets/ncsulcpem2/lab_4/manual.html
3. https://unacademy.com/content/jee/study-material/physics/charging-and-

Q. Graph

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R. Assessment Rubrics:
Sr. Criteria Maximum Marks
No. Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety
3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5
4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Practical 14
Aim: Test different types of inductors

A. Objective:
This is task based practical. Inductor is the basic component of the electrical
engineering. Students should be able to identify some types of inductors from the
appearance, tests or other tangible attributes.

B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)

PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic
mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to
solve the engineering problems.
PO4:Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering
tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency “Solve basic circuit problems using circuit laws and network
theorems” through
1. Identifying and measuring various types of inductors.

D. Expected Course Outcomes (COs):

CO 5: Interpret the working of inductor based on electromagnetic principle.

E. Practical Outcome (PRo):

At the end of the practical session, the students are expected to be able to…
1. Test and measure the given inductor
2. Use LCR meter or DMM (Digital Multi Meter)
3. Measure inductance from the colour code / manufacturing nomenclature

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome (ADOs):

1. Follow safety protocols
2. Work in team
G. Prerequisite Theory:
Assume there is a wire which has been coiled. Now when current passes through the
coil, a magnetic force is produced. When there is any change in the flow of current,
certain property of the coil opposes the cause of the change in the current flow. This
property is known as inductance. It is measured in Henry (H). The electronic
component producing inductance is called inductor.
Types of inductor: air core inductors, ferromagnetic core inductors, molded inductor,
thin film inductor etc. Typical values of inductors vary from micro henry to milli henry.

H. Experimental Setup:
Part 1: Identification of inductors:

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Observe demonstration kit of various types of inductor available in the laboratory.

From the demonstration kit of various types of inductor, identify their type, rating,
application etc.
Part 2: Measurement of inductors:
A. By colour code (if colour coded inductor is available)

BAND 1 2 3 4 5
R 10%
K 0 0 10^0 20%
N 1 1 10^1 1%
RED 2 2 10^2 2%
GE 3 3 10^3 3%
OW 4 4 10^4 4%
N 5 5 10^5
BLUE 6 6 10^6
T 7 7 10^7
GREY 8 8 10^8
E 9 9 10^9

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B. Measurement by LCR meter:

Use LCR meter to measure the value of inductance of given inductor.

I. Resources required:
1. Demonstration kit of various types of inductors
2. LCR meter
J. Safety and necessary Precautions followed
1. Handle the equipments with care.

K. Procedure to be followed:
1. Measure the inductance of the given inductor by colour code if available.
2. Measure the inductance of the given inductor with the help of LCR meter.
3. If tolerance is specified (or in colour coded inductor) then mention in the
observation table.

L. Observations and Calculations:

Sr. No. Colour coded Tolerance Measured value
inductance value using LCR meter

M. Interpretation of Results:
The measured value of inductance is ______using LCR meter. The color coded value is
_____ The tolerance by colour code is _______The deviation from colour coded value
is _____The actual tolerance is ____.

N. Conclusion:
Conclude the experiment in the following space.

O. Practical related Quiz:

1. State the applications of inductors.

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2. State Lenz’s law

3. State various types of inductors.

P. References:
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9Ed13nvNRg
2. https://www.wikihow.com/Measure-Inductancen
3. https://vikramlearning.com/jntuh/notes/electronic-devices-and-circuits-

Q. Assessment Rubrics:
Sr. Criteria Maximum Marks
No. Marks obtained
1. Circuit interpretation and connection 5
2. Skill for practical performance by following Safety

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3. Ethical conduct & teamwork 5

4. Interpretation of result and conclusion 5
5. Timely completion & quality of work 5
Total marks 25

Sign of Course Faculty

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Appendix A: Various types of resistors

1. Carbon composition resistor:

2. Wire wound resistor:

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3. Carbon film resistor:

4. Metal Film Resistors:

5. Potentiometer:

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6. Rheostat:

7. Wire wound rheostat

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• Image courtesy: www.electricaltechnology.org; for more details visit the website

• The images have been used with the permission from the website

Appendix B: Various types of Inductors

1. Air core inductor:

2. Iron Core inductor:

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3. Ferrite core inductor

4. Toroidal Core (iron powdered) inductor

5. Laminated steel core inductor:

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6. Drum/Bobin core inductor:

• Image courtesy: www.electricaltechnology.org; for more details visit the website

• The images have been used with the permission from the website

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Appendix C Various types of capacitors

1. Polar capacitors

2. Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors

3. Non solid aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors:

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4. Solid aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors:

5. Tantalum electrolytic capacitor:

6. Ceramic Capacitor:

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Ceramic Capacitor

• Image courtesy: www.electricaltechnology.org; for more details visit the website

• The images have been used with the permission from the website

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D. C. Circuits

Lab manual prepared by

Shri H B Kapadia
Lecturer in Electrical Engineering
Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad

Shri M H Kumar
Lecturer in Electrical Engineering
Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad

Shri S N Doshi
Lecturer in Electrical Engineering
Government Polytechnic, Himatnagar

Branch Coordinator
Shri T A Patel
Lecturer in Electrical Engineering
R C Technical Institute, Ahmedabad

Committee Chairman
Shri R. D. Raghani
Principal (I/C)
Government Polytechnic, Gandhinagar

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