Employment Situationin India
Employment Situationin India
Employment Situationin India
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All content following this page was uploaded by Raghubar Prasad Singh on 19 February 2021.
Abstract :- India is a developing country. The country from several years. Developing country
developing country are facing problem of with poverty and unemployment is in news but
unemployment. The major problem of India is now underemployment is the biggest problem in
underemployment. The reason behind it is India. Unemployment occur when a person who
underdeveloped secondary sector which is sector is who is actively searching for employment is
of 'employment creation' in the economy. The unable to find work. According to OECD definition
reason for rural unemployment and urban of unemployment is person above a specified age
employment are different. In rural not been in paid employment or self-employment
unemployment, reason is increasing population, but currently available for work during the
insufficient capitals, seasonal nature of reference period. The most frequent measure of
agriculture occupation, lack of skill. The causes of unemployment is 'unemployment rate' in which
urban unemployment are migration from rural the number of unemployed people divided by the
area, more supply of labour, lack of suitable job, number of people in the labour force.
new capital-intensive sector. The India is facing Unemployment is caused by various reason that
such level of unemployment which was never come from both the demand side of employment
seen in last 45 years that is 6.2 % of and the supply side of worker.
unemployment rate. The recent pandemic has
largely affected the employment situation in the Underemployment is a situation in which
country. The government has taken various steps those people who are employed but not able to
in the past to tackle it such as Kaushal Vikas get employment according to their ability and
Yojana, MANREGA, Garib Kalyan Yojana and so skill. on the other hand, unemployment is a
on. We can also learn a lot of from country like situation in which people willing to get job but
China which is most populous country of the unable to get job.
world but also a 'manufacturing hub 'of the The major portion of the workforce is in
world. The government should focus on skill for unorganised sector that is 80% of the working
development, adopt population control measure, population and willing people are not able to get
more industries should be developed, skill job according to their ability and skill lead to
enhancement, small and medium enterprises unemployment situation in India. According to
should be encouraged and so on. NSSO report 2017-18, unemployment rate is 6.2%
which is highest in last 45 years in Indian
Keywords :- Unemployment, Employment, job economy. There are three sectors in the Indian
Skills, workforce, economy, industry, government economy namely- Primary, Secondary and
etc. Tertiary sector. Indian economy should move
from primary to secondary then to the tertiary
Introduction :- The major problem of India is sector but India directly jump from primary to
underemployment. According to Arvind tertiary sector. Therefore, situation of
Panagariya former chairperson of India underemployment is seen in Indian economy and
thinktank's NITI Aayog, since the 73 years of that lead to a situation of underdeveloped
India's independence development has not reach secondary sector. It can be seen in comparison to
up to that level. India is still counted as poor primary and tertiary sector, there are more jobs
Off. 320, Sanjeevni Nagar, Garha, Jabalpur (M.P.) srfjournal21@gmail.com, www.srfresearchjournal.com, M. 9131312045, 0761-4036611
International Journal of Social Science & Management Studies - I.J.S.S.M.S.
Peer Reviewed–Refereed Research Journal, Indexing & Impact Factor - 5.2, Ex - UGC S.N. 5351
ISSN : 2454 - 4655, Vol. - 6, No. – 10, Nov. - 2020
Off. 320, Sanjeevni Nagar, Garha, Jabalpur (M.P.) srfjournal21@gmail.com, www.srfresearchjournal.com, M. 9131312045, 0761-4036611
International Journal of Social Science & Management Studies - I.J.S.S.M.S.
Peer Reviewed–Refereed Research Journal, Indexing & Impact Factor - 5.2, Ex - UGC S.N. 5351
ISSN : 2454 - 4655, Vol. - 6, No. – 10, Nov. - 2020
part time work, the part time work may not be lose their job and become unemployed or
sufficient for basic need. It is problem particularly under employed.
in developing country where the unemployment 8. Market changes- Underemployment can be
rate is quite low and on the other hand, caused by larger market changes example
unemployment it is a situation in which people automation has affected worker in industry
willing to get Job. In India, 80% of working ranging from restart to manufacturing to
population are in unorganised sector. transportation and warehousing.
Off. 320, Sanjeevni Nagar, Garha, Jabalpur (M.P.) srfjournal21@gmail.com, www.srfresearchjournal.com, M. 9131312045, 0761-4036611
International Journal of Social Science & Management Studies - I.J.S.S.M.S.
Peer Reviewed–Refereed Research Journal, Indexing & Impact Factor - 5.2, Ex - UGC S.N. 5351
ISSN : 2454 - 4655, Vol. - 6, No. – 10, Nov. - 2020
service of labour in many enterprises into implementation process is very slow. Moreover,
the zone of automation and computer the government should make scheme for
system has increased the condition of underemployment. So that we can take the
unemployment. economic slowdown. Many individual are
available in society with good skill. Government
There is reason for large-scale
should provide them adequate facility to get
unemployment in India which create obstacles in
them job with the skill they have. Here is a saying
country development. Government should make
a simply do what the right the right way at the
different plan for rural and urban areas to reduce
right time.
the unemployment which is the big concern for
India. Today in unskilled sector MANREGA is
Government steps :- Government has taken playing a very important role in which unskilled
various steps like Nirmal Bharat, Kaushal Vikas and semi-skilled person get employment for
Yojana, Mudra Yojana, MANREGA, Garib Kalyan hundred days. Therefore, it is important to
Rojgar Yojana. In addition to it, government increase its budget. Government's make in India,
should focus on skill development. Mudra Yojana, startup yojana, skill India mission
like programme are encouraging government
Government Should take following measure to recently. Pradhanmantri shram Yogi Maan Dhan
reduce unemployment :- The problem of Yojana has been launched by government to
unemployment can be reduced by family planning reduce unemployment in the country. it is
and population control program. Steps should be important to encourage manufacturing sector in
taken by government of India to reduce the the economy, investment on infrastructure we
problem of unemployment in rural area by need to attract foreign investment in our country
controlling population by various population in small and medium enterprise. We should
measure. encourage fishery, poultry, Honey Bee sector
have to be improved. We can say that India
1. Industry should be developed in all sector of problem is not unemployment but it is
the economy. underemployment also. It is important to reduce
2. Introduction of Cottage and small-scale it so that India can become inclusive growth
industry. economy.
3. Provision of facility first depending on
Industrial development. References :-
4. Training of labourers
5. Carrying out local survey. 1. Agarwal, Bina. 1994. A field of one’s own:
6. Development of each industry Gender and land rights in South Asia.
7. Small Farmers Development Agency scheme Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
undertaking pilot project for intensive 2. Alagh, Yoginder. 2009. From employment
farming and diversification of agricultural planning to employment policies. In Growth,
activity may be started. employment and labour markets:
8. Marginal farmer and agricultural labour Perspectives in the era of globalisation in
agency scheme covering a large number of India, ed. J. Krishnamurty and Rajendra P.
marginal small and agriculture labouerers Mamgain. New Delhi: Daanish Books for the
and giving finance to them for subsidiary ISLE.
occupation like dairying, poultry etc. may be 3. Anand, Ishan, and Anjana Thampi. 2016.
undertaken on large scale. Recent trends in wealth inequality in India.
Economic and Political Weekly 51(50):59–67.
Conclusion :- As the government has started 4. Banerjee, Abhijit, and Thomas Piketty. 2005.
many schemes for unemployment but the Top Indian incomes, 1922–2000. The World
Off. 320, Sanjeevni Nagar, Garha, Jabalpur (M.P.) srfjournal21@gmail.com, www.srfresearchjournal.com, M. 9131312045, 0761-4036611
International Journal of Social Science & Management Studies - I.J.S.S.M.S.
Peer Reviewed–Refereed Research Journal, Indexing & Impact Factor - 5.2, Ex - UGC S.N. 5351
ISSN : 2454 - 4655, Vol. - 6, No. – 10, Nov. - 2020
Off. 320, Sanjeevni Nagar, Garha, Jabalpur (M.P.) srfjournal21@gmail.com, www.srfresearchjournal.com, M. 9131312045, 0761-4036611