A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 4

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 4

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
A. identify the structures of the lungs;
B. enumerate the common ailments of the lungs; and
C. show interest in group and individual activities through active participation.

Appreciate the beauty of our Ecosystem

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Ecosystem
B. References: Science: A Field of Wonder (Second edition) pages 101-112
C. Materials: Charts, pictures, boxes D. Science Process: Observing
E. Science Ideas:
Lungs allow us to breath. It is located in the chest area and protected by the ribcage.
The structures of the lungs are trachea/windpipe, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli.
The common ailments of the lungs are Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Tuberculosis.

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Pre-developmental Activities
1. Greeting
Good morning, Grade 4-Aquamarine! Good morning, teacher!

How are you today? We are fine teacher. How about you?

That’s nice to hear, I am also fine today.

2. Prayer
Everyone, please stand and let us pray. Heavenly Father,
We thank you for this wonderful day,
We thank you for this wonderful sunshine,
We thank you for the air we breathe, and the food we eat.
We know, we will be learning new good things today.
Please help us to be good and to behave the correct way.
Bless our teachers, Bless
our classmates, And
bless us too.
In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

3. Classroom Management
Please align your chairs properly. If there is a Yes teacher.
trash under it, kindly pick and throw it in our

I only have two rules today. First, if the Yes teacher.

teacher is already in front, I want you to stop
talking to your seatmates or classmates and
listen to the teacher.
Second, if you want to recite or need to say
something, just raise your right hand and you
will be recognized. Is it clear?

4. Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent today in our class? We are all present, teacher.

Very good!
5. Motivation

Before we have to start our lesson today, let’s

have first a group activity.
I will group you into three. I have here three
boxes and three illustration boards with
paper tapes. Each box contains cut folder
with different parts of a picture. Each group
will be given one box and one illustration
board. Now, your task is to arrange the cut
folder inside the box by pasting it in the
illustration board within 2 minutes. If you are
done, raise your illustration board.
The first group who can arrange the picture
will be declared as the winner.
Is it clear? Yes teacher.
Okay, you may start your activity.
Group 1 Group 2

Group 3

Very good class! Group 2 is the first group

who able to arrange the picture properly.
Good job!
Teacher those are pictures of human lungs.
What are the pictures that you had formed?
Do you any idea if what is that?

Correct! Those are pictures of human lungs.

Let’s give ourselves a good job clap. Like this
1,2,3 clap,clap,clap…1,2,3 stamp, stamp,
stamp.. Good job! (raise fist upward).
1,2,3 clap,clap,clap…1,2,3 stamp, stamp, stamp.. Good
Let’s do it all together. 1,2,3 clap,clap,clap… job! (raise fist upward).
1,2,3 stamp, stamp, stamp.. Good job! (raise
fist upward).

Okay, you may now arrange your chairs

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Based on the activity that we did a while ago, Our topic for today is all about the lungs.
do you have now any hint about our new
topic for today?

That’s right! We are going to learn today

about the lungs.

2. Discussion
What do we always do everyday to keep us We are eating foods and drinking enough water to keep
alive? us alive.

Correct! What else? We are breathing every second to keep us alive.

Correct! Most living things like humans and

animals need to breathe air because it is one
of the reasons why we are still alive.

The process of breathing is called the

respiration and is divided into two distinct
phases. The first phase is called inspiration or
inhaling. The second phase is called
expiration or exhaling. I will discuss these two
phases later because for now, let’s see what
respiratory system is. What is respiratory
system? It brings oxygen in the body and helps to remove carbon
The respiratory system consists of different
parts including nose, mouth, throat, trachea,
bronchi, and the lungs. Respiratory system
helps us to inhale and exhale. The parts will
work together to move oxygen throughout
our body and clean out waste gases like
carbon dioxide.

For today, we will be focusing on lungs.

What is the meaning of lungs? It is the third largest organ in our body. The lungs look
like squishy pink sponges that takes up most of the space
inside our chest.
Aside from the heart, brain, liver and kidney,
the lungs are also important because we
need them for survival. Our lungs are located
in the chest area and are protected by the
It is composed of the 12 pairs of bones protecting the
What is ribcage? lungs and other organs.

This is what the lungs look like. Humans have

two lungs, the right and the left lung. These
two lungs are different from each other
because the right lung has three lobes and is
slightly bigger than the left lung. The left lung
has two lobes or section only. It is because the left lung shares its space with the heart.
What do you think is the reason why the left
lung has only two lobes, unlike the right lung
that has three lobes?

Here are the structures of the lungs namely

the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli.
What is trachea?

It is also known as the windpipe. It is a hallow tube that

This is the trachea or the windpipe. One leads down the lungs. Where it branches out to the two
bronchus is connected to the left lung and tubes called bronchi (bronchus in singular)
the other bronchus is connected to the right
lung. The bronchi branch out into smaller
bronchi like the roots of a tree.

Next is the bronchioles. These are the smallest branches of the bronchial tubes.
What are bronchioles?

The bronchioles are the smallest tubes and

each of these are as thin as a hair strand. At
the end of the bronchioles are the air sacs or

What are alveoli? These are the teeny tiny group of grape-like air sacs. This
is where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
takes place.
This is what the alveoli looks like. They are
located at the end of each bronchiole.

Can you guess how many alveoli are there in I think there are 50 alveoli in our lungs.
our lungs?

It is more than 50. But still thank you for A total of 500 alveoli.
answering. Who has another guess?
Thank you for answering. But there are more
than 480 million alveoli in our lungs. The
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
happens in the alveoli. The blood picks up the
oxygen and let go of carbon dioxide.

Now, let’s move on to the breathing


Everyone, please stand and let’s do the breath

in, breathe out exercise.

This is how to do it. Close your mouth and

inhale through your nose while you count to
four mentally. Hold your breathe and
mentally count to seven, then open your
mouth and exhale completely making a
shshsh sound while mentally counting to 8.

Okay, you may now sit down. What did you The chest expands.
observed about the changes in size of your
chest when you inhale?

Very good. How about when you exhale? The size of the chest decreases.

Correct! When we inhale through the nose,

there are tiny hair in our nose called cilia
which trap and filter large particles like dirt
before they get into the lungs.

The air we breathe passes through the

trachea, and down to the bronchi, to the
bronchioles and then to the alveoli.
There is a sheet of muscle below the lungs
called diaphragm that helps us to inhale and
What happen to your ribs diaphragm, and The ribs spread, the diaphragm contracts and the lungs
lungs when you inhale? expand, and it will be filled with air.

How about when you exhale? What happen The ribs will come close together, the diaphragm expands,
to your ribs, diaphragm, and lungs? and the lungs return to the original size.

The diaphragm also separates the chest from

our lower part of the body.

Next is capillaries. What are capillaries? These are delicate blood vessels that exist throughout the
body. They transport blood, oxygen, and nutrients to cells
in your organs and body system.

The capillaries next to the alveoli are filled

with blood that is rich in carbon dioxide and
poor in oxygen. The capillaries absorb oxygen
from alveoli and the alveoli absorb the
carbon dioxide from the capillaries.

Next is the arteries. What are arteries? These are muscular blood vessels that carry and
distribute oxygen-rich blood to be delivered to the
different parts of the body.

Then at the same time, the veins collect

carbon dioxide waste from different parts of
the body and carry it back to the lungs and
then exhaled.

When we won’t be able to take care our

lungs, these may suffer from illnesses.
Here are some of the common ailments of the
First is Asthma. What is asthma? Asthma is caused by the inflammation of the lining of the
bronchial tubes.
Very good. If someone with asthma is
exposed to certain triggers like pollen,
smoke, dust or cold climate, an asthma attack
can occur because it causes the air ways to
swell. So, the airways become narrow making
it difficult to breath.
How are you going to prevent an asthma You should know what triggers it and avoid them or use
attack? inhalers to open your airways and makes breathing easier.

Second ailment is the Bronchitis. What is It refers to the swelling of the bronchial tubes because of
bronchitis? valid infection. The infection normally starts with a cold
or flu.

Very good! What are the symptoms of The symptoms of having bronchitis are cough, sneezing,
bronchitis? chest pain and difficulty in breathing.

Who among you here already experienced I already experienced cough and chest pain.
those symptoms?

What did you do when you experienced My mother let me rest and gave me medicine.
cough and chest pain?

Very good! Resting is important to recharge Yes, teacher.

our body. If the symptoms last for at least 3
months or more, you should now consult the
doctor for the proper treatment.

Third is Pneumonia. What is Pneumonia? It refers to the infection of the lungs causing them to get
swollen or flamed. This is caused by the inhalation of
bacteria and viruses or a secondary infection from flu that
has weakened the body.
What are the symptoms of Pneumonia?
The symptoms include high fever, shaking or chills,
persistence cough with phlegm, chest pain during
breathing or coughing and physical weakness.
Rapid breathing is also one of the common
symptoms of pneumonia. The doctors
prescribe antibiotics like an antibacterial or
anti-viral treatment to help the body get the
infection under control. However,
pneumonia can be lot more severe that
needs you to be hospitalized.

Fourth is Tuberculosis (TB). It is caused by the bacterium tubercle bacilli.

What is Tuberculosis?

What are the common symptoms of Its common symptoms include fatigue, fever, sweating at
Tuberculosis? night, loss of appetite and persistent coughing.

This disease is contagious because the

bacteria can spread through air. This can
happen person to person through droplets
released in the air like if someone with TB
coughs, speak, sneezes, spits or laugh. You
should avoid using the personal things of that
personal things of that person infected.
Tuberculosis can also affect other parts of
your body like brain, kidney, or spine.

What are the four ailments of the lungs The four common ailments of the lungs are Asthma,
again? Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Tuberculosis.

Yes, teacher.
Do you take care of your body?
I do exercise every morning.
What do you do to take care of your body or I eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.
health? I drink 8 glasses of water every day.
I take enough sleep.

Very good! Those are some ways to take care

of your body. Remember that we only live
once so being healthy is important.
1.Clean your nose regularly to avoid the spread of
Do you know some ways in taking care our bacteria toward the airways.
Yes, teacher.
Do you clean your nose every day?

Very good! It is important to clean our nose

regularly because it accumulates bacteria
dust, mucus etc. One way that you can do is
to gently blow your nostrils, according to Dr.
Gecta, a gently blow your nostrils to help the
dirt and mucus to move out of your nose. You
can use a tissue and make sure that you close
your eyes and open your mouth to release
the pressure from your face. 2.Do not smoke and avoid secondhand smoke

My father teacher.
Do you know someone who smoke?
Smoking is bad to our health because it
causes diseases.
Don’t try smoking and you should not be
exposed to someone who smoke and to a
place with people who smoke. 3.Cover your nose when you are in a dusty area.

Classroom, road, and playground.

Can you give me an example of dusty area?

Very good! If you have allergy that can be

triggered by dust. You should cover your
nose to prevent allergy attack. 4.Avoid staying in crowded places. Airborne infections
spread easily in places like this.

Yes, teacher.
Have you been to crowded places before?
In the market teacher.
Where is that?
If you go to crowded places, it is better to
wear mask and bring alcohol to sanitize our
hand and personal things. 5.Eat the right kind of food, drink plenty of water and
always get enough sleep.

We should eat healthy foods like fruits and

Drink 8 glasses of water a day. 6.Wear a mask if you go to polluted area.

Wearing mask will help us to prevent the spread of

Why do you think is the reason of wearing infection or diseases.
mask in a polluted place?
7.Get vaccinated against flu and tuberculosis to prevent
the lungs from possible infection.

Have you been vaccinated? Yes teacher.

Being vaccinated helps us to be safe and avoid

serious health problems.
Those are some ways that we might do in
taking good care of our lungs.

Did you understand our lesson for today? Yes teacher.

Very good!

C. Post-developmental Activities

1. Generalization
What is our topic today? It is all about the lungs.

Very good! What are lungs? Lungs allow us to breath. It is located in the chest area
and protected by the ribcage.

How many lungs do we have? We have two lungs. The right lung and left lung.

Correct! What are the structures of the lungs? The structures of the lungs are trachea/windpipe, bronchi,
bronchioles, and alveoli.

What are the common ailments of the lungs? The common ailments of the lungs are Asthma, Bronchitis,
Pneumonia, and Tuberculosis.

Very good! How about the ways in taking Cover your nose when you are in dusty area.
good care of your lungs? Wear mask if you go to polluted area.
Get vaccinated.
Very good class!
2. Application
A. Direction: Read each statement carefully.
Choose your answer inside the box
below. Write the answer on the space
provided before each number.
Bronchioles Alveoli

Trachea Lungs
_______________1. These are small tube-like
branches that ensure the equal distribution of air
in the alveoli.
_______________2. It is a squishy pink sponge
that take up most of the space inside the chest.
_______________3. It is a common ailment in
which the infection or inflammation of the
alveoli. _______________4. It is the tube that
leads to the lungs always open during breathing.
_______________5. These are grape-like air sacs
in the lungs that facilitate the exchange of gases.

B. Direction: Identify and label the parts of

the lungs and other connected structures.

IV. Evaluation
A. Direction: Put a / in the blank before each
number if the statement indicates the
proper way of taking care of the lungs
and x if not.

_________1. Do not smoke and avoid

secondhand smoke. /
_________2. Eat junk foods and drink 4 glasses
of water a day. X
_________3. Clean your nose regularly to avoid
the spread of bacteria. /
_________4. Always wear a mask when you go
to a polluted area. /
_________5. Cover your nose when you are in a
dusty area. /

B. Direction: Match column A with column

B. Write the letter of the correct answer
on the space before each number.

_______1. This is called the a. Ribcage tiny

hair on the nose. C
_______2. It is composed b. Right lung
of 12 pairs of bones
protecting the lungs.
_______3. This part of the c. Cilia lungs has
three lobes. B
_______4. This part of the lung d. Left lung
has two lobes. D
_______5. They transport
blood, oxygen, and nutrients e. capillaries
to cells in the organs and body E

V. Assignment
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.
______1. Living things like humas and animals need to breath air.
______2. Respiration is the process of breathing.
______3. Humans have three lungs.
______4. Smoking is good to our health.
______5. Flu and Tuberculosis help to protect lungs from possible infection.

Prepared by:

Maria Elena D. Dulay

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