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1. Illustrate the difference between array-list and vector class.
2. Discuss the methods of stack class.
3. What do you mean by serialization and deserialization in java?
4. Draw the hierarchy of collection interface
5. Write a Java program by using Timer class.
6. What is event delegation model?
7. List the different AWT controls
8. a) Define JDBC & Explain why should we use it. b) List the four types of
9. Difference between Swing components and AWT components.
10. Write a simple Java Applet program to print Hello World
11. Define Event Listeners.
12. What is the life-cycle of a servlet.
13. Difference between JTextField and JTextArea?
14. List out the features of Swing in Java
15. How is applet differing from standalone application program?

1. Build a Java program to copy the content of one file to other.
2. Explain the different iterators used for accessing the elements with example
3. Write a java program to illustrate the use of string tokenizer.
4. What is serialization? Write a program to demonstrate the concept of
5. Write a Java program to copy the content of one file to other
6. Create an application program in JAVA to demonstrate a)Mouse Event Handling
b) Keyboard Event Handling
7. Draw MVC architecture. Explain the concept of MVC with an example program.
8. Create a login application form using various AWT controls
9. Demonstrate AWT components with sample program.
10. Write a Java program that connects to the database using JDBC type 1 and
creates a registration table
11. Explain about JDBC and its architecture.
12. Difference between Generic Servlet and HTTP Servlet
13. Explain the following classes in detail with an example program JLabel,
ImageIcon, JTextField, the Swing buttons and JList , JComboBox and
14. Describe in detail Life Cycle of Servlet.

NOTE : All the above questions are important.

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