Internet Programming II Question Bank
Internet Programming II Question Bank
Internet Programming II Question Bank
1. What is Ajax?
2. Explain DOM Manipulation
3. What is meant by Cross-Origin Requests
4. What does the status property do? Explain.
5. Write about JSON syntax?
6. Write JSON code to store details of a Book object.
7. Write a program to demonstrate JSON and JavaScript
8. Explain uses of JSON
9. Write about characteristics of RIAs.
10. Explain how JavaScript and Ajax work together.
11. What is meant by XMLHttpRequest
12. What does the open() method do? Write its Syntax and example.
13. How is JSON data represented?
14. Write JSON code to store details of a Movie object.
15. Write a program to demonstrate JSON and Java
16. Differentiate between JSON and XML
17. Write about key components of web mashup ecosystem
18. Explain Regular Expressions in Javascript
19. Explain how Form Validation is done in Javascript with the help of a program
20. Explain methods used to work with an Array in Javascript with the help of a program
21. Explain methods used to work with an String in Javascript with the help of a program
22. Write a note on Document Object Model and explain methods of document object.
23. What does the innerHTML property do? Explain with a program.
24. What does the innerText property do? Explain with a program.
25. What are the different types of Validation? Explain Data Format Validation with the
help of a program.
26. What are the different types of Validation? Explain Basic Validation with the help of
a program.
27. What is an Event? Explain events in Javascript with the help of a program
28. What is a Cookie in Javascript? How does it work?
29. How do you read, store and delete a Cookie in Javascript? Explain with the help of a
JDBC Questions
1. What is JDBC?
2. What is ODBC?
3. What is API?
4. What are the advantages of JDBC?
5. Explain the different types of JDBC Drivers
6. Explain the steps used to write a JDBC Application
7. Write a note on JDBC Architecture
8. Explain the components of JDBC
9. Explain the classes and interfaces present in java.sql package
10. List and explain 2 methods of DriverManager class
11. List and explain methods of Connection Interface
12. List and explain methods of Statement Interface
13. List and explain methods of ResultSet Interface
14. Explain PreparedStatement with an example
15. Explain CallableStatement with an example
16. What is ResultSetMetaData ? Which methods are used to fetch the data about the
17. Differentiate between Statement and PreparedStatement
18. What are the different types of JDBC Statements?
19. What is the difference between execute() , executeUpdate() and executeQuery() ?
20. How do you create a Connection object?
21. What do you have to do to close the connection in JDBC?
22. When will you get the message "No Suitable Driver"?
23. What does the Class.forName("Name of Class") do?
24. Differentiate between PreparedStatement and CallableStatement
25. What is the difference between TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE and
26. Write a JDBC program to read the data of all Students (student id, first name , phone,
email) from database and print it.
27. Write a Menu based JDBC program to perform the following on the Authors
table(author id , name , phone).
a. Insert a Row (don’t fix up the values)
b. Delete a Row
c. Display all the data
d. Insert the data by taking input from the User
e. Update the phone number of a specific author
f. Update the phone number of all authors
28. Write a JDBC program to display the data from the Movie table created in Oracle
1. Create a JavaScript form for Student Registration to capture student name, phone
number and email and perform validation using Regular Expression.
2. Create a table to hold details of a Student (student id number, first name varchar2(20) ,
phone varchar2(20) , email varchar2(20)) using Oracle database. Write a Java JDBC
Program to Insert the data into the Student table by using the Statement Interface.
3. Write a Java JDBC Program to Insert the data into the Student table by using the
Prepared Statement Interface.
4. Write a Java JDBC Program to Delete the data from the Student table by using the
Statement Interface.
5. Write a Java JDBC Program to Delete the data from the Student table by using the
Prepared Statement Interface.
6. Write a Java JDBC Program to Update the data from the Student table by using the
Statement Interface.
7. Write a Java JDBC Program to Update the data from the Student table by using the
Prepared Statement Interface.
8. Write a Menu Driven program to perform Insert, Update and Delete
by using the Statement Interface.
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Update
4. Exit
9. Write a Menu Driven program to perform Insert, Update and Delete
by using the Prepared Statement Interface.
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Update
4. Exit
Servlet ,JSP, WebService, CMS Questions
1. Define Servlet
2. What are the advantages of Servlet
3. Define Web Application
4. Define CGI
5. Differentiate between Servlet and CGI
6. What are the disadvantages of Servlet?
7. Differentiate between Servlet and JSP
8. What are the different types of Servlets? Explain
9. Explain GenericServlet with an example
10. Explain HttpServlet with an example
11. List the different HTTP Request Methods
12. Differentiate between GET and POST method
13. List 4 interfaces of the javax.servlet package
14. List 4 classes of the javax.servlet package
15. List 4 interfaces of the javax.servlet.http package
16. List 4 classes of the javax.servlet.http package
17. Explain 2 methods of Servlet interface
18. Explain the Servlet Life Cycle with diagram and program
19. Explain Servlet life cycle methods with diagram and program
20. Explain Session Tracking in Servlets
21. Explain Cookies using Servlets
22. What are the different types of Cookies?
23. List advantages of Cookies
24. List 2 methods of Cookies
25. Explain how to create a cookie
26. Explain how to delete a cookie
27. Explain how to list all the cookies
28. What is URL Rewriting?
29. What are the advantages and disadvantages of URL Rewriting
30. Write a note on HttpSession
31. Define JSP
32. List advantages of JSP
33. List disadvantages of JSP
34. Explain the architecture of JSP
35. Explain the Life cycle of JSP with diagram and program
36. What are the different JSP scripting elements?
37. How is a comment written in JSP?
38. Explain the Scriplet tag
39. Write a note on JSP directives
40. List the attributes of JSP Page Directives
41. Explain the Taglib directive
42. List JSP Implicit Objects
43. Explain Exception handling in JSP
44. How is a JSP Page processed?
45. What is a WebService? Write a note on Restful WebService
46. Explain in detail Open Source Frameworks and CMS given below
1. Django
2. Drupal
3. Joomla
4. WordPress
5. Grav CMS