Philo Research

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WEEK 1 / Lesson 1 GUTS AND RISK – considering options

RESEARCH: AN INTRODUCTION CARE – distinct characteristics of a researcher

Practical Research 2 | UNIT 1 THE RESEARCH PROCESS
Research projects start at the Conceptualization
We wonder about numerous things in this world Phase. This is where the topic is identified.
and tend to ask questions such as how, why, Studies are recommended to focus on a not-too-
who, where and the like. For every question you broad but not-to-specific concept to allow
need an answer, for every issue you need flexibility and further exploration. Literature
clarification and for every problem you need a reviews are required for quantitative studies but
solution. But how are you going to find for the optional in qualitative inquiries. Topic selection is
valid and reliable answers to all your queries? followed by objective framing or identifying the
How are you going to connect the pieces of the ‘Central Question’ that needs to be addressed.
puzzle? Your inquisitive and curious nature fuel Researchers must note that a central question in
your desire to unearth answers to your questions qualitative inquiry shall focus on understanding
and solve the things the puzzles you. By doing human experience using words rather than
so, you start to investigate and inquire on things quantifying a perception.
systemically. Hence, you now start to behave like The Design Phase is known as the planning
a true researcher. phase where researchers decide on the detailed
procedures in gathering and analyzing data.
Research is an area that is commonly Researchers must arrive on a consensus
misunderstood, but an indispensable component regarding the how, where and when the study will
of academic and industry practices. Students be conducted and analyzed.
must maximize all the opportunities to be Actual data gathering and collection are
knowledgeable on the research process while still conducted at the Empirical Phase. In this phase,
under schooling to create an excellent knowledge the researchers are equipped with the necessary
base for future career as a researcher or scientist. attitude, behavior and tools in gathering data from
Being a full-pledged researcher doesn't happen the prospective data sources. In qualitative
overnight. It entails a lot of effort and studies, respondents are known as key
perseverance to become an expert in the informants or sometimes co-researchers.
research field. Interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD)
PHILOSOPHICAL WORLDVIEWS IN are commonly employed with the use of the
RESEARCH interview guides or ‘Aide Memoire’.
Analytical Phase is the most challenging phase
of the research process. Researchers in this
phase are preparing and assessing the data
using several tools and even the researchers own
understanding as supported by his belief and
previous researches published in the same area
of interest. In qualitative studies, interview texts
are being delimited to manageable statements
and thematized. In most papers, a model (or
simulacrum) is being produced to summarize an
understanding of the themes
that emerged in the study. The results of the
studies are interpreted in this phase before the
actual write-up or research manuscript.
Dissemination Phase is the most valuable but
often neglected by the researchers. Research
results in the form of a well written full research
QUALITIES OF A GOOD QUANTITATIVE manuscript are advised to be shared to the
INQUIRER general public if not on the specific population or
TECHNICAL COMPETENCY – The ability to use professional groups that can benefit from its
available technologies result.
troubleshoot during unexpected scenario Qualitative research - an approach for exploring
PATIENCE – intra (within) and extra (outside) and understanding the meaning individuals or
group groups ascribe to a social or human problem
SERVICE – willingness of the researcher to Quantitative research - an approach for testing
serve others, to do good objective theories by examining the relationship
EFFORT – time and skill among variables
Mixed approach - inquiry involving collecting WEEK 2 / Lesson 2
both quantitative and qualitative data, and QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH
integrating the two forms of data Practical Research 2 | UNIT 1
THE RESEARCH MANUSCRIPT In doing quantitative research, your aim is to
Research manuscripts are the final written output find out the relationship between one variable to
of a research study. It is the product of the another. Which is the independent variable (the
research process in written and/or soft copy file cause) and the dependent variable (the effect).
form. Though researchers are following series of Expressions in numerical form, objectivity of data, and
steps in orderly phases, the outline of the written the use of statistical methods are signs of a
research manuscript does not follow the quantitative research. To define clearly a quantitative
chronology of the research process.
study, it is the systematic empirical investigation of an
The content and format of the research
observed phenomena using statistical, mathematical
manuscript should follow specific research
content guidelines and format. Traditionally, or computational methods (Given, 2008). Quantitative
research manuscripts are written in by-chapter, research focuses on numeric, specific and detailed
while others adopt the internationally accepted data and deductive reasoning rather than inductive
Introduction-Method-Results-Discussion (IMRAD) reasoning.
format and content based on the American
Quantitative research can either be
Psychological Association (APA, 6th Edition)
experimental or nonexperimental. An experimental
Standards. The Our Lady of Fatima University
Research Development and Innovation Center study establishes causality and often used when an
promotes the use of the APA style and content. It intervention is being studied, whereas the non-
promotes the use of 6,000 – 9,000-word range experimental only establishes the association or
(OLFU–RDIC) for the whole manuscript and the connection between variables.
following sections/outline of the manuscript:
Characteristics of Quantitative Approach
1.0 Introduction (Contextual)
2.0 Literature Review (Contextual) 1. Researcher has a clearly defined research
3.0 Methods (Procedural) question to which objective answers are sought.
4.0 Results (Substantial)
2. Project can be used to generalize concepts more
5.0 Discussion (Substantial)
6.0 Recommendation (Directional) widely, predict future results, or investigate causal
3. All aspects of the study are carefully designed
before data is collected.

4. The data is usually gathered using structured

research instruments.

5. Researcher uses tools, such as questionnaires or

GANTT CHART computer software, to collect numerical data.
In writing a research proposal, it is important that
6. The results are based on larger sample sizes that
we plan things to do in the following weeks and
months ahead. Planning provides direction and are representative of the population.
ensures that you stay focused on the course
7. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics,
towards achieving your goals and objectives. This
also allows you to optimize the desired outcomes. often arranged in tables, charts, figures, or other non-
Gantt is the most used and famous approach in textual forms.
research. Students list down the activities or tasks
8. The research study can usually be replicated or
with a followed time frame in which the task must
be achieved. repeated, given its high reliability.
Importance There are two classification of research design for
Quantitative research is important in a quantitative research approach
generating evidence-based knowledge because it
relies on precise measurement and interpretation of Non-Experimental (With manipulation of
data using statistical methods. This type of study is variables)
useful, to understand and explain certain events,
people and concepts in an objective manner. This also Experimental Research (Without the
allows the researcher to generalize results to a much manipulation of variables)
larger scale. To use this, the researcher must use
reliable methods and instruments to obtain objective EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH
information. The validity and reliability of results A type of quantitative research design that
makes quantitative research a popular approach in is used to determine the outcome of a specific
the field of social and hard sciences. This type of intervention. The student conducts the study by
approach can show the difference and relationship providing a specific treatment to one group and
between characteristics and can also determine the withholding it from another to determine how both
effectivity of a specific intervention. groups scored on an outcome.
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES True Experimental that involves random
Advantages: assignment of the subjects
 Can be used when large quantities of
data need to be collected. Quasi-Experimental that used non-randomized
assignment (Creswell, 2014).
 The result is usually numerical
(quantifiable) and hence considered NON-EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH
more “objective”. This type of quantitative research design
 The data is considered quantifiable seeks to discover the answers to problem by
and usually generalizable to a larger describing the data quantitatively or numerically. It
population. determines the relationship of variables but is
incapable of establishing the cause and effect. This
 It can provide a clear and quantitative type of research lacks manipulation of an independent
measure to be used for grants and variable, random assignment of participants to
proposals. conditions. Data is collected through surveys or
Disadvantages: structured interviews, observations, review of
documents and so on.
 Results need to be calculated and
Survey Research
analyzed using Excel, Access, or data
analysis software (such as SPSS), that This type of study provides a quantitative or numeric
description of trends, attitude or behavior from a
may not be always available. sample drawn in a specific population. This allows the
 The larger the sample, the more time researcher to generalize or to draw conclusion and
it takes to analyze the data and inferences to the population. This is the most used
analyze results. type of non-experimental research especially in the
field of social science. The data gathering instrument
 The larger the sample the more time it in Survey research is called the survey tool. The survey
takes to collect data. The quantitative is the most common method used for quantitative
data ignores a very important human study and be in a form of questionnaire or interview.
element. According to Creswell (2010), there are components
that we must consider for a survey plan.
Two types of Survey Research
1. Cross-sectional Study:

A type of survey research that collects data from a

population or subset population through observation,
survey or interview at a specific point in time.

CLASSIFICATION 2. Longitudinal Study:

A type of survey research that collects data through about by the other variable (independent variable).
observation, survey or interview of the same subjects This is the variable that is being measured by the
over a period up and can last up to several years. researcher. It is commonly known as the Y variable.
Is a type of non-experimental research that is Example: Employee’s job satisfaction is positively
used to determine the relationship between two related to their commitment to the organization.
variables among a single group of people. This type of
research study does not attempt to manipulate the Where:
variables. Correlations only describe the relationship; Employee’s job satisfaction= Presumed cause= IV
they do not prove cause and effect. The relationship Commitment to the organization= Presumed
could either be positive or negative, referred to as effect=DV
positive correlation and negative correlation. Some **It explicates that the job satisfaction of the
correlation questions elementary students can employee will have an impact on their commitment to
investigate are (Siegle, 2015) the organization where they belong, thus, the higher
COMPARATIVE RESEARCH the job satisfaction, the higher the commitment to the
A type of non-experimental research that organization. It does not tell us that commitment to
examines the difference between variables. This type the organization will affect job satisfaction.
of research method is used depending on the research Extraneous variables are unwanted variables.
question of the study. They are also called confounding variables because
Example: Is there a difference in the level of their presence influences the outcome of the
knowledge of grade 11 students when grouped into experiment in an undesirable way, they add error to
age? an experiment. A major goal in a quantitative research
WEEK 3 / Lesson 3 VARIABLES design is to limit or control the influence of
Practical Research 2 | UNIT 1 VARIABLES extraneous variables as much as possible.
In a quantitative study, what are being WEEK 4 / Lesson 4 Research Title
studied are usually measurable data, how one variable Practical Research 2 | UNIT 2
will affect another. Whether an exposure on non- Learners should consider these three things in making
exposure to an experiment will result to a change in the title of their study:
1. Select a topic and a title that should embody
the variable that the researcher wants to measure.
the main idea of the research paper
Variables are anything that varies. They are 2. Can stand alone on its own, with any further
anything that takes on different values, typically explanation needed, and
numerical values. Everything around you can be a 3. Concise.
variable in research. The age of an individual, their It is believed that the title of the paper is the most
gender, their height, weight, hair color, health read part than any other part of the manuscript. Thus,
it is important to consider these three things in
parameters like vital signs, hobbies and a lot more.
formulation of an interesting and compelling title.
There are several kinds of variables. But the two
A good title of a research paper should…
major types of variables, which are essential in 1. Contain as few words as possible: many journals
research, are the independent and dependent limit titles to 12 words
variables. 2. Be easy to understand
3. Describe the contents of the paper accurately and
There are several kinds of variables. But the
two major types of variables, which are essential in
4. Avoid abbreviations, formulas, and jargon
research, are the independent and dependent 5. NOT include any verb Practical Research 2 | 39
variables. 6. NOT contain low-impact words such as ‘‘Some
Independent variable - this is the presumed notes on ...,’’ =‘‘Observations on ...,’’ ‘‘Investigations
on ...,’’ ‘‘Study of ... ,’’ and ‘‘Effect of ... ’’
cause. The independent variable is the variable that is
7. Not be flashy as in newspapers (e.g., avoid
being manipulated by the researcher. It is stable and
statements like ‘‘Agroforestry can stop
unaffected by the other variable that you are trying to deforestation’’)
measure. In some cases, it can be the experiment 8. Report the subject of the research rather than the
where subjects are going to be exposed. It is results.
commonly known as the X variable. SOURCES OF RESEARCH TOPIC
Dependent variable – this is the presumed
own interests and formulate a problem that reflects
effect. This variable assumes the change brought them; familiarity in your territory and terminology.
2. COLLEAGUES Brainstorming with friends about synthesis of articles related to the research topic
problems they have encountered may help clarify being studied. The processes involve are
research ideas. 1) Searching relevant articles.
3. CRITICAL FRIENDS Experts are good sources of 2) Reading and analyzing research reports.
research problems 3) Writing the description of the existing information
4. LITERATURES Previous studies and research ona topic in a manner that is ethical and based on
findings in which gaps were identified
Remember the 3 T’s in selecting your
Research topic: What are the purposes of literature review?
• Timely – “napapanahon” A literature review allows researcher to identify a
• Trending – “nauuso” research problem of interest. Through research report
• Trailblazing- “nangingibabaw reading and review, a beginning researcher who is still
WEEK 5 / Lesson 5 RESEARCH PROBLEMS unsure of what to study might be triggered by topics
Practical Research 2 | UNIT 2 that he or she has read. Literature review may also aid
RESEARCH PROBLEM the researcher to improve his research questions or
Research problem is a clear statement of an inquiry or hypothesis.
gap that needs to be addressed through a systematic Types of Literature
approach. If you will remember in your Practical Research 1,
Importance of the research problem literature has two major types. These are:
1. This gives an overview on the relevance of the topic * Research literature, also known as empirical
being studied. references
2. Places the topic into a specific context that discuss * Non-research references.
the variables and characteristics being studied. 1. Research literature – these are literature based on
3. Indicates a possible framework for reporting of research findings. These are data supported by
findings and how these will be presented and evidences.
interpreted. Example: journal articles, literature reviews, abstracts
Guidelines in making a research problem of research studies
Create a research problem that is: 2. Non-research references – these are literature
 S-pecific which are not based on research findings. These
 M-easureable literatures can provide insights and may broaden
 A-ttainable understanding regarding a topic. However, since they
 R-ealistic are not based on research findings, they have limited
 T-ime-bound use and they do not serve the purpose of review of
 Formulate a research problem that reflects related literature
the significance of seeking solutions and Example: literary or artistic works, opinion articles,
answers. brochures, magazines, anecdotes.
 Do not state your research Sources of Research Literature
problem/questions that is answerable by yes Research Literature has two possible sources. These
or no. are:
 Research can be stated in a declarative or Primary source – these refer to description of studies
interrogative manner. written by the researchers themselves.
 Make sure that the quantitative research Example: researches published in a journal, abstract
problem is answerable by an appropriate prepared by the researcher(s), dissertations, thesis,
statistical method. undergraduate researches, presentation done by the
 Formulate a research problem that is aligned researcher.
with your research topic. Secondary source – these are description of studies
WEEK 6 / Lesson 6 written by someone else, other than the researchers
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE who conducted them. These description or
interpretation of studies by other researchers should
Practical Research 2 | UNIT 3
What is a review of related literature? not become substitute for primary sources because
Review of Related Literature or literature review is a they are less detailed and may be subjective in nature.
Example: literature review, abstract prepared by a
summary of the state of existing knowledge on a
reviewer, presentation of research done by someone else
research problem or topic. It is an analysis and other than the researcher.
THE PROCESS OF LITERATURE REVIEW Below is the format designed by American
Literature review is not simply reading available Psychological Association for the development of the
resources. it is composed Reference List
of several structured steps: BOOK REFERENCE
1. Searching relevant articles Book (1): Basic form, single author
2. Reading and analyzing research reports Baxter, C. (1997). Race equality in health care and
3. Writing the description of the existing information education. Philadelphia: Balliere Tindall.
on a topic in a manner that is ethical and based on Book (2): Editors in place of authors
standards. Stock, G., & Campbell, J. (Eds.). (2000). Engineering
STANDARDS STYLES IN REVIEW OF RELATED the human genome: An exploration of the science and
LITERATURE, CITATION OR ethics of altering the genes we pass to our children.
REFERENCES New York: Oxford University Press.
What is a citation? Book manuscript: Submitted but not
 A citation is both a signpost and an acknowledgement. yet accepted; 3-6 authors
 As a signpost, it signals the location of a source. Walrath, C., Bruns, E., Anderson, K., Glass-Siegel, M. &
 As an acknowledgement, it reveals that you are Wiest, M. D. (2000). The nature of expanded school
indebted to that source. mental health services in Baltimore City. (Manuscript
 It also provides evidence that scholarly writing is submitted for publication.)
done, and your position is well-researched. Chapter in edited work: Second or
 A citation can appear in different formats: later edition
-within the text (in-text citation) Roy, A. (1995). Psychiatric emergencies. In H. I. Kaplan
- at the bottom of the page (footnotes), & B. J. Sadock (Eds.), Comprehensive textbook of
-or at the end of the paper (endnotes). psychiatry. (6th ed., pp. 1739-1752).
How to paraphrase effectively? Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
When one borrows other people’s ideas for his
assignment or research project, he must put these
Magazine article: Basic form
ideas into his own words. How can one possibly
Greenberg, G. (2001, August 13). As good as dead: Is
achieve this? Here are the guidelines:
there really such a thing as brain death? New Yorker,
1. Read the text several times until you understand it.
36-41. [Note: Use vol. no. if available.]
2. Set the work aside to avoid copying.
Newspaper Article: No author;
3. Re-write the passage in your own words. electronic version found on
4. Record the bibliographic information with your searchable, aggregated database
paraphrased version of the original. Mad-cow may tighten blood-donor curbs. (2001, April
PROPERLY CITING SOURCES 19). The Gazette [Montreal], p. A13. Retrieved August
There are several ways to properly cite a source. The 25, 2001, from Lexis-Nexis database.
styles below are some of the ways that you can use to PRIVATE ORGANIZATION PUBLICATION
cite a source in you research manuscript. Publication, private organization:
 IMPLICIT Basic form
STATEMENT_ (AUTHORS, YEAR). Swift, A. C. (1985). Determining our children's future
 An e-learning system with higher educational (Report no. 12). Milwaukee: Child Care of Wisconsin.
compatibility is believed to JOURNAL ARTICLE
effectively facilitate the learning processes of students Journal article (1): Basic form, single
(Xu & Wang,2006). author
 EXPLICIT Roy, A. (1982). Suicide in chronic schizophrenia.
AUTHOR_(YEAR)_VERB_STATEMENT. British Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 171-177.
 Taylor and Todd (1995) suggested that Social Journal article (2): Journal paginated
Influence (SI) affects other by issue, 3-6 authors
people’s opinion, superior influence, and peer Baldwin, C. M., Bevan, C., & Beshalske, A. (2000). At-
influence. risk minority populations in a church-based clinic:
 Introductory PHRASE with Communicating basic needs. Journal of Multicultural
VERB_AUTHOR_(YEAR)_STATEMENT. Nursing & Health, 6(2), 26-28.
 As suggested by Taylor and Todd (1995) Social Journal article (3): 7 or more authors
Influence (SI) affects other Yawn, B. P., Algatt-Bergstrom, P. J., Yawn, R. A.,
people’s opinion, superior influence, and peer Wollan, P., Greco, M., Gleason, M., et al. (2000). An in-
influence. school CD-ROM asthma education program. Journal of
APA DOCUMENTATION FORMAT School Health, 70, 153-159.
Conference paper: Basic form Practical Research 2 | UNIT 3
Crespo, C. J. (1998 March). Update on national data PLAGIARISM
on asthma. Paper presented at the meeting of the The wrongful use of idea or language of another
National Asthma Education and Prevention Program, author and representing them as if they are your
Leesburg, VA. original work is Plagiarism. Using their exact words or
Poster session: Form for non-online ideas without citing the rightful owner of the source is
version would be the same except for a form of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is stealing.
retrieval statement It is offensive whether it is done intentionally or by
Binh, N. X., McCue, C., & O'Brien, K. (1999 October). accident.
English language and development work at Vinh Plagiarism of Words – The use of another author's
University, Nghe An Province. Poster session exact words without citing him/her.
presented at the Fourth International Conference on Plagiarism of Structure – In this type of plagiarism,
Language and Development, Hanoi, Vietnam. the author cited the source, but he just paraphrased
Retrieved August 23, 2001, from another’s words by changing sentence construction or word choice.
DISSERTATION Plagiarism of Ideas –Presenting another’s ideas as if
Dissertation (1): Abstracted in they are your own without giving the owner credit.
Dissertation Abstracts International Incorrect citation of the original owner of the idea is
(DAI); also considered 'plagiarism of ideas'.
obtained from university Plagiarism of Authorship – Turning in a replication of
Fisher, C. J. (1999). The status of health education in another’s work. Submitting a paper that you got off
California's public school districts: A comparison to the internet or from a friend and presenting it as your
state and national recommendations and status own. This is the worst type of plagiarism.
reports (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern Plagiarism of Self – This type refers to the use of one's
California, 1999). previous work fora separate assignment or
Dissertation Abstracts International, 61 (02), 1926. requirement. Although the ideas and words a re-
Dissertation (2): Abstracted in DAI; owned by the author, receiving two credits for a single
obtained from UMI output is considered cheating. This is not allowed
Embar-Seddon, A. R. (2000). Perceptions of violence in unless permission is obtained from both teachers of
the emergency the courses where the project /written work is to be
department. Disssertation Abstracts International, 61 submitted.
(02), 776A. (UMI No. Incorrect- Plagiarism is using ideas, words, or a
9963641) product without crediting the original source, passing
GOVERNMENT REPORT off someone else's ideas, words, or product as your
Government report (1): From own, or presenting as new an idea or product created
Government Printing Office (GPO); by someone else.
organization as author (group author)
Correct- Plagiarism is “using ideas, words, or a
National Institute of Mental Health. (1998). Priorities
product without crediting the original source, passing
for prevention research (NIH Publication No. 98-
off someone else's ideas, words, or product as your
4321). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing
own, or presenting as new an idea or product created
Office. [Note: Any document available from GPO
by someone else” (APA, 6th edition).
should show GPO as publisher.]
Government report (2): Obtained
 Develop a topic based on previously written
online; organization as author (group
material but ensure that you also write
something new and original
U.S. Public Health Service. (2000). Report of the
 Although you can rely on experts' opinions
surgeon general's conference
regarding a certain topic, ensure that you are
on children's mental health: A national section
contributing by improving upon those
agenda. Washington, DC:
U.S. Department of Health
 Do not fail to give credit where and when it is
and Human Services. Retrieved on August 25, 2001,
 It is advisable that the researcher follows a
*This APA Documentation Format was certain documentation format like the
taken from: American Psychological Association. What are the penalties for plagiarism?
Documentation.pdf One must understand that plagiarism is a
WEEK 7 / Lesson 7 PLAGIARISM serious offense in the academe. Whether it is done
intentionally or out of sloppiness on the part of the understand the structures and essence of
author, it is not without penalty. Possible penalties phenomena as they present themselves to
are failing the course, receiving zero in an assignment consciousness.
or project, suspension, expulsion, or even losing one's
earned degree. 1.EPOCHE - it means removal or bracketing of
The Value of Philosophy the biases we have with the object.
“How you think influences how you act”  What is the natural attitude towards the
-Improving the quality of our thinking object or experience?
(philosophzing) about it, you can improve the  What are the biases and prejudices
quality of your life. towards the object or experience?
What is the value of Philosophy?  An example of this is “Love is a blind, love
 Philosophy encourages us to examine our is a many splendored thing”
lives. 2.EIDETIC REDUCTION- Eidetic comes from
 Philosophy helps us to challenge our views Greek word “eidos” means “shape or
and beliefs in order to achieve the truth. essence”
 Philosophy helps us to analyze our daily  What is the essence of the object?
experiences in life by reflecting on it.  What is the actual definition of the object
Marcelian's Philosophical Reflection or experience?
GABRIEL MARCEL’S PRIMARY REFLECTION  Love is the giving of oneself to another
AND SECONDARY REFLECTION person, be it conjugal, parental
Philosophy is reflective. 3.TRASCENDETAL REDUCTION- my “very”
- We reflect based on our own experiences own experience of the phenomenon.
become rich when we reflect on them and  What is “my” own experience of the
share them to others. How does science look object or experience?
at man, only on its material point of view.  What are my personal understanding
This is what a Marcel calls as the Primary towards the object or phenomenon?
reflection which tends to compartmentalize,  “MY” own experience of love, like love for
analyze and divides a certain whole. one’s parents.
Types of Reflection
PRIMARY REFLECTION- Dissolving the unity,
analyzing the real meaning or function of the
 sees persons not according to their being
but as something associates with
SECONDARY REFLECTION- Put all things into
unity, synthesizing the object and giving it a
more personal meaning.
 looks not on man only through his
predicates , but on his whole being, the
totality of his being a person.
a philosophical approach developed by
Edmund Husserl, the founder of
This method focuses on the detailed
examination of conscious experience to

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